Best around.
For your precious one.

CRANIOfORM®: helping your child's head

In the CRANIOfORM® network, highly specialized doctors - all cranial deformation experts - share their practical experience and expertise. Together they all use Original-CRANIOfORM® helmet therapy to treat children with positional head deformations(plagiocephaly, brachycephaly) or post-surgical craniosynostoses with the latest medical science and guarantee them improved quality of life over the long term.

The Pan-European CRANIOfORM® network brings together, paediatricians, paediatric surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, paediatric neurologists, physical therapists and osteopathologists to provide a perfect interdisciplinary care for the smallest of patients. 

Close cooperation with renowned university hospitals both nationally and internationally provides easy access to the latest research and scientific findings which are constantly being integrated into CRANIOfORM® development work. CRANIOfORM®, fully and completely focused on craniums supports scientific studies on the diagnosis and treatment of cranial deformations and has an independent network of specialists to participate in them.

You can find a competent partner from our CRANIOfORM®®network near you.


The CRANIOfORM® Network: The personal guarantee

Dr. Christoph Blecher was an oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the Gießen University Hospital for 23 years where he has treated children with positional cranial deformation using the original CRANIOfORM® helmet therapy.

His experience and expertise in the evaluation of cranial growth imaging and measurement, with innovations in helmet design and in advancing volume measurement technology - such as those made using the special CRANIOfORM Analytics® Software - are always integrated in the optimisation and perfecting of uniquely gentle and natural helmet therapeutic methods for the benefit of the smallest patients.

The father of two personally guarantees the continuous improvement of treatment strategies, in particular the CRANIOfORM® helmet therapy which is used at significant craniofacial centers.

"The continuous sharing of knowledge among renowned cranial experts as well as the permanent research and development in a professional network is important to me. They are part of my sense of duty towards our smallest patients."

Blecher has successfully treated thousands of children with the CRANIOfORM® helmet therapy (examples of success). He is present at various sessions in various locations.