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Казвам се Саманта и съм на 29 години. Никога през живота си не съм хващала метла. Знам как да изготвя финансов договор така, че да спестя на клиента си 30 милиона лири, но не знам как да изпържа яйца.

Саманта е преуспяващ адвокат в Лондон. Работи по всяко време на денонощието, няма личен живот и единствената й цел е да стане партньор във фирмата. Напрежението не я притеснява, адреналинът й дава сили. Докато един ден допуска грешка. А тази грешка заплашва да съсипе кариерата й.

Саманта губи самообладание, качва се на първия влак, който вижда, и се озовава някъде в провинцията. Когато спира пред една огромна къща да пита за пътя, собстовениците решават, че е икономката, която очакват, и й предлагат работа. Те нямат представа, че са наели правистка, завършила Кеймбридж с коефициент за интелигентност 158, а Саманта дори не знае как се пуска печката.

Ще разберат ли работодателите й, че тя е известен адвокат в Ситито?

Ще я настигне ли старият й живот?

А дали тя ще се върне към него?

360 pages, Paperback

First published July 19, 2005

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About the author

Sophie Kinsella

166 books40.6k followers
Sophie Kinsella has sold over 40 million copies of her books in more than 60 countries, and she has been translated into over 40 languages.

Sophie Kinsella first hit the UK bestseller lists in September 2000 with her first novel in the Shopaholic series – The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic (also published as Confessions of a Shopaholic). The book’s heroine, Becky Bloomwood – a fun and feisty financial journalist who loves shopping but is hopeless with money – captured the hearts of readers worldwide. Becky has since featured in seven further bestselling books, Shopaholic Abroad (also published as Shopaholic Takes Manhattan), Shopaholic Ties the Knot, Shopaholic & Sister, Shopaholic & Baby, Mini Shopaholic, Shopaholic to the Stars and Shopaholic to the Rescue. Becky Bloomwood came to the big screen in 2009 with the hit Disney movie Confessions of a Shopaholic, starring Isla Fisher and Hugh Dancy.

Sophie has also written seven standalone novels which have all been bestsellers in the UK, USA and other countries around the world: Can You Keep A Secret?, The Undomestic Goddess, Remember Me?, Twenties Girl, I’ve Got Your Number, Wedding Night, and My Not So Perfect Life, which was a Goodreads Choice Awards finalist for Best Fiction in 2017.

In 2014 she published a Young Adult novel Finding Audrey about a teenage girl with social anxiety and her madcap family, and in January 2018, Sophie published her first illustrated book for young readers about the charming adventures of a mother-daughter fairy duo, Mummy Fairy and Me (also published as Fairy Mom and Me).

Sophie’s latest novel, Surprise Me, published in February 2018, presents a humorous yet moving portrait of a marriage—its intricacies, comforts, and complications. Surprise Me reveals that hidden layers in a close relationship are often yet to be discovered.

Sophie wrote her first novel under her real name, Madeleine Wickham, at the tender age of 24, whilst she was working as a financial journalist. The Tennis Party was immediately hailed as a success by critics and the public alike and became a top ten bestseller. She went on to publish six more novels as Madeleine Wickham: A Desirable Residence, Swimming Pool Sunday, The Gatecrasher, The Wedding Girl, Cocktails for Three and Sleeping Arrangements.

Sophie was born in London. She studied music at New College, Oxford, but after a year switched to Politics, Philosophy and Economics. She now lives in London, UK, with her husband and family.

Visit Sophie's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SophieKinsell...

* Shopaholic

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 9,777 reviews
Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews65.2k followers
November 18, 2015
Sophie Kinsella strikes again! Although most of her books deal with both the professional world and relationships, she has managed to make every story unique and immensely entertaining. Although I didn't enjoy this novel quite as much as I've Got Your Number, it still immediately sucked me in and wouldn't let me stop reading until I finished. I think if I hadn't read this right after IGYN (my favorite book by her), I would have given it a full 5/5 stars, but blame Sophie Kinsella for making her books like candy. I can't just read ONE and call it a day.
As for the story, I loved how the main character, Samantha, was the high-powered career woman in the relationship instead of the man, which is seen in most of her other stories (although she does leave the job, but still). Also, Nathaniel was a total hunky dreamboat and I would like one for my own, please and thank you.
All in all, I highly recommend it, just like all of her other novels.
Profile Image for Laura.
132 reviews603 followers
October 28, 2009
As you’d expect, the story is a sitcom come to life: a work-obsessed attorney loses her job in a dramatic way and then plunges alone into the countryside à la Jane Eyre, only to wind up being taken in as a housekeeper by some nouveau riche couple. The twist is. . . get ready. . . she doesn’t know how to cook! Or run a washing machine! You can imagine the hilarity. In fact, you have to imagine the hilarity, because there isn’t much written for you. That’s not to say the book isn’t entertaining. It moves quickly, and it ends up validating the effort and skill involved in keeping house, which I liked. Plus I found the nouveau riche couple to be oddly engaging. (“Oddly” because they reminded me of Southern caricatures written by someone who didn’t know any actual Southerners and just created people out of stereotypes — like a hick couple who hits it big in the tire business and moves into a mansion but doesn’t know to lose the big hair and get grammar. Of course the characters in this book are English, as is the author, which goes to show that mediocrity knows no nationality.)

The big flaw is that even though this kind of book is bound to be contrived, it still needs to retain some believability. I can buy stumbling onto the one house that would take in a stranger (we buy it in Jane Eyre), finding skulduggery at work, true love next door, and a host of other improbabilities because at least they’re possible. But our heroine, in disgrace at her law firm, googles herself and finds a million entries about how she’s become a national lawyer joke; at one point the tabloid press even starts following her “story”! The problem is that, in reality, lawyers show up on our radar only if we’ve hired them. A criminal defense attorney may have his day in the sun with a celebrity client, but other than that, who cares? Quick — name a contract attorney! Anyone?? How about any kind of attorney you don’t know personally? The fact is that nobody cares if a lawyer loses her firm a lot of money and then becomes a housekeeper; the whole public ignominy angle is too manufactured even for chick lit. It reminded me of Shopaholic, where a would-be fashion writer somehow becomes a national figure and then a national scandal. How??? It’s as though Sophie Kinsella is projecting some deep desire to be in the center of the public stage, holding the nation’s microphone tearfully in hand. (Actually, I wouldn’t mind that either, but only to rail on the government power grab and people who talk during movies.) I wonder if her “Oh no! The world is watching me during my moment of crisis!” fantasy was brought on by too much reality TV, or . . . more likely. . . if reality TV exists precisely because so many people do have this desire for public display? Chilling thought.

At any rate, that’s probably not enough to condemn the book. It has its moments. And I think if it had been written differently I would have had patience for the more unrealistic aspects. However, the style was so aggressively breezy that it became wearisome. The author should have put more effort into creating a story that holds together and less time trying so desperately to be witty.

Mercy — three paragraphs on a Costco paperback!
Profile Image for Sita.
108 reviews57 followers
October 2, 2011

This was the first Sophie Kinsella book I ever read and it will remain my favourite. My mum actually picked this up for me, because she liked the blurb on the back. She would never read this sort of book; she is into China Meavile, Dan Simmons and Stephen King. Not the sort of stuff I read... At first, I was hesitant, but I started reading this in the car on the way home and it was addictive. I just could not stop; this book is romantic, moving with just the right amount of funny (it had a few of those major laugh out loud, cover mouth with fist moments).


Overall, it was a really good read.

Characters: 9/10
All just hilarious, even the ones I hated had some really funny lines. And the way Samantha talks about them. Priceless.

Writing: 7/10
It’s chick-lit for goodness sake. It was easy to read and took no brain cells whatsoever.

Plot: 9/10
Interesting, quite original, moves at the perfect pace with the perfect twists along the way. It has an ending that you would expect but not expect at the same time.


Does that make sense? Oh well. Moving on...

Enjoy-ability: 9/10
A very fun read.
Profile Image for Baba.
3,784 reviews1,192 followers
September 26, 2022
Over achieving high powered lawyer Sam has a spectacular fall from grace and in the calamitous tines that ensues, ends up being sort of accidently hired as a housekeeper… there's just the slight problem that she has no idea how to cook, clean, iron etc. A typical 'chic-lit' Noughties read with the added bonus of Kinsella's superior plotting and good instinct for comedy.

This is my third Kinsella read in as many months and I feel her formula of taking romantic comedy tropes and adding solid story lines, modern professional women and some great humour works for me; although the downside for me is all the banal romance and will they-won't they stuff that took so many pages of this book. 5 out of 12.

2022 read
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews177 followers
October 28, 2021
The Undomestic Goddess, Sophie Kinsella

The story of a stressed-out lawyer Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable. She’s made a mistake so huge, it’ll wreck any chance of a partnership.

Going into utter meltdown, she walks out of her London office, gets on a train, and ends up in the middle of nowhere.

Asking for directions at a big, beautiful house, she’s mistaken for an interviewee and finds herself being offered a job as housekeeper.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز بیست و هفتم ماه اکتبر سال2020میلادی

عنوان: ناکدبانو؛ نویسنده: سوفی کینسلا؛ مترجم روناک احمدی‌آهنگر؛ ویراستار الناز فرحناکیان؛ تهران، نشر نون، سال1398؛ در376ص؛ شابک9786007141212؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده 21م

عنوان: ناکدبانو؛ نویسنده: سوفی کینسلا؛ مترجم روناک احمدی‌آهنگر؛ ویراستار محمد قبا؛ تهران، نشر نون؛ سال1400؛ در384ص؛ شابک9786007141212؛

در «ناکدبانو» با یک رمان دل انگیز همسو هستیم؛ «سامانتا سوییتینگ» وکیلی باهوش، جسور و پراستعداد است، که نمی‌داند چگونه تخم‌مرغ را آب‌پز کند یا ماشین لباسشویی را راه ‌بیندازد؛ تنها چیزی که برای او اهمیت دارد کارش است ...؛

نقل از متن: (- از نظر خودتان، شما دچار استرسید؟ نه، من اصلاً استرس ندارم؛ من...، سرم شلوغه؛ خیلی‌ها هستن که سرشون شلوغه؛ من یه شغل خیلی پر اهمیت دارم، کسب و کارم برام خیلی مهمه، و ازش لذت می‌برم؛ باشه، خب بعضی وقت‌ها یه‌کمی احساس تنش می‌کنم؛ من یه وکیلم، اونم توی لندن؛ چه انتظاری می‌شه داشت؟ اون‌قدر با فشار دارم می‌نویسم که کاغذ پاره شده؛ لعنت بهش؛ بی‌خیال؛ بریم سراغ سئوال بعدی؛ - به‌طور متوسط، چند ساعت از شبانه‌روز را در دفتر کار خود سپری می‌کنید؟)؛ پایان

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 05/08/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Michelle.
147 reviews263 followers
October 29, 2018
At first, the concept was so ridiculous, I wasn't sure I would even like the book. But Sophie Kinsella skillfully made it seem plausible. The story of a stressed-out lawyer, stripped of her job and accidentally ending up in the unlikely position of a housekeeper for a nouveau riche couple at a country estate, was very entertaining.

In “The Undomestic Goddess”, Kinsella obviously spent some quality time studying not only international finance, but corporate law and commercial cooking as well . I also bet that she looked into some really excellent scams, and spent a bit of time with some professional housekeepers. Few professors could have made the subject understandable much less as engrossing and enjoyable as Ms. Kinsella has. Samantha, a whiz kid corporate lawyer -- when faced with making coffee, toast and eggs Benedict -- is totally flummoxed. Poor girl! I giggled at her sallies into the laundry room, baking catastrophes, bed making disasters.... the situation is glorious! I just love it when the know-it-all gets her comeuppance. It can only make for a hilarious tale as she embarks on her new journey that leads to love, self-discovery, and peace.

The first half was fairly obnoxious. I don't really know why I kept reading, but I'm glad I did. The second half, once Samantha began to get a little bit of control in her life, became quite enjoyable.

Of course, when your weekends and evenings are suddenly free, romance can’t be far behind. In "Northanger Abbey", Jane Austen quoted Samuel Richardson’s straight forward romancing rule: "It must be very improper that a young lady should dream of a gentleman before the gentleman is first known to have dreamt of her." Samantha, of course in true Catherine Morland fashion, fails to follows Austen's very sensible advice much to the benefit of the story. Kinsella seems to imply that just being a woman is a pretty good deal, and being a woman who has attracted the love of a decent man is really a great deal! The story could be a bit extreme, and there is little reality to how this could happen. But I don’t really care! The characters are rich and warm, and I want to meet them in real life.

I did enjoy this book very much. I found myself chuckling and saying "Oh no!" at all the right places. It’s a light read which we all need from time to time. I was a bit disappointed with the ending, but it wasn't anything major. I just had a different vision of what she might have done. But otherwise I thought it was a good read, and brings you back to recognize what is important in life.
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
June 16, 2012
After reading several books by Kinsella, the only major complaint I have is that the endings are extremely unsatisfying. She builds up the character development and story so, so well, only to have it all end just shy of the perfect HEA. The first thought I usually have after finishing her books is, "Wait, what? That's it?"

More than in Kinsella's other novels, this factor is impossible to ignore in The Undomestic Goddess. Samantha comes a long way from being a lawyer-zombie to a content housekeeper, but that change isn't really explored as much as I would have expected. It's like as soon as SK decided she'd placed her characters exactly where she wanted, she lost all interest in finishing their story properly.

In addition, Nathaniel should have played a bigger role in the book. Honestly, I felt a little cheated by the "romance". All the hints are there, but most of the scenes between the two MCs are simply skimmed over and told in retrospect.

Overall, I liked reading The Undomestic Goddess, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if there had been more story and less narration. This book doesn't leave any lasting impression, but it's still a fun read as long as you keep your hopes low.

2.75/5 stars

For more reviews, visit my blog.
Profile Image for Megs ♥.
160 reviews1,299 followers
February 19, 2012

This story is about a 20-something, workaholic lawyer named Samantha. Sam leaves her job after making a huge mistake that costs her firm millions of dollars. She has put her whole life into this job, trying to become partner, and now it's over. She has a major meltdown, and ends up miles from home in the middle of nowhere working as a maid to a family that doesn't know anything about her true identity. She also doesn't know anything at all about being a maid as you can probably guess by the title. This makes for an interesting hilarious ride. At one point she has no idea how to use an iron and tells her boss that she can't figure it out because she's "far more used to working with a Nimbus 2000" These little comments pop up everywhere making the book fly by and making you really root for this poor girl who hasn't got a clue. A bit predictable, but I don't read her books thinking I'm going to be digging into a literary masterpiece. The romance was cute, but there really wasn't much of it. Nothing but fun and laughter all the way through.

Sam was an extremely fun character to read about. She's funny, smart, and can really think quick on her feet. She shows genuine signs of maturity and growth throughout this quick read.

I really liked how the ultimate message was delivered, though. In the end Sam has to take a look at her life and really figure out what is important, and what isn't. Perhaps you are putting too much effort into something that gives nothing back.

This was my first book from Sophie Kinsella, but I will definitely read more of her books. Her humor is fresh, and if you go into this book solely expecting a light-hearted, fun read I think you will enjoy it.

Recommended to all of Sohpie Kinsella's fans, and all chick-lit lovers. She is the queen of comedy!

3.5/5 Stars
Profile Image for Vina.
191 reviews217 followers
March 7, 2017
I look along the endless line, squinting in the sunshine. I’m twenty-nine years old. I
can go anywhere. Do anything. Be anyone I like.
“There’s no rush,” I say at last, and reach up to kiss him again.

Excellent, funny, cute, sweet, romantic, fun...another great Kinsella book!
Profile Image for Barbie.
109 reviews344 followers
March 3, 2019

This was my second book from Sophie Kinsella, and I enjoyed it. It was a fun book, but I didn't laugh loud, just smiled.
The plot was unbelievable. Samantha is a very talented lawyer, but she makes a mistake, and run away.
She knocks on a stranger's door for a glass of water, and next morning she wakes up like a housekeeper, because she accepted a job. Really? No way.
She can't cook, can't clean... She can't even boil an egg. But she learns everything immediately. It's very far-fetched.
The ending was very disappointing. No. NO. NO.
All characters were very cliché. Okay, I see. It's just a romantic, fluffy, chic lit novel.

It was a really average book, I wasn't into the story but it was still fine. I recommend to anyone, who want a light, silly book, and that's it.

The performance was super entertaining. I really enjoyed the narrator voice, she speaks very clearly. I suggest you listen to the audiobook instead of reading the book.
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,387 reviews1,626 followers
September 27, 2018
The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella is a standalone contemporary romance that is typical of the author's style, quite humorous and a bit over the top. Samantha Sweeting is a lawyer who knows nothing other than her job. Working every day of the week for seven years trying to make partner Samantha strives for perfection.

One day though just as she is about to be named a partner in the firm Samantha comes across a paper on her desk that did not get filed in time costing a client 50 million. Samantha doesn't make mistakes but this time she did and she doesn't know how to face the consequences.

Needing time to think Samantha jumps on the nearest train and heads away from the fallout that is sure to come from her costly error. Not knowing where she's ended up Samantha knocks on the nearest door and finds herself mistaken for someone applying for the job as housekeeper. Instead of correcting the mistake Samantha stays on until she hears word from her job.

I have to admit the believability factor on this one is pretty low with a high powered attorney ending up cooking and cleaning but that's also what makes it so much fun. Very much a comedy of errors from the one mistake it snowballs into so much more that you can't help but chuckle and laugh along. The story then becomes a romance and looks at just what could/should or would make someone happy. A fun read from start to finish.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for Sara Williams.
278 reviews861 followers
October 15, 2015
Know what I hate? Snobs.
Know what I hate even more? Book snobs. The ones with Anna Karenina under their arms on the streets and a quote by Oscar Wilde on their yearbook who know Shakespeare's sonnets by heart. Not that there's anything wrong with any of those, but there is when a snob firmly believes there's nothing to look for in literature nowadays. Or when a snob believes a genre is deemed more worthy than the other.

I decided to start my review this way because there are the people who do not deem contemporary fiction as 'real literature' or 'worthy'. I love Sophie Kinsella. I read her because it is light, it brings my mood up and makes me feel absolutely joyful for the characters. And to enjoy literature which isn't a classic is nothing to be ashamed of. To read 'chick lit' (a term I have problems with based on sexism but nevertheless) is nothing to be ashamed of, either.

SOPHIE KINSELLA IS HILARIOUS. This book just proves it, once again! A super stressed lawyer makes a mistake that makes her company lose millions so she hops on the first train she sees and arrives at an unknown destination. Feeling dizzy, Samantha rings a door to ask for a cup of water and ends out being mistaken for the new housekeeper. And shit happens.

I loved this book. It is an absolute page turner and I cannot possibly wait to get my hands on a new book by her. Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Sara.
142 reviews119 followers
November 13, 2015
This book is one of my favorites. It's simply hilarious. Smart, witty, and romantic.
The switch from sharp lawyer to house maid is genius.
In the plot there's also a hidden agenda that our heroine has to uncover and that keeps the reader on edge.
This is Kinsella at her best.

Funny Quote
"My eye flicks to the figure quoted in bold under Weekly Salary. It’s slightly less than I charged per hour as a lawyer."
Profile Image for Celia.
750 reviews121 followers
September 19, 2022
4,5 stars
Mais um livro super divertido de Sophie Kinsella.
Samantha é uma advogada de topo, I.Q. 158 que, num ataque de pânico por cometer um erro, vai para o campo onde é confundida com uma governanta.
E aqui começam as situações hilariantes, Samantha que nem sabia ligar um forno ou que os aspiradores levam sacos, vai ter de fazer as tarefas comuns de casa.
Claro que vai encontrar um ajudante no sexy jardineiro Nathaniel, os futuros patrões são completamente alucinantes...
Samantha, que não tinha tempo nem para uma manhã de spa, vai aprender a relaxar e a cozinhar.
Situações completamente hilariantes e exageradas, mas que me fizeram rir de tão disparatadas que são.
Vai também fazer amigos, vai descobrir o que realmente é importante na vida.
E, ainda vai ter tempo para descobrir se foi mesmo um erro, ou se algo se passou que tenha causado o seu despedimento.
Por vezes, as melhores coisas da vida, são as mais simples e Samantha irá de descobrir isso.
O que será mais importante para Samantha?
Limpar as casas de banho ou ser sócia na mais conceituada empresa de advocacia de Londres?
Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,175 reviews485 followers
January 7, 2024
This is a delectable humorous jaunt if you need a light read. It reads quickly and is a fun time. As with previous Sophie Kinsella novels, it gets a bit serious at the end; drastically the female MC compromises for the male.

Samantha is hopeless at domestic duties, and her struggles are hilarious. I find this novel to be timely for many current women who are expected to know how to conduct many domestic duties without being taught by anyone. I know I am hopeless at many of them, such as sewing on a button. I know my grandmother and mother taught me when I was young, but I honestly would rather have someone else do it for me at this point. Enter the services industry...

I loved Samantha even if I sometimes wanted her to have more self-confidence. Iris was probably my favorite character, and I wish to take cooking lessons from her.

One of my favorite excerpts from Samantha's schedule is when she thinks she can plan like Mary Poppins
The original plan for making the bed was 9:30-9:36

"9:36 Fuck. I cannot make this bed. Why won't this sheet lay flat?
9:54: This is sheer torture. My arms have never ached so much in my entire life."

Great fun in a novel, a solid 4 stars.
Profile Image for Kerry.
25 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2008
I don't know, I guess I'm not much of a Sophie Kinsella fan. I've read a couple of her "Shopaholic" books as well as this one, and they just annoy me. Her characters are twits. Even in this one, where the main character is an intelligent, well-educated, about-to-become-partner Lawyer . . . she's still a twit. I highly doubt I will subject myself to any further twittery and shall skip her books in the future.
Profile Image for Evgnossia O'Hara.
103 reviews195 followers
October 7, 2019
4 🌟

Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την άποψή μου στο blog μου, Through the Chapters, εδώ.
Profile Image for EMMA.
253 reviews370 followers
December 7, 2020
اگه از تمام اتفاقهایی که برام اتفاق افتاده فقط یه چیز یاد گرفته باشم، اون اینه که چیزی به عنوان بزرگترین اشتباه زندگی وجود نداره.
خراب کردن زندگی کاملا بی معنیه.الان، میفهمم که زندگی یه چیز محکم و سرسخته و نمیشه به این سادگیا خرابش کرد
Profile Image for Maroua Zaatour (Mirou).
190 reviews100 followers
January 15, 2021
4.5 ⭐

This novel was funny, light and easy to read. I can expect no less from Sophie Kinsella.
I came across a lot of negative reviews about this book claiming it was very predictable and so on. I mean, come on, this is a fiction, it doesn't have to actually be realistic. We, readers, often read to escape reality, to go through an entertaining adventure to shake off the daily stress we're put through. So I truly (and that's my own opinion) don't mind it being predictable or even unrealistic at times. I could even relate to it (and to Samantha) in many ways, especially when speaking of the daily pressure of work and how you have to be constantly at disposal, having no private life and no time for yourself. I could also relate to abandoning something you've always dreamed of just for the sake of your peace of mind. Yes, peace of mind is priceless!!
Anyway, this is a perfect beach read. It has all the ingredients for an enjoyable experience; a lot of plot twists, funny moments, and a good deal of romance.
Profile Image for Nicole.
803 reviews2,293 followers
December 23, 2018
I honestly couldn't finish the audiobook. Couldn't care less about the characters and their story. I think this book is worse than Confessions of a Shopaholic. At least the latter managed to be funny sometimes. In all cases, the audiobook is NOT recommended. The narrator's voice doesn't fit at all the main character, Samantha. She sounds too old. My readings by Sophie Kinsella are becoming more and more disappointing with each book. Still, I haven't given up on this author just yet.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,438 reviews163 followers
June 9, 2023
Probably the funniest book I have ever read, and I know this will prove to be memorable.

I laughed so hard.

Five stars.
59 reviews
April 27, 2009
I must confess... Sophie Kinsella replaced Sarah Dessen and Cecelia Ahern in my top authors. I love how she writes. I haven't tried the shopaholic series but I've read her three books following that series which are, Remember Me?, Can You Keep a Secret? and The Undomestic Goddess. All her characters are witty. They are also serious parts but with the way she writes and the way her characters think are very light. There's also a mixture of romance in her books which gives her all the more reason to be my favorite author.

Samantha Sweeting is a workaholic. She was trained by her lawyer mother to be a great lawyer and because of that she dedicated herself in that career. She can't do anything else other than what she's good at which is to find loop holes and anomalies in other people's statements and legalities. She was the perfect lawyer and she was about to get a full equity partner ship which was her and her mother's long lived dream for her. With her IQ in 158 and being the youngest partner to-be and a 500 quid per hour salary she drives herself to be whom she thought she want to be...

Then again, nobody knows the future for sure. A very impossible thing happened, she lost a 50 million contract for a company on the day of the announcement of the partnership. She panicked. Her heart raced and then she fled! Feeling lost and nowhere to go, she gained shelter, love appreciation in a house in Lower Ebury but as a HOUSEKEEPER... How will she cope up with the chores such as cleaning, laundry and especially cooking if she was never trained from birth to do any of it? and how the hell can she concentrate if there was a guy in the garden with glistening skin from sweat, a disheveled hair and a teasing grin??? hahahaha
Profile Image for Shannon A.
683 reviews524 followers
November 6, 2015
Actual rating 4.75

What a great read. I really loved this one! No love triangles or weird romances - Nathaniel is a new book boyfriend. Loved the message in this book as well.
Profile Image for Kristina Dauksiene.
172 reviews18 followers
August 23, 2023
3* su uodega!
Pirma. Intriga kilo goodreads'uose radus komentarą apie knygą "tūliko skaitalas- uzdrausta knyga"😃
Antra. Šios serijos knygų kažkodėl senais laikais nepavyko suvirškinti..🫣
Trečia. Juokiausi iš pačios savęs, kad dalį knygos skaičiau garsiai krizendama o mano knyginis skrandis taip lengvai ją suvirškino!💪 Momentais pagaudavau save, tarsi skaitydama apie man pažistamą aplinką, profesinę priklausomybę, laukimo netoleravimą, tikslo siekimą aklai brendant per gyvenimą...
🖋️Aš nesu darboholikė! Atšaunu pasipiktinusi.-Aš-teisininkė! Tai visai kas kita!"🤣
🖋️Paprastai būdavo taip, kad jis padėdavo man pasiekti viršūnę, tada aš jam padėdavau pabaigti, o paskui iškart po to mes pasitikrindavome savo el.paštą.
🖋️Vienas teisinio išsilavinimo privalumų yra tas, kad tu tikrai išmoksti meluoti.

3* with a tail
First. The intrigue arose after finding some crazy comments on goodreads 😃
Second. For some reason, other books of this series I could not digeste in the past🫣
Third. I laughed at myself that I read part of the book while cringing loudly and my bookish stomach digested it so easily!💪 In moments I felt as if I was reading about a familiar environment, professional dependence, intolerance of waiting, pursuit of a goal while blindly maturing through life...
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,059 reviews194 followers
March 29, 2021
As famous as Sophie Kinsella is for chick-lits, I admit I haven't read that many of her books. But I have heard some good things about her and also didn't mind the couple books that I've already read. And The Undomestic Goddess didn't do much for me.

Samantha Sweeting, London's hot-shot lawyer, with busy lifestyle, very hardworking and expected to be the youngest to make partner in her firm. Everything is looking great as she's getting what she's worked for all her adult life including some teen years. Just then she's made the biggest mistake of her career and runs away from London and her career rather than facing all her colleagues, employers and ends up in the countryside (I love the countryside) and is mistaken as a housekeeper. Since she's always had her domestic chores done for her, therefore she doesn't have a clue how to do any domestic chores, let alone do what is required of her as a housekeeper.

It started out great and funny even though there were some parts where I was thinking, what the heck? She's a lawyer and she doesn't know how to operate a washing machine. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that simple a thing. Apparently it does. But fine, whatever.

I still kept on enjoying this thinking it's okay these things are supposed to be funny and cute (not to me) but overall it's funny but when she says no to her career which she's worked for all her life just to keep working as a housekeeper, it all went downhill for me. I just didn't want to read anymore but kept on reading thinking may be she'll somehow have it all and my predictions will not be right. Nope, didn't happen. She just throws away her career and chooses love which is amazing but can't we career women have it all? Why is it always depicted in the books for us to make a choice between this and that? I mean this is very annoying. I'm so furious at the ending that I couldn't even enjoy Samantha getting her love life back. Not to mention all that tug and pull play at the end, which annoyed me further.

It was going to be a 4 stars read for me until she throws away all her life's hard work, it's 2 stars from me now.

2 stars
Profile Image for Divine.
361 reviews187 followers
April 4, 2019
You know that feeling you get when you're so excited to finally eat that steaming pork bun and visualize the succulent meat and rich layered flavors you're gonna gobble up? Reading The Undomestic Goddess was just like that, except for the fact that by the time you get to half the pork bun, it's all just a soggy white lump of bread.

My best friend lent a paperback of this to me thinking that I would probably love it. And I DID at first, I really love Kinsella's seamless writing style that just sucks the reader's attention up. I've read 3/4 of this book in one sitting which was a good sign that I'm about to give this a 4-5 star! I really felt like this could be produced as a chick flick and I could already see Anne Hathaway playing the role.

This was utterly good and it plummeted ungraciously by the time I get past 200 pages. I HATE IT WHEN THE BUILD UP IS SO GOOD AND ENDS IT W/ ME BEING SO DISAPPOINTED. The ending was just a mish-mash of easily resolved situations that I think needed more explanation? The tension and complications weren't even properly executed? The romance was also not the strongest suit in this book? It was suddenly a mess for me.

With that said, while I haven't enjoyed the last part of this book, some might still enjoy this one. I still very much love the themes and morals it conveys to the readers. Mainly about choosing our own path to our own happiness in our own pacing. And as cliche as it may sound like, it's quite a crucial lesson you learn as you grow older.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,457 reviews11.4k followers
July 3, 2009
I think "Undomestic Goddess" is my favorite of all Sophie Kinsella's books I've read so far. Although totally predictable, this book was a pleasure to read.

The main reason I enjoyed this book so much is probably because I can totally relate to Samantha. She is a lawyer and workaholic. She thinks that she will be happy after reaching the next step on the career ladder and all her hard work and sacrifices will pay off. Only while working so hard towards her goal, she fails to enjoy her life. A series of events finally forces her to stop and take a long hard look at her life and evaluate what is really important.

Of course, predictably there is romance and happily ever after, but aside from that I think this book has a great life message.

Profile Image for Erin.
3,257 reviews476 followers
March 17, 2020
One thing is for certain, Sophie Kinsella does contemporary fiction well. Her characters are always put in the most ridiculous situations and yet I find myself tagging along for the ride.

Twenty something Samantha Sweeting is a driven London lawyer only days away from becoming a full partner. Yet a serious mistake sends Samantha's world crashing around her and she flees from the city and finds herself in a small English village masquerading as a housekeeper. Trouble is, Samantha knows nothing about laundry or cooking.

So as I stated above, it's all CRAZY ridiculous and yet I just couldn't stop laughing. After all, this type of scenario could only happen in fiction

Goodreads review published 16/03/20
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