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Crossroads Queen #1

Dead to the World

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Lorelei Clay isn’t like other people.

She isn’t even like other supernaturals. Her specialties are the nightmares of the living, communication with the dead, and cooking bacon until it’s golden brown and perfectly crispy—no magic required.

Six months ago she moved to the ultimate fixer upper, a monstrosity from the Gilded Age that borders the local cemetery in the sleepy Pennsylvania town of Fairhaven. Lorelei is content to spend the next few years in solitude, renovating the house and avoiding humanity, until a missing young woman disrupts her plans. Lorelei’s search for the teenager means crossing paths with the residents she’s successfully avoided so far, including the human police chief, the coven, a cursed vampire, the assassins guild, the werewolf pack, and the mysterious and infuriatingly alluring owner of The Devil’s Playground, an elegant nightclub that caters to the local supernatural clientele.

Lorelei plans to find the girl quickly and return to the privacy of her castle walls before anyone learns her secrets, but you know what they say about the best laid plans…

Dead to the World is the first book in the Crossroads Queen urban fantasy series.

236 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 11, 2023

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About the author

Annabel Chase

155 books1,134 followers
Annabel Chase is the author of urban fantasy and cozy mystery novels. She would love to live in a magical town where she can shop at Ready-to-Were for the the perfect outfit, flirt with hot angels and vampires, and cook gourmet meals without exerting any effort. Visit her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Annabel-Chas... or on her website at www.annabelchase.com.

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89 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 303 reviews
Profile Image for Ronda.
885 reviews160 followers
September 10, 2023
More of a 3.5 stars...

This was quite a nice read but pretty much rushed at the peak of any situation...

The characters were pretty cool, especially nana Pratt... and of course there had to be a mysterious, sexy demon!

Not sure I'll personally follow this storyline but I can imagine tons of people loving this!
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,781 reviews2,301 followers
June 28, 2023

Dead to the World
By Annabel Chase
This was an amazing book with unique characters and a terrific plot! The town has a mix of supernaturals living there. Our gal of the story just wants to be left alone and fix up her rubble of a castle but she agrees to help find a guys sister that's missing. Then while doing that, she makes more deals to see more people. To track clues she has to deal with more people!
No one knows exactly what she is except she can see ghosts but she makes everyone supernatural feel dread.
Excellent book! One of my favorite books this year!
Profile Image for Charlene ✿.
442 reviews112 followers
June 26, 2023
2 stars  


so dull that i'm actually insulted.

Lorelei Clay is unlikeable but not in the funny way, just in an annoying way. The future love interest is the demon guy who is boring. The werewolves are idiots with impulse issues that are not addressed or suffer consequences. the vampires are rude and weird but Otto is cute and I want to keep him.

I love when people can see the dead. Lorelei is mean to her ghosts which are overbearing but bloody hell doesn't mean you should be a dick at every opportunity.

Profile Image for Mara.
2,506 reviews250 followers
July 3, 2023
I can’t pinpoint exactly why this book falls short. It has a interesting plot (if somewhat dejavu backstory), a grumpy FMC that I liked, but not much gripping power. Maybe it’s due to shallow characterisation, plenty of them, none well fleshed out. Even the plot suffers from lack of well roundness (if that’s a word).

Still I may read book 2.
Profile Image for TJ.
2,964 reviews190 followers
January 18, 2024

This is an interesting, if a bit frustrating beginning to a new UF series. It is also the first book I’ve read from this author. I find I really like her writing style, it flows well and if enjoyable to read. The story itself, however, is kind of a mix.

Lorelei’s character is an enigma - intentionally- the author lets us know she is powerful but refuses to use that power, and is somewhat of a recluse because of it. We never know anything about that power, however (seems it’s a plot teaser that will go on longer than this book). The storyline doesn’t seem to have a clear, delinear focus for most of this first book, as well. There is a small-type mystery involved, but we spend most of the book being introduced to all sorts of different characters and people. It’s enjoyable, but not riveting by any means, and seems to be just setting up the overall world that will continue in future books. The last 15% or so it does come together enough to be exciting and end the mystery tidbit that acts as the overall plotline for this story.

Overall, I really did enjoy the time spent and will give the next book a try to see where everything heads.
886 reviews13 followers
August 21, 2023
An interesting start to what is going to be a trilogy (I think) about a woman in her mid thirties who can see, speak to and interact with ghosts. Laurelei Clay is a woman on her own, an only child her parents died when she was quite young and her grandfather then raised her, unfortunately he too died when she was in her early teens so since then Laurelei has been on her own. It's not all been bad though, she got to travel extensively and being attuned to the dead meant she could make a lucrative career out of locating heirs for people who died with no will. Lorelei bought the.house "Bluebeards Caste" on a whim after seeing a picture posted online. Located in Freehaven located outside New York it is a quaint small.town.of about 3000 people. What Laurelei couldn't know from the picture was that Freehaven stands on a supernatural crossroads (which supernatural beings can use to travel.from different realms) and that this crossroads also serves to draw supernaturals to its location suffice to say there are plenty of "monsters" in Freehaven. Vampires, Demons, Were's, Fae and Witches.to name just a few. Now there's Laurelei to add to their ranks, they (the supernaturals) can all tell she is.one.of.them but exactly "what" she is has them all stumped and Laurelei isn't telling. She just wants to be left alone with her dilapidated castle, the cemetery next door and the two resident ghosts (that she's allowed to stay) that's not too much to ask......................is it?
Profile Image for Allie.
95 reviews43 followers
February 5, 2024
This story follows Lorelei who decides to move from London to a small town called Fairhaven after finding a local fixer-upper across from the local cemetery. Someone in the town enlists her help to find their sister after finding out about Lorelei's ability that she can see ghosts and help them cross over.

This is the first book in the Crossroads Queen series. The main focus of this book is used as an introduction to the world and the characters. After being introduced to the characters, I feel like I don't know Lorelei as well as I do the side characters. The side characters were introduced to me through Lorelei when they were helping her solve the mystery. When they would try to get Lorelei to open up to them and get to know her better, she would shut down because she moved there to get away from people and she's not interested in making friendships but we start to see that mindset shift towards the end of the book. This story does have a mystery plot which I was interested in but I did find it quite unbelievable at times. Lorelei doesn't have any police training background but people come to her for help if they know of someone who is missing and they trust in Lorelei to find them because of Lorelei's abilities to see ghosts and help them cross over. I think it's unbelievable that because Lorelei has certain abilities she can all of a sudden do everything that a cop can do and assist in missing person cases. The ending of this story and how the mystery was solved felt rushed and I would never have guessed how everything wrapped up because no evidence led to that conclusion.

From what I have learned so far about the side characters and this world, I am interested enough to continue on in this series. This series is also marketed as a romance but there is zero romance in the first book and I can't even guess who the love interest would be if there were a romance development in future books. I'm curious to see if we will get a romance development in future books and I would love to learn more about Lorelei's character.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,632 reviews915 followers
December 14, 2023
Dead to the World is book one in the Crossroads Queen sereis by Annabel Chase.

This novel introduces us to our lead, Lorelei Clay, the little sleepy Pennsylvania town she moved too, and all the supernatural factions that have made this place their home.

It’s a slow read in that we follow Lorelei around as she looks for a missing girl and in doing so gives up her dream of a secluded life. Along the way she meets many different supernaturals and all can feel she’s something, but they don’t know what. The last 20% the pace picks up and we get a little action as the mystery in the missing girl is solved.

I enjoyed following Lorelei around and learning about the town and trying to figure out the mysteries. Lorelei is something and I’m very curious to discover what she is. I’m also interested in the crossroads and figuring out why all these supernaturals have made Fairhaven their home.

Dead to the World was a decent start to the series and an enjoyable paranormal mystery to read.

Rated: 3.5 Stars

Profile Image for Miss W Book Reviews.
1,458 reviews120 followers
May 4, 2023
Dead to the World is the first book in the new Crossroads Queen Urban Fantasy series by Annabel Chase.

This first book in the series was SO GOOD! OMG!

Lorelei Clay is a fierce heroine, a paranormal like NO Other. She has moved to Fairhaven, Pennsylvania and bought a fixer upper trying to live in solace and stay under the radar.

Things don't work out as well as she planned. There is a missing girl and she searches for her and so much for staying under the town's radar.

The worldbuilding is SO good. I absolutely loved all the different paranormal in this story.

Lorelei's house has a close proximity to the cemetery which adds another dimension to the story.

I can't wait for the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,359 reviews482 followers
September 1, 2023
*Source* Kindle Unlimited
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 3.5-4


Dead to the World, by Annabel Chase, is the first installment in the Crossroads Queen series. Lorelei Clay isn’t like other people. She isn’t even like other supernaturals. Her specialties are the nightmares of the living, communication with the dead, and cooking bacon until it’s golden brown and perfectly crispy—no magic required. After years living in London running her own agency tracking down lost heirs, she's made enough money to purchase the castle formerly known as Bluebeard's Castle which has its own moat, and graveyard next door.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Hayley.
768 reviews35 followers
February 6, 2024
Nice start to a series. So far i'm liking the characters and the world building. I like the supernatural element and that we still don't exactly know what Lorelei is in relation to that world. Potential love interest in Kane but time will tell, just hints that it might develop, no romance in this book. Learning about the different factions in the town and how they interact was fun.
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,940 reviews161 followers
October 15, 2023
Yawn 🥱. It wasn’t an engaging read. I’ll not continue the series.
Profile Image for Doreen.
314 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2023
I Really Liked it, it was different and i‘m Really excited to read the Next one! Can‘t wait.
Profile Image for Dawn Siemer.
1,067 reviews5 followers
May 14, 2023
Mystery + Dark Fantasy

To be fair, these aren't my normal genres. I like romantic fantasy, and I wasn't sure what I'd find here, but I've liked some of Annabel Chase's other books.

We don't get to learn what kind of supernatural creature our heroine is, but she hasn't accepted her powers or fate. She isolated herself until a mystery fell in her lap: a girl too much like her is in trouble. During the book, she almost makes some friends and maybe there's a guy who is romantically interested in her.

The mystery is twisty and somewhat satisfying. I would've liked to see more character development, and I hate when POV characters have a secret I'm not allowed to know. It feels like a cheap trick.
619 reviews
March 9, 2024
Dead to the World (Crossroads Queen Book 1)

Trying to escape from people, Lorelie brought a derelict castle.
For a woman who sees ghosts, that's strange because it is next to a cemetery .
People have gone missing, and Lorelie is asked to help find a missing girl.
This is an interesting book, with two hunky men and a woman on a mission.
Get it, you'll enjoy it.
Profile Image for Kate.
2,170 reviews339 followers
August 3, 2023
Thus started off so well but in the end it was lacking. Crossroad Queen sounded fantastic but all of Fairhaven (all supernatural beings and their pets) were introduced and it was annoying.

I hate to do this but DNF @ 52%.
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,594 reviews1,136 followers
December 30, 2023
It's okay. Writing style is fine with pacing but the main character is contradictory and emotionally flat and boring. Hints of a past all over the place but the reader is left in the dark. Curious on some of the side supe characters and the town at least. Will give the second book a try.
Profile Image for Amy Boheman.
58 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2024
Good solid read

Different female main character. Slow slooooooow burn. Interesting monsters, never heard of most of them. I enjoyed the snark and the slow trickle of revelation about the FMC. Looking forward to book 2.
Profile Image for Imee Benzon.
433 reviews17 followers
August 5, 2023

I loved this book, Lorelei Clay is an unnusual lady with a very dark secret power apart from seeing ghosts. Nanna Pratt and Ray their adorable and i hope they will stay on. It's great to read an fmc that is over 30.
Profile Image for Leanne F.
871 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2024

This is a really great book. Mystery abounds with witches, vampires, hot demons and all those that fall in between mixed in with small town America. Love the FMC - snarky and aloof with crazy housemates. Highly recommend for something a wee bit different. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Megan.
47 reviews
March 16, 2024
This is a story and main character that drew me in deeper with each book. The first one had me hooked. As a person who prefers my own company best most of the time, I related to the main character on that level immediately. But Lorelei is so much more than she seems at first, not just in power, but in who she is deep in her soul and it’s a lovely journey to witness.
642 reviews
June 11, 2023
Meh. 2.5 stars. The writing was decent but there was nothing particularly special or even interesting about the story. The fight scenes were super weird and a bit disjointed. And I found myself annoyed with most of the characters most of the time.
Also, I’ve never seen giant dogs compared to gorillas for a size reference. I had to Google how big they were compared to horses (they other animal mentioned in that scene) so I could get an idea of what was going on. Not standard animal sizes do not live rent free in my brain apparently.
61 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2023
I didn't gave it 5 stars because it was perfect. But because it was near-perfect. An extremely rare jewel that ticked all the boxes I liked in a paranormal novel. When almost nothing in the book irritated me, it's already worth 5 stars!

This book is unassuming. It's not wild or intense or a non-stop adrenaline rush. It did exactly what I like in my books. Kept my attention, gave me a relaxing escape while stirring the excitement of a world other than my own. An adventure in my head. I absolutely enjoyed and loved it.

The female lead is a bit off putting, in an English almost stuck-up way. I'm the same, so instead of it irritating me, I could identify with her. She likes people, but prefer to be alone. She care, but doesn't want to. She is respectful to everyone around her, but she's not a people-person. At all. She doesn't welcome everyone into her home, her sanctuary. She'd rather spend all day alone than speak even one word to anyone.

Unlike other books that seems to think they should tell the most outrageous soppy story for us to feel sorry for the lead character, this book did it without over explaining. She's alone and hiding, because her life was hard and she needed a break from all the hardships.

She was strong, capable, organised and knew when to ask for help and when not. She didn't deny others their bits, she doesn't like the attention or to be in the centre of it. She doesn't need recognition nor admirers. She did what was necessary without aplomb or announcement. She keeps her feelings and emotions tightly controlled, and didn't even once turned into a blubbering 17-year old falling for the stupidly-called "hottie" like in other books. She's a mature, older woman and acted like it. And treated the people around her with the same maturity.

The male lead, or what we can assume may be the male lead, was on the sideline in this book. As it should be in the beginning. No jumping into things, love at first sight, lust-driven thoughts, inner dialogue or actions. He was there when she needed someone, treated her with the utmost of gentlemanly respect, stood aside to let her do what she believed she had to. He never critisized, he listened to her, didn't interfere or takeover, never maligned her, never demeaned her. He stood on the sidelines and watched her with intrigued. Clearly extremely interested, but knowing this isn't something he should rush or push, quite the opposite. Like he found a rare diamond and knew its value and first just wanted to look, to watch it shine, trying to see all the aspects and admire it. It was such a treat to read.

I simply cannot wait for the 2nd one. I was both dismayed to realise I started a book with no 2nd published already, and happy when I saw it's only 2 months to wait. Still, I wish it was available already.

Now, I'll be off to check out other series' of this amazing writer!
Profile Image for Jace.
427 reviews10 followers
June 10, 2023
DNF 20%
This book is dulllll
The main character is so.... Monotone.
There's no ups and downs in her emotions, which is super weird for first person POV.
It's also super redundant. Yes, I heard you the first 17 times that you didn't want anything to do with people. It would be nice to learn why, but that's apparently being kept from us.
This is also one of those books where you don't get to know what the main character (who's head you're in) even is, and from a brief peek at other reviews it's not even something we find out in this book.
It's just going to be a repeat of "they don't know what I am, but they know I'm other". Yeah, me too.

The writing isn't bad, and there's a mystery afoot so if you like that kind of book give it a try, I just feel that I would rather spend my already limited reading time on something more exciting, with more personable characters.
Profile Image for Andrea Smith.
380 reviews5 followers
June 29, 2023
Dead to the World

4.5 Stars 

I really enjoyed this book, and was pleasantly surprised, because I chose this one for its stunning cover and my paranormal fix. 

Dead to the World is truly an amazing read! The characters are unique, with intriguing abilities and a great plot. Our leading lady reminds me of Kate Daniels, from Ilona Andrews (one of my favorite authors). In that, Lorelei wants to be a loner, has a painful past, but finds herself helping a stranger find his sister. I also noted the parallels in phenomenal world building.  Some of the best I've seen this year. I'm looking forward to continuing this series, and to new works by Ms Chase. It's always exciting to find an author to read. 
June 6, 2023

I go through 8 chapters and fave up. The FMC has ZERO personality and I mean she feels like maybe a quarter of a character. At this point I can't even tell you what she looks like. The plot is also very lackluster and not at all gripping. None of the characters seem particularly fleshed out and it seems as though she fell into this mystery in the most blasé way possible.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 303 reviews

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