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Heirs of All Hallows’ #5

Brutal Callous Heir: Part One

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Bestselling author Cailtyn Dare brings you a new dark high school romance in the Heirs of All Hallows' series.

Cruel Devious Heir: part two is a dark high school bully romance. If possessive, rugby playing alphaholes aren't your thing, you probably won't like this book!

312 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 22, 2023

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Caitlyn Dare

48 books1,306 followers
Two angsty romance lovers writing dark heroes and the feisty girls who bring them to their knees.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Ashley's Reads.
286 reviews10 followers
June 27, 2023
* I received an arc of this book for my honest review *

We are back in All Hallow's, and this time we are digging in to Theo's life. Theo has got an abusive dad that he is trying to protect his sister Millie from. He is such a good big brother and that makes my heart melt for him. Theo runs into(literally) new girl Raine, and his interest is instantly peaked. Though whether it's hate or something else is yet to be determined.

Raine is a foster kid, who has had a tough life. All Hallow's is the last place she wants to be, but she is just bidding her time until she can age out of the system and move far away. She is not looking to make any friends but ends up feeling a bond with Millie, Theo's baby sister. This sparks their hate/lust war and it was steamy, intense fun! Raine is one tough cookie and is not scared to go head-to-head with an Heir. The chemistry between Theo and Raine is off the charts HOT!

Raine has some secrets though and one of those secrets is how this book ended. I'm excited to finally see Raine spill what she is hiding, and how Theo is going to react to these new dangers. Will he fight to protect Raine? Or will he let her go so he can get his revenge on his father and protect his sister?
Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,532 reviews161 followers
July 14, 2023
This was such a good read! It had me on the edge of my seat from beginning till end with that hot sexual tension and their explosive chemistry this one had me in a hold and didn’t let go till that shocking ending! I love the female character she’s strong gives as good as she gets and I think is perfect for this heir! Can’t wait till the next book because that ending!!!
June 24, 2023
Brutal Callous Heir is the utterly consuming start to Theo and Raine’s story. I don’t even know where to begin; as always, this duo blew any expectations I may have had out of the water. There’s so much more to Theo than meets the eye, and when it comes to Raine, there are no holds barred because this brutal heir has met his match.

Raine only has one thing on her mind, and that’s keeping her head down until she turns 18 so she can disappear. She’s strong and resilient in a way that comes from having no other option but to survive. She’s got her heart behind fortified steel, and the last thing she wants is to make friends at All Hallows’. Everything she may have wanted goes up in smoke the minute Theo sets his sights on her. Not only him, but the girls who have captured the untouchable heirs are determined to bring her into their sassy friend circle.

Theo is in part who you would have thought him to be, but there’s much more to him than anyone realizes, including the other heirs. He’s the brutal heir we’ve gotten a glimpse of—callous and closed off—and there’s only one person who knows what’s behind the brutal words and callous actions.

Raine goes toe-to-toe with Theo time and time again. Once he realizes she’s not just going to bow down to his every command, the two of them get into a battle of wills. Callous words and brutal touches are all sorts of spicy foreplay that becomes a ferocious storm of intensity that is either going to become their salvation or their ruin. Two people who have seen and dealt with more than they should have ever had to, and for as different as they are, the broken pieces in the depths of their souls seem to have recognized that the darkness inside them connects them in a way that neither of them were looking for.

The emotions on the pages came in ferocious waves that began on the very first page. Raine nor Theo were really interested in opening up; although their lives were worlds apart, they both had a dark cloud filled with the past that lingered above them. My heart ached for both of them; there’s still so much to uncover, and with that cliffhanger, I’m not sure I’ll survive the wait.

Brutal Callous Heir is without question my new favorite of the All Hallows’ series. As soon as I read the first word, it was a given that real life was going to be ignored until I read every word (#NoRegrets). An all-consuming blend of vehement chemistry, a brutal AF alpha-hole, a fiercely strong heroine, waves of emotion, witty banter, secrets unveiled, blazing hot steam, and a "wtf" cliffhanger that had me muttering "wtf." I NEED book 2...

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Profile Image for Renee.
4,332 reviews62 followers
June 22, 2023
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

This is the story of Theo and Raine. You also get to see some of the couples from the other books in this series and I so loved seeing them again.
Raine finds herself at All Hallows on her last chance because she is in the system of foster care. She is warned and begged to stay out of trouble and she is planning to do just that. Until she turns eighteen and ages out. Once that happens then she is out of there. She knows she doesn't belong there. She is in one of the nicest rooms she ever stayed in in her life. It does not take her very long at all to figure out who the Heirs are as Theo comes to her with a warning to stay away from his sister and promising to make sure she doesn't stay there long because he knows she doesn't belong their. She however is a girl who is not going to take that laying down. Raine is a girl who has had a rough life in her short seventeen years and she learned a long time ago to take no crap off of anyone or to let anyone in. She hasn't had friends I don't think ever or maybe she did and someone hurt her. I haven't quiet figured her out and you will not know the reason she is sent to All Hallows. That will have to wait. She and Theo though don't get off on a good foot. Fight all the time. But are so attracted to one another. Their banter is great. Together they have some very fiery exchanges. We all know that there is a fine line between love and hate and we are about to straddle that line with these two. Theo and Millie though have lived through a lot and Raine isn't the only one hiding secrets. Theo is going to do what he needs to do to keep his sister safe I have to stop talking about this story or I am going to give something away. I absolutely cannot wait to see what happens in the next book. i have so many questions I need answer too.
Profile Image for Geri Stoikova.
262 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2023
I was totally surprised by Brutal Callous Heir by Caitlyn Dare. Pleasantly surprised. And I loved it . It was such a page turner that I couldn't put down . You see I wanted to know what happens next with Raine and Theo . I loved their witty banter and their constant battle of wills. And don't let me start on the scorching hot chemistry between them. For two very different people they both have so much in common. Raine is the first girl who challenges Theo and is not interested in chasing him but runs in the opposite direction. And that's picks his interest. And that leads to so many encounters between them in his attempt to find out who she is and why she is that way . I loved his nickname for her - a total opposite of her name . Raine absolutely is my hero - street smart, sassy , strong willed and with a kind heart. She becomes a constant in Millie's life . Millie is like the little sister she never had . She accepts her for what she is and truly enjoy her company. Although her bond with the other girls is on entirely different level . And I think that if needed she'll fight for them . Theo is used everyone to bow to him or to chase him . So Raine totally surprised and intrigued him . He meets his match in Raine. And I loved how he started to change his view of her and their connection. I have to admit that I can't wait for the next book in the duet because I want to know what will happen next with them . All of them have their secrets and ghosts from the past . But Raine's past came to get her . Literally . And that cliffhanger. Not so good . I still can't wrap my mind around it . But I'll have to wait for the second book in Brutal Callous Heir. August the 3rd can't come soon enough.

I received an ARC copy of this book by Deviant Hearts PR in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Cara.
352 reviews8 followers
June 23, 2023
Ah Theo, we finally get more of Theo. And boy we are not disappointed! We know all Heirs have a darkness inside them, stemming from their childhood's and what they had to endure, and Theo is no different. Except he also has a little sister he will do anything to protect. He's unapologetic, he's possessive, he can be an a$$ and he's fiercely loyal to the people he cares about.
Then we have Raine. She's had a terrible childhood, but she didn't grow up privileged, like the Heirs. She's angry, stand-offish, has a huge chip on her shoulder, and won't let anyone in.
These two together are fireworks waiting to explode. In the beginning, she pushes Theo like no one else and he doesn't know what to make of her. He knows she has done something but cannot prove it.
She doesn't want to make friends either, no matter how much Tally and the others try.
Theo and Raine's back and forth is fun to watch. She really does give him hell.
Theo is all dominant alpha and their scenes are oh so spicy! The author knows how to write a good schmexy scene that's for sure! The writing as a whole is really well done. The story keeps you engaged and eager to keep reading. I like how we're seeing small pieces of the softer Theo, it's not much, but we see enough to know it is there. I think having Raine is going to keep him level-headed, something he needs.
We still don't know Raine's past and I looking forward to seeing what happens after that cliffhanger! Theo also still has unfinished business and I can only imagine how action packed part 2 is going to be!
Profile Image for Cara.
319 reviews1 follower
March 5, 2024
Ah Theo, we finally get more of Theo. And boy we are not disappointed! We know all Heirs have a darkness inside them, stemming from their childhood's and what they had to endure, and Theo is no different. Except he also has a little sister he will do anything to protect. He's unapologetic, he's possessive, he can be an a$$ and he's fiercely loyal to the people he cares about.
Then we have Raine. She's had a terrible childhood, but she didn't grow up privileged, like the Heirs. She's angry, stand-offish, has a huge chip on her shoulder, and won't let anyone in.
These two together are fireworks waiting to explode. In the beginning, she pushes Theo like no one else and he doesn't know what to make of her. He knows she has done something but cannot prove it.
She doesn't want to make friends either, no matter how much Tally and the others try.
Theo and Raine's back and forth is fun to watch. She really does give him hell.
Theo is all dominant alpha and their scenes are oh so spicy! The author knows how to write a good schmexy scene that's for sure! The writing as a whole is really well done. The story keeps you engaged and eager to keep reading. I like how we're seeing small pieces of the softer Theo, it's not much, but we see enough to know it is there. I think having Raine is going to keep him level-headed, something he needs.
We still don't know Raine's past and I looking forward to seeing what happens after that cliffhanger! Theo also still has unfinished business and I can only imagine how action packed part 2 is going to be!
Profile Image for Kay Daniels (Kay Daniels Romance).
1,803 reviews59 followers
June 18, 2023
The steamy tension is high between these two right from the very beginning. Their bickering is top notch and frankly watching Theo lose his mind over Raine is utterly fantastic!!

While I expected Theo to charm anything in a skirt, given his penchant of a revolving door and his big appetite for the ladies, it didn't really go his way when he meets the new girl on campus. Raine may have come to All Hallows for a fresh start, but she never drops her wicked attitude. At this point in her life it's just a part of who she is. These two were instant friction of fire and ice, but it was the perfect combination for all kinds of wicked chemistry that never let off the gas once it began.

There was no instant Heir adoration or falling upon Theo's...um...feet. Yeah, I'll go with that. Raine was no wallflower and for the first time in his life Theo perked up to a challenge. Raine is the opposite of every woman he's ever known and while it frustrates him to no end, he also can't stop thinking about her.

Raine doesn't plan on staying at All Hallows beyond her eighteenth birthday. She doesn't make friends, nor does she do long term attachments. Theo is the last person she wants an entanglement with. However, he keeps ending up in her sights and no matter what she does he keeps coming back. 

This new duet is definitely my new favorite in the series and I can hardly wait to see what happens in the conclusion between them. 
300 reviews4 followers
June 23, 2023
4.5 Stars

Brutal Callous Heir, Part 1 is the first book in a duet and the fifth book in the All Hallows series. It follows Theo Ashworth and Raine Storm.

After some trouble at her last foster home, Raine’s social worker gets her placed at Saint’s Cross Academy. She knows right away that she does not fit in with the rich kids. Theo is an Heir and a rugby player, like all the other Heirs. The Heirs basically run the school due to the wealth and connections from their parents.

Following the personalities of the other Heirs from the other books in the series, Theo is a total Alphahole, but he is also a great big brother. It was so sweet how protective he was of his younger sister, Millie. He really puts her well-being above his own and is in constant worry for her. He suffers through encounters with their abusive father so as not to enrage him and have him pull Millie away.

Raine is a little badass and her first encounter with Theo leaves an impression on him. He was enticed by her smart mouth and how she stood up to him. He’s so used to getting his own way that she was a breath of fresh air. Hence, why he started calling her Sunshine. I was enthralled with Raine and Theo’s push and pull, both trying not to give in to the other. It made for some really steamy encounters between the two. The spice was LIT!

There are hard times up ahead. Theo divulged part of his, but Raine is still a bit of a mystery. I can’t wait to read Part 2 to see what her situation is after that cliffhanger where her past caught up to her.
Profile Image for s.shadereads .
359 reviews70 followers
June 22, 2023

Brutal Callous Heir is by far my favorite All Hallows book! I'm totally obsessed with Theo and Raine. I devoured this book in one sitting. 🙌

Raine is a total boss character. I absolutely love a baddass bitch female character and she fits that to a T. She's smart, independent, and has sass for days. She goes toe to toe with Theo never backing down, which drives him mad. But underneath all that tough exterior is also a total softie. She shows she cares in the way she pulls Theo's little sister under her wing and with how she breaks down his impenetrable walls.

Theo is nothing like I thought he'd be. In previous books, he seemed like the fun, loving, crazy emotional friend. When in reality, he's angry and closed off. Callous as the book title states. Raine catches his attention from their very fist run-in. The cat and mouse game they play throughout the entire book is deliciously sexy and entertaining. Their back and forth will have you laughing at their antics while sweating with the sexual chemistry they exude.

The mystery behind Raine's past and Theo's dad will have you anticipating what will happen next. And I say this every time I read a Caitlyn Dare book, but of course, in true Dare fashion, you are left with a jaw-dropping cliffhanger. I can not wait to get my hands on the next part of Theo and Raine's story!
663 reviews7 followers
June 22, 2023
My favorite of the series, by far!! I loved Theo and Raine! This book was so sexy and intense. The chemistry between them was burning through the pages. So hot!!!

We got a glimpse of Raine at the end of Oakley's book and I was already obsessed with her. I've been eagerly awaiting this book to finally get her story! I absolutely loved her. She is my favorite main female character of this series and one of my top female characters of all time. She was such a badass. She was snarky with a great sarcastic wit. I loved how she turned Theo on his head by going against him.
I wish I could embody her confidence and be half as courageous as she is. I also love how she is with Millie, being a shoulder for her to lean on.

I loved Theo too. I'm a sucker for a broken boy. Watching him get put in his place by Raine was amazing though. He was so good with Millie and I admired how he was always there for her.

I really enjoyed getting to see all the past characters from the former books and getting a little more hints about Elliot as well.

I can't wait for the rest of Theo and Raine's story because I am fully invested in both of these characters! I would highly recommend Brutal Callous Heir: Part One. It was so addictive I couldn't put it down!
Profile Image for Rina's Reads.
1,544 reviews34 followers
June 23, 2023
Hello, deviant goodness... WOAH! What a ride.

I. was. hooked.

From start to finish Theo and Raine bantered and sparred. Pushed, pulled, and tested the fine line between love and hate.

Their chemistry was explosive—a vicious kind of attraction—which nearly set my Kindle on fire.
I'm not at all surprised with the attraction that was between the two of them but I was surprised by the softer moments we got to witness.
There were moments of pure vulnerability and complete honesty that were eye-opening, brutal truths that were exposed about their familial lives and mentions of past hurts that were raw and carried notes of grief and bitterness. Some of the topics could be upsetting to some readers but I found it all very intriguing.

New characters were introduced (which I can't wait to read more about) and of course, we got to catch up with our other lovers and friends.
I can see that Elliot has softened a bit and Abi is starting to stand up for herself more so I can't wait to see what evolves in their books!

Overall, this book was an amazing read and I can not wait to find out what happens in their conclusion.

Profile Image for Naama Madeker .
22 reviews
June 25, 2023
Raine has me in a choke hold, I couldn't stop reading.
Theo is so whipped, She wrapped him around her little finger.
I learned more about Theo's past, and shit I wanted to cry so bad and hug him till he will bag me to stop (I bet he would love that).
He's a good big brother and it's just the fact, his bond with Mille is so sweet, I love how much he's productive of Her.
raine is so strong and doesn't back down, I love how she plays Theo with easy.
Theo knew he was into her since she bump into him.
The way he trying to protect her in his own way thoo I just couldn't stop screaming like a little kid.
I love how they're teasing each other like it's normal, their relationship giving me butterflies no kidding.
I don't want to talk about the end but I'm so inpatient for the next book, it's a need.
The friendship between him and the guys does not disappoint, his pov on them is so funny and special.

“I’d say thanks for everything but we both know it would be a lie” yess gurl

"These two pussies are loved up, Elliot is walking around with a perpetual boner for a girl he probably shouldn’t be anywhere near, and I am… I’m obsessing over a girl I can’t stand." I love this sentence so freaking much
Profile Image for April Davadi.
252 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2023
Brutal Callous Heir , I DID NOT EXPECT. I was absolutely sucked in from the moment I realized it was in my kindle . Theo Ashworths Story .

Theo the brutal, party boy heir with the wh0rish reputation. But really there is more to him than meets the eye , especially when it comes to his sibling. He puts up masks with walls nit even his bestfriends can penetrate, even though they know just enough that brushes the surface.

Raine Storm has lived a life in the system , Noone to trust never protected . When events happen that we're Still unsure about, puts her at All Hallows. It's everything she expects out of a posh schooling & pretentious as$h0les. She knows she doesn't belong & with that she has one thing in mind, her aging out the system and getting as far away as possible to start over.

Theo & Raine collide into a battle of control, defiance, angst. Woooo if I've ever seen love & hate its most definitely these two . Raine goes toe to toe with Theo to knock him down a peg an secretly he loves it ! This does end on a hanger so be warned . I think this is my favorite heir story yet & I can't wait for part two
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
179 reviews9 followers
June 24, 2023
Theo an Raine are so perfect together!

Raine is a new player that was introduced at the end of Tally an Oakleys book I love her character. Raine is dark an mysterious an has secrets of her own but she goes head to head with Theo an he is the exact same as she is.

Theo is instantly obsessed/attracted to Raine mostly because he just can’t figure her out an her personality daws him him since they’re both similar. Raine becomes fast friends with Theo’s sister Millie even though he basically forbids them to interact.

Throughout the whole book both Raine an Theo are playing a steamy game of cat and mouse that also includes her tagging the heirs cars. Liv Tally an Abi become friends with Raine even though she really doesn’t want to because she doesn’t plan on staying after she ages out.

We get more in-depth information about Theo an Millie’s background an home life in this book let’s just say we absolutely hate his dad. It’s interesting how much Theo grows throughout the book really the series you get to see how he becomes more aware of his feelings a bit he can’t get Raine out of his head an I think he is falling in love with her an she with him but with there backgrounds being as far apart as they’re it doesn’t seem like they think they can be together.

This series is so good the cliffhanger at the end of this book makes me want book 6 to read more of these characters duet both are very intriguing an I need to know what happens when Theo realizes something has happened.
Profile Image for Kali Dempsey.
1,249 reviews24 followers
June 21, 2023
5.0/5 ⭐
3.5/5 🌶️

This is probably my favorite All Hallows' book yet, I'm just obsessed with Raine and Theo. They were so freaking good together, and then you throw in the added mystery elements of Theo's dad and Raine's past and I demolished this book so fast.

I adore Raine. She is independent and smart, with a extra helping of sarcasm and wit. She's definitely the type of person I'd see myself clinging to, not only because she's funny, but because she is a sweet and caring person beneath that tough exterior. The way she handles Millie just warms my heart and I love how she's breaking down Theo's walls too.

I was cracking up the whole book with the other Heir's antics around Theo and his relationship with Raine. They were hilarious at times, sweet during others and I can't wait until the next duet when Elliot finally settles down as the last bachelor.

This one ended on quite the cliffhanger and I will be anxiously awaiting book two of the Brutal Callous Heir duet because I need to know how Theo burns down the world for Raine. I can't wait to watch them get their happily ever after.
Profile Image for Tasha.
201 reviews12 followers
June 27, 2023
Brutal Callous Heir is the story about the beginning of Theo and Raine's relationship. It starts out a lot like the situations of the other Heirs. Theo thinks he is untouchable and can get away with anything he wants. Raine is the new kid, she is just trying to get by until she is old enough to move on. They are both going through a slew of personal stuff, it brings all the feelings to the surface.
From their very first meeting feelings are intense for Theo and Raine. Neither one knows how to handle these new feelings they have for each other. They both can give as good as they get to one another. Mistakes will be made and need to be overcome.
I love it when past characters are still part of the current storyline. We get to read about the past couples and see how things are progressing in their relationships. Plus, we get a glimpse into the future couple and the possible next story.
The ending came unexpectedly. I have been left with so many questions about Raine’s past. I can’t wait to see how Theo plans on handling the situation with his father. I'm waiting impatiently for book two and the conclusion of Theo and Raine Story.
Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,002 reviews755 followers
July 14, 2023
“You’re mine, Sunshine. Mine.”

The Heirs of All Hallows continue to own me as I can’t get enough of this series that slays. Brutal Callous Heir … oh did I devour thee! I couldn’t put this book down. It’s hot, heady, and heart-racing with all the hate-love vibes.

Brutal Callous Heir is a wickedly delicious game of cat and mouse with a devastatingly handsome devil of a king and the beautiful and bold queen who brings him to his knees. I loved Theodore and Raine, complex characters who walk that fine line between love and hate. The line blurs between the predator and the prey … and the player and the played. I was all here for it. I felt that fire and desire burning through the pages.

I reveled in this romance’s fusion of savage, scorching and sweet, devouring every word. This romance with made my heart race while setting my body on fire. I was in enemies-to-lovers romance bliss! Brutal Callous Heir rendered me breathless and begging for more. I can’t wait to see how this saga ends.

💋💋💋💋💋 sinfully delicious kisses

➡️ https://amzn.to/3pFfQ9n

Reviewed on behalf of Bookalicious Babes Blog
Profile Image for Shelly Rogers.
282 reviews12 followers
June 25, 2023
Theo & Rain 👏🏼

I’m not sure what I was expecting with Theo’s story…but oh my did it blow all my expectations out the water!!

I absolutely could not put this book down. Had I not needed to go to bed for work the next day I would have read it all on a day.

We know Theo from the previous books. He's rough and secretive. But when he bumps into the new girl in the hallway, his whole world gets turned upside down.

Raine has one last chance. She has to keep her head down and stay out of trouble at All Hallows. Only a few months until she turns 18 and then she is free. She doesn't need friends, and certainly not the boy that reeks of bad decsions. No matter how hard she tries, she just can't help the pull to Theo.

These two are EXPLOSIVE. There are so many secrets working on coming out. Of course, every couple in this series is a duet, and I'm impatient. So there is a cliffhanger. And that is going to leave you with more questions than answers.

I am loving this series. I love how each story is so completley different. I highly recommend you read it!
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,823 reviews7 followers
June 22, 2023
Theo and Raine are off to a bumpy start… Theo is quick to warn Raine away from his sister after they forge a connection, but it’s just one of the many things that they battle over. All their fighting is fueled by passion which spills over in probably unsurprising ways. Raine is a spitfire who still won’t bow down to the Heirs. All Hallows is her last chance because of some mysterious trouble she has gotten herself into. She’s going to have to straddle the line between staying out of trouble and standing up to the Heirs… Meanwhile, Theo and his sister Millie have been quiet about the monster who shaped them and lives in their home. Theo is nearly old enough to take control of his own life and get his sister out of their unacceptable situation. This one is filled with secrets and tension and steam. I can’t wait to see what happens in the second half of the duet and continue watching other characters develop their relationships.
1,138 reviews8 followers
June 26, 2023
I have loved all these books, but Theo is claiming the number one spot for the Bad boy of all the Heirs. He is a force all by himself. Theo has a plan to protect his sister, and everything is falling into place. Raine is new to All Hallows and she is not a huge fan of being there. She has always looked after herself and has no plans of letting anyone in. This book was fast paced and draws you in from the first chapter. Raine is a fierce stubborn, spit fire of a female character. She can hold her own, and she does on many occasions when she us up against Theo. The push and pull between these two shows that their chemistry is volcanic when they do end up getting together. He has never had a woman stand up to him and he is drawn to her. She is intrigued by him but know she will he out of there as soon as she turns 18. This book will keep you on your toes and give you everything you want from a good bully enemy to lover's book. You will devour it and want more when you're done. you have secrets, twists, past that come back to haunt you and the steam was off the charts hot. I can't wait to see want comes next it will be a wild ride for sure. I was given this book as an ARC for my honest review.
Profile Image for Renee's Reading Nook.
210 reviews4 followers
June 28, 2023
I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with myself until part 2. Raine and Theo may be my absolute favorite couple. Brutal Callous Heir is right up there with the other two pulling you into their world so hard you don't want to leave.

Raine and Theo seem like such an unlikely pair but given the fact that she challenges him and doesn't bow down like the rest of the chasers it is unsurprising Theo goes after her.

Both Raine and Theo have their secrets that make up who they are as broken individuals. They both start to lower their defenses jut to pull them back up again and again not fully trusting the other. They will need to learn to trust the other if they're going to make it work.

To say I loved this would be an understament! This is one of those times I wish I had the next book in the duet to devour. A million ⭐️ (if I could of course) so dang good. Theo is the king of spice at this point. It was scorching hot. 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Profile Image for Valentina.
1,097 reviews328 followers
June 26, 2023

Theo was one of the more sexy in this series of books: rough — and she liked it, cocky, and dominant. His and Raine’s interactions were always very passionate, explosive, with a sexual undercurrent. Raine, having grown up in foster care, was strong and confident. Her smirky responses and retribution in the face of bullying were delightful. Yet she held a vulnerable that was touching. She was drawn to those sweeter and defenseless personalities, such as the bashful side character Abi and the hero’s younger sister.

A progressive pace with an intense build up of sexual energy, this was relatively spicy. The story showed fun camaraderie among established and new characters with some foreshadowing of events to come. Enjoyable, enemies to lovers, a favorite couple. I look forward to continuing their romance, learning their secrets sprinkled throughout hinting at more.
Profile Image for Sandie Chraponski.
1,388 reviews13 followers
June 20, 2023
We are back in Saints Cross spending time with the Heirs of All Hallows. Caitlyn Dare loves to give us these complex characters and makes us care about them more and more with all the layers they peel back.

Theo has spent his life doing what needs to be done to protect his sister Millie, he isn’t prepared for the new girl, he isn’t ready to feel anything real. Too bad Raine isn’t going to give him any other options.

These stories are a little dark and a little twisted, but they are so much more than just a bully romance. This is part of a series and you really are going to want to read them all. Don’t miss out on this one, it’s part one of a duet, so get ready for that cliffy, but no fears, part two will be out in August!!
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.4k reviews87 followers
June 22, 2023
When Raine is sent to Al Hallows all she wants to do is stay under the radar and bide her time until she can leave. She certainly didn’t need to attract the attention of Theo, who is part of the upper echelon, but now that she has she will stand up for herself as she has learnt that showing weakness only makes it more difficult.

Theo is used to being in control and having others do his bidding so he expects the same from Raine but he couldn’t be more wrong. She infuriates him and intrigues him in equal measures which only makes him want her more and the battle begins!

The more we know about these captivating characters the more we want to know as they take us quite the ride filled with hot chemistry, angst and all the feels and leave us wanting more of them and their story.
Profile Image for M Mendes Bookstagram.
698 reviews47 followers
July 5, 2023
Brutal Callous Heir is a perfect example of why I love books written by Caitlyn Dare. They are filled with lots of drama, angst, depth of characters, secrets, surprises, revelations, twists, turns, things going sideways, all the feels, keeping reader’s anticipating what is coming next, keeping captivated, and sooo sooo hot. I am enjoying the back and forth with Raine and Theo. They fight their connection so good. 🙂 I can’t wait for Brutal Callous Heir Part 2. Caitlyn is one of my favorite authors and I have not read one of her books that I came away disappointed. I am also anticipating Elliot’s and Abi’s story. I sincerely recommend Brutal Callous Heir, Heirs of All Hallows series, and Caitlyn Dare as an author!! Happy Reading.
Profile Image for Nic_key_reads .
447 reviews11 followers
June 20, 2023
Brutal Callous Heir is book 5 in the series and wow I can’t believe it’s already book 5!!

Theo was my least favorite heir up until this point. He really showed me that he is just as amazing as the rest and now he’s on my favorite list.

Theo and Raine’s start of their story is explosive. They have off the chart chemistry. Theo is the fun…joking heir in his group. It was refreshing to see his more serious side come out and finally get to see how his home life is. Raine is the mystery that I need solved.

I’m so happy Caitlyn Dare decided to make this one a duet as well as the first 4 books. There is so much to Theo and Raine that one book wouldn’t be enough.
Profile Image for Vanessa  Ramirez .
767 reviews4 followers
June 22, 2023
Brutal Callous Heir Part 1 was so good. I loved Raine. She was fierce, sweet, and strong. Her story was a big mystery but you could tell she went through alot. Theo was just as amazing. He was dark, rugged, and a bit twisted. The story was dark and full of mystery. Both characters faced alot and were struggling with their own battles. Their chemistry was off the charts, their banter was amazing, and their spicy scenes were perfectly written. I loved the ending and cannot wait for part 2.
Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you to Caitlyn Dare and Deviant Hearts PR for the ARC to review.
Profile Image for Daisy Nijs.
681 reviews14 followers
June 25, 2023
Theo and Raine’s story has definitely become my favorite of the heirs.
Things between start of on a rough patch. They fight a lot, he warns her to stay away. But Raine has been dealt a rough card in life, so she will not let it get to her and she will stand strong. But their chemistry is so hot.
There is still some mystery left that we will hopefully be getting some answers to in the second book of this duet. And that cliffhanger left me on the edge of my seat thinking that this could not be the end, that I can’t wait to see how things turn out. So, August third can’t get here soon enough.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews

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