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Abstract shapes

In contrast to the soft, biomorphic shapes in many of Krasner's earlier paintings, a number of hard-edged abstract forms can be found in this later work.

Brimming with color

The work is filled with three main colors – kelly green, carmine red, and a fuchsia pink.

Geometric forms

The geometric forms used in Krasner's ‘Primary Series’ can be seen in this work, described by the art historian Cindy Nemser as ‘expansive yet contained … stately [and] slow-moving’.

Cracks and scratches

If you get right up close to 'Palingenesis', you can start to see the cracks and scratches in the paint.

Palingenesis, Lee Krasner, 1971

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Who painted this 'Melancholy Woman'?
Clue: they are known for co-founding the Cubist movement
Pablo Picasso
Melancholy Woman, Pablo Picasso, Detroit Institute of Arts


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Metropolitan Mexico

Beloff was a Russian painter who lived and worked in Mexico City for most of her life. Here, she has painted one of the city's busiest streets, bustling with cars and people.

Parked by the park

The trees in Alameda Central, the city's oldest public park, are visible to the left of the picture, contrasting with the lines of parked cars nearby.

Coexisting in the city

The work reflects the liveliness of the area, with the dozens of passersby coexisting with the cars and the tram.

Hidalgo Avenue, Angelina Beloff, 1949

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Museum spotlight

The National Museum, New Delhi in its majestic building on the corner of Janpath and Maulana Azad Road is the prime museum in India.

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