For Parents
Proactive Preparation for Easier Birth
Find a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator and start using techniques for comfort in pregnancy and smoother progress in childbirth.
For Providers
Help Change Birth on Earth
Find Spinning Babies® Workshops and events near you to start helping parents experience a more confident and comfortable birthing process for both themselves and their baby.
"Spinning Babies® was the best training I’ve taken in ten years of practice – it has revolutionized my approach to working with birthing women. I feel so strongly about this training: no one who supports women in birth should be without it."
- Jessie Harrold
"Gail Tully’s Spinning Babies® addresses and answers many questions regarding fetal malposition and malpresentation and slow or stalled labor. Her wisdom, knowledge of maternal fetal anatomy and original visual aids, will open your mind and enhance your skills in understanding, preventing and correcting many of these problems." 
- Penny Simkin
“I used many of your activities throughout my pregnancy. Despite having two cesareans for malpositioned babies, I went on to have a quick and uneventful VBA2C earlier this month. I tell everyone how much of a difference they can make!”
- Amy Isaksen Cartwright
"I love Spinning Babies®. It’s so empowering to be able to figure out what’s happening with your baby on your own. And when my youngest was not turning head down late in my pregnancy I felt so much better having something I could do to try and help her (and even better, it worked!)." 
- Shanna Baker Switzer

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Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth