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Някъде в Рим

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„Завладяваща история за любов, музика, храна и страст в златните години на “La Dolche Vita”

Серафина е млада жена, отраснала между четирите стени на малък апартамент в Трастевере. Юношеството й преминава в разходки по улиците на Рим с по-малките й сестри и импровизирани концерти за дребни монети, с които момичетата си купуват сладолед и ходят на кино.

Ала съдбата й е подготвила изненада. Когато кинозвездата Марио Ланца пристига в Рим, Серафина неочаквано е въвлечена в неговия свят на слава, богатство и неспирни празненства и животът й е преобърнат завинаги. Разкъсвана от любов към двама коренно различни мъже, младата жена ще изпита радост и ще разбие сърцето си, изправена пред избор, който заплашва д погуби собственото й бъдеще.

206 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Nicky Pellegrino

21 books571 followers
I was born and grew up near Liverpool, England. For a while I worked as a magazine journalist in London but then 21 years ago I came on holiday to New Zealand and met my future husband Carne Bidwill at a wedding. Now we live together near a beach in Auckland with our dogs Charlie the standard poodle and Lucy the pointer. I spend my time writing novels, working as a freelance journalist, riding my two horses, growing veges in my garden, cooking, trying to get other people to cook for me, eating and reading. There isn't much time for anything else except a little light housework.
My all-time favourite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and my book of 2013 was LIfe After LIfe by Kate Atkinson.
I have a website www.nickypellegrino.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 103 reviews
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books379 followers
August 12, 2022
Four and a half stars
I grew up with Mario Lanza. My Mum was a massive fan with many of his records so they became a soundtrack to my childhood years from a very young age. Mum saw many of his films, if not at the cinema but on TV, which meant I saw them too.
So this story brought back pleasant memories of his voice but more importantly my dear mother.
Serafina is the daughter of a prostitute. Serefina is the one who looks after her two sisters Carmela and Rosalina as well keeping as the house and cooking. But she knows the day will come when she is expected to get a job, and she does not want a life like her mother.
Carmela wants to be a singer and when she and Serefina, who is an avid fan of Mario Lanza, hear he is coming to Italy excitement builds. C.armela plans a way to get to sing for him and get him to notice her. Like many plans, it does not work out as expected. Serefina ends up the one involved with Mario Lanza, his wife Betty and their four children. Her life changes in so many ways.
This an interesting historical novel about the life of Mario Lanza that has been well researched and it shows. It also has the addition of some fictional characters, like Serafina and her family.
|To start with it seemed a charming bit of historical whimsy. I was loving it. And then it changed, as becomes sadder as it portrays the often price of people's expectations, fame and associated issues including alcohol. Although sad to see the price this all exacts, I still loved this book.
Anyone with an interest in music in particular Mario Lanza and his life and music should enjoy it. Or enjoy it for the good characters and the setting of Italy, not to mention the Italian food mentioned. A great read, if a little neatly tied up at the end.
Profile Image for Sharah McConville.
609 reviews25 followers
December 17, 2017
I loved this story about Mario Lanza! Now I want to watch all of his movies. Another great book by Nicky Pellegrino.
Profile Image for Michelle.
Author 5 books9 followers
November 12, 2012
When in Rome by Nicky Pellegrino takes us to the Eternal City in the 1950s and into the life of Serafina, a young girl trying to carve a different path for herself than the one her mother has in mind for her. Through sheer luck, Serafina finds herself working for Mario Lanza, a famous Italian-American tenor and movie star of that era.

Indeed, although the book is told from Serafina’s perspective, When in Rome is really Lanza’s story, which is a bit of a shame because Serafina and her family surely had many interesting stories to tell as well; I would have preferred more of a focus on them.

That said, Pellegrino’s research into Lanza’s life is impeccable, and anyone interested in the life and times of Mario Lanza would surely love this book. I wish my grandmother were still alive to read it! Unfortunately, knowing how Lanza’s story ends, so to speak, did take away from the enjoyment of the book a bit for me.

Overall, this book was OK to me — good enough to keep me reading, but I didn't much think about the characters once I closed the book. It also didn’t transport me to 1950s Rome as much as I would have liked, most likely because so much time was spent inside Lanza and his wife’s lives and not out in the city.

Pellegrino’s writing is solid and descriptive, however, and it’s evident that she knows how to weave together an excellent tale, so I will be seeking out more of her work. And I can also see other readers loving When in Rome, so if you can get a sample chapter or two to see whether you’d get into it, I’d highly recommend doing that.

I wavered between three and four stars, but I'm rounding up. Pellegrino is simply to good a writer to rate less.
Profile Image for Paula pccst.
105 reviews
June 12, 2013
Os livros de Nicky Pellegrino são muito bem aceites cá em casa. Sei sempre que vou gostar e as imensas referências a Itália e à sua gastronomia encantam-me, em parte, por ser uma país que adoraria conhecer.
O seu mais recente romance "Aconteceu em Roma" aborda a vida de Serafina, a personagem principal e a sua adoração, juntamente com as irmãs, pelo cantor Mario Lanza.
Quando Serafina, uma jovem habituada a ter pouco na vida, se vê na casa de Mario Lanza e a privar com eles, sente-se a mulher mais feliz do mundo.
Ao longo de muito tempo, Serafina tem a possibilidade de trabalhar para esta familia, auxiliando a esposa de Mario Lanza e estando assim próxima do seu ídolo.
Gostei deste romance, apesar de não ter sido o meu preferido desta autora. É um livre leve, que aborda mais a vida e profissão de Mario Lanza que propriamente de Serafina, a jovem italiana.
No entanto, não deixou de ser uma agradável leitura, tendo-a terminado em pouquíssimo tempo.
Profile Image for Vera Neves.
97 reviews25 followers
July 12, 2013

3,5 estrelas.

Uma autora que gosto muito mas este sem dúvida que é o livro mais fraquinho que li da Nicky Pellegrino.
Tem os ingredientes habituais mas quanto a mim, faltou qualquer coisa!
Profile Image for Liliq Nikolova.
107 reviews12 followers
November 4, 2020
За разлика от другите книги на Ники Пелегрино тази не ми донесе това лежерн�� спокойствие, докато четях както другите ѝ.Тежка доста тъжна,но чак накрая разбрах, че е писана за живота на реална личност :)
Profile Image for LindyLouMac.
915 reviews69 followers
March 4, 2013
Nicky Pellegrino is an author I only discovered in the latter months of last year and this is already the third book of hers I have read. Surely a good recommendation in itself, she writes novels that I always enjoy drifting off to another world with. So far always set in my beloved Italy but each novel has portrayed a different Italian world. This time she transports us back to the romantic era of 1950's Rome with a story woven around a real life singer from the period Mario Lanza, with a story that she has obviously researched well. If you know a little something about the life of this famous American- Italian tenor you probably already know it was a sad one.

The female protagonist of the novel is Serafina, the eldest of three sisters that has grown up in a tiny apartment building in the centre of Rome. Their mother is a single parent and the four of them have learnt to get by on very little. When they can the three girls sing for money in the local piazzas so that they can buy cinema tickets to watch the matinee idols of the fifties on the big screen. Serafina has big dreams and one day with a great deal of luck, her path crosses that of her greatest idol Mario Lanza. She actually finds herself working as a personal assistant to his wife and this opens up a whole new outlook on the world for her. Will she be happy living in the world of her dreams or will she miss the world she is familiar with?
Although the novel is told from Serafina's perspective throughout it really is the story of Mario Lanza and his family. Wealthy and apparently wanting for nothing, but not all was as it seemed. It is interesting to compare the life of his families happy and sad times with those of Serafina's family who despite having nothing were still happy.

A novel for those italophiles that cannot resist another story set in Italy, fans of the author's writing, or indeed anyone interested in the life of Mario Lanza.

Profile Image for Kate.
665 reviews24 followers
February 11, 2017
So I am on page six or ten somewhere at the very beginning of this book and a patient rings me. Because of my small part in his story he tells me a journalist is interested in interviewing me. Long story short I'm getting interviewed by the women who wrote this book.........

Excited? Hell yeah.

Did I love the book meh.

According to reviews here on goodreads if this is your first Nicky Pellegrino - bad choice. Apparently there are others that are better, so I will keep an eye out, it was great for right here right now whist I finish my study but certainly not one to get ones teeth into. I found it lacking in something and I am not sure what, was it depth of story or was it lack of greater exploration, I can't say. It may have been the adulation of the movie star singer Mario Lanza or perhaps because it is based on a real person with fictional character interspersed and I could google him and know the outcome prior to reading it. I knew nothing about Mario Lanza who the story focuses on and to be fair I don't feel a bond or an interest in the man or his story. What I did like were the protagonist Serifina's musing about life, balance, fear and food. The food aspect of this book is when it popped, when I got to feel something. When we heard about the enthusiasm and the meaning food had in Mario and Serifina's life, that is where it started to come alive for me.

So ironically when I met this lovely author that is what we will be talking about food and how the lack of balance around it is killing us, just like Mario Lanza! I choose to take this as a sign that we are going to get a long just fine. Time will tell.
Profile Image for sneha.
214 reviews7 followers
April 16, 2020
* what a fun, breezy, dreamy read about the Rome in 1950s - oh and Mario Lanza's songs *

when a book ends, you hold it - think about it for a while and carry on with the day. but sometimes, when it ends, you hold onto it, let it marinate in your brain because it fluttered too many emotions and you don't know what to do with it.

I didn't expect When in Rome to be special or unique. I was expecting some cliched love story set in Rome. I was surprised by the story tho. It was a love story, sort of but it was so much more than that. We have our heroine, Serafine. The quite, dotting daughter and later loyal, caring house servent. But through her eyes and narrative, we realise that maybe Mario Lanza is the true protagonist of this book. I learnt so much about Rome from this book, really wasn't expecting to. I found out about the opera culture, the fantastic sounds of Caruso, the dorky Americanised rom-com. I felt the intimacy sitting next to fontana di trevi, the flavours of gelato on a summer day, the bustle and grandeur of Via Veneto. I loved touring Trasteverini and peaking into their lives.

The story hit differently. Her admiration and affection for Mario was just <3 I felt it. What a bittersweet feeling I had when I read the last line. Argh, thanks Ms. Pellegrino, for this book.
Profile Image for Kerry.
282 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2018
This book was enchanting and sad. From the beginning I became entranced by Serafina's story that tells of the life inside the Lanza inner circle as well as her own very personal world. I knew the name Mario Lanza, but did not really know anything about him. I decided to google Mario Lanza around the halfway mark through the book. What I found out made me really sad and it set up a pensiveness when continuing to read the story. I cried when the time arrived for both Mario and for Betty. I cried for those beautiful tragic children. This is a really well written story with well researched background knowledge and a whole cast of amazing characters. I strongly recommend reading this book.
Profile Image for Nicki.
1,372 reviews
February 10, 2013
I really enjoyed this book and I'm quite sad to have finished it so soon. I wasn't planning on reading this as it's not the usual storyline from the author, but it worked really well. I liked the main character and her struggles with trying to escape the poverty she lived in. I really enjoyed reading about Mario Lanza and his family too. As usual there was some mouth-watering descriptions of Italian food that made me hungry and want to do some cooking.
Profile Image for Nicky.
56 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2012
I've just finished reading this, and know my day is going to drag, I've been listening to Mario Lanza songs on iTunes as I read it ~ I'm now eager to read more about the man I remember my Grandmother raving about in the same way I do about David Beckham!
I haven't wanted to eat food as much as in Nicky's other books, but still the descriptions of taste and smells is incredible. My urge to return to Rome has got stronger!
Profile Image for Ivan Bogdanov.
Author 7 books102 followers
June 28, 2019
Много прехвалена авторка. Планирам да отида до Рим тази година и викам да прочета нещо... Ами не... скучна история... Главната героиня е просто разказвач, с нея не се случва нищо, всичко е на фона на познати неща - известен актьор/певец се претоварва от работа (и пиене) и следват спадове след върхове...
Profile Image for Sarah.
7 reviews13 followers
February 23, 2013
Transports you back to glamorous 1950's Rome. Lovely, easy read.
Profile Image for Liz Walsh.
25 reviews
July 18, 2015
I loved this story and have passed it round to friends and family. The setting and the characters are all so real and the addition of the Lanza family is a wonderful twist.
Profile Image for G.
138 reviews
February 14, 2022
3.5 stars
A touching read which became sadder when I found out Mario Lanza was a real person. I liked the main character Seraphina, because she strived for something better than what her mother wanted for her and she achieved that. The characters were written well and the story itself was also written well with lots of emotion. However my reason for it being 3.5 stars was because the plot wasn't THAT interesting - it was mainly Seraphina being a side character in the life of the Lanzas. Overall, I feel neutral about this book and because it didn't really wow me, I most likely won't read it again.

Recommended for: ages 13+
7 reviews
September 22, 2019
A minha avaliação contém spoilers.
Se este for o primeiro livro de Nicky Pellegrini que leu não tome como exemplo pois foge à regra.
Eu ia dar avaliação de duas estrelas mas, nos últimos capítulos (a partir do momento que Lanza morreu) resolvi ouvir as músicas dele no YouTube enquanto lia o livro e passei quase a sentir a mesma dor que as personagens.
O livro é demasiado descritivo em imensos pormenores que considerei desnecessários, ao ponto de quase ler algumas páginas na diagonal. Não existe propriamente uma história, pois parece que estamos a ler a biografia de Mário Lanza.
Contudo houve duas coisas que me fizeram não parar de ler: o facto do cantor e de todos os pormenores sobre ele terem existido e acontecido (a forma como morreu, o alcoolismo, os filmes,...) e o respeito por alguém que escreveu um livro para o seu (possivelmente) ídolo.
A meio do livro percebi que não ia acontecer nada de empolgante (ficcional) mas continuei a ler porque percebi também que não estava a ler um livro mas sim uma dedicatória.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maria Ana.
103 reviews7 followers
September 10, 2017
Fico surpreendida pela segunda vez em gostar tanto de Itália, especialmente Roma e tudo o que a rodeia. Os romances desta autora têm me surpreendido pela sua naturalidade, pelo amor à Itália, cada cheiro, cada descrição mais gulosa dos pratos típicos deixa-me a salivar, de tão realista e deveras patrióticas que estas descrições conseguem ser.
Apesar de "A noiva italiana" me ter agradado mais , tanto a nível de história, como a nível gastronómico é delicioso ver como a autora, com uma simples história sem grandes pormenores nem enredos nos faz simplesmente divagar, ler e apreciar cada página.
Uma leitura tão leve e agradável como a personagem principal Serafina.
Não conhecia Mario Lanza, nem o seu reportório, portanto acho engraçado o facto de os nossos destinos se terem cruzado festa forma, num romance tão casual, que me fez descobrir uma grande personalidade da música e do cinema italiano.
Profile Image for Last Melancholic.
144 reviews41 followers
August 2, 2017
თუკი იტალიაში გიწევს მომავალი რამდენიმე თვის გატარება, მაშინ ისიც უნდა შეგეძლოს რომ შენი "კომფორტის ზონის" წიგნებს ხანდახან გვერდი აუარო და რაღაც ახალი დააგემოვნო. ვერ ვიტყვი რომ ამ წიგნმა აღმაფრთოვანა, მაგრამ ძალიან სასიამოვნო შეგრძნებაა როდესაც შეგიძლია ყველა ის მოედანი შადრევანი, მუზეუმი და ვიწრო ქუჩა დაათვალიერო სადაც მთავარი პერსონაჟები ცხოვრობდნენ. ჰომ, რასაკვირველია წიგნი შეცავს ბევრ გემრიელ გვერდს (პირდაპირი მნიშვნელობით) სადაც დეტალურადაა აღწერილი იტალიური სამზარეულო. ნაწარმოების მთავარი გმირი-სერაფინა, ერთი ღარიბი გოგოა რომის რომელიღაც პროვინციიდან, მისი ცხოვრება არაფრითაა გამორჩრული, გარდა იმისა რომ თავის პატარა მომღერალ დებთან ერთად ქუჩებში დაწანწლებს და ოცნებობს, რომ ოდესმე თავის საყვარელ მომღერალს-მარიო ლანზას შეხვდება...ერთი და მეტი შეხედვითაც თანამედროვე კონკიას ისტორიაა.თუმცა გადაჭარბებულ პათეტიკასა და თვითგვემას შორის ხანდახან მოულოდნელობებიც გამოერევა ხოლმე.
Profile Image for weaverannie.
1,145 reviews2 followers
September 19, 2019
Serafina woont met haar moeder en twee zusjes in een krappe flat in Rome. Ze zorgt voor haar zusjes en het huishouden. Alle vier zijn vol bewondering voor de zanger Mario Lanza en als hij naar Rome komt om een film op te nemen, gaan de zusjes kijken. Vooral Carmela, die vaak als straatzangeres optrad, droomde ervan ooit voor hem te zingen en even beroemd te worden als hij.
Maar Serafina gaar deel uitmaken van zijn huishouden: ze wordt de persoonlijke verzorgster van zijn vrouw Betty. Zo komt ze in een voor haar volkomen vreemde wereld, vol glamour en schone schijn.
Er wordt een goed beeld geschetst van het leven van Maro Lanza en van wat veel roem met een mens doet. En met zijn omgeving.
Met veel inlevingsgevoel geschreven.
Profile Image for Gurth Bruins.
38 reviews4 followers
March 4, 2021
This is the only one of her books I've read, and the description of her work in general does not attract me.
But this novel is based on a very tragic story, that of the great tenor Mario Lanza. It's mainly very true to life, with the addition of some fictional characters. As a lover of serious music, I found this poignant picture of a uniquely talented singer most moving. This is not merely fine literature, it's a great novel, a work of great art.
There's a lot about cooking in this book, a bit too much for my liking as I'm a fan of raw food, but the book is too great for me to deduct any star from the five I give.
Profile Image for Tessa Patrick.
11 reviews
January 23, 2022
There’s something quite divine about a book that promises to be an easy, summer read and nothing more. And that’s exactly what this book was for me. An easy page turner and nothing more.

Nothing gripping, but it makes you feel good just like a long day in the sun would. It did little to fill the Naples-sized hole Elena Ferrante left in my heart, but I loved reading the literature that looked back on this era all the same.

I probably wouldn’t reach for more from this author, because I’m hungry for reads that challenge me, but it was a breath of fresh air all the same.
Profile Image for Veselina Bakalova-Mihaylovska.
563 reviews10 followers
March 6, 2018
Приятна книжка, действието на която се развива в любимия Рим. Това беше и основната причина да я започна. Хареса ми, че в сюжета е залегнала историята на дейстивтелно живели хора. Все пак много ми се искаше Серафина и Пепе да си имат дечица и да го има..."и заживели щастливо" края. Сега приключи някак носталгично, сякаш най - важното в живота на Серафина е работата ѝ при семейство Ланца...
Profile Image for Crt.
273 reviews
October 7, 2017
If not heard about Mario Lanza until this book and actually thought he was a fictitious character. The novel describes the last few years of his life through the eyes of one of his assistant. Nicely written
Profile Image for Alessandra .
61 reviews
January 25, 2021
From the description I thought this book would be a lovely little beach read, however it was without much excitement - the day to day life of this young assistant- and the ending much more tragic than I would have guessed for a tale of “heartbreak.”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for April Cabello.
24 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2022
Beautiful and sad

Nicky Pellegrino never disappoints. Apart from the signature sumptuous descriptions of Italian food, the story of Serafina and how it intersected with Mario and Betty Lanza was poignantly told.
Profile Image for Kat Ashworth.
214 reviews1 follower
November 17, 2017
Romance without the sex, love without the quest, a truly beautiful story of the lengths of sacrifice necessary to give off one's gift to the world.
Profile Image for Wren.
228 reviews5 followers
March 3, 2018
Got the audio version of this and could’ve make it through the first disk. Didn’t hold my attention.
148 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2018
An indirect biography of Mario Lanza told through a woman who happens to have grown up in Rome.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 103 reviews

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