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New Adult Rockers #1

Damaged But Not Broken

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New Adult Rock N' Roll Romance - Full Novel Length - No Cliff Hanger - Warning: Intense Sexual Content

When your soul is ripped from your body is it ever possible to find hope, happiness, or love again?

Paige is betrayed by the most important man in her life, the one who is supposed to be there, the one who is supposed to protect her - her father.

One night her dad passes out drunk and leaves Paige alone with his intoxicated redneck friends. She's only 15 but she looks like a woman, and for the group of sociopathic rapists that's good enough. The disgusting men hold her down, and one by one they destroy her innocence that night.

Paige is forced to flee from her father and vows never to return, never to forgive him for allowing that night to happen. She leaves behind everything, her friends, her hope, her happiness, her life in Nashville, forever.

She leaves behind Blake, her first love...her true love. The wounds of that heartbreak never fully heal, she never forgets about the only guy she ever really trusted. Thirteen years later Paige returns to her father's promise of sobriety, a record deal, and a blossoming career in country music.

Everything changes when she sees Blake again, playing with his new band in a local Nashville club, the intense feelings she had buried deep inside rise up and refuse to go away. It's as if they never broke apart.

Blake is no longer the 15 year old boy she once knew. Now he's a tall muscular front-man of the band Rust who seethes sex appeal and slays hearts. But as they reconnect, Blake's hardened shell begins to fall away as he teaches Paige to love again, to trust, and to give herself away completely.

Paige finds a glimmer of hope and happiness again with Blake but is it all too good to be true? Can Paige overcome the hate, anger, resentment and learn to forgive - or will her father betray her?

Her heart has been damaged but it's not broken...can she learn to love again?

210 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 16, 2013

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About the author

W.H. Vega

9 books73 followers
W.H. Vega gave up her career of educating small minds so she could stay home with her children and write the spicy romance novels she always loved to read. When she isn’t writing, she loves spending time with her precocious toddler, traveling the world with her husband, having a glass of wine with her girlfriends and indulging in online shopping. W.H. Vega grew up in Baltimore, but now resides in Delaware with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews
Profile Image for hugsandcookies.
974 reviews73 followers
July 1, 2014
All my feelings went into my update statuses for this book.

The beginning started of strong with what happened to Paige and then 13 years later, but Blake's entry fell flat for me. He just came of wrong for me couldn't warm to his character but I thought he was a little weak and he came of whiny and annoying like that's what I would have expected from the female but nope this time all male.

This book basically made Paige to be genuine and a stronger character that you end up liking. She fought her demons, another chance with Blake even though he was a douche for the douche move he made and then you have her daddy issues. Is there going to be another book?? not too sure. But I'd like to know what happens with her dad and if ever ??? nutter will enter and ruin everything for her and Blake.
Profile Image for ♥️♥️ Lanae ♥️♥️ .
122 reviews33 followers
July 7, 2014


I'm (thankfully) not a victim of sexual assault but I HIGHLY DOUBT the trauma from being a victim of something SOOO horrible can be remedied by a handsome mysterious guy with an agressive alpha male attitude and Abs that would make Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson ugly cry.

Seriously, world, What the actual FUCK???
64 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2013
So predictable. Skimmed through and almost DNF. I found both main characters to be painfully whiney. This story had so much potential.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
710 reviews10 followers
January 15, 2014
A Four star Freebie!!!! Cleaning out my library and low and behold a free book I can read past the first chapter...Yippee!!! I really enjoyed Blake and Paige's love story. Childhood sweethearts that reconnect years later and how they overcome the obstacles in their lives.

Blake the perfect boy next door grows into a perfect man..he always has Paige in his heart tucked away beneath the questions of why she left him so 13 years ago. He has finally moved on with someone else but really deep down Blake's heart was always going to belong to Paige. My question for him was why didn't he go after her?? Yes I know they were young ...question answered ...somewhat.

Paige was so young and endured a devastating experience. She has to deal with being let down in the worst possible way by her drunken father and she escapes Nashville and everything that reminds her of that horrible night...including Blake. Paige's love life stops at that point as if put on hold until her mind and body can open up again to love.

When Paige reconciles with her now sober dad you know she is starting the healing process and can only hope for a complete turn around for her. She is so strong, although she really thinks she can fall apart at any moment, she deals with Blake and his present life so well. When sparks fly between them (not even doused by pool water) they try to do the right thing by all. Paige stays strong as long as possible until her heart can't be without anymore. I love Paige's honesty, she is the complete opposite of what Blake has chosen for himself..hmmm.. calling Dr. Freud. Together as "friends" they are alive again and it seems two halves have made a whole again. Seems , being the key word there.

So I hated Savannah from the first "sugar" out of her fake lips ...couldn't help it. Was Blake that blind?? He has a few moments with Savannah that make you want to scream "Snap out of it!" Ahh finally he has a clarifying moment. The debutant went too quietly...we all know that isn't her style so I am assuming we aren't done with her.

The tour...well we all saw that coming and did a few cartwheels to celebrate...see dad wasn't so oblivious I think he knew that tour would be their way back and his way backwards. Blake and Paige's first time together as adults is so sweet yet explosive. He is her safe place. I love that their song is Need You Now as I listen to the acoustic version now, I can imagine her pain.

So why this isn't 5 stars???? Because I felt the ending just dropped us off at a curb and never came back to get me. I wanted more at the end. I felt like so many questions weren't answered and explored. I wanted fame, fortune, wrongs made right and wedding bells.

Since then I have come to find out there is a second book !!! Who knew?? Nice surprise...I hope!!!Thank god for Goodreads! So now I am off to click away and look into Paige and Blake's future. I am assuming old flames, old habits and old fears will try to tear these two apart. Hopefully their love is as strong as I want it to be!!!!

Thank you W.H.Vega for a nice surprise!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kelli.
225 reviews17 followers
September 25, 2013
It's been quite a while since I've found a freebie that I've really enjoyed. So happy I found this!

This story was really well written and I blew through the pages in one afternoon! I really enjoyed how the story was told. If you enjoy these types of stories, but don't really like reading all of the horrible details, this is for you. This particular scene is written very tastefully in my opinion.

Paige came from a pretty normal family. She went to private school, had a nice house in Nashville where she lived with her parents. She's an only child and really couldn't ask for more.
Well, that all changed as her parent's marriage begins to crumbles. Her father has a drinking problem that just keeps getting worse. Her mother finally has enough and decides to pack up and move to Virginia with Paige in tow.
Of course, Paige is heartbroken. Not only is she watching her family fall apart, but she also has to leave her high school sweetheart behind. At least she will be able to see him once Summer break comes around and she heads back to Nashville to be with her dad.
One tragic night made her change her mind about Nashville. Now she never wants to come back. With this tragedy, she loses faith in the one person she thought she could depend on to protect her.
Years later, the pain of that night is still fresh and she loses hope of her life ever going anywhere. She has a passion for music but there's no way she can start her career in Virginia.
Then her past comes crashing into the present and she has to decide if she can forgive and move on, or continue the dead end road she's been traveling.

Damaged But Not Broken doesn't end on a cliffhanger, but it does have an open ending for a possible sequel. I would hope she continues the story because it would be nice to see how it progresses. However, this is one of those books that I'm happy with how it ended.
Profile Image for Karen.
592 reviews
September 20, 2013
My book buying budget at present is zilch so i'm one clicking quite a lot of the freebies from Amazon and most of them are just so-so, but hey when you're not paying anything for them its always worth a go.

Damaged But Not Broken sounded like it would be good but I was keeping my expectations open...and I was pleasantly surprised. This book is a gem and I'm amazed its a freebie, I've paid more for books that I haven't enjoyed nearly as much.

Two things that really stood out for me as refreshing were that the our two main characters were pretty open and honest with each other. I kept waiting for the secrecy and the twists and turns that would happen purely because the characters were trying to hide things from each other. I don't want to give any spoilers away so I will leave it at that. I adored Blake and Paige together, they had so much chemistry they almost set the pages on fire.

The second thing, no dreaded cliffhanger. I did feel this book could have been a little longer, I would love it if there were other books possibly with the other members of the band. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Blake and Paige.
Profile Image for Reader.
1,193 reviews90 followers
September 24, 2013

Paige's parents had divorced when she was still young. She spends her summers with her father in Nashville. But the summer when she was fifteen her father came home drunk with his friends, he crashed and his friends raped her. Paige left never to return, that also meant leaving her first love Blake.

Paige is now 28 and after all these years her father makes an approach to reconsile with her. Paige sings and plays the guitar, coincidentally her father is in the music business. He owns his own company. This is where she meets Blake again, he is the lead singer in his own group. All the old emotions resurface between them.

The premise for this story was a good idea. But I did have a problem with the characters in particular Blake who was very shallow IMO. I think Paige could have done a whole lot better. The situations that arise in their relationship are a bit too easily resolved for my liking. Not a bad read. But I was hoping for a bit more.
Profile Image for iloveladyporn.
1,280 reviews82 followers
January 14, 2014
The book starts out with Paige & Blake at 15 years old. I know at age 15 there was no way things were going to be a smooth ride to happily ever after but what happened was not what I expected. You can't help but love Paige she is the Blonde haired girl next store & Blake is the smok'n hot guy everyone wants a piece of. 13 years later Paige is a still a hot mess and has let what happened to her ruin her life. Paige decided to try to repair her relationship with her father and move back in with him after all this time. It just happens to be where her first love Blake is. Once they see each other again things fall into place for them however there are obstacles that prevent things from being smooth sailing. Some hot steamy sex scenes. Fabulous Ending. No cliff hanger at all but there is a second book in which Paige & Blake's story continues "Wounded" .
Profile Image for Jenn Alisa.
7 reviews
September 21, 2013
Had potential but turned out to be totally predictable. Did a lot of skimming. Also had cheating which I hate!!
Profile Image for Renee Sherman.
184 reviews5 followers
September 23, 2013
I loved this book, I'm almost hoping there's a sequel. I could use more. I want to know more about there careers, if they get married, kids, and more about her dad.
Profile Image for Diann.
378 reviews4 followers
November 3, 2013
it was good would have like to know what happens with blake and paige and Kenny.
Profile Image for Hayley Barlow.
72 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2013
I found this hidden gem in free section this had me griped from start very emotional read I could not but this down
43 reviews
May 31, 2019
Good Story

If you like country music spicing your romantic stories, you will like this one. The characters could have been a little more developed they worked well together. I would like to know what happened to Savannah and the members of Rust band. This is my first time reading this writer and I will look for other books by them.
14 reviews
October 9, 2022
The ending is so abrupt!

Enjoyed the book right up to the end which was awful. I thought my kindle had forwarded itself but no it was actually the end. The author needs to go back and update the book to finish it
132 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2020
Couldn’t finish. Writing wasn’t good. I was so disappointed because I was really looking forward to this book.
Profile Image for Paola Rosario.
47 reviews
February 19, 2017
Didn't finish it. Hate the books where the main characters love each other and can't be together for some reason. Sexual frustration makes my blood boil, therefore, 1 star. Got too annoyed to finish it and see how the story ends.

The cover is gorgeous tho, so points for that.
Profile Image for Jen O'grady.
210 reviews16 followers
November 27, 2013
So I picked this up as a freebie and honestly I was pleasantly surprised, it had a great story line, if you like damaged people that it!
Blake and Paige meet at 13 and fell in love and began a sexual relationship at 15, her parents divorced meaning Paige went to live away with her mum and got to visit her dad in Nashville in the holidays where Blake also lived. Her father is an alcoholic and one night he comes home with his two friends passes out leaving them to rape his daughter!
Now my first criticism is that in my opinion this event was skimmed over , and let's be honest it was a major part of the story line, it causes Paige to up and leave cutting her father and Blake out of her life.
Of course after thirteen years she finally returns giving her dad a second chance and of course runs into Blake, who is now engaged to savannah.
The rest of the book follows Paige and Blake rekindling their relationship and being he is engaged to savannah you would think that makes for an angsty read, and that's my other criticism because I just didn't really feel that the angst came across in the story, now I know there is a second part to this story and from the synopsis I see savannah returns in that book but I just didn't get that churning feeling where you really don't know what's going to happen.
It finished too abruptly too.
After all is said though it was a good book, with an interesting storyline, dealing with addiction and the trauma that rape inflicts, I'll eventually read book 2, 3.5 stars from me.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,930 reviews22 followers
February 17, 2014
*BIG SIGH HERE*...I usually pick books based on either recommendations from friends or great sounding descriptions and this one sounded like my kind of book...until I started reading. Since I like to be fair and give a book a chance, I kept on and skimmed through a few pages here and there to get to the meat of it.
The story wasn't bad, it was just the execution of it....at times I felt like I was reading a YA book geared for teens (with the exception of the sexual content). The main players, Blake and Paige were so immature (they acted the same at 28 as they did at 15) and that was frustrating to me, and some of their comments were not age appropriate either. Who stays with someone because they are "hot" looking?? How many 28 year old women call their fathers "daddy" and whine like a little girl? The characters were over-the-top dramatic and while it was getting predictable, I was almost expecting the EX to come back into the picture and say she was knocked up! Thankfully that didn't happen or else this book would have been thrown into "soap opera" zone...LOL!
This seemingly serious story (rape, alcoholism) was more of a light romantic read to me with a fair amount of explicit sex thrown in for entertainment. It could have and should have been so much more and that was my problem. I wish I had liked it more than I did but just not enough substance compared to what is available to read.

***3*** "damaged and still broken" stars
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,277 reviews5 followers
September 30, 2013
I really want to give this book 5 stars, and I would have but the end (even though it says no cliffhanger) leaves you wondering what happened next.
There are so many question I have that don't get answered by the end of the book, I loved this book but I wanted more at the end. I hope there ends up being either a novella or another book for these two. Or even an extra Epilogue the is further into the future and answers some of the questions that were left wide open by the end.
With that said I did love this story and the plot was great...one that I have not read about in another book before. I'm honestly surprised that I found this on Amazon for free because it's a book I would have paid for gladly.
Profile Image for Janell Wheeler.
953 reviews12 followers
February 20, 2017
This was a very quick read. The beginning chapter is just very heavy but you already know that if you've read the synopsis. But the remainder of the story was just so sweet. I loved to watch this couple come together and it was just so obvious that they were meant to be it was nice. My only negative remark is the conclusion. As the book was concluding I was wondering how it would end. This book is set up perfectly for a sequel but I can't find that there is one in the works. Although I enjoyed the ending there were just sooo many unanswered questions and I would love to see more from this couple. Their lives are just barely getting started and we are just kind of left. Does the ending change my mind about reading this book NO I still really enjoyed the story and would recommend it to people with a warning that you are just left questioning. But I still enjoyed the book
Profile Image for Radiant.
1,177 reviews30 followers
May 7, 2014
Paige leaves her town after the haunting night where her fathers drunk friends take advantage of her when father is passed out.She vows to never forgive her father and never return there back,even for her first love - Blake.After 13 years,the wounds are still raw.But when her father tries to re coop their relationship and her career,she agrees.Seeing Blake again makes her feel all the feeling she kept hidden all these years,but he is engaged...and that to with a bitch of girl.Loving again Blake is very easy but with anger still filling her can Paige overcome them or the past will haunt her back.

Savannah is bitch..but i liked Blake..hes not perfect..he makes mistakes and then repents it.Paige is such a strong girl to move forward though her anger towards father is very valid..she still tries to maintain the relationship.Nice book!

Rating - 4!
Profile Image for Carrie.
1,302 reviews2 followers
September 21, 2013
So I got this book for free. Thought I would give it a whirl. It's about a girl who has a tragic past (don't they all). She leaves her father's house at the age of 15 after being raped. Now 13 years later she moves back to his house to become a country music musician since he is conveniently a manager. And her old boyfriend from when she was 15 is also country singer. And he still lives in her old town. And he is managed by her dad. This story just sort of writes itself.

All in all it wasn't bad. Well written. Simple. A little bit of angst thrown in. At times I felt like the main characters were too nice. And too sweet. I like my characters to have a little more range to them. Some spunk.
Profile Image for Secretly Adorkable Readers.
1,413 reviews26 followers
November 11, 2013
I give this book 3 1/2 Stars (Amazon Freebie)

The story starts out with a tragic rape scene 13 yrs earlier and goes to present time. Paige is now 28 years old damaged but not broken. She had to leave her past friends, relationship, and father behind to be with her mother in Bristol. She used singing and playing country music for healing. Her father Kenny hears her playing at a bar and doesn't realize what talent she has and offers her a deal she can't refuse. In the meantime, she returns to Nashville to try to make amends with her father, little did she know she would run into her first love Blake.

Blake plays and sings in a band called Rust and, guess what, he is also engaged to Savannah. Will Paige and Blake be able to stay friends or will their passion re ignite?
Profile Image for Samantha Yeates.
82 reviews16 followers
April 27, 2015
I almost couldn't bring myself to finish the book at the beginning since I'm really not into the whole 'Engaged to one woman but completely in love with another so what do I do?' thing. It honestly felt almost a little too angst-y to me. But that's just me.
Overall it was a really good story as soon as Blake got rid of that pesky bitch of a fiancée. There were a few spelling errors throughout, but not so many you would think no effort had been put into editing. I liked the story and I'm glad I pushed through the uncomfortable parts that bordered on cheating (and a few that actually were blatantly cheating). I probably won't read this again, but it was satisfying and a way to pass some time.
Profile Image for Britt .
377 reviews10 followers
September 28, 2013
I liked the reality of this book. Addicts aren't addicts until they are sober. Addicts are addicts for life and will always have to choose to either give in or resist the temptation. I can't imagine the horrible thoughts and feelings of a 15 girl while being raped by 2 grown men. Savannah was such an entitled little hoochie. Blake was very supportive and a tad naive when it came to Savannah but thankfully protective when it came to Paige. Paige was definitely very damaged but for good reason. The betrayal, heartache and physical pain of what she went through was tough but she survived.
86 reviews
October 10, 2013
3.5 stars. I liked it and really liked the 2 main characters. I feel it could have dug a little deeper into the story. Could have went in a few other directions. It felt like there was only a few things going on; her past experience (what this book was based on), they are either on tour, at her dad's house or..., yeah that was about it. With that being said I still feel like it was a good quick read.
Profile Image for Lita Thomas.
1,462 reviews23 followers
October 10, 2013
Paige at 15 is violated by her drunk father's friends. 13 years later she is still dealing with the events. Now finding solace playing guitar and singing, she takes the leap to accept the help from her record label father who she has cut off since that fateful night. Going back to Nashville doing a gig she runs into the boyfriend she had lost her virginity. They both still have unresolved feelings;the only problem is he is engaged.
Profile Image for Brooke .
50 reviews
January 30, 2015
I feel bad giving a book two stars, but this one was just not up to par with others in this genre I've been reading. It was a bit off-putting that the guy couldn't decide if he really wanted to be with her, but that's just my personal opinion. I also thought some of the more intimate scenes were painful to read at points. I've not read any others by this author, so it's possible that others are better, this one just didn't do it for me and I will probably not continue with this series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews

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