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Black Falcon #1

Rock the Heart

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For the last four years, good girl Lane has regretted breaking up with Noel Falcon. She thought she was sensible when she told him his dreams of being a rock star would get him nowhere, but now that he's a rock god and her career is stagnant, she realizes just how wrong she was. When Noel hires the marketing company where Lane is an intern, she’s forced to see him again. If she wants to land her dream job as executive within the company, she has to win him over and secure his account. Too bad Noel is still pissed at her for breaking his heart.

When Lane’s company flies her to a Black Falcon concert to gain Noel’s attention, emotions run high the moment she sees him and realizes she’s far from over him. But Noel’s countless trysts with groupies and his cocky attitude make Lane believe he isn’t the same guy she once loved—now he seems to only want her body. Then after Lane discloses she needs him to procure a job, Noel proves he’s a changed man by forcing her to go on the road with him in order to get it.

After Lane reluctantly takes Noel up on his offer, she becomes willing to do whatever it takes to keep him satisfied, even if it means succumbing to his seductive ways. Lane soon finds deception is a dangerous game and she’s not the only one playing.

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330 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 13, 2012

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About the author

Michelle A. Valentine

41 books6,250 followers
**Please direct all inquires to my website as I don't check messages on this site: www.michelleavalentine.com **

New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author Michelle A. Valentine is a Central Ohio nurse turned author of erotic romance and New Adult novels. Her love of hard-rock music, tattoos and sexy musicians inspired her BLACK FALCON series.

Follow Michelle on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michel...

Website: www.michelleavalentine.com

Newsletter: http://michelleavalentine.us3.list-ma...

If you are interested in reviewing books please write to Michelle at michelleavalentinebooks@gmail.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,514 reviews
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,613 followers
May 7, 2016
I've had this audiobook sitting on my Audible shelf for quite some time. Unable to decide what I was in the mood for, I decided to go with whichever title my finger landed on while the screen was scrolling down, and this was it. Luckily, it ended up being just what I needed!

'Rock the Heart' was sweet, angsty and, at times, heartbreaking. Although I wasn't surprised by the big "shocker" in the story, it still ripped me apart. Predictable or not, I was completely absorbed in this story.

The story centers on Lanie, aka Lane, a twenty-something trying to break into a career in advertising/marketing. She's working as an unpaid intern under a lady that is a legend in the field. When she is sent on an assignment to land the account of a famous musician, that's where things get interesting.

Noel Falcon was her first love and best friend, right up until she unceremoniously dumped him before leaving for college. Lane couldn't imagine spending her life with a guy with no real future, chasing a pipe dream. She had plans for her life and she couldn't let some guy hold her back, no matter how much she loved him. So, imagine her surprise when four years later she's the one struggling to make her way in a competitive job market, while Noel has achieved unparalleled success.

Their initial reunion didn't go so well, but after hearing more about how she dumped him, I'd say she had it coming. Nevertheless, he still wants to rekindle things with Lane. Noel makes a deal with Lane's boss to have her go on tour with him and the band, in exchange for the account.

It takes no time at all for old feelings to resurface. Before long, these two are hot and heavy again. Everyone can see that they're in love. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that Noel is keeping some secrets from Lane.

At last, the truths are revealed and Lane's world is turned upside down. I saw it coming a mile away, but it still stung. I have to admit that I shed a few tears over this one.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. The narration was well-done and the story was much better than I'd expected. I was pleasantly surprised by this one.

Profile Image for Baba  .
859 reviews3,961 followers
November 16, 2012
DNF at 53 %. I will refrain from rating this book.


It's safe to say that YA & NA don't do anything for me, and I would really appreciate it immensely if every author would label their books accurately. Rock the Heart is by no means an Adult Romance. It's New Adult and if I'd've known it I wouldn't have read it in the first place. YA and NA are not my cuppa. Then again, I have to wonder why I loved the extremely young couple in Kristen Ashley's Games of the Heart so much. Maybe this was another case of KA magic, who knows?

What I disliked
Sadly, Rock the Heart did not rock my heart nor my world. The story and its characters have a very young-ish feel to it and it's too clichéd as well. Everything about it is romance 'lite'. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that. However, it just happens that I need something that will really grab my interest. As I see it, I could never bond with the characters and there's a lack of chemistry between these two. Also, the pace is very slow. In fact, I started to read it on Wednesday and today is Friday and it can't hold my attention at all.

Noel being a rock-sex icon did not resonate well with me. I'm sorry but a twenty-two-year old rock singer is by no means a rock-sex icon. Of course Noel's d@ck is so huge that she could barely wrap her hand around him. Does she have childlike hands? In addition, the sex did not wow me either. It was kinda awkward.

Furthermore, there was this other lead singer, Striker. The author described him as being broad shouldered and wrote that he is a young Steven Tyler. But I know for sure that Steven Tyler is a skinny guy--nothing's broad about Steven.

I have more issues but I think it's entirely needless to go into further details here.

Overall verdict
This is probably a case of "It's not the book it's me."
Hence, I'd like to encourage you to read it. I'm quite sure that young readers and older readers who love the YA and NA genre will enjoy Rock the Heart.

**ARC courtesy by Michelle Valentine, author, in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Michelle Valentine.
Author 41 books6,250 followers
December 18, 2012
Gotta show love for my own book, right? LOL

Chap One and Two plus Teasers posted here! ---> http://michelleavalentine.blogspot.com/

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Profile Image for Kim Person.
530 reviews180 followers
January 30, 2013

Okay last night I got the ARC of this freaking awesome book and this was me.....

I was seriously stoked, jumping around, couldn't wait to read it, wait, why was I still jumping around I had the book so I calmed my arse down and got down to business......

This is a story of Lanie & Noel once high school sweethearts, first loves, first kiss well first everything! After high school graduation Lanie decides that Noel's music isn't really gonna go anywhere and she breaks things off and leaves for college. Poor Noel, well, maybe poor Lanie because Noel makes it in the music industry and he makes it BIG. Oh yeah, Noel is known as a "sex god" and he is that hot, sexy, bad boy rocker...

[image error]

Lanie is interning at a mega advertising firm in New York, Center Stage Marketing and guess what she lands, yep Black Falcon's account. Well in a round about way. Black Falcon is Noel's band made up of the man-whore sexy bad boy lead guitarist Riff, sexy, adorable, funny twins, Trip (drummer)and Tyke (bassist). Well Lanie starts working for Noel and the let the "games" begin. She goes out on tour with the boys and things get pretty darn interesting!

This book had parts where I was.......

Things go along at a good pace. I couldn't put the book down. I'm happy, everyone in the book is happy and then I get that feeling! You know the one? Where your gut is saying something is going to happen.. Yep, that was me and I was totally.....

So, what happens? Is everything really hunky-dory in Lane & Noel land,does everything come up smelling like roses? Well, read the book! When it comes out! I'm not going to spoil this one for you but I'm going to share some feelings with you and don't assume they are in the order the book goes along....

So, my up until 3 a.m. went a little like this.....



or was it like this getting the hell outta of the freakshow...

but I was definitely like this..

well for some parts of it!

In all seriousness though this was a 5 +++++++ read for me! I loved it, adored it, didn't want it to end and I seriously miss it right now! There is a part in the book that's so damn sweet, awesome and just perfect that you couldn't wipe the smile off my face! Michelle, thank you for a FANFREAKINGTASTIC read! I loved it! You ROCK, my dear, totally 100% ROCK!!

So on November 20th buy the book and go find a corner, hide from everyone, family, spouses, kids and read, read, read!!! You won't be sorry!! Then when your done you can be like me and say I CAN'T WAIT FOR ROCK MY BED to come out!!!!!

Profile Image for Jenny Levine.
99 reviews738 followers
November 18, 2012
The author had me at "Adam Levine is my inspiration for Noel Falcon."

Review to follow.
Profile Image for Sláinte Wanderlust.
892 reviews386 followers
November 24, 2012
Cover & Title - 3 out of 5
Favorite Line - “This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart without hesitation back in high school. It's called Ball Busting Bitch, and Laine this one's for you.”
Favorite Character - Riff


I swear to fucking god i felt like i had already read this book this week! No wait a minute that was The Perfect Game, it totally reminded me of it, i cannot explain how without spoiling both books so i wont. I am not saying that either is a copy of either, i am telling you the things that pissed me off from either book are the same & it has a very important plot similarity.
*trying to convey my frustrations through a telepathic link to you*

Noel -

Oh Noel you asshole. There was quite a lot to like about his character; charm, charity work, troubled past, rock star, tattoo's; piercings & the way he chased Lane. But there was also some major dislikes. He is the reason i gave this a 3 stars instead of less, even though he was an asshat he made the book.
Noel, Justin is a pussy & even he knows the score.. look here is a message for you, from him

Lane -

Man, Lane i saw it coming a mile off and your were right there but missed it... how disappointing. You are really fucking irritating.
I do not get girls that are such pushovers, i find it really insulting to the rest of the female population - stop bringing us down!

The story -

Did they actually forget that she was meant to be working? When did she work... seriously?
I felt like quite a few issues were not dealt with but then there were other details included that i felt where pointless.

I wouldn't really recommend this book as it was so..

Click here for my book review blog
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,658 followers
January 21, 2015
The guy on the cover looks like he is 35+ while in the book, the guy is 22.

I am sorry, but telling someone not to follow their dream and telling them that their dreams won't come true or are unrealistic is RUBBISH. Sorry Lane I would have slapped you hard if you ever fed me that shit.
Also, I am sorry, but not being with the love of your life just because of a 'JOB' is horrendous and so fucking stupid.

They were good together, the whole thing going with them was nice, cute and stuff but it missed romance of some sort. The band members were hardly mentioned.. the whole thing in the end was so bland and not spicy and drama-full. The whole rockstar thing the author got, but the rest of a few things were missing.

I feel that the author is somewhat trying to create a part of the whole Sed and Jessica thingie from Rock Hard.The book has a lot of The Perfect Game by J. Sterling in a down low as a plot mixed with Roch Hard by Olivia Cunnings - Jack and Sed mixture.

"This entire time we could’ve been together. We’ve fought over someone else’s lie." Seriously woman? The entire time???? It was ONE WEEK! Exaggerate much?

She calls him selfish and hence broke up with him when they were teens, when not once in the book was it ever shows that he was/is ever selfish.
The whole charity thingie, they barely speak shit about it when thats the main reason he wanted her to work on it because she understood why it ment so much for him. I read nothing about it.
Nothing about the daddy issues , nothing about the end with the whole Diana Swagger thingie. A lot, and I mean A LOT was missing and it made be feel blank towards the end for not having the answers.

The story was decent types good, but a whole lot sucked towards the end, many things were left unresolved and the ending was abrupt. I don't think the 2nd book is about Lane and Noel so that leaves a few things hanging in the air.
There was chemistry in the book, a tad bit of romance but it wasn't an erotica with smoke and sizzle.
Overall, I was not disappointed with the book, but I just didn't enjoy it much. Something was missing.. making it bland for me. Like an omph factor or something to add the extra mile to it.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,439 reviews85 followers
August 10, 2016

You will never understand how desperate i was before that book!!!
For days, i couldn't read a whole book and after all that dissapointment...

...I thought... "Why don't i try a rock band book since i have a thing with these kind of stories???"
And thank God, it worked!!! I'm so happy right now!!!!

This book made my day!!!

Black Falcon is an absolutely amazing rock band and their leader singer, Noel Falcon, was such a georgeous dude!!!!
But this story started a little bit strange...

Lanie is working as an intern in a marketing company who are hired from Noel... so she is forced to meet him again after four years... You see, Noel was her highschool sweetheart and she broke his heart when he left him because he didn't fit in her perfect plan for the future... But even though the time that have pass, she never forgot him and now she is terrified to meet him again... and she's kind of right because Noel doesn't seem like the boy she left behind....

Noel Falcon is a succesfull, cocky, arrogant bastard... Everybody thinks that he is a sexy rock God!!! He can have everything he wants... All the women thrown themselves in front of him... And even though he wants to hurt Lanie, he still feels broken inside of her loss...
He wants her back and he is determined to get her...
So, he arranged Lanie to get her dreamy job with the condition to travel with him and the rest of the band for two weeks...

She will manage to be so close to him for such a long time and stick to strictly proffesional between them or she will embrace her feelings and fall to his charm????

Well, i really enjoy that story... It was fresh and well-written...
The sexual tension between Noel and Lanie was all around from the first moment, even though she denied to fall in his trap...

I admit that sometimes all this useless resistance was a little bit annoying, but that wasn't a big deal for me!!!
And when i was about to say that everything get in their right place, something really awful happened that made me really sad and angry!!!

I liked very much Noel's character...
I know that everybody characterised him as a cocky asshole, but when he was with Lanie we could see a kind and sweet man who was determined to do anything to regain the heart of the woman he loved...
And his effort was extremely pleasant... I liked that he didn't give up so easily on her!!!

Oh!!!I don't want to forget the other members of the band...
They were amazing, but i will talk to you about them to the next books!!!
I only tell you that i liked the fact that at the end the things get clear between Noel and Riff...
They were like brothers and it was such a pity to provoke each other all the time and to react with such malice...

I can't wait for Riff's book!!!
Profile Image for Delilah.
28 reviews
November 21, 2012
DNF 60%

Amateurishly written. Unlikable characters. Dull and cliched rock star plot.
Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,189 followers
November 19, 2012
This book was fun, quick, and entertaining. I still can't decide if the very thing I didn't like about this book was the very thing I loved about it. Rock the Heart totally bipolared me! Noel Falcon was up, down and all over the place. He would proudly wave his asshole playboy flag one minute, but in the very next breath talk about how much he loved Lane and wanted her back. I would have loved to see more of a progression from cocky jackhole to bad boy in love instead of the constant back and forth, but at the same time I enjoyed the crazy ride. Bipolared!!

It was a really good read, but I kept catching glimpses of other bad boy, rock star romances that I've read before. It didn't show me anything new. That was the main reason I couldn't go above three stars. Not because I didn't enjoy it.

If you're into rock star bad boys and just want a book that will entertain you for a few hours and moisten up your knickers, then this is the book for you. I'll never look at a dock the same way again. In fact, I'm looking to have one installed in my bedroom. READ ON!

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
November 18, 2012
4 Ball Busting Bitch STARS

"The only mistake when it comes to love, is not going for it."

It’s no secret that I’m a HUGE fan of rock star books. Rock the Heart has now been added to my list of good rock star reads.

What makes is a good rock star read? Well for me it’s simple: One or more hot rock stars. Rock the Heart had that and so much more!

Lanie Vance is an intern looking for her big break at Center Stage. During a routine meeting Lanie finds herself picked to secure Noel Falcon’s business for his upcoming charity event.

Who’s Noel Falcon? Well girls, he’s the yummy lead singer of the band Black Falcon.


Problem is, Lanie left her high school boyfriend, Noel broken hearted four years ago on their dock. Not because she didn’t love him but because of her insecurities and fears.

”Noel’s always been the ‘what if’ for me. The one who got away.”

Lanie get’s roped into touring for two weeks with the band…I know what a hardship right? The couple finds that their love for each other hasn’t lessened. Just when you breathe out a sigh and say aw how sweet...The rug gets pulled out from underneath you!

This time around will Lanie walk away or will she go for it?
Profile Image for Jen .
804 reviews603 followers
July 12, 2013
3.5 to 4 stars

This kind of reminded me of a toned down version of Olivia Cunning's Sinners books. Sinners lite, maybe? Where Lanie was concerned, Noel was a sweet, caring, jealous and an insecure mess all rolled into one hot piece of man. Lanie's "I want him, I don't want to want him. I love him, I can't be with him" routine got a little tedious. He's hot, he's a rock star and you love him! Get on that already! When Noel's big reveal finally happened, I didn't blame her for wanting to hit the road and get back to her normal life. This was really the only time Noel played the douche card but luckily it didn't last too long.

The ending was sweet and made me want to call my Mom and ask if she still had her Journey's Greatest Hits CD laying around. I can't remeber the last time a book sent me on a search for the musical stylings of Journey and that has to count for something, right?

Profile Image for jenny.
141 reviews16 followers
May 17, 2018

Ok, what was this? I'm sorry, but I can't rate this more than 2 stars. It started out great...
“This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart back in high school. It’s called “Ball Busting Bitch,” and Lanie, this one’s for you.”

But two seconds after that quote he's totally in love with her and all the drama that follows is completely unnecessary and pointless.

I'm glad it was over fast. I don't think that I'll continue with this series, I'm just not interested in any of the characters.
Profile Image for Emily Snow.
Author 45 books5,754 followers
November 21, 2012
Epic gif-filled review to come. This book rocks my f*cking world! <3
Profile Image for Tammy .
960 reviews112 followers
November 20, 2012
Sorry if this is kinda wordy, wasn't really sure how to word it and get all my thoughts in....

My friend and I bought this book together the other day and she actually read it before me. She wanted me to hurry up and read it so she could hear my thoughts on it. She thought it was a so so read for her compared to some of the other rock band stories she has currently read. The truth is I am MUCH harsher with books then she is so I was nervous to read this after some of the things she talked about. I have a certain type of bad boy I like and certain qualities in these bad boys will honestly piss me off to no end making me not like the book very much. So I had a dilemma on my hands. I had to try and go into Michelle's book with a clear open mind, because from what my friend said this guy was gonna fail for me.

Ok, so here are my honest thoughts.....

Rock the Heart was a quick easy read that I thought had just the right amount of drama for the size book it was. I would however not term it Erotic Romance, nowhere close but then take into consideration I am a chick who enjoys BDSM so to me this would be Young/New Adult. Now there is nothing wrong with that as I really enjoy that type of story too, but I went into this story expecting some erotic scenes from a hot tatted bad boy rocker. I think you know where I am going with this. So I was a little disappointed to find that the sex scenes were not what I was expecting, but were perfectly fitted for a NA/YA series. I did enjoy RTH.

This story seemed to move really fast, I had to remind myself that they were high school loves, and that the story really wasn't fast for them. Now this is where I needed more Michelle. I needed you to move their getting back together a tad bit slower and be more descriptive here so we could feel their feelings. For them it seemed like forever, but for us readers it felt like instant love. This for me is a BIG NO NO. I can't get into books like this. I am sure it happens in real life, but for me I need something more. I need real feelings. I need to feel them falling back in love. Even if they have been in love their entire lives. Remember they were separated for 4 years and each had a life of their own. Now this is a personal thing, not anything the writer should change as others really enjoy books like this. I didn’t feel true chemistry until after the Dock scene, and mainly I felt it after the drama broke out. There was the pain and the love I was looking for the first half of the book. One thing I did really like or that at least stayed with me through the book was the phone call Noel took where he was arguing with someone. There was no other mention of it in the book, and I waited anxiously for the moment the shoe dropped and we found out what that call was all about. Good play Michelle, I totally couldn’t get that call out of my head.

Now here is the part I dread breaking down my thoughts on the characters. This is where my harshness tends to come in, so please forgive me I in no way mean to offend. I liked the characters, but they left a lot to be desired about them.

Noel, let’s start with our bad boy. I was so excited to get to know him. He started out all bad ass. You meet him and he has had his heart trampled on by his true love from high school. When he sees Lane, again, he is quite the ass and seriously, who can blame him. Who says women should be the only ones who get to be angry and revengeful?

"This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart without hesitation back in high school. It's called "Ball Busting Bitch," and Lanie, this one's for you."

With a line like that how can you not love this guy and oh let’s not forget he is one hot bad ass fucking rocker! Huh, that bad ass stopped there. Yeah, right there. After that point Noel lost his edge. Seemed he was another male I was reading about who was a bit bipolar in his moods (I say this in no disrespect to those who suffer from this). Noel was either in love, jealous, angry, or groveling. All within seconds of each other. He would start to show his sharper edge and then his man card was taken away and he would be groveling, begging, and apologizing every other page.

Seriously bad ass rocker dude, you don’t need to beg your woman or apologize for that matter when you are not in the wrong every single time. Us girls get it and will eventually realize that we were the one who did wrong that time and apologize to you. Give us some time to see it.

Props though to Michelle for making Noel show his tears when he was upset or sad. Nothing sexier than a man not afraid to show his vulnerable side. Also, nothing sexier than a man who knows what the hell he wants and goes for it, doing whatever it takes to get it. Noel had some great qualities but the groveling every other page wasn’t one of them. Why should anyone have to apologize that much when it wasn’t totally their fault. I also loved that Noel held onto his love for her, she was his true love. Even at 22 he knew what he had with her was something he wasn’t willing to give up a second time.

Lanie, now there is a chick I wanted to slap hard. I am much harsher on my heroines. Not sure why just am. Chalk it up to me being a woman too and I expect more from them. Girl, you pissed me off to no end. You broke his heart 4 years ago because you said he would put his music before you. Why did he need to give up his dreams, but you didn’t have to sacrifice any of yours? Not to mention many other times during the story that you wanted him to put you first before everything else. Wrong chick, love is a give and take works both ways. You are damn lucky that man still loves you! He apologized to you over and over for things that weren’t even his fault and you should of actually been the one doing the begging, the apologizing. Let’s not forget the groveling. There was only one instance in that book where you deserved the apology and the begging he gave you and even then, instead of handling it like an intelligent adult you ran...hmmm something you did the entire book. What I hate the most about heroines, are the ones who run over and over and over again.

Ok with that being said, this was Michelle’s first book. Writing isn't easy and I would never want to try it. Plus unfortunately you can't please everyone and I am just one person. Did I regret the read? Nope I didn’t. Because there were some really great parts to it. I started to really enjoy the book after they met at the dock scene, the drama after that worked great for me and truly loved the ending. I also loved the secondary characters. I will read book 2 in the series. Can’t wait to find out who is featured in that story. I am hoping Riff! Who by the way was my favorite character.
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews317 followers
February 4, 2013

If you're a lover of sexy, rockstar love stories, you'll love this. Great for fans of The Sinners, The Mighty Storm, etc.

However, as much as I loved it, I found it a little too reminiscent of the books I mentioned above. It had a bit of each story thrown in to make one new book.

I loved Noel. He is seriously, drool worthy and will have any rock hero fanatic drooling from the very beginning. With his cocky self assured one liners and his desperate love for Lanie, you can't not fall in love with Noel Falcon. And Lanie, however much she tries to deny it, isn't immune either, finding herself in a position where she is forced to spend every waking moment with him, whilst he remains determined to wear down her walls.

"Nothing is more important than this job."
"Good, I'm glad to hear that because it's about to take up every minute of your life."

The writing is engaging and witty. I loved the banter between Lanie and Noel when they first meet up again. The scrummy sexual tension between two people who don't want to want one another, but just can't help it. Yum!

"This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart without hesitation back in high school. It's called Ball Busting Bitch, and Lanie, this one's for you."

Lanie, however, I wasn't totally sold on. I can't really put my finger on what it was about her that I didn't warm to, but she wound me up a bit. I'm not a huge fan of the goodie-goodie heroine and I think I put her into that category. I didn't like her reasons for ending the relationship with Noel four years ago, which I think put her on the back foot, and then I felt like she was way too judgemental for my liking. I didn't think she deserved Noel, who I was quite happy to take off her hands when she was irritatingly rebuffing. Girl, he's hot. He loves you. He's a rocking sex God. And did I mention he's hot? Yeh, I wouldn't kick him out of bed for a biscuit!

"Now that I have you back, I can't see my life without you. When I think about my future, I think about you."

As for bed... *fans self* there are some steamy ass scenes in Rock the Heart. I love a man who knows what he wants, and Noel sure comes under that heading. The sex is haaawwwt!

"Fuck the entire world. All that matters is what you think of me."

So, if you don't mind a bit of the same ol' childhood lovers reunite, good girl tames bad boy rocker, tours with him on tour bus, groupies and past whores rear their ugly, slutty, little heads, etc. etc. then give this a whirl, because it is a good in it's own right... just a little too similar to other reads for me to bust out the full on five star rating, for me. But if you love rock star romance, you'll definitely enjoy Rock the Heart!

"The only mistake when it comes to love, is not going for it."

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Profile Image for AJ.
3,040 reviews1,015 followers
November 8, 2014
This book is like the love child of The Mighty Storm and the Sinners on Tour books, with very strong elements of both plotlines pulled into this story.

Noel and Lanie were childhood sweethearts who shared a deeply intense love for each other, but Noel was left shattered when Lanie broke his heart at 18 when she told him she couldn’t take second place to his love of music that would never take him anywhere. Four years later, and Lanie is interning at a marketing firm, and Noel is now the lead singer of Black Falcon, and one of the biggest rock-gods in the country. Oops!

When Lanie is sent by her company to meet with Noel about a potential job, their eyes meet as he is performing on stage in front of a packed audience.

"This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart without hesitation back in high school. It's called Ball Busting Bitch, and Lanie, this one's for you."

Ouch, that’s harsh! But I’ve gotta admit, I kinda fell for Noel right then.

Despite his angry call-out, Noel wrangles an agreement whereby Lanie has to travel with him and his band on their tour bus for two weeks, while they work together on a project, while making it clear to Lanie that all he wants is “the chance to get back inside that tight, little body of yours.

It soon becomes clear that these two are still crazy about each other, and Noel brings out the flirting and the heavy seduction.

“Don’t you remember how hot we were together, Lane? God.” He takes a quick breath through clenched teeth and runs his hand down my side, “The things I can do to your body if you’d let me.”

I love Noel! He was so in love with Lanie, and was willing to do anything to bring her back into his life. He’s cocky and arrogant, but that served him well as he fought hard for his girl and never doubted for a moment that he would get her back. Lanie is one of those moderately annoying heroines – she wants him, but she has a whole list of reasons why they can’t be together. So there’s a fair bit of back and forth, and I was as confused as poor Noel was at whatever was driving her emotions at any one time.

“You’re driving me insane. I can’t keep doing this, Lane.”
I stare at him with my mouth open slightly. “Noel…”
“Just stop.” He closes his eyes. “Just stop, okay. You’re ripping my heart out and you don’t even know it.”

But Lanie finally gets her shit together, and can resist Noel no more and… HOTNESS!!!! There is some great chemistry between them, and we get to see not only the sexy stuff, but also some gorgeously swoony, romantic moments.

“I’ll do anything you want to make this happen between us … I can’t lose you again. It hurts too fucking much.”

But of course there are dramas, and in addition to their own issues they need to sort out, our loved up pair have to deal with Noel’s past, Lanie’s work, and a devastating betrayal. And with Lanie’s first instinct to run, there is a far from smooth road to her and Noel’s HEA.

I enjoyed this book. It's a very quick read, and while it doesn’t pack the punch of other rock star romance books out there, it kept me engaged enough to read it in one sitting. I really enjoyed getting to know the boys in the band, and am looking forward to their stories - particularly Riff the man whore (well, they're all man whores, really!), who is up next - so I’ll definitely be picking up the rest of the books in the series.

3 stars.
Profile Image for Alana ~ The Book Pimp.
859 reviews193 followers
August 30, 2013
I'm totally in the minority here. I look at the sea of reviews, and I am practically an island on this book. The beginning, I was there. My heart was aching. I wanted to root for the couple.

Then, I listened to more (it was the audiobook version.) *Sigh* The beginning was the highlight, it only went downhill from there. Let me first start this autopsy by naming the subject, Lanie- from this point on in the review she will be named Doormat. She's supposed to be this eager marketing intern trying to get her foot in the door to land her dream job. Now, I always thought of a marketing rep to essentially be a salesperson for the masses. In theory, if you are to 'land that dream marketing job' you should be a good salesperson. Doormat even thought it herself. I'm sorry, but Doormat was not a salesperson. She had no backbone, she was so naive that her ears much have been constantly wet behind them, and she was an absolute doormat. I guessing you can tell how much I 'like' her.

Now, enter broody, bipolar rock star. He was her first everything, and she broke his heart in high school. There's some more standard rock star background... blah blah blah. OK, so she broke his heart- in high school. I've heard of people finding 'the one' all the way back in high school, but it's far from the norm. So he's a grade-A prime horse's ass trying to scoop out her heart at the beginning. Not swoony. Not attractive. I don't care how talented and rockin' and rich you are, he went above and beyond to be a cold hearted snake. Then, true to form for the whole book, he flip-flops back and forth. Hot then cold - Don't run away from me but stay here while I take off and don't tell anyone where I am - Double standards out the wazoo - No. Just. No. I didn't see anything to swoon over. He was running when he should have been talking, seducing when he should be laying it out with an honest conversation, just plain being a dick about the way he does anything... and I'm supposed to swoon when he does a few sappy songs? I'm not even attracted to the guy. He's an ass. Not an alpha character that pisses me off but makes me melt... no, he just gives off douchebag vibes, has a double standard for Doormat and just - ugggg! He's an asshat. A douchecanoe of the highest order that needs to be made to sing soprano with a swift kick in the nads.

What did he see in Doormat? I think a peek into his head could have really, really helped this book. We have no idea why he's all contractions all the time. I am just SO PISSED at the characters and the story. Finishing the book, and ESPECIALLY finding out everything behind all the brouhaha, I was in a bad mood and muttering, "Bullshit" every few minutes. I wanted it to end, just to put me out of my misery. I'm on the fence as to continuing the series at all. Is it just this story, these characters, that I am loathing? I sure don't know. Many have read a loved it, but not this island. My island far, far away from that drama llama couple... but I didn't hate Riff, so maybe there is a chance for trying out another book.

I wish I could blame it all on the narrator, but she wasn't bad. Not great, but not bad. Instead of a book hangover, I got book rage. I need a glass of wine just to get my mood out of that Doormat funk. Maybe even a shot of tequila.
Profile Image for B.J..
Author 59 books1,821 followers
November 14, 2012
I received this book as an ARC copy from the author in return for an honest review.

I'll admit it, I love rock star books. But Michelle Valentine already had me when she admitted that Adam Levine was her muse for this book. The cockiness, the swagger, the gorgeous butt and above all else, his sincerity with his feelings had me fall in love with Noel Falcon. Lanie isn’t without her merits too, she is independent, wants to succeed in her new job, but like me, can’t get past Noel Falcon. He’s that kinda guy. The one you never forget, the one who you would walk over hot coals for just to get a slight quirk of a smile. Totally adore this book and can’t wait for Rock my Bed, even the title makes me quiver a little.

Michelle, you have totally outdone yourself with this book. It is well paced and well written, there is no cheesy romance clichés in this book either, which is a big plus for me too. It is original and is sure to be a best seller. Spread the word like Riff spreads his groupies, Rock the Heart is one of my favourite books of 2012 
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,034 reviews940 followers
December 2, 2012
3.5 stars

So I was quite excited to read Rock The Heart. I had purposely stayed away from the teasers. First off I want to say that “you cannot re-invent the wheel”. There are so many books in this genre out there that yes despite comparisons being inevitable and originality somewhat unreachable, to purely compare would be injustice to this book and its Author.

I love my rock star books, music and its artists are an obsession of mine, so yeah I am a sucker for hot rock star books!

Did Rock the Heart offer me anything new? No not really. However, the male hero did and I have to say that between him and the secondary character Riff (who I loved), the pair of them made this book for me. Noel had such arrogance…but was kind of charming with it. His broken heart; his struggle to become the famous rock star; his vulnerability, his piercings and tattoos, his unwavering love despite everything…yeah he had me!

“This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart without hesitation back in high school. It’s called Ball Busting Bitch, and Lanie this one’s for you.” – Noel

The plot…Without spoiling it too much, which is really easy here, I will say I enjoyed the build-up and was really excited as it put a bit of a different spin on things to begin with.

Lanie is our heroine and has just graduated out of College, following her dreams of a career in marketing. Lanie does not take risks, she is actually very straight and narrow, knows what she wants and isn’t about to budge for anything in her way to achieve this dream. She is quite a normal kind of girl. She has her insecurities like everyone else yet she is a breath of fresh air in the sense of her strength and her being unfazed and almost uninterested by the whole rock groupie phenomena. She is a woman who broke her first love’s heart, Noel, when he became a hurdle in the road of her dream due to his own. Yeah I can’t say I completely understand Lanie here but then again I am biased because I really liked Noel!

Their story was quite a ride, a hot frustrating one where some of the plot kind of reminded me of two other books I have read already this year. Despite this there were enough differences to avoid too many comparisons and taken for what it was, the journey was enjoyable, sexy and at no point did I consider leaving it.

So, overall, did I enjoy this story? Yes, however something seemed to be missing which could have made it great, details – issues left – touched on but not explored. The transitions from one chapter to the next felt kind of abrupt at times, that I was left to think huh…what happened next? How did we get from there to here and what happened in the mean-time? Also, at times the editing was below par and spell check had clearly altered words. This may sound harsh, I know, but what I am trying to say is that there was a great story here that came across as just good because of this. I do want to say though that I absolutely LOVE the cover. It completely makes a cover snob like me happy!!
Profile Image for Lady Raven RAVE!.
1,827 reviews1,370 followers
November 20, 2012
Intimacy Level: GOOD
Enjoyment: GOOD
Length: 2673 kindle
Style: Contemporary Rocker Romance

The band, Black Falcon, they put the func in dysfunctional. Between the groupies and whose sleeping with who, it was a quick, entertaining read. Lane's marketing company sends her for a few weeks to hang around the rich, sexy, rocker, Noel Falcon, to get a big contract. The problem, he is her ex whom she dumped after graduation. Now that he actually made it and she is nowhere near to moving up the ladder to her career, she doesn't want to do this gig. Now forced on a tour bus with him leads to a rekindled romance with a few secrets.

I liked this story. I found Noel's character to be sexy, mostly because of how he still feels about Lane. Of course, they hit a few rough patches in the beginning, middle and end of the story. But reading these two story as it develops was a little fun. I was also entertained by Lane's experience on tour with Noel, with the groupies and being behind stage with them was interesting. I enjoyed their chemistry and physical interaction while they are reconnecting with each other. One of the best moments, without giving it away, the song "Faithfully" by Journey. I love that song and that moment got an awwwwwwww moment from me.

The other characters were interesting. But not sure how I felt about Aubrey, Lane's best friend and Riff, Noel's band mate. That was a little too easy for me. However, Riff was quite the character as he bumps heads with Noel a bit and for good reasons. I am curious to see where the author takes the next book Rock My Bed.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,140 reviews34.8k followers
April 20, 2015
Another wonderful rockstar read... I don't care how many books I read about hot rockers- I never get sick of them ;D

After breaking up with her high school boyfriend Noel Falcon four years ago, Lanie ends up crossing paths with him again. Now Noel is a smoking hot rockstar and she is working as an intern to work in marketing. To get her dream job, she will have to follow Noel's tour for 2 weeks to come up with a marketing campaign for his charity. They both still have feelings for each other. Big time. After fighting the feelings for a few days, Lanie gives into Noel, but there is a big secret between the two of them that could tear them apart.

Noel was great- you could tell he was a good guy trying to do the right thing. About 75% into the book, I started to bite my nails... I was nervous. I wanted Noel and Lanie to have their hea and it seemed pretty impossible. Thankfully, I was wrong. The ending really threw me a curve ball The band members were funny, as was Lanie's friend Aubrey.
Enjoyed the book and the ending, looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Lisa.
165 reviews163 followers
November 20, 2012
4.5 Ulcer Inducing Stars!

Rock the Heart was a wild ride through a variety of emotional peaks and valleys. One moment I was happy and then the next I was so freaking mad I snapped at my husband who asked what time I would be starting dinner. Does he not know that when I am reading a good book I could care less about food? Then because I just had to know what happened after a fork went through my heart, I told him I had to “use” the restroom and snuck my iPhone into my hoodie, locked the door and read until my heart was beating at a normal pace again. I love books that do this to me even if my husband does not! Don’t judge…sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do to get some reading time! This book had a sweet and salty rock star, a female character I adored and great supporting characters. I loved, loved, loved it!

Lane is right out of college and working on accomplishing her dreams with a career in marketing. She isn’t a risk taker and tends to doubt herself but I loved her because she was NORMAL. She was a down to earth, great girl with the insecurities that most of us face at that age. Though she had doubts and insecurities, she still had amazing strength. She wasn’t a rock groupie or a doormat, just a woman in love with her high school sweetheart. The boy who was her first kiss, her first everything on the dock.

“You are going to be mine again, one day.” – Noel

Noel is a rocker and he loves his alcohol and can have any woman he wants. Now, I LOVE french fries with a chocolate shake and Noel was my sweet and salty;) He had the rocker edge and could be an ass but he could also be very cute and romantic. There was a point where his salt outweighed his sweet and I wondered what the heck happened to my Noel. Yes, I can almost guarantee that you will have a love/hate relationship with Noel!

“Because you and I both know this is going to happen. It’s only a matter of time before you give into me.” -Noel

I am a firm believer that first loves always hold a special place in your heart. This is true for Noel and Lane but their connection goes deeper than just first love, they are soul mates and compliment each other. They SIZZLE! Now, things did not end well for them back in high school but sometimes in life all we need is a second chance (I think I totally just added a line to a rock song to my review!). Lane has to let go of her doubts and risk her job to make this happen and Noel has to deal with life on the road and things from his past that he is not proud of. As I was reading this, I wanted and needed them to be together. They belong together.

I loved Riff, Trip and Tyke. I am not sure where Michelle got these names but they do fit in with the rock star persona. Trip and Tyke like the ladies but Riff REALLY likes the ladies. He has a little sweet spot for Lane though and even goes as far as to share his Oreos with her! NO ONE gets Riff’s Oreos! Aubrey was a great, supportive friend who was quite different from Lane. She wasn’t as scared to take chances and have a little fun. I can’t wait to read more about these characters!

Now, there is a moment in this one where I felt like someone took my heart out of my chest stomped on it and ran away with it. I expect a little drama in most romance books but WOW and WOW, I did not quite imagine it would be THAT. Yes, for a while there, I didn’t know if Michelle Valentine and I were going to be on speaking terms when I was done with this…How could she do that to me?? I appreciated the emotional roller coaster that was Rock the Heart! It was an exceptional debut and I cannot wait to read the second book in the series, Rock My Bed, which will feature Riff and Aubrey!
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
May 10, 2013
This is the story of Lane and Noel. They were each other first and only love and best friends since childhood, until when they’re eighteen, Lana break up with Noel because she’s tired of being put in second place, behind his dreams, that she don’t think he can achieve.
Four years later his dreams came true and he’s the lead singer and front man of the one of the best rock bands in the world, the Black Falcon. She is an intern in a big marketing company that wants to score a deal with the band. So they send her to do the job, with the promise that she will be fired if something goes wrong. But in order for her to get the contract, he demands that she goes in tour with him and his band for two weeks.
So they have to meet again after all this time and soon realize that the feelings that they had once are still there and never disappeared and suddenly all they want is go back in time to a point where they were happy.


They try again from the beginning, with no lies and nothing between them. The problem is that Noel is hiding something that could put everything in danger and afraid to lose her again he tries to hide some things in his life from Lane. She knows she will leave him if she finds out and he is decided to not lose her this time. He wants the forever.


Okay, this book was good. Not absolutely amazing, but a very good reading anyway.
I can't fully connect with the main characters, especially Lane, first half of the book she is just annoying. Noel was good, although not madly sexy for a rock star.
The secondary characters, however, were really good. I liked Riff and Aubrey a LOT.
There were several moments where it reminded me a lot of The Mighty Storm, but TMS was way better.
But anyway, it was a good story with rock stars and I'll never grow tired of rock stars stories! ;)
I will most certainly read the next ones!
Profile Image for Tanya.
22 reviews
November 7, 2012
This book is a MUST read! It will take your emotions on a ride...happy, excited, sad...oh so many more, you'll just have to read it! You will instantly love Lanie and Noel, the supporting characters are great too! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for nikki.
791 reviews103 followers
May 11, 2020
Noel Falcon is a tool and Lanie needs to grow a backbone.
That is all.
November 30, 2012
Four Stars

“I’ll do anything you want to make this happen between us, including give you time because I can’t lose you again. It hurts too fucking much.” ~ Noel

Son of a bitch! Curse you, Rockgods! You know you’re one of my weaknesses; my kryptonite. I couldn’t help but pick this book up. I seriously have issues. I can’t say no to these hot and sexy tattooed gods. The only thing that would totally make me combust is if he was a British rockstar. Alas, he is not, but that’s okay. Noel Falcon is still one hot male specimen.

“This next song goes out to the girl who shredded my heart without hesitation back in high school. It’s called Ball Busting Bitch, and Lanie, this one’s for you.”

Oh, yea Noel has some resentment towards his former high school love, Lanie. According to Lanie, I knew I broke his heart when I said I could never be with a dreamer because dreams don’t pay the bills. Fast forward four years and now he’s famous. She, however, is still trying to make it in the marketing business. She works as an intern at one of New York’s top marketing companies. Because no one else at the firm volunteers, she reluctantly agrees to wine and dine Noel to obtain information in marketing his charity. This is the kind of break she needed to get hired permanently, but how will she react to seeing Noel? Better yet, how will he react seeing her again?

“All I want to do is be with you. Now that I have you back I can’t see my life without you. When I think about my future, I think about you.”

The love of his life is back. Now that he’s famous, Noel can have anyone he wants. But when Lanie shows up, all he wants her; a second chance. He will do whatever it takes to win her back, including convincing the CEO of her Marketing company to allow her to tour with him and his band while she “researches.” She is not thrilled at this idea and really does not want to subject herself to this. This. Is. Not. Happening. Unfortunately, her career is on the line and she has no choice. Two weeks with Noel. A lot can happen in two weeks.

“I tried to get over you. I really did, but you were always there. Every woman I kissed was you.”

Second chance love….God, I LOVE stories like this, I’m a sucker for it actually. This story was pretty predictable, but it was still worth the read. Sometimes you need something like this to take you away and live the dream of catching the eye of a super sexy rock star. **sigh** I will always love these type of stories and will always return to them like a moth to a flame. I cannot wait to read book two in the series: Riff and Aubrey’s story. He’s such a man whore and I totally loved Aubrey. I’m also hoping she’ll write one for each twin in the band, too. Tyke and Trip…yumm!! Oh wait! New image is forming in my head: Tyke, Trip and me…**Faints**
Profile Image for Nikki.
55 reviews5 followers
November 19, 2012
I received this book as an ARC from the author. Thank you so much Michelle! You rock!

I don't even know where to begin! I LOVE this book so much that love isn't even an adequate enough word to describe it! It is that good!!
The relationship and attraction between Noel and Lanie is so intense, that you feel yourself being completely consumed by them and their story! If not for my kids, I would have not put this book down until I was done! Even then I only put it down once!
Michelle has you falling in love with not just Noel and Lanie, but all of the people you come to meet! Ok so maybe there are a few that you'd like to rip into but strangely you can't because you can understand why things went the way they did. I laughed, cried, had my heart broken, and put back together! Michelle Valentine has written the next big thing! Who can resist these sexy rockers? I sure cant!! I can't wait for Rock My Bed!! Is that not the hottest title ever?!?
This is a MUST READ!! One of my all-time favorite books!!
Michelle I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars!! The world needs to know about Noel, Riff, Trip, Tyke, and Striker!! So on the 20th, get it, read it, love it, and tell the world people!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,514 reviews

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