Stoyan Nenov

Stoyan Nenov

Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
“A good picture should make sense to everyone, regardless of their social status or geographic location.”


I cover social features, sports events and politics, and occasionally I travel across Europe to help cover general and breaking news.

One Shot

. DOBRINISHTE, Bulgaria. REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov
Musicians play near a bonfire during rituals in celebration of Sirni Zagovezni festival in the village of Dobrinishte, Bulgaria. People in this region believe they can chase away evil spirits with fire rituals on Sirni Zagovezni.
“One of my favourite shots shows Roma musicians playing in front of a ritual bonfire. To chase away evil spirits, local men place old truck tires on top of a huge pine tree in the centre of a big meadow and then set them on fire while dancing to the music. The ritual was banned after environmental protests. Still, the view was spectacular.”


My memories of photography go back to the early 80s. I remember my father taking pictures of me while I was pretending to be on the phone or playing with my sisters around a plastic pool.

I began studying photography in 1995 but got really interested during my internship and training period with "The Democracy Daily”. The team was amazing and all of a sudden I was surrounded by great professionals.

My first assignment was a weather feature. I started working for the agency in January and there were heavy snowfalls at the time. I drove around the suburbs of Sofia in the early hours, looking for people clearing the snow from their cars before heading to work.

The story that left the biggest mark on me was one of my first assignments abroad, to Israel and the Palestinian territories in 2006. It was a real eye-opener. I went to help cover the parliamentary elections in Palestine. That was when I actually realised what it was like to work as a photographer for one of the busiest bureaus in the world.

My favourite stories explore topics like social inequality, human rights, minority issues and racism.

A good picture should make sense to everyone, regardless of their social status or geographic location.

Over the years I have learnt it is important to be nice to everyone and never to take your job for granted.

Professionally, I most admire Sebastiao Salgado. His decision to leave his career as an economist to become a photographer reveals the true power of photography.

Behind the Scenes

. Sofia, Bulgaria
Stoyan Nenov takes pictures as riot police clash with protesters in front of the Bulgarian Parliament building in Sofia.
. Sofia, Bulgaria
Nenov covers the opening of a new subway line in Sofia.