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The Den of Sin

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Vasili Nikolaev.
Dangerous. Deadly. And most of all, devastating.

He’s the king of New Orleans.
Ruler of the Russian mafia and my best friend’s oldest, mouthwatering brother.

On Halloween night my last year in college, I gave him everything. My body. My heart. My soul.

He burned it all to the ground with the first ray of dawn.

Lessons learned. I’ve moved on. Now, five years later, I have a career I love, a boyfriend. But Vasili is back in my life again. A temptation I don’t need.

One thing is for certain. Nikolaev always settles the score.

He’ll destroy everything and everyone, including my boyfriend.

The question is… What is Vasili’s end game? Will he destroy me all over again or will I be the Phoenix rising from the ashes he left behind and take what I've always wanted? Him.

282 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 29, 2021

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About the author

Eva Winners

46 books2,522 followers
Eva released her first novel Second Chance At Love in 2020 and has been writing feverishly ever since. She writes about everlasting romance for every century focusing on characters emotional development and always guarantees an HEA.

She loves yoga, wine and her kiddos. In her spare time, she seeks adventures either hiking through trails or exploring the beaches.

Writing books has always been her passion and she brings real life to the forefront in everything she writes about.

Deeply passionate characters and stories will draw you in and you'll never want to leave.

Follow her on social media to stay up to date with all her new releases!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 480 reviews
Profile Image for Miftahul.
370 reviews187 followers
December 27, 2021
Why is this book on amazon? Shouldnt it be on wattpad?
Profile Image for Darlene I read WAY to many books.
3,398 reviews1,898 followers
November 29, 2021
Okay.. so I didnt love or didn't hate this book it was just an okay book. Few things I wish I could have lived without but oh well.

Isabella is best friends with Tatiana and there story starts at a Halloween party were Isa is being harassed by a guy and saved by Tati older brother Vasili and they have a steamy night that ends I heartbreak thanks to Vas when he says some cruel stuff as revenge for something she never did but her mother. Now 5 years later still recovering from heartbreak Shes moved on has a good job new boyfriend and meets the devil again. But he's acting different not the same asshole 5 years ago but Vas is still manipulate jerk what he wants he gets and he wants a second chance so he makes sure Isabella relationships is ruined.. and thats a dick move lol also I laughed how he did it and Isabella found out I do wish she kicked his ass more when she found out. He payed a past plaything to mess around with Isabella boyfriend and Isabella caught them hurt and now back in his city. But there another problem past drama from their family is coming into light and he has to keep his woman safe.

It would've been higher if it didn't mention H was still a Manwhore during the 5 years apart but he still kept tabs on her. And Isabella was in a relationship for 2 years. The night they reunited both were with dates.. So glad he wasn't a manwhore when she came back into his life.

Low angst, om drama (ex bf), no real cheating, drama, slight secondary character, sexy times, virgin h and sorta manwhore (he had his share of woman)

Heat level-🌶🌶🌶.5

Age gap (first they were 21 and 40 then 5 years later 26 and 46)
Push away from h
Seperation 5 years (both had people's during this)
Mention of human trafficking
Mentions parents death
No condom
Profile Image for Caitlin.
349 reviews2,830 followers
October 20, 2021

"Vasili Nikolaev was my sin, my vice, my everything.”

If you're looking for a mafia, age-gap, bestfriends brother romance (all the good book tropes) then The Den of Sin by Eva Winners is perfect for you!

This book follows Isabella a college student who is bestfriends with Tatiana. Isabella has the biggest crush on Visili, the older dangerous mafia boss. Isabella and Vasili spend a STEAMY Halloween night together but then Vasili breaks her heart. Five years later Isabella is a ER nurse and has a new boyfriend, but she has never forgotten that on night she spent with Vasili. Isabella and Vasili bump into each other again and they can't deny the tension and feelings they have together. Will they be together or will secrets tear them apart?

"His darkness pulled me in; his ruthlessness made my heart bleed."

WOW this book was full of secrets and twist and I was so hooked. The SPICY scenes between Vasili and Isabella were EVERYTHING. I am obsessed with Vasili, he is everything you want in a mafia book boy. I love how their story played out and all the plot twists. I definitely recommend.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,184 reviews1,446 followers
February 16, 2022

I really enjoyed this one and though it’s kind of a second chance romance which isn’t usually my thing but because there was only limited backstory it didn’t bother me with this one. It's a mafia age-gap romance (20 years) but it’s not especially dark. It’s also my first experience with this author and I will definitely read them again.

Isabella is best friends with Vasili Nikolaev’s sister Tatiana the two are college roommates and inseparable. Vasili finds himself constantly having to step-in and rescue them both from their many scrapes together. In Isabella’s final year of school, her long-time crush on her best friends brother seems to be reciprocated resulting in her gifting him her virginity only then to be shot down and crushed so brutally by him. Realising that the man she has been fantasising about for so long has only used her for his own personal revenge Isabella is hurt and humiliated only them to also discover that there are also things about her mother that have been kept from her well Isabella is forever changed.

This then picks up five years later Isabella is working as an ER nurse and has a boyfriend Ryan. Running into Vasili again she realises her feeling for him still run deep whilst he also has never gotten over the way he feels about her. He also now knows the truth of things and regrets how badly he has treated her realising that she should never have had to pay any price for the sins of the past.

So Vasili is a total steamroller and systematically eliminates anyone who could stand in the way of rekindling his relationship with Isabella. He’s determined to have her and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He knows he’s got a lot of making up to do and is prepared to wait Isabella out. He’s ruthless and prone to bursts of Jealously but also completely protective over what he considers his.

There are also secrets coming out of the woodwork and both Isabella and Vasili’s lives are now completely intertwined and he’s the only thing standing in the way of the multiple dangers from unknown threats if her true identity ever becomes known.

This was well written and very engaging I definitely liked Vasili’s possessive OTT personality and Isabella didn’t really stand a chance once he set her in his sights. There was lots of heat twists and turns and then this also had plenty of set-up for other stories set in this world. I definitely recommend this one and I liked it a whole lot.

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for TMR.
548 reviews722 followers
January 9, 2023
Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Note: This is a prequel to the belles and monsters series. Please read in order to understand the storylines.

Triggers: violence, child abuse, cheating, revenge games (Dubious consent), waaaay drama, cancer death, suicide mentioned, trafficking, drug trafficked.

This book was on extra levels of insanity.

Set before the series of belles and monsters, it explains the bad blood between several cartels and how one women binds them all together. Through some seriously over complicated connections, they all tie in with each other.

The woman in question has her own tragic life although not as massive scaled as her now current life but still very fragile and heart shattering. But soon she gets embroiled in troubles and a love unexpected.

Damn this story was something special indeed. Usually I’ve slight troubles connecting to this series. But I loved this quick intro to the belles and monsters series. And how this one woman ties em all together.

I loved the characters, how they all bond, who they are individually (the voices are just so individual), the relationships (I loved them all even the main MCs), the drama (though sometimes it got on my nerves), the scorching chemistry (could’ve been a little less so often), the emotions, the plot itself (though sometimes I got confused where it was heading), and just the overall writing was addictive.

Perhaps 2023 is off to a good start book wise.

I can’t wait to read more by Eva!

Until the next read,
Profile Image for 💜VGreedyReader🖤.
583 reviews117 followers
October 21, 2021

💋Author’s Note: The Den of Sin is a complete standalone. It is a full-size novel that can be read as a prequel to the 𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙨 & 𝙈𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 series. 💋

⭐️4.75 Malyshka stars ⭐️

This prequel initiate me into a decadent dangerous underworld that captured me from page one.

Vasili will steal your heart and sanity without you being aware he’s doing it.

The story of Vasili and Isabella’s is a full of passion and pain, its hues painting the pages in hot red and deep black.

~𝑯𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒇 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒚, 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒋 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉~

The chemistry and attraction between the two characters are well portrayed, I could easily connect to their bond, the age gap part works well with Isabella’s personality. Their relationship is well portrayed and I was never uncomfortable about the age difference.

Isabella is a soft young woman, her sweet side an hindrance in a world full of murders and deceit, and yet her good hearted persona is her strongest suit and what keeps hope alive in an otherwise despairing world. I liked how the author makes her soft but not spineless, she has a strong personality, despite her undeniable attraction to Vasili she doesn’t bend to his demands nor let him walk all over her. An heroine balancing softness and strength.

Vasili doesn’t have anything soft about him, born and raised in a ruthless environment, forced to take over a legacy of crime, he can’t allow any weaknesses. He thinks he has all the answers, so confident in his knowledge to have everything figured out he doesn’t accept defat. However his unfailing mind doesn’t stand a chance against Isabella. She aims straight for his heart, conquering also his mind soul and devotion. Vasili brings out his alpha possessive side when it comes to his woman nothing and nobody standing in his way has any hope to survive.

~𝑰 𝒃𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚, 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓... 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒕, 𝑰'𝒅 𝒃𝒆𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒓~

Told in dual POV, we are given a background knowledge of all the families inhabiting this mobsters world their general histories and what links each of them, these information are delivered with the right amount of words fitting perfectly in the story plot.

the only part I found a bit repetitive were the numerous times Isabella recalls her past with Vasili or the way she feels about him, I found the same words were used in more than one occasion, so much so I sometimes had the impression my kindle went back to a previous chapter compared to the one I was currently reading.

Kudos for how the crime subject is approached without becoming OTT, Ms Winners doesn’t need shock value to capture and keep the reader’s attention.

Now I stepped into this new world I’m really eager to read more and see what is next in store for us.

★★★ 𝔸ℝℂ 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕖𝕩𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕟 𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨 ★★★
Profile Image for Luca.
206 reviews8 followers
August 17, 2023
2.5 estrellas. Mh, realmente estoy un poco decepcionada.

☆Mafia romance
☆Segunda oportunidad (después de 5 años)
☆Hermano mayor de mi mejor amiga
☆Age gap (ella 26 y él 46)
☆Problemas de antepasados

Isabella ha estado enamorada de Vasili desde la primera vez que lo conoció, no le importa que él sea el hermano de su mejor amiga y tampoco los 20 años de diferencia, él es el único hombre que le ha llamado la atención. Después de una noche en la que ella pensó que por fin su sueño de estar con el hombre que amaba se cumplía, se encuentra con que el pasado de su familia solo originó el odio de ese hombre hacia ella y todo lo que consiguió no es más que la venganza por la que él esperó tanto tiempo.

La sinopsis que he escrito es mucho más interesante que el libro y eso que es de lo más cliché. Realmente la belleza de este libro solo la encontré en los problemas de los antepasados y el cómo todos se unían y la historia detrás de ello.

Ahora, tengo un problemática con esto del instalove, claramente los dos libros que llevo de la autora lo son y he empezado con un tercero que es lo mismo que nada, así que atentos por ese lado. Obviamente este libro me hubiera gustado más si ellos no se hubieran llevado tantos años, pero esos son mis asuntos, si a usted no le importa entonces bien. También hay una problemática con esto de "estoy en contra de traficar personas porque todos los seres humanos deben ser respetados" y después de unos segundos "Las mujeres eran una mercancía, las usaba y las desechaba". Este tipo es un jodido chiste. En fin, nada impresionante.
Profile Image for Intel Chicky Reads Romance (Kara Merideth).
1,899 reviews1,166 followers
October 30, 2021
Great introduction to the Belles and Mobsters series!

Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Trope: second chance/enemies to lovers
Angst: 😱😱😱
Smexy: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Triggers: miscarriage

Eva Winners writes some of my favorite mafia-lite stories and Den of Sin did not disappoint! Vasili was the perfect alphahole, bent on revenge when he seduced Isabella. What he didn't count on was the intense attraction that was still there when he bumped into her 5 years later. Isabella is now a surgeon with another boyfriend, a far different person than the young girl he so easily seduced. But Vasili knows he made a mistake all those years ago and doesn't plan on letting her get away again - boyfriend or not! The is a great story that's well written and moves quickly. The chemistry between the two of them is super hot with some great smexy times! Can't wait to read the next book in the series!!
Profile Image for Dai G.
654 reviews146 followers
July 6, 2022
La playlist de este libro ES UNA PUTA LOCURA🖤

Cuando una amiga, me dijo que esto era un age gap de 20 años de diferencia, dije listo. Y lo empece, peeeero mas alla del age gap, no hay nada. La trama fue mas de lo mismo, como todos los libros de mafia, que no esta mal, pero bueno, repetir la misma historia, termina aburriendo y cansando. No esta mal, porque entretiene pero bueno, falto algo mas.
Profile Image for NathBooks.
200 reviews6 followers
May 21, 2024
Quería leer una serie de mafiosos y me recomendaron **Bellas & Mafiosos**, y la verdad es que este inicio no estuvo nada mal.

Sus protagonistas, Isabella y Vasili, me gustaron y su historia de amor-odio me gustó a pesar de la gran diferencia de edad que tienen ambos.

El libro lo encontré muy adictivo y con buenas escenas **picantes**, un buen **romance oscuro** sin caer en los excesos del género y con personajes secundarios de los cuales ya quiero leer sus propias historias, ya que los encontré interesantes en los momentos que hicieron su aparición en este.

Definitivamente continuaré con los siguientes libros. ☺️
Profile Image for Nicole Hupp.
168 reviews12 followers
April 6, 2024

I’ve read pretty much every book Eva has written but I had not read this one yet. I’m so glad I finally did though. Vasili and his brothers are characters that make an appearance in almost every one of the books that happen after this one. If not they are mentioned. That’s part of what makes all of her books add!cting for me. Seeing all the different connections and puzzle pieces and how they all fit.

Den of Sin is the start of all her future series the first being The Belles and Mobsters series. This is a standalone and every book throughout all her series can be read as a stand-alone but I always suggest trying to read in order if you can, to truly get insight into the characters who will eventually get their own book.

This is a best friend's older brother. It is a large age gap but when they first connect with their attraction she is 21. Isabella had a huge crush on Vasili and after three years they share one night of passion. The next morning he ripped her heart apart. He did so cause he had made a promise to his dying mother to seek revenge for her. That revenge was meant for Isabella’s mother. But he was misinformed and was lied to. Five years later he becomes determined to finally take what he has always wanted, her.

The attraction and heat I felt came through the pages along with the need they craved for each other, Vasili knows he is not worth it. But He knew he’d not ever be able to let her go. That and he needed to protect her from the people who threatened her safety. She only knew how he made her feel and even though she was scared and knew she wouldn’t survive a second heartbreak, she couldn’t help it. He owned her heart had body.

There are a ton of twists and connections. Hints as to what will happen in the future books. Triggers are anything you expect for a m@fia romance. The t0rtur€ of the bad guys is needed. So be warned of that.
Profile Image for 🦉Maggie Whitworth.
3,041 reviews100 followers
March 19, 2022

Brilliant first book to introduce the Bells and Mobster series.
Full of Tense alpha males just as tense female partners.

New family relationships that have yet to be forged , and some you wish and hope have their own books in the process of developing.
Very enjoyable and entertaining, I’m of to read more from this author.
Profile Image for laurita.
526 reviews34 followers
June 1, 2023
4/5⭐️ - 4/5🌶️

Originalmente este libro debí de leerlo antes de Luciano porque es la precuela de la saga (incluso aparecen los protagonistas de este libro en ese) pero vamos a hacernos los ciegos sobre eso.

Este “dark mafia halloween romance” cuenta la historia de Isabella Taylor y Vasili Nikolaev que se conocen porque Isa es la nueva compañera de habitación en la universidad de la hermana de Vasili (y poco después la mejor amiga).

El libro tiene mafia + halloween (mi festivo fav), el cliché de "el hermano de mi mejor amiga", diferencia de edad (20 años), strangers to enemies (aunque se quieran comer) to lovers y muuuucho drama.

—TW⚠️: Violencia, intento de abuso sexual y de secuestro, muerte por cancer, aborto involuntario y mención del suicidio, las drogas y la trata de personas.

Todo comienza en halloween donde los protagonistas ya llevaban unos pocos años de conocerse y después de tanta tensión terminan teniendo relaciones pero nada es lo que parece porque luego Isabella se entera de las malas intenciones de Vasili sobre la situación.

Honestamente al iniciar del libro no me convencía leérmelo, los clichés que tiene me llamaban mucho la atención pero luego del prólogo el protagonista masculino ya me caía demasiado mal y no estaba para soportar como hacían daño a Isa.

Igual le di una oportunidad y no me arrepiento de haber seguido leyendo porque me leí como el 80% (aprox) que me faltaba de libro en tres horas porque aparte de que es corto; es adictivo. La trama se hizo más notoria al final pero igual desde el comienzo tenía la curiosidad de saber los motivos reales de Vasili de lo que sucede en el prólogo.

Creo que lo único negativo es que en algunos momentos se vuelve repetitivo por todas las veces que Isabella repetía sus inseguridades (porque ya no confiaba en él) y lo que sentía por Vasili a pesar de todo.

Eso es todo, tengo muchas ganas de que traduzcan los demás libros para poder leerlos YA DE YA!! Muchísimas gracias a Maria (@/locas_x_la_lectura_romantica), Sirena Audiobooks Production y Eva Winners por el ARC del libro.
Profile Image for Erika.
250 reviews2 followers
June 8, 2023
Con  capítulos más un epílogo La cueva del pecado nos adentra en el mundo de Vasili Nikolaev, mafioso ruso capaz de hacer daño a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino, incluso si esa persona es Isabella Taylor, el amor de su vida.

Acá volvemos al mundo que Eva Winners ha creado en su serie Bellas y Mafiosos. En esta ocasión, con Vasili e Isabella como protagonistas principales, La cueva del pecado es una novela que sigue los caminos de la mafia, esta vez, el argumento se desarrolla alrededor de una venganza y de la protección familiar.

Vasili, un hombre peligroso capaz de matar a sangre fría, no siente compasión por nadie, ni siquiera por sí mismo, lo que lo lleva a convertirse en un hombre realmente peligroso. Isabella, es la contraparte de ese muro de hielo con ojos azules, cabellos rubios y piel tostada por el sol.

En esta ocasión la autora no se adentra demasiado en el tema de la mafia como lo hace con Luciano, libro anterior de la serie, aunque sí menciona a los enemigos y a los aliados de cada clan o casa.

Me gusta el sentido de hermandad que profesan unos con otros y cómo defienden sus terrenos y su familia de quienes se atreven a poner en peligro esa paz. Otro aspecto que me gustó fue la sensibilidad con que la autora retrata a Isabella, fuerte a pesar de las circunstancias desfavorables en su vida.

Ahora bien, Vasili Nikolaev. El personaje. El protagonista masculino.

Puestos a comparar, Vasili, siendo un personaje descrito como un armario de más de dos metros de pura masculinidad y peligro, a mí se me quedó pequeño, al menos delante de Luciano. Siento que le faltó más desarrollo personal, más empatía y un poquito de humildad. Capacidad para pedir perdón, o sea, no te vas a morir por pedirle perdón a la mujer de tu vida por lo que le hiciste ¿o sí? No sé, creo que Vasili perdió muchos puntos conmigo.

Lo que me lleva a poner la mira en el desarrollo amoroso de la pareja: Esa falta de emptía de Vasili hacia Isabella fue lo que me hizo descreer en la relación de estos dos. Que si, que él se jura nunca hacerla sufrir, que hace hasta lo imposible por tenerla a su lado y jura jamás hacerle daño, pero sólo vi un hombre que tuvo todas las circunstancias a su favor, y sólo le tocaba ponerse de pie frente a la protagonista, mirarla con ojos de hambre y decirle “eres mía” “te quiero conmigo, Malyska” y la pobre mujer caía redonda ¡¡Un poco de amor propio, mujer!!

En conclusión: Es una novela que disfruté mucho, pero también me dio uno que otro quebradero de cabeza jejej pero en general es una novela que se lee, se disfruta y se sufre. ¡Ah! Y también dan ganas de ahorcar a Vasili, al menos yo lo haría xD
Profile Image for gena_bookish_reviews.
419 reviews21 followers
November 14, 2021
[image error]

First of all, don't let this title fool you. This book is not Halloween related 🙈. Yes two Halloween parties are mentioned but the book has an amazing storyline itself. So yes it can be read anytime throughout the year!

The story of this book is amazing. It has mafia, Russians, Colombians, hate, jealousy, LOTS OF possessiveness, very smutty scenes and more.

This author knows how to write great sex scenes. They were long, intense, explicit, very steamy and full of sexual tension! 🔥

The main heroine of the book is Isabella. She had a one night "stand" with her best friend's older brother, Vasili. Isabella wanted it to be something more though. She was so much in love with him. It was after a Halloween party that their passion ignited and they both surrendered to it.

Isabella was so happy. She felt complete after their night together because she had feelings for Vasili years now. Unfortunately though, Vasili was a cold blooded bastard. He pretty much said to her face that what happened was nothing more than a fuck. He said also that by fucking her, he took his revenge on her mother because in his opinion she destroyed his family in the past. 🤦

This book has drama. Lots of it. Families are against families. There are many complicated situations and even more hidden secrets.

Long story short..after 5 years Vasili returns and claims Isabella. Because of course he does..😒
The audacity of this man! 😈
We pretty much read a chain of events while he tries to win her back 🙈
And by trying I mean that he becomes an obsessed motherfucker that gets triggered every time he sees Isabella doing anything. She's wearing a bikini? He's angry. She goes out to walk? He's angry. She talks to a male? He's angry.
Vasili was very possessive of Isabella.

This book serves as a prequel to an upcoming series and I'm sure that the story will have you so hooked that you will want to read the other characters' stories as well.

This story kept me captivated and on edge from the beginning until the very end. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Profile Image for Lionela 23.
667 reviews13 followers
May 27, 2023
Hola corazones lectores😘.

Aquí vengo con una nueva recomendación, y es nada menos que la historia de Vasili Nikolev ❤️.

Vasili Nikolaev.
Peligroso. Mortal. Y, sobre todo, devastador.
Es el rey de New Orleans.

Vasili y Isabella pasaron una noche juntos , pero a la mañana siguiente el rompió su corazón.
Ahora 5 años después Isabella tiene novio y un trabajo que le gusta, pero Vasili está de vuelta y con un propósito.

Es el segundo libro que leo de esta autora y cada vez me enamoro más de su pluma y su mundo de bellas y mafiosos.

Una historia que te atrapa desde la primera página, que hace que no quieras dejar de leer hasta llegar al final. Me lo he leído del tirón y sin apenas darme cuenta.

He disfrutado de cada página, de cada sentimiento, de cada giro, de todo.
He sentido miles de emociones, desde rabia, dolor, odio, hasta pasión, deseo, alegría, Amor. Y seguro que me dejó alguna más .

Vasili al principio me rompió el corazón, llegué a odiarlo, pero siempre hay algo detrás de sus acciones. La cago a lo grande, pero dio todo de si para arreglarlo. Es todo un protector, posesivo, pero en el fondo... Me conquistó❤️‍🔥

Isabella es una mujer pura, con un gran corazón y eso que nuestro chico se lo rompió, pensó que lo había superado pero nop.

Una historia que súper recomiendo leer para que se enamoren del hombre de ojos azules, lleno de tatuajes con un aura letal. Yo quiero un Vasili en mi vida❤️❤️❤️❤️
Gracias a @sirenaaudiobooks por dejarme leer esta historia y enamorarme de ellos, ahora estoy deseando leer a todos esos mafiosos que quedan por descubrir y ver cómo caen de rodillas frente a sus bellas mujeres🤷.

Libro que utilizo para el reto de @lashijasdesatan_ para el torso desnudo.
Profile Image for Fantasy Land Romance Reader.
2,831 reviews70 followers
October 31, 2021
Eva Winners has become one of my favorites- go-to authors! The Den of Sin is proof why the mafia genre is damn good! Sex, mystery, heartache, lies, deceit, and love all rolled into one.

Vasili is a cold-hearted mafia that goes his own path. But he wants Isabella with a passion, unlike anything he can describe. But because of his family's past mistakes, he thinks he can never have her. Over time Vasili will learn that not everything is as it seems and that maybe Isabella is worth all the grief.

I devoured this book. The Den of Sin is an epic book that kept me going to the very end!

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5 reviews1 follower
October 29, 2021
Wow what a hot ride. Vasili is bigger then life and will stop at nothing to get the woman he loves. Isabella wants him in the worst way but afraid of being hurt again. The writing is amazing, I feel like I am right there with them on their journey. Don't pass this one up!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Lu  Vargas.
558 reviews85 followers
May 26, 2022
Simple, sencillo, para leer algo que les entretenga si no saben que leer.
La trama en verdad es bastante usual y lo que si puedo rescatar es la relación familiar que hay entre todos los hermanos, un enredo de lo más fantástico.
Profile Image for Killian.
34 reviews
November 20, 2021
Some of the worst dialogue I have ever encountered in a romance book. I mean it's bad. A 15 year old's Harry Styles fan fiction on wattpad type of bad.
Profile Image for Annasbook nook.
756 reviews68 followers
October 21, 2021
This books starts with Isabella and her best friend Tatiana at a party, Tatiana's brother Vasili comes to see them. Isabella and Vasili. Isabella has had a crush on Vasili forever, and they end up having a HOT night together. By the next morning, Vasili is a massive D bag to her, and she's heartbroken over it.
Five years down the line they bump into each other and the story goes on from there. The tension and angst between the two was off the charts. I loved the plot — Dark Mafia Romance, my favourite.
Isabella and Vasili made great lead characters.
Overall I loved the book, lots of action, twists, and turns and secrets I didn't expect.
I'm now looking forward to the Belles and Mobsters series that follows on from this by Eva.
If you love Dark Mafia Romance with plenty of spice, this is for you.
Profile Image for Hilal Kahraman.
319 reviews86 followers
September 29, 2023
ikinci kez okuduğumda kim kimin kardeşi bacısı diye düşünmediğim için daha çok zevk aldım age gap at its best daddy Vasili zaten yazarı seviyorum tüm karakterleri hanımcı hanımcının ötesi
Profile Image for Olga LB .
147 reviews8 followers
May 29, 2024
Mafia en estado puro y "todo" lo que ellos implica y significa!!
Adoré a Isabella, desde el minuto 1, su inocencia y fuerza, su amistad y lealtad, su amor y pasión!!
Ese Halloween fue el inicio de algo divertido, pasional, profundo, con unas consecuencias desgarradoras y tristes pero a la vez, nos demostró la fortaleza de Bella y la incondicionalidad de Tatiana!!
Vasili es un mafioso, el jefe de la familia Nikolaev, un hombre ocupado, peligroso y letal pero con un nombre y una mujer latiento en un rincón de su inexistente corazón!!
Deben sortear multitud de obstáculos para acabar juntos!!
981 reviews16 followers
November 10, 2021
Vasili is the ruthless ultra-alpha mafia boss (in his 40s). Isabel is the sweet best friend of his sister (in her mid-20s). After one night together he cruelly destroys her with truths about her family. Five years later he’s ready to get her back and protect her from more discoveries about her family. How he goes about getting her back? He’s manipulative and has a hair trigger violent reaction with anything to do with her so his wooing skills are not his strength. Fortunately he dials it back to protective and loving to make me root for them as a couple. Some scenes are repetitive with both characters rehashing details. It slowed the pacing and kept the characters from being developed faster - and in Vasili’s case, finding redeeming qualities sooner than later.

This is the first in a series and there are a lot of families and individuals mentioned making it hard to keep track of everyone. How they were introduced had me looking through the author’s back-list to see if I missed a connecting series. I think I was mixing up this and Khardine Gray/Faith Summers's series which also has a similar name to Belles and Mobsters - Gangsters and Dolls. I started highlighting names/connections/good guy-bad guy when they were mentioned to reference like a family tree to keep it straight. By the end I liked how some of those connections came together and am interested where it goes.

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.
Profile Image for Betty.
402 reviews5 followers
February 17, 2022
I did not like this book.

To start with I haven't immersed myself into enough Russian media to find the appeal in the accent or even imagine it when I was reading it so I took away a big selling point of the book so there's that.

That is not what made me score it so low tho. It was the age gap that did it for me
He was lusting for her when she was 20 and he was like 40

like no pls no ew ew.

Some people might have a thing for the age gap thing but that is not for me. Typically the selling point of age-gap romance is when the MMC is surprised that she is so mature and shares his interest blah blah blah...
But in this case, it felt like HE was the one that was AGED DOWN and there were some scenes where the immersion was broken for me when I would think "wait a minute, that's a grown-ass 40-year-old"
And I tried, I tried so hard to force my imagination and re-age him be to like 30 or 29 anything closer to her age
and at some point, she thought he was her friends' father too????

that was my main grievance but it's really the small details that made this book feel so sloppy like I laughed (even tho I shouldn't it is a very serious subject) every time they said "moving flesh". That expression is so funny I can't imagine any real people saying that much less serious criminals.
or like the fact that the FMC is a doctor seemed so unrealistic to me and the "medical scenes" just proved that to me.
This is the type of shit I forgive on Wattpad and no where else
Profile Image for Emma.
614 reviews7 followers
December 4, 2021

The Den of Sin 5 ⭐️

“His gaze was one of a predator, hungry and intense. Heat burned in those beautiful eyes, igniting every inch of my skin.”

•Russian Bratva
•Age Gap
•Stream 🔥 unreal

This is my first read by Eva and it won’t be my last. You all know how much I love mafia romance and this book is now of my favourites.

Vasili Nikolaev is the ruler of the Russian Bratva. He is a ruthless king and he’s out for revenge. Isabella is his sister best friend and half his age. He decided to take something from her, plays on her emotions for his own gain when really he doesn’t have all the facts. Things back fire on him and he realises what a mistake he has made but it’s too late until Isabella finds herself broken-hearted and needed her best friend. She end up in New Orleans staying with her best friend. Not realising the men who ruined everything for her is there to.
There story is full of secrets and many possessive alpha men 😆

Brilliant read. Enjoyed every minute. I can’t wait to read more by this author.

Profile Image for GLORY1818.
577 reviews3 followers
April 27, 2024
Primer libro que leo de la escritora.

Es un romance con toques de mafia.
La trama se desarrolla de forma rápida y con un par de momentos de de acción pero que te mantienen atenta a ver en que momento se descubren los secretos Visili y Isabella.
Es muy entretenida y si te gustan los mafiosos posesivos y que caen rendidos ante el amor sin perder su dureza, esta es tu historia.

Son varios los personajes que se mencionan que ya te van creando interés para querer leer más sobre ellos.
Profile Image for Oredeen (honest reviews).
902 reviews39 followers
February 16, 2022
I don’t even know how this was recommended. This was complete garbage. I think I read the first couple chapters then skimmed, like seriously skimmed and still got the entire story after reading maybe 4 extra pages. I don’t know what the mark was here, but they missed it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 480 reviews

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