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Smoke #6

Whiskey Smoke

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Wealth, power, and privilege have always been a part of Levi Shephard’s life. However, it comes at a price. The darkness that surrounds being born into a family of organized crime has always kept him at a distance when it came to relationships. He only hooked up with women who understood the game and played along.

Born with a heart defect, Aspen Chance has been sheltered and raised by her religious grandmother. When her grandmother passes away, Aspen is left with no family- except her older sister who her grandmother had believed was headed straight for Hell.

Deep down Aspen hopes to reconnect with her sister while also being given the chance to experience more of life. Leaving the only home, she’d ever known behind she moves to Ocala, Florida to live with her sister. It doesn’t take her long to realize her sister was going to shelter her even more than her grandmother had.

One of the strippers that Levi enjoys occasional hook ups with is killed one night while a fight breaks out in the club. He might not have been able to prevent her death but he could save her younger sister. Aspen was everything her sister had young, naïve, and sheltered. When he realizes she’s also not well and has no one to protect her- he takes on the role.

What he swore was only a friendship in which he would make sure Aspen had everything she needed- he hadn’t expected her to end up sleeping in his bed due to her night terrors, or trusting him when it came to her health care and he sure as hell hadn’t been prepared when she wanted to experience pleasure. Meeting her needs takes on a whole new twisted meaning that he fears could destroy them both.

300 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 24, 2023

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About the author

Abbi Glines

118 books86k followers
Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Smoke, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but she now lives in New England and that's as close as it is going to get. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she’s not locked away writing, she is reading, watching Netflix and all the introverted stuff.
You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 103 reviews
Profile Image for Beeg Panda.
1,397 reviews470 followers
October 4, 2023
👵I’m old. This h doesn’t even know about Dawson’s Creek. 👵

😆🙌“Have you, uh … I mean, you have slept with her before.” His knuckles went back down my arm. “No, sweetheart, we never slept.”

For the lovers of ow drama, this book’s for you.

NB to the Safety Gang:

Okay, I like him again.
Her impact on his life is like nothing he’s experienced before.
He has no idea how to deal with all these new feelings.
He’s questioning his own sanity.
The man is obsessed and possessed to the point where he doesn’t even want her working:
“Aspen had wanted to work at the hospital, and I had made it happen even though I didn’t want to share her. Now, she’d worked one fucking day, and there is already some shit looking at her.”

Then, at the turning point, another

I struggle with the OTT dialogue.
It feels unnatural and forced in certain places so that takes away from my enjoyment of their story. The intimate scenes are particularly grating because his verbal reactions to the ow during sex is the same as when he’s with the h.
And the CAPITAL letters and the exclamation marks!
I cringe thinking how this is going to translate to audio.

“In this life, we will live every damn day to the fullest. You’ll be worshipped until the day they put me in the ground.”
He really means that.
He gives her the world; makes all her dreams come true.

Unfortunately, we’re left with unresolved issues about their future in terms of her health and planning a family. I would’ve liked an epilogue many years into the future.

a) Neaten review
b) You’re never too old to learn. Yep, mafia bikers are a thing
Profile Image for Kim.
5 reviews14 followers
August 24, 2023
I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS BOOK!! How does a series keep getting better and better??!! Abbi Glines does it again! Bad boy Levi falling for Virgin Aspen. I felt every emotion reading this book. I smiled, I cried , I was surprised. The spicy scenes were absolutely sexy as sin. I am VERY picky about reading spice .. Abbi wrote these scenes perfectly! Yes ... I have bookmarked these scenes so I can read them over and over again lol. Thank you Abbi for writing this book. It doesn't matter that I didn't cook.dinner for my family, or run my errands, or clean the house today. Nope .... I sat for HOURS on my couch and finished this book. I'm READY for the next one. THIS IS A FIVE STAR MUST READ WITH SUPER SPICE. You won't regret it. Now go read it. You will thank me later. •PS this my first ever review •
Profile Image for Nat Smithy.
538 reviews2 followers
August 27, 2023
Apart from Trevs book, I'm so sick of these women forgiving these manwhores so easily. Also, there was not really any real connection. Just a lot of toxic behavior that they call love.🙄🙄 And they say that Gages relationship was toxic. Blaise, huck and Levi are the worst partners ever.
Profile Image for Read All About It.
1,675 reviews24 followers
August 24, 2023
When these southern mafia boys fall it’s like a ton of bricks!! Possessive , alpha , and kinky as heck.Half the time you want to punch them.

Trinity grinned. “Because they’re all alike. Possessive, twisted, controlling, and we love them.”

Aspen is young and indecent. Someone you want to protect. She’s been sheltered her whole life.

She was vulnerable, and I didn’t want her to confuse my actions for anything more than my wanting to protect her.

Levi is a hardcore bachelor. Absolutely no relationship for him ever. Aspen brings out his possessive side.

Her hands fisted my shirt, and she inhaled deeply, as if she liked smelling me. “Whiskey smoke,” she murmured, then sighed as she drifted off to sleep again.

There road to HEA is filled with ups and downs that will drive you crazy but in the end it’s all worth it.

She needed someone. Those beautiful, sad eyes of hers haunted me.

This series has hooked me so hard I can’t wait for the next book which is Saxon by the way. Finally!!
Profile Image for Julia.
6 reviews2 followers
August 25, 2023
This is the first AG book I’ve read and I am thoroughly disappointed. I don’t like to rate 1 star so this on whose unrated.
Dear author, why? Just why? We have 2023 and I STILL have to read this crap?
The young, beautiful and innocent h who (not so secretly) pines after the H, all the while of course getting ZERO action while the Hero boinks everything that moves while lusting after the h. Of course she even has to witness a few hook ups of his…very nice. Is this really a female author?
Dear romance authors, please do better!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rose.
481 reviews29 followers
September 17, 2023
Ugh, this series is starting to fall apart for me. I haven’t felt the connection between the characters in the last two books at all. The plot in this one was thin and boring.
Profile Image for n_ow_n.
44 reviews
August 26, 2023
Potential spoilers ahead! And even though I didn't finish this book, I hope people read it and give their honest comments.

What is it with authors these days?! They write a ruff, tough, borderline psychopath guy who kills/hurts people for fun but the moment he see a hymen, it's full speed, screeching-like-a-little-girl run for the hills???!! How does that make sense?! Oh, wait! Silly me - it's loooove! 🙄

This book starts somewhat well, with the potential to be an interesting love story. But then romance leaves the building and it's full on porn. No, not erotica, P*RN! Which is fine of course but it's not a good porn. Yes, a few of the spicy scenes were ok but then the 'plot' around them kind of made them cringey....

Cringey! Yes, that would be a good word to describe the guy's sexscapades. The way he uses other women because he can't stick it in the one he wants... 🤨 His logic: if he does the nasty with someone else, he can cuddles with his 'little' girl. And the girl is more than happy to oblige (even though minutes ago she didn't want to be in the same space with him). Simply because he took his shirt off and doesn't anymore smell like he sexually entertained another woman (with his dong that is, not the shirt)!

Honestly, not knowing that Kye character all that well, half way through the book I kept hoping by some magical powers that Aspen will end up with him and not with what's-his-name! It felt like Kye had more respect for her than her love interest. Maybe that Kye guy will get his own book and maybe it won't be as disappointing as this one (or the previous one)... 🤞
Profile Image for Toni.
804 reviews27 followers
August 29, 2023
3.5 stars. The book was good. But what bothered me was that Aspen has a major medical condition and it was merely glossed over. No explanations,, treatments, prognosis, nothing. It was just stated and quickly forgotten about. I liked the characters and couldn’t wait to read about Levi. But it just fell slightly short for me.
Profile Image for Dana.
135 reviews3 followers
September 4, 2023
ugh Dnf spoiler alert

Ridiculous, aspen was a complete doormat. Dnf after 67 percent when he slept with someone else she catches him and then sleeps with him the same night like everything is fine. Very disappointing I was looking forward to this book
Profile Image for Stephanie.
738 reviews5 followers
August 31, 2023
The Smoke series continues with Levi's story - Whiskey Smoke. There is no shortage of steam, secrets, mystery and the down & dirty! Whiskey Smoke is full of crazy alpha, possessive, kinky southern mafia men. When they fall it is fast, hard and so funny to see! There is no shortage of sexy times. Each one has their own brand of crazy and baggage.

“I’ve found you’ve trigger a beast inside of me, demanding to own you.”

Levi and Aspen are polar opposites. Levi is full of kink and has certain needs. Aspen has been sheltered her whole life. Levi never thought he would want to care for someone. He was definitely rough around the edges. Levi fell so hard that he never saw it coming. Their story if filled with firsts and lots of twists. The build up to the sexy time is H.O.T - get out the fire extinguisher!

I was struggling. This was new to me. Whatever f@cking thing she’s awoke in me wasn’t doing great with taking her in public.

Loving the Smoke series! Abbi Glines is cranking out the books in this series. It has been fun anticipating the next story. I can not wait to read Saxton's story coming soon!!!!!

#AuthorAbbiGlines #Smokeshow #Fireball #SmokeBomb #WhiskeySmoke #HotAndSteamy #LeviAndAspen #SmokeSeries #Romance #Mafia
Profile Image for Evie_Book_Revs *Evie Book Reviews*.
355 reviews25 followers
August 27, 2023
“Too young, too sweet, too fragile, and I had some insane claim on her in my head that made no sense.”

In book six of the Smoke series by Abbi Glines, Whiskey Smoke delivers a possessive alpha who is taken at first sight by the woman of his dreams, only to learn that she is a delicate innocent. And when Levi’s kink keeps him on the cusp of being more than a protector towards Aspen, fate temps the hand of the two becoming more.

Overall, this rating is for continued unique world-building, plot lines, and use of dual point of views. Whiskey Smoke is a quick to burn, fun read, especially if you enjoy the alpha only-mine-to-touch vibes topped by the virginal firsts are tropes that hook you in. And since this a mafia romance with a southern twist, all the spice and sizzle are off the charts! I hope we learn more about the couple in subsequent releases. If you have not read, or already joined the southern mafia fan club, you need to read this series! And I am eagerly awaiting to find out what happens next with the dark-haired beauty that tempts Saxon in Smokin’ Hot, book 7.
Profile Image for Kayla Brunson.
1,489 reviews264 followers
September 30, 2023
Abbi Glines really loves adding OW drama in this series. I would have given this 4 stars if Levi wasn’t constantly going to other women throughout the book.

Was he sweet and a nice guy to Aspen towards the end? Yes, but it doesn’t make up for his back and forth and continuous scenes with him and other women.

Sidenote, I’m kind over the virgin with the manwhore trope.

Saxon’s book is next and I’m lowering the hell out of my expectations. While I believe he actually deserves to find his person, I feel like that’s going to be a bumpy ride.
2 reviews
September 13, 2023

I don’t think I will purchase another book in this series. I thought the previous book was bad, this one is worse. Why are all her heroines always weak and spineless? There was no chemistry between the H and h. I expected more, it was just boring.
Profile Image for al borland.
361 reviews7 followers
December 12, 2023
this lead is one abbi was hyping up for a while - because he has a beard and a spanking fetish. imo that's almost the most insulting thing about this whole series, that it edges on kinky without being so at all. like, if i wrote 40 versions of basically the same story with trauma and flavours of the same spicy vanilla man, i'd probably want to switch it up by the sixth book in a 10-book series wrote and published in less than a year. let's see some swinging, some public kinks, anything really. give me a lead who isn't a virginal near child who is so pure she didn't even use a tampon before meeting her one true love. the age difference/grooming/toxic masculinity controlling kink isn't as alt as abbi thinks it is, it's the dominant form of relationship standard set by the patriarchy.

so if we don't get super spicy spice, maybe we'll get more answers on this whole mafia thing! this story stars one of the characters the others push off their mafia dealings to handle while the lead can focus on his sex life. he should be the epicentre of mafia action. this book even starts off with an intriguing clash of MCs and the mafia, with a gang fueled death of the lead 'female's' sister. you'd think they want to solve that? well, they don't. they just shrug it off as gang business and carry on. then that gang business comes back to be important when there's another kidnapping (because none of these men can commit until their 'female' is kidnapped). then they all live happily ever after because this is the southern mafia where they do vaguely violent and illegal things but make enough money that it's acceptable activity, not like those racially charged gangs who do illegal and immoral things like sell drugs to teenagers, those people don't even get sexy books let alone happy endings!
Profile Image for Carmen Alicea.
481 reviews7 followers
January 1, 2024
Aspen Chance's journey from a sheltered upbringing to the gritty reality of her sister's world in Ocala, Florida, is profoundly moving. Her innocence and determination to live fully despite her heart defect and the loss of her grandmother make her a character you can't help but root for.

Levi has only engaged in fleeting connections with women who understand the rules of his dangerous world, maintaining a distance in relationships. Until he meets Aspen, he can't help but break all the rules for her. Levi is a fascinating blend of power and vulnerability, a man shaped by darkness yet capable of profound care and protection.

Levi's instinct to protect Aspen introduces a complex dynamic between them, blending duty, care, and an unexpected, more profound connection. As they navigate their growing bond, the story explores themes of protection, healing, and the transformative power of love in dark circumstances. Their relationship evolves in a way that is both tender and fraught with tension, capturing the essence of a deep and complicated romance.

The author beautifully navigates the complexities of love, trust, and redemption, making it a must-read for anyone who appreciates a romance that entertains and delves deep into the human heart.
Profile Image for Asmaa.
543 reviews3 followers
August 24, 2023
This is the sixth book in the smoke series and we were not ready for the possessive and obsessive version of Levi that we will see. Levi is attracted to Aspen from the first time he sees her, but then he really, but he later realizes what an in innocenct she actually is. He feels protective towards her and bring her to the house when her sister is killed. It’s so fun to see how sweet Levi is to Aspen, and yet not to anyone else. We can see that his possessiveness is because of an attraction and more that he feels for Aspen, but it takes him a while to give in to both his attraction and feelings for Aspen. It’s interesting to see Aspen in this world and how she is drawn to Levi from the beginning he’s quite sweet. We have course have a normal possessiveness that we have come to be used to seeing in the smoke series. I was not expecting Levi to have Gage levels obsessiveness, but it happened. I enjoyed the book so much that I’ve already read it twice. I will also say that if you haven’t started the smoke series, I don’t know what I can say to make you start, but I can promise you that you won’t be sorry for reading it.
Profile Image for Luisa Rivas.
1,992 reviews33 followers
August 26, 2023
I loved this one! I got a kick out of seeing Levi getting domesticated. He took one look at Aspen and got hooked and then they embarked on this merry trip.

Some people grumbled about Levi’s back and forth but I loved every moment of Levi’s indecision. The experiences a child lives during the first years of life affect how they think, and in Levi’s case, watching how his father’s actions hurt his mother shaped his feelings on love and marriage. So it’s no surprise so see him so set against love and monogamy. Until Aspen, of course!

I loved seeing his protectiveness and possessiveness with Aspen against his wish to be free to pursue sex in other venues. Kye was a naughty boy, flirting with Aspen to get a rise of of Levi, LOL. I loved seeing how Aspen, in her innocence and beguiling beauty reined Levi in, not manipulating but just being sweet and sincere, sharing her feelings and offering him freedom.

This book was a page turner for me, and I truly enjoyed watching Levi’s dual personality, sweet and loving with Aspen, deadly and psycho in his job. One of my favorites in this series, together with Shiloh and Gage’s story. Can’t wait for the next!
Profile Image for Nina.
13 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2023
I think this book will never leave my thoughts. And even if I put a million stars in my review it still won't get the praise it deserves.
I grew up with Abbi's books, I've cried, laughed, treasured every word, quote and hidden meaning. Her characters helped me through the roughest times but also contributed to the beautiful ones. There's something magical about her and her writing, I've learned to fall in love with love with her books and found my Levi.
This book is about everlasting heartwarming love and the word I'd describe it with is CHERISH. Aspen is one of the most beautiful characters I've read and her optimism and harmony is something to admire. Even though she is fragile she is brave and she sees life as a blessing.
Levi and her reminded me so much of Grant and Harlow and the warmth and devotion was the same if not stronger.
Levi's the epitome of fire, his love is consuming and even though he comes from a dark world his love and devotion towards her are mesmerizing.
This book will forever be imprinted in my heart. Raw emotion.
Raw love.
Whiskey Smoke.
Profile Image for Amanda Davanzati.
521 reviews17 followers
August 24, 2023
Levi and Aspen are phenomenal!🔥

The way this series has consumed me it is to the max! Abbi Glines knows exactly how to write southern charm with with some dirty talking mafia cowboys!

Whiskey Smoke was everything I thought it would be and so much more! The chemistry was instant and brought everything to the table. This read gives you a hint of innocent along with all the spice you could want. Aspen is such a relatable character. She has definitely been my favorite heroine for this series so far. Levi has instantly be an enigma to me and finally getting his story was panty dropping worth it! I absolutely loved his protectiveness, it was such a turn on to read. These two just flowed effortlessly. Abbi Glines really bought their story to life and makes it so you feel like your right beside these characters.

I can’t recommend this series enough! If you pick up any book this year, make it this one! Making the time to read Whiskey Smoke will be so worth it!
Profile Image for Jami Kehr.
997 reviews13 followers
February 24, 2024
Ehhh..not my fav of the series.

This was my least favorite so far. I had such high hopes for Levi but he was nothing like I expected. There were moments when he shined as a character but they aren't enough to make him the character he could of been. The whole first half of the book he was a replica of his dad who he didnt want to be like. And I feel like this author missed a bunch of opportunities with Aspens character. Shes introduced as naive innocent 20 year old with a heart condition. You would expect there to be more info on whats going on with her heart.. Twice its said her doctor wants to meet with her and neither time is there any kind of follow up. Levi worries some about her heart but still there zero info in that aspect.
There are sooo many moments that if built on could make this a 5 star but it seems like maybe the author was rushed and just wanted to get this book out asap...unfortunately that makes it only a 3 star for me.
August 25, 2023
This is the best one so far out of the six books already released in this series.
Because for once it’s a ‘new’ kinda story not a retelling of the same old ones Abbi writes these last few years but with new names.

This one doesn’t felt like Abbi Glines was milking the cash cow while creating this story. But I do think that she found a new thing to use in her ‘hot’ series…. It’s the second girl in 6 books that can squirt.

I mist say that I hate the fact that al the girls are drop dead gorgeous in all the books of Abbi. There are girls in the world who aren’t drop dead gorgeous and paper thin! But until now never ever is there a girl who’s big boned or isn’t a miss universe or whatever + short(pixie cut) hair is also a no no in Abbi’s world :( always long gorgeous locks and massive amounts of hair, come on girl change it up a bit.
Profile Image for Sandie Chraponski.
1,381 reviews13 followers
August 30, 2023
I loved this one!

Whiskey Smoke is the 6th book in Abbi’s Smoke set, and these books just keep getting better and better.

Levi has a lifestyle that he loves, he sees what he wants and takes it with out a thought beyond that. He doesn’t do love, and he doesn’t plan to ever change his mind. But then he met Aspen and then he starts questioning everything about his life.

Abbi has a way of making even the biggest harda$$es turn into loving tubs of goo that will kill anyone who dare to hurt what’s theirs. And this is a perfect example, this series is filled with men who love hard and you aren’t going to be able to stop yourself from falling for them too.

This interconnected series of standalones and for the best experience I suggest that you read them all and in order. Because there is nothing better than a good mafia series unless it’s a Southern mafia series!!
2,525 reviews5 followers
November 24, 2023
Levi and Aspen. Levi is a member of The Family. Aspen is the sister of Kitty who works at a Strip Club. How these two met was Levi looking for Kitty at her house and encountered Aspen. She is living with her sister since her Gran passed away and had no one else. Right away Levi is very attracted to her. When Levi saw Kitty she requested he leave Aspen alone since she is young and very naive. She has lived a very sheltered life. The next time he sees Aspen is when shots were fired at the Strip Club and Kitty was killed. Levi knows he has to get Aspen because her life could be in danger. He rescues her and brings her home even under duress from his friends. He feels he needs to protect her but that is it. But is it really? Wonder how Aspen is going to react? Can a very young and naive girl handle all this? Well time will tell. These guys are very very Alpha!
Profile Image for Stacey.
62 reviews
April 18, 2024
WOW....just....WOW!!! I absolutely loved this book and think it is one of the best in the series so far! These books just keep getting better but Levi definitely gave Blaise a run for his money....I think I may have a new favourite man in this series!! I really liked the internal battle that Levi had to face when confronted with Aspen's innocence after leading quite a sheltered life with her Gran. He had been used to a certain type of relationship and this was way outside his comfort zone however, when these mafia men fall...they fall hard. I enjoyed that we were treated to appearances from the other fabulous ladies from the previous books as they rallied around Aspen and bought her into the family. Can't get enough of this series!!!
Profile Image for Manya Spain Becker.
68 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2023
Smoke Series Book 6

I love the alpha males in this series being brought to their knees by the powerful women they come to care for and love. The power of Aspen's innocence and love for living was admirable. It felt like it what was needed to break through to Levi and his tough exterior. The twist at the end ties up lose ends from previous books and hopefully leads into something with Saxon. Love it, keep them coming Abbi Glines, I love this series, every time I get my new release finished I find myself re reading the previous books until the next new release. Addictive!!! They are really that good.
Profile Image for Lee Anne Lane.
1,303 reviews4 followers
September 2, 2023
omg Levi falls!

I love Aspen and Levi! Watching them fall in love was a thing of beauty as his protective, caring nature kicked in. But I wanted to smack him at times for getting in his head and sabotaging everything. And he almost lost it all.

Saxon’s choice is going to be interesting and I’m excited for his story. In the meantime, we see lots of Trinity, Shiloh, Huck, Gage and Kye in this book. And flirty Kye is growing on me. His presence is taking on more in each story and it’s hard not to like him when he is such an easygoing guy. But we know he’ll protect those he cares about it and won’t he storage to stand up to his ‘brothers’ to wake them up.
Profile Image for Tracy.
1,389 reviews10 followers
November 2, 2023
I liked this one. I did. But I’m having a hard time finding any redeemable qualities for Levi. He’s basically an asshole. It was nice seeing him fall in love, but I still don’t like him.

Aspen is the little sister of a stripper who knows Levi and Kye. She’s had health problems so she’s been sheltered most of her life. When her grandma dies she goes to live with her sister Irish. Then Irish is caught up in some stuff and Levi feels responsible for Aspen because she has no one.

Aspen has a crush on Levi even though she knows she should stay away from him. Not to mention he used to sleep with her sister. 🤢

Levi ends up realizing he has actual feeling for Aspen.

584 reviews
August 25, 2023
Whiskey Smoke

This is my favorite so far. I did not like the last book so I was unsure about whether to get this or not. I had some Amazon credits so I got this...was glad I did.
Aspen has had a rough life. Her grandmother,who raised her, died and she went to live with her sister who was killed.
Enter Levi...he takes Aspen in and gives her a place to live. She is sweet, soft spoken and shy. He likes women a lot...things happen.
This is a very good story and I really like Aspen. She shared many traits with Harlow from the Rosemary Beach books.
Five stars
Profile Image for Lucinda Jordan.
638 reviews23 followers
August 28, 2023
Holy Guacamole

Oh my, this one took me up, down, all around and I don’t know where the heck I landed! I love this series and I just keep thinking this is going to end and then what will I do? Abbi you are so awesome! I fell so hard for Levi and Aspen. Their story is so crazy and good! Abbi you are such a great author, your characters are always right on with every book and series you write. Thank you,thank you! Hey you, if you’re looking for a great series to read run don’t stop and get the Smoke Series NOW!
Profile Image for Michelle Quintana.
1,735 reviews7 followers
August 28, 2023

Levi finally met his match in Aspen, a girl he never would have imagined was perfect for him. Aspen had led a sheltered life due to health problems. When tragedy strikes, she is forced to live at the compound with Levi and the gang. He becomes very possessive of her and he can't understand why. He won't commit to her because it's not in his nature but when she decides she will be like him, he blows a gasket and commits. Of course there is drama and trouble from someone from Levi's past. The ending was sweet and so unlike Levi. Can't wait for the next book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 103 reviews

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