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Къща за гости на плажа

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Когато Роза и Бий се събират за подготовката на сватбата на Бий, те започват да си спомнят за ваканцията на красивия гръцки остров Парос, когато са били тийнейджъри.

Припомнят си за пясъчните заливи, за къщата за гости в старата мелница, където били отседнали с тяхната приятелка Айона и за разкошните хора от острова.

След като спомените от тази отдавна забравена ваканция изплуват, те са принудени да се обърнат назад и да си дадат сметка как са се преобърнали животите им и колко много съжаляват, че са допуснали Айона да се изплъзне от тях.

Когато разбират, че старата мелница е пред фалит, в главата им веднага се ражда план: да се върнат обратно на острова и да я купят.

И така започва приключението, което ще промени животите им.

Оказва се, че да отвориш къща за гости и да се опиташ да възродиш тийнейджърската си мечта изобщо не е толкова лесно...

Пълна с романтика и приятелство, любов и живот, смях и сълзи, “Къща за гости на плажа” е ободряващ роман за магията на приятелството и новото начало.

327 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2015

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Vanessa Greene

9 books176 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 141 reviews
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books379 followers
February 10, 2017
Three and a half stars.
Rosa and Bee get caught up in reminiscing about the holiday they spent on the Greek island of Paros with Iona when they were teenagers. They particularly remember the windmill guest house where they stayed, the guys they met and they wonder what has happened since to Iona who has cut off friendship with them. When Rosa learns the windmill is up for sale, a plan starts to form. I must admit I balk at the idea that anyone would buy a property solely relying on snapshots and not inspect it. I sure wouldn’t. As we all know photographs never tell the whole story. But if you accept that premise, then you can almost see how the story will play out. The windmill is a far cry from the place Rosa and Bee remembered. Could it be restored or is it just a waste of money?
I found this an easy read, although I did think these young woman still thought and behaved more like teenagers than women around thirty. Still, they were likeable enough characters, although I became very frustrated with Iona at times as she works through her relationship with Ben, who is a manipulative bully This is a book about friendship, relationships, second chances, hard work and dreams. A light and enjoyable read that covers a couple of darker issues. The setting, as you would expect, is gorgeous. I wasn’t as convinced about the ending but that might be just me. Others may love it. This is the third book I have read by this author and they are all good beach or holiday reads.

Profile Image for Lindsey Preston.
104 reviews8 followers
May 20, 2020
A lovely piece of escapism, comfort reading at its finest. Like tea and toast!
Friendly, likeable characters, the beautiful setting of Greece and a lovely little story running throughout.
Profile Image for Sherrie.
512 reviews19 followers
January 13, 2022
A very unassuming book, quite gentle, nothing drastic happens, but thats fine. A very quick read for a rainy afternoon
Profile Image for Agi.
1,605 reviews100 followers
September 17, 2015

I truly adore Vanessa's stories. They are always full of wonderful characters, beautiful settings and this overwhelming feel - good factor, and even though life often put the obstacles in the characters' way, they never loose hope. This time the publisher gives us a notice that "The Beachside Guest House" is going to be a little darker, more serious in tone, and yes, that's true, but the book didn't loose the charm and warmth and in the end it had made a perfect read for the end of the summer.

It was also such an easy read! Vanessa Greene has this wonderful way with words and talent to write things as they are, without unnecessarily complicating things or adding too much drama or twists, to make the story so down - to - earth, but also her writing is so eloquent, polished and easy to follow, and I truly didn't notice when the time passed by while I was reading. This story had me so hooked, it was so warm and so... yes, normal, and I didn't want to put it away for a single second.

Hats off to the author for the way she has portrayed Iona. I could be impatient with Iona, I could have wanted to shake her, or slap her, to bring her back to her senses, but Ms Greene has wonderfully captured the mentality and all the insecurities and emotional instability of people who are living in a violent relationship. The same about Ben - the way Vanessa Greene has written the victim and the aggressor were so incredibly realistic that actually when Ben was starting to talk, I was getting goosebumps and was expecting the worst to come. Sure, it was obvious almost from the very beginning what's going on in this relationship, but on the other hand, what should Iona do? I don't want to give away more details as I don't want to spoil the reading for you, but let me tell you that this sub - plot has awoke all kind of emotions in me. I was angry, I was disappointed, and I was also scared.

The chapters were short, which I really like in books, there was even a one - page - only chapter, but in my opinion it truly makes the reading easier to follow. From time to time the action seemed to jump, omitting some of the details, was too abrupt, especially when, for me just out of the blue, one of the characters decides to break up the engagement (there was just too less info and background sometimes for my liking),but somehow it really worked in this story. The writing didn't concentrate so much on inner monologues or reflections, no, and it made the story fast - paced, albeit a little too one - dimensional. There were not many twists and turns and the plot has floated merrily forward. There were moments that were predictable, and in fact you could feel with all your heart how this book is going to end, but this time it was such a comfortable feeling, and I really didn't mind it.

The author has chosen one of the most beautiful settings for this story, and she has described the island, the little town, the windmill in such realistic, authentic way that I truly could see all of this in my mind. I could see the colours, I could hear the sea and I'd so love to spend my holidays in the Beachside Guest House. I also liked the scenes when the friends renovated the windmill, the passion just jumped out off the pages and enveloped you - it all felt so genuine and honest.

What I also liked in this book was the way the friendship between the girls was described. It felt so genuine, and even though Rosa and Bee has lost touch with Iona some time ago, they didn't stop to think about her and they knew that there is more to this than meet the eye. I liked how they never give up on each other, and how much they could count on each other. They supported their friends in any possible way, but still, the friendship was not too sentimental or sugary - it seemed real, honest and authentic.

This is a great story about friendship, but also about second chances and starting over, set on the most beautiful island, full of great feelings and realistic plot. The author also in a very gentle way writes about emotional and mental abuse, without judging the characters and letting the readers to make their own opinions. It was truly great novel, very easy to follow, and it will make a perfect holiday read. I really highly recommend it!

Copy received from publisher in exchange for a review.
1,678 reviews26 followers
August 21, 2015

I was lucky enough to get a arc of this book, having never read any of Vanessa Greene's books before I was not sure what to expect. I will definitely be reading more of her books. This story was brilliant, It was pretty much a perfect holiday read. I loved reading about all the girls stories and about what made them decide to come back to Paros. Vanessa has a real way with her descriptions of the place that you can almost feel the warm sun on your face and all the delicious food she describes made me feel very hungry. A perfect holiday read.
1,325 reviews93 followers
November 18, 2020
This was a disappointing read, I found it predictable and the story was just too obvious for me. The descriptions of Greece were wonderful and I could really picture the windmill but, the story just didn’t do it for me.
Profile Image for Maria.
635 reviews103 followers
September 23, 2015
The Beachside Guest House made me think of 'it's the little things'. With a stunning cover that smells of the first cold breeze and the last sunset of summer, I believe that Vanessa Greene's latest novel is a must read this autumn. As Rosa, Bee and Iona come together to bring their memories of warmth back to life, the reader is lulled into the spirit of change that is so characteristic of the season that is now upon some of us.

What Vanessa Greene did with The Beachside Guest House is not easy. Somehow she found a way of bringing up matters that ought to be discussed without letting their weight suffocate the reader. It made me think of feathers – so light and yet so full of everything, an everything that once flew. It's quite breathtaking.

I would say that The Beachside Guest House is mainly about second chances. Not only about the ones given to others, but also about the infinite ones we should be ready to give ourselves. I love how this need for change, this realization that maybe being comfortable and safe is not enough, comes hand-in-hand with memories of youth. It's refreshing for usually wiseness is set upon the ones that have settled down, found their so-called place in life. I absolutely adore how these three characters rediscover each other and, together, themselves, and come to realize that there isn't one place. They are citizens of the world, a world that is theirs to conquer. Caring doesn't mean staying. Leaving doesn't mean letting go. It's wonderful to witness their journey.

There's a lot to learn from this little treasure of a novel. Each character has something to teach, as we all do. Still, I believe Iona's story is one that the world needs to hear more often. We can indeed be our own worst enemy, but we are also our own savior. I believe this is one of the world's biggest afflictions, resting upon it many others that have led the world to the state it is in: we can count on ourselves. It takes a lot of courage and faith to abandon the comfortable shoes and walk barefoot over our history again, but no one knows it better than us. And it's definitely more than okay to accept a hand, but not to deposit all our weight upon it, or else it might lose its grip.

For someone who has abandoned her comfort zone and moved to a country with a first language that she is far from being fluent in, I really needed to read this. It always takes a first step, no matter how small or insignificant it might appear to be. After all, there are three seasons before summer, winter, autumn and spring, each with their own role, their own time.

And I guess there just came a point when I thought – if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.

This novel is about breaking free of the limits we have set upon ourselves. This novel is about taking a leap of faith. And another. And another. And another. This novel is about being alive. This novel is life.

Ah, and let's not forget the beautiful Greece. I love how Vanessa Greene painted it with hope, even through the cold winter.

That said, The Beachside Guest House was quite a lovely surprise. Vanessa Greene's novels keep getting better and better. I honestly cannot wait for her next one.
Profile Image for Sophie Bristow Harris.
357 reviews55 followers
October 15, 2015
Thanks to my fellow book friend, Hannah, who very kindly gave me her copy of "The Beachside Guest House" by Vanessa Greene.
I love this author so much! On the whole I read pretty creepy, nutty novels, but when it comes to this author I completely mellow out and relax.
The characters in this book were like my virtual friends - people you can depend on when in need of a chat or just knowing they're there for you. There was one character that I really disliked, in fact if I met this person in real life I couldn't be held responsible to what I would say/do to them!!!!
Vanessa Greene has a fantastic descriptive flow to her writing, I really feel I'm in the pages of her books for a well earned holiday from the real world. I cannot wait for her next book. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Sam.
511 reviews4 followers
May 10, 2015
Another great read from Vanessa Greene. This book is about the relationships between three school friends who reunite on a Greek island while doing up a windmill B&B.

At the end I felt the storyline was left dangling a little. I really hope the author continues with a follow on book using the same characters.

This book gets a big thumbs up from me.
Profile Image for Meital Ben-Daniel.
170 reviews12 followers
December 23, 2016
A beautiful novel of rekindled friendships between three girlfriends, which takes place on the Greek island of Paros. There the three remember their past memories and create new ones as they rebuild the beach side guesthouse.
I loved it !!!
Profile Image for Nicola Clough.
878 reviews36 followers
September 14, 2020
This was my first book by this author and now really want to get some more such a brilliant book and such an easy read and didn’t want it to end. Shows plenty of starting life again and heartbreak with happiness and plenty of friendship. Such an uplifting read and just brilliant.
Bee is getting married and she gets together with her friend Rosa and they reminisce over there holiday years ago on the Greek island of Paros and they talk of there friend Iona as well who was with them. They learn that the windmill that was the guest house is going busy so on a spur of the moment they head out there and want to turn it around but needs more work than they thought. They wrote to Iona and don’t realise the problems she’s going through and she makes an escape from her partner and heads to them can she move forward and forget her past with her friends and can they all be happy together and make a go of everything.
Profile Image for Suzisue13 .
75 reviews4 followers
September 30, 2018
This was my first Vanessa Greene book and I loved it. Such a lovely story. Liked the characters and the way they evolved. Will definitely read more books by this author.
Profile Image for Zarina.
986 reviews153 followers
October 3, 2015

Bee, Rosa and Iona used to be best friends and after finishing high school they spent a magical summer together on the island of Paros in Greece, enjoying the sunshine, food and the scrumptious men that cross their path that holiday. It is one of the best times of their lives and the three friends are inseparable yet after the trip they each go their own way and while Rosa and Bee still see each other, they haven't spoken to Iona in years – and they really miss her. Now a decade later, Bee is gearing up to get married to the man she started going out with as soon as the friends returned from Greece, when she comes across an ad showing her that the windmill they stayed in during their holiday is on sale.

Bee starts to reminisce about the past and not only does it make her doubt that she is making the right decision by marrying Stuart, she also talks to Rosa about the ad, planting a seed in her friend's brain that leads to Rosa putting an offer in for the place. The purchasing of the windmill is the start of a brand new adventure for the two friends, but one that comes with a lot of challenges and more than once they feel as if they've been defeated. It is not until Iona comes back into their lives that the friends start to feel more complete, but Iona carries a dark secret with her to Greece and it takes all three women working together to overcome the difficulties on their paths.

The Beachside Guest House may look like a beach read containing nothing but sunshine and smiles but it's actually a far more complex and compelling story than you might think from the outset. Each of the three women central within the novel have their own battles to fight; from trying to escape an emotionally manipulative relationship to discovering what they are really meant to do in life, and I haven't even mentioned all the valuable lessons they learn once they return to Greece and try to start up their own business, which provides plenty of exciting and often frustrating moments in itself.

There was a lot going on within the novel to keep me captivated from start to finish, and while I did really enjoy each moment set on the island of Paros, I found that Iona's story in particular was very well written and engrossing. It was a difficult read at times as from an outsider's point of view it was so very obvious that she was making the wrong choice for her well-being, but I do realise it wasn't as straight-forward as it seemed and the struggle she was facing was a very realistic and honest one. Vanessa Greene captures this complex internal conflict incredibly well, and even weeks later Iona's story still haunts me as it could so easily happen to any woman, regardless of how strong or rational you may think you are.

Biting cold and miserably wet autumn days may be just around the corner, but when you open the pages of The Beachside Guest House you'll believe it is still the height of summer. Though if you are looking for some mindless fluff to transport you to an exotic location where the characters do little else apart from sipping cocktails, shopping and enjoying lazy days on the beach, then this probably isn't the right book for you at this time. However, if you're interested in an equally sunny setting but with characters that go through a compelling journey throughout the story, while meeting some handsome men to boot, then this is the perfect novel to pick up.
Profile Image for Karen Bartlett.
255 reviews24 followers
June 26, 2017
A very quick, light, weekend read. Three British teenage girls take an idyllic holiday to the Greek island of Paros, staying in a converted windmill, and over 10 years later, when their lives have moved on, and friendships changed, the windmill is up for sale. Rosa is ready to take a chance and buy the windmill, and Bee is fleeing from a cancelled wedding, so off they go to Paros. When they arrive they realise that time has taken it's toll on the windmill and they have a huge amount of work ahead of them before their dream can be realised, and of course it does not come without it's challenges. The third friend, Iona, finally breaks free from her controlling partner and heads to the island too, at the insistence of her old friends..... cue new romance, old romance rekindled and independent women realising their worth and doing what's best for them, with or without men....
This was an average read.... the writing felt a bit clunky and the characters a bit flat for me to really take to it with much enthusiasm. Enjoyable, but very lightweight....
Profile Image for Diane Will.
201 reviews9 followers
February 28, 2017
I've enjoyed all of Vanessa Greene's books and this was another easy enjoyable read. Bee and Rosa reminisce about a holiday they had with another friend Iona when they were teenagers, on the island of Paros. The two drifted apart from Iona, but want to try and rekindle the friendship. The 'windmill' comes up for sale and Rosa throws caution to the wind and decides to buy it...Bee eventually decides to join her when her upcoming wedding plans come to a halt. Iona is in a difficult relationship and is looking for a way out and eventually makes the escape to join her friends on Paros.

This takes us on the journey of rekindled friendships and making new ones. Setting up a guest house business and it's trials and tribulations. Friendships of close friends and decisions about each of there futures, whether it be together or apart, each finds their own path eventually.
Profile Image for Gemma Best.
385 reviews
May 20, 2018
This was a very easy book to read however not a lot really happened. I enjoyed reading about the Greek Island and the windmill but I couldn't warm to the characters. I kept expecting something big to happen especially towards the end of the book but it all seemed to just fizzle out.
Profile Image for Fiona.
217 reviews3 followers
April 14, 2020
This was an easy read after a very dense and intense read. This was an entirely predictable read.
I did enjoy it, lovely descriptions of beaches and renovations.
Happy endings, and another story left a touch up in the air to let you make up your own mind.
Profile Image for Kate.
536 reviews8 followers
February 24, 2018
Hmmm proper Chick lit this one. Ok for reading either on holiday or tucked up in bed fighting the lurgy. Not my usual style and not a favourite
Profile Image for C.
655 reviews17 followers
April 10, 2020

Rosa. Bee. Iona. 3 women who grew up together and had a great friendship. They went off to an island in Greece as they where finished with school. With no plan in mind of where to stay which was a-part of the cherished holiday memories that would stay with them. Fast forward a decade later; one has parted their own ways which we find out the reasons why and oh how I hated Ben so much (Iona’s boyfriend) which leaves Bee and Rosa. Bee finds the windmill which they stayed at when they were fresh out of school and Rosa decides to quit her job and buys it. Without any hesitation or proper look into what needs done etc. Shortly after the pair explore the island which they have these cherished memories and I found it so enjoyable reading about their adventures and seeing them turn it from its current state to what they made it into.

I absolutely love how their friendship has been over the years and how they have been there for each other.

Iona was with Ben who was there for her at the beginning, as he helped her during a tough time and helped her grow – is when he began to feel inferior. What is with some men who do not like to see a woman at her best? Achieving her goals. He then began to control her and made her doubt herself. Once she finally gained the courage to fly out to Greece she began to feel like she can breathe again. I understand that feeling a lot. I loved how Vanessa showed this alongside the friendship and how the three came together to start a business in a cute island.

Iona’s description of the things that made her most glad she came which sounds so peaceful:

A sky full of dazzling stars
Reading a book in the hammock in the early evening as the sun sets
Sipping gin and tonic on the terrace, surrounded by flowers
“As long as we learn, we stay in control, and nothing is ever wasted or lost.”

The three have always been there for each other. And their positivity. Yes, at times each of them had their moments of self doubt and the other two would always be positive and cheery to help each other.
803 reviews
May 28, 2022
I needed something light and easy, so I turned to this and it ticked all the boxes.
Light, bright, women against the world, well builders, and winning. A nice little story about making things work despite all because you got friends with talents and love. I could break out into song.....
Profile Image for Katie.
334 reviews9 followers
May 13, 2018
I loved this easy relaxing chick-lit novel. I could picture the beautiful guest house and it's surrounding beaches.
I like how it wasn't just a boring love/romance book it also had it's fair share of complexities; emotional abuse & maintaining friendships...

I did feel that the last couple of chapters were very cliche and had some very over used quotes in there which I found myself rolling my eyes at; they seemed to be rushed. But other than that the ending was OK. However I do not plan on continuing with the next book.

I also thought that some of the guests could of been made more interesting to read with a bit more drama added in with maybe guests leaving huge messes or being very demanding etc...
All in all I really enjoyed the book it was a relaxing read 4/5
Profile Image for Hester M Thomas.
31 reviews
May 14, 2018
Another book I couldn’t put down. But this was more from a personal connection to the where. I love anything that might slightly remind me of home (Greece) and Vanessa Greene captured so much of island life and the experiences that make it so special to most. Loved it.
194 reviews36 followers
November 3, 2015
Rosa, Bee and Iona have been friends since they were children, sharing everything together as they grew up, especially a wonderful holiday they had on the Greek isle of Paros as teenagers before they went into the world as adults. More recently Iona has slipped off into her own world with boyfriend Ben and Rosa and Bee feel her loss as they struggle with issues in their own lives. When they learn that the windmill guesthouse where they stayed on the island is for sale Rosa decides its time for a career change and buys the place. Bee feeling unhappy with her impending marriage to boyfriend Stuart ends her relationship and joins Rosa. Can the two of them make a go of running the windmill and can they reach out and bring Iona back into their lives?
This is the first book by Vanessa Greene which I have read and its one which I became hooked on straight away. Vanessa’s writing style is heartfelt and emotional and I connected with the three main characters almost instantly and all the way through I was rooting for them and hoping they were going to make a success of the guesthouse, despite a number of setbacks.
Of all the three main characters I found Iona the most interesting, her struggles with her anxieties made her more complex than Rosa and Bee for me. Vanessa has written her character is such a way that I felt Iona’s pain and wanted her to make the right decision, I know I could so easily have found her annoying and become easily frustrated by her reasoning.
I loved how the Guesthouse became a sanctuary for all three woman while they lived there. As the guest house became ready for visitors the three women found they were able to move on from the past and embrace new adventures and new relationships and find true happiness.
Friendship and its importance is a big theme in this book. Despite years and miles apart Rosa, Bee and Iona have come together and their friendship is just as close as when they were teenagers. Proving that no matter what the problems you face are or the distance apart true friends will always be there to help you through the difficult times.
The Beachside Guest House is the perfect read for this time of year when the nights are growing colder and we’re all hanging to the last threads of summer, it’ll remind you of that perfect holiday you once had. It’s a book to curl up with and will make you feel warm and cosy when you’ve finished. I loved everything about this book as it kept me interested all the way through and the characters were ones which I really came to care for. I loved the ending as it tied things up for each character but also left the book with a potential follow on (please!).
It was a joy to discover Vanessa Greene’s writing and I cannot wait to see what she writes next. I give The Beachside Guest House 5/5 it was brilliant. Thank you to Little Brown (Sphere) and Netgalley for the review copy of this book.

Profile Image for Michelle.
1,512 reviews22 followers
January 11, 2017
About a decade ago, Rosa, Bee and Iona stayed in a guest room in a windmill in Greece. They were teenagers then and the fond memories have lasted for years. Iona hasn't spoken to Rosa and Bee in two years and none of the three are as happy as they used to be.

Rosa hasn't found a career or a man that she loves.
Bee is about to get married to a good man that she's not sure she loves anymore.
Iona is in a controlling relationship and is living in a bubble, isolated from anyone but her boyfriend.

This book focused more on friendship than anything else. It's not about time spent on a beach or the cute stories of restoring the windmill. It's about a bond of friendship so strong that it still lasts after years of silence.

I think there was too much time spent on "before". By that I mean, before Rosa and Bee got to the windmill. Before Iona resurfaces. I feel like too much of the book was spent with Iona unhappy. I though those chapters were hard to read because the reader sees what is going to happen, what needs to happen and it's like trying to rush through to make it happen.

I think the book really started when the three women were finally all at the windmill.
Profile Image for Shiva Patel.
440 reviews4 followers
March 15, 2018
The Beachside Guest House is another delightful story by Vanessa Greene set on the Greek island of Paros.
Three friends Rosa,Bee and Iona set off to Paros after their A-levels for some fun. The memories of that holiday stay with them for many years.
After ten years, Rosa is a successful career woman, Bee is planning her wedding and Iona has lost touch with her best friends.
After discovering that the windmill guest house is up for sale, Rosa decides for a new challenge and puts in an offer. Offer accepted, she is off to Greece to reminisce her last time there. Bee is having second thoughts about her relationship with Stuart. The thought of going back to Greece is tempting and she calls off the wedding and goes with Rosa.
The windmill guest house needs a lot of work but their determination and teamwork shows through when the guest house is finally finished.
Bee thinks of Iona and sends her a few postcards to remind her she is thought of. Iona is going though few own troubles and finally decided to join them, the friends unite once more.
A story of love, friendship and the important things in life.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Heather Copping.
571 reviews11 followers
June 2, 2016
An enjoyable read, just right for summertime beach reading. It's set on a Greek island and tells the story of three friends who return there to renovate an old lighthouse
29 reviews1 follower
January 27, 2017
Light summer feel book. The main characters Bee and Rosa seem lovely but slightly under developed and the story felt unfinished, but overall enjoyable and easy to read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
8 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2017
Vanessa Greene has the skill of creating lovely characters, her stories remind me of Maeve Binchy's novels. I'm always left with a nice warm feeling after reading these books.
Profile Image for Emma.
206 reviews
February 25, 2017
Very average, and it doesn't really end, almost as if being set up for a sequel.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 141 reviews

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