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Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been held for the past nine years.

Victor is a cold-blooded assassin who, like Sarai, has known only death and violence since he was a young boy. When Victor arrives at the compound to collect details and payment for a hit, Sarai sees him as her only opportunity for escape. But things don’t go as planned and instead of finding transport back to Tucson, she finds herself free from one dangerous man and caught in the clutches of another.

While on the run, Victor strays from his primal nature as he succumbs to his conscience and resolves to help Sarai. As they grow closer, he finds himself willing to risk everything to keep her alive; even his relationship with his devoted brother and liaison, Niklas, who now like everyone else wants Sarai dead.

As Victor and Sarai slowly build a trust, the differences between them seem to lessen, and an unlikely attraction intensifies. But Victor’s brutal skills and experience may not be enough in the end to save her, as the power she unknowingly holds over him may ultimately be what gets her killed.

This is their story…

268 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 18, 2013

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About the author

J.A. Redmerski

29 books13.2k followers
J.A. (Jessica) Redmerski is a New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and #1 Amazon best-selling author. She is also an international bestseller and award winner. Jessica is a hybrid author who began self-publishing in 2012 and later signed several titles with a traditional publisher. Her works have been translated into over twenty languages and have been optioned for film and television.

In addition to writing books, she works with various programs to create her own cover art, interior art, design, formatting, and fantasy maps. Jessica loves The Golden Girls, Xena: Warrior Princess, nature, the universe, anime, manga, bookstores, and fantasizing about the apocalypse. She is from the United States but currently lives in Mexico with her husband.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,093 reviews
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,002 reviews1,250 followers
September 13, 2019
Movie trailer is out now!!! 😎😎😎


OMFG finally we have official photos... 😍😍😍


And you can read Jessica's official blog post. ❤She is also giving some info about book 7!🙂


VICTOR FAUST is getting ready to kill!!! LOOK AT THIS, PLEASE! 😍😍😍

I can't believe this is finally happening. 😎



OMG people look at this!!! Killing Sarai is going to be a TV series. :D
Mmm Victor looks so hawt! :D

I'm sooooo excited to watch this. <3

William Levy as Victor Faust. :)

Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
254 reviews25.3k followers
April 11, 2017
*4.5 Stars*

Now THAT is how to make readers fearlessly fall for the bad-boy!

Killing Sarai is an action-packed, unconventional love story that will undoubtably push your boundaries as a reader. Its bold setting takes place in a twisted world where kidnapping, sex slavery, and cold-blooded murder barely induce so much as a flinch. Its intensity will astound you and its unique character development will have you unashamedly rooting for the bad-guy—who, quite possibly, is not as bad as he seems...

Sarai has been living in seclusion for years. Kidnapped at the tender age of fourteen and forced to witness rape, abuse, and murder, she has successfully grown numb to the effects of all things grotesque. Sarai, although also abused, remains her captor's favorite—oddly obtaining a sort of twisted 'princess' status amongst the slaves. When she finally garners enough courage to run, it is straight into the frigid arms of a cold-blooded hit man...

Victor lives for one thing: murder for money. He's cold, calculated and precise—but he does display a conscience. He exudes a sexy confidence and has no room in his 'killing' schedule for a relationship, of any sort. Sarai is a distraction, as well as a threat. He'll use her presence only to gain the upper hand, and then she's a goner.

He can't feel for her.
He won't fall for her.
But this may be the one thing over which the competent Victor has no control...

"What have you done to me?" He says.
"I was going to ask you the same question."

The way these horrific events unfold is ingenious. The author uses such an eloquent demeanor in delivering these blows; it almost feels like a contradiction. This is not a pretty love story by any means, but its execution is beautiful.

This story is told through dual perspectives. To be honest, I've become a bit wary of dual POV's; sometimes I enjoy deciphering a character's thoughts solely through their actions. I also find that some heroes lose their edge once the perspectives switch. But this author handled the transition seamlessly, and successfully added more vigor into an already intense story. Victor retained the same mystery and allure when revealed to us through his own perspective, and I appreciated the consistency.

The final 30% of this book truly took my breath away. It took an unexpected turn, slightly twisting the tone into something darker, and it is precisely what made this a five-star read for me. The ending is not complete, although there is enough finality to keep you from pulling your hair out. That said, the open ending suggests a killer follow-up, and I honestly cannot wait! AMAZING read!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Book Stats:
▪ Genre/Category: Contemporary Romance/Dark
▪ Steam Caliber: Mild amount/Maximum Steam
▪ Romance: Unconventional, complicated, intense.
▪ Characters: Sexy, bad-boy killer with a conscience. Damaged but willful heroine. Brilliantly portrayed.
▪ Plot: Centered on an untraditional relationship formed within an intense and sinister lifestyle.
▪ Writing: Experienced and captivating. Well-planned out execution.
▪ POV: 1st Person: Dual perspectives
▪ Cliffhanger: Mild/doable. Sets stage for more story.
▪ Next Installment: Follow up

Profile Image for Christy.
4,144 reviews34.8k followers
June 25, 2013

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Wow... just wow. That is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about this book. It really ‘wowed’ me. J.A. Redmerski just has a knack for writing my favorite books. This book is so different from the Edge of Never, but just as good. Darker reads, books with a little bit of a twist. Books where the hero is really the ‘bad guy’ too. Those are my absolute favorites. And this book fit right into that category.

Sarai is a girl who has been a prisoner of a Mexican drug lord since she has been fourteen. For nine years. She wasn’t kidnapped, she was handed off by her own mother. Now she is stuck there, with no means to escape. Until one night, she hears him. Victor. Victor is an American. He is hired by Javier (drug lord) to kill a man. Thats his job. Victor is a cold blooded killer. He doesn’t kill ‘innocents’ but he has been killing for a long time. He doesn’t have sympathy for anyone or remorse for what he does. Its what he was born to do, what he was trained to do. What he’s been doing for as long as he can remember.

When Sarai sees this American, she thinks... this is my one shot to get out of here. She takes it. She runs and sneaks into Victor’s car. This is the start of Sarai and Victor’s journey together. Victor isn’t there to help Sarai, but he keeps her around for a bit because he knows she will be useful. She is a ‘prize’ for Javier, his favorite girl, and he knows he can bargain with her. Sarai isn’t going back. One way or another, her time with Javier is over. If she ever faces him again one of two things will happen. She will kill him, or she will die trying. Either way, she’s not living that life again. Even though Victor is a killer, she knows he is, she feels safe with him. Maybe not at first, but she grows to want him around, need him around.
“Despite my growing fear, I still want to be right where I am, trapped in the merciless arms of a killer.”

This story was surprising, unpredictable. I found myself unable to put it down, just thinking... what is going to happen next??? Victor. Victor is ‘the bad guy’, but not really. Getting deeper into his character, we see why Victor has the cold exterior he has, why he is the way he is. He is something else.

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Victor has been doing his job a long time. He never screws up. Ever. If he did, it would mean death. He follows orders, follows the rules. No exceptions. But there is something about this girl, about Sarai that is different. He doesn’t know why, but he needs to help her, to protect her. It’s a dangerous game they are playing.

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Sarai is a tough girl. All she went through, endured, yet she still puts others before her, she has a soft heart, but she isn’t afraid to kick some ass. I was impressed with her character. Her story broke my heart. Spending her whole teenage/adult life captive, she was willing to do anything to escape her life. She is brave. Victor helps her, but this girl needs no saving. She saves herself. She fights her own battles. I loved watching Victor and Sarai’s relationship develop. It was a slow build, but amazing to read. Sarai brings something out in Victor. Something he’s never felt before.
“You made me feel real emotions. You unlocked me.”

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This was such an incredible read. It had EVERYTHING. Drama. Action. Suspense. Sex. Emotion. It captivated me. It kept me on my toes, guessing what was going to happen next. I loved all the twists and turns. Just amazing! The ending... I wouldn’t call it a cliffhanger. It wasn’t a conventional HEA, but it sets up nicely for book 2... which I NEED asap!!! One of the best books I’ve read in a while, a must read in my book!

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
July 12, 2013

OK. Yeah. I fell for the bad guy.

From the first few pages, Killing Sarai had my undivided attention. Unputdownable!

The story here is that of an American girl, Sarai, who was handed off to a Mexican drug dealer at the age of fourteen by her own mother. Her life since then has been one filled with drugs, brutality, murder and slavery. She knows escape is futile - it would be suicide. Out there in the middle of Mexico, there is literally no where she can go. So when an American hit man comes to the compound on business, she sees her way out and takes it.

All she wants is to get home. But running away has it's consequences. Victor is a cold-blooded, hard man - trained from an early age to be a killer… and now, he's her only hope for survival.

"I need you to help me... I've been a prisoner of Javier's since I was fourteen years old."
"And you assume I'm going to help because I am also American," he said simple.
I hesitate before I answer, "I-I... well why wouldn't you?"
"It is not my business to interfere."
"Then what IS your business? I ask with a trace of distaste. "To murder people in cold blood?"

"You know I'm in a lot of danger," I say.
"Yes, but that still does not make you my problem."
"Are you HUMAN?" I hate him more every time he speaks. "What kind of man would not want to help a defenseless young woman especially when she has escaped her captors and is directly pleading for your help?"
He doesn't answer.

I felt myself drawn to Victor's character. He was so intriguing! Always in control, always one step ahead. Smart, calculating, efficient, seemingly ruthless on the outside but I sensed a spark of something… deeper maybe?

I couldn't tell what his end game was at first but that made sense because I don't think even he knew his end game. He was torn between what he was trained to do, what made sense to do given the world he lived in, but also what his conscience (however far buried it was) was telling him. And something about Sarai was slowly unraveling him.

"In the end, you can only trust yourself. I am not your hero. I am not the other half of your soul who could never let anything bad ever happen to you. Trust your instincts first always, and me, if you choose, last."

Sarai has really had the worst of life handed to her but yet she'd remained quite strong and I was pleasantly surprised to watch her discover her inner badass.

The world was brutal but the descriptions were never too graphic. It told you just enough to keep you connected and 'in the moment' but never enough to make your stomach turn. Remember, this is a New Adult story so there is some steam, but it's not too detailed. I did wish there had been a little more though but I expect we might see more in the sequel.

That being said, I loved seeing them slowly give into what they were feeling. It was more of a leap for Victor than Sarai because for him relationships were not only forbidden but simply did not belong in his dangerous lifestyle.

"Despite my growing fear, I still want to be right where I am, trapped in the merciless arms of a killer."

The plot was unpredictable and I loved that. It kept me wondering what would happen next and kept surprising me. That being said, it didn't really put my heart in my throat either, but it did keep my attention at all times.

This is the kind of story that makes you just have to keep flipping the pages. The pacing is fast, the writing is fluid, the story is engaging and the characters are intriguing. All in all, it's a fabulous read if you're looking for something totally 'different'. I really enjoyed it!

The ending… ho boy! It leaves you desperately wanting more but at the same time, I got the feeling that it would all be okay in the end. Basically, there is a slight cliffhanger. It wasn't a 'holy shit' kind of ending, but rather just one that clearly left a lot more to the story. And there is a note at the end that says that Victor and Sarai's story will continue in the sequel which is to be released later in 2013. I can't wait!

4.5 stars

CASTING: I think I found my Victor....

Exclusive Excerpt here:

Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been held for the past nine years.

Victor is a cold-blooded assassin who, like Sarai, has known only death and violence since he was a young boy. When Victor arrives at the compound to collect details and payment for a hit, Sarai sees him as her only opportunity for escape. But things don’t go as planned and instead of finding transport back to Tucson, she finds herself free from one dangerous man and caught in the clutches of another.

While on the run, Victor strays from his primal nature as he succumbs to his conscience and resolves to help Sarai. As they grow closer, he finds himself willing to risk everything to keep her alive; even his relationship with his devoted brother and liaison, Niklas, who now like everyone else wants Sarai dead.

As Victor and Sarai slowly build a trust, the differences between them seem to lessen, and an unlikely attraction intensifies. But Victor’s brutal skills and experience may not be enough in the end to save her, as the power she unknowingly holds over him may ultimately be what gets her killed.

This is their story…

For more of my reviews, visit Aestas Book Blog
And come join the Aestas Book Blog Facebook Page
Profile Image for Ash Wednesday.
441 reviews541 followers
December 4, 2013

Anyone up for some Jeopardy?

I'll take familiar blurbs for 200, Alex.



Okay let's pause for an awkward second and admire the pink, tattooed elephant named Caithness Macbeth in the room.


Everyone good?

Don't get me wrong, this is a totally different story (more along the lines of Leon: The Professional but not as good), but given the distant yet still noticeable similarities with a favorite series and my gripes against this book, I'm having a hard time thinking of what I liked about it. Because for some reason, it felt like I watched a B-movie about assassins, ham-acted out by B-actors filmed on the gaudiest locations.
He leaves it at that and walks into the room where I continue to follow and once I'm inside, the beauty of it takes my breath away. There are four life-sized statues of Greek women wearing flowing gowns, standing tall in all four corners of this round, dome-shaped room.To my right another wall-sized window overlooks the turbulent ocean and in front of it, sitting proudly on display is the most beautiful piano I've ever seen.

That's where Victor, our hero, lives. And no he is not a centuries old vampire.

I think my major issue was everything about this story was executed half-baked and half-heartedly. There's a great dearth of grit and tension in the storytelling, Something about the themes this book chose to deal with need to be delivered with a certain panache; a brave balls-out, swagger where it came out short of in every way.

I always felt like it was holding back, trying not to get too offensive. Take for example the scene in LA where they were alone with Arthur Hamburg Which didn't happen because, as in any PG-13 movie, the hero finds a way to save the day. I'm not a pervert (most of the times) just out for the smut factor, but if you're going to set your story with off-beat characters with intense backstories, you can't expect me to not complain when it doesn't deliver on the promised potential when the time comes.

Or maybe it's just because I've seen these issues handled better and given the proper edge in the treatment, elsewhere?

I have the most difficult time dealing with Sarai. Her character profile is so confusing. She pities Izel one moment, only to be glad, several chapters after. She doesn't act like someone who has been "enslaved" for 9 years, easily adapting to the circumstances Victor throws at her. And I don't understand why the author made her "special" in Javier's harem, because this effectively takes out any hope of sympathy I may have for her. Her initial guilt over enjoying all sorts of luxury (Except wearing a bra. Dear gad, the travesty!) being Javier's favorite while the rest of the harem suffers went forgotten. With not one iota of guilt after assuming the Izabel persona. And this circular argument that just made my nose bleed:
I hated Javier. I hated that even though he never raped me, at least not like you expect rape to happen; he knew at first I was unwilling, that I only gave in to him because I was afraid and yet he still had sex with me and I say that's rape. But I hated him and I hated that I gave myself to a man that I did not want.


There's something strange in the way the dialogue of the characters are phrased. This is told in alternating POVs between Sarai and Victor with very little to distinguish one POV from the other. But my major issue is that there are lengths of dialogue (that are actually lengthy monologues, thinking back) that didn't sound conversational at all. It's as if the characters are reading their lines off a script. A badly written script at that.
"What kind of man would not want to help a defenseless young woman out of a life of bondage and violence, especially when she has escaped her captors and is directly pleading for your help?"

Who talks like that? Seriously?

And everything else I said in my status updates because I'm already tired of hearing my own voice in my head and I don't want to talk about the piano playing and the chest beating while crying and the lukewarm sex anymore.

I'm sorry but it seems I am the kind of reader who doesn't get impressed by throwing in gunfights and dead bodies and shocking gestures into the story for the sake of. What, someone shoves his hand in a girl's cunny and you expect me to gasp in surprise and call this edgy and gritty?

Profile Image for xrysa.
143 reviews989 followers
June 30, 2013

Beautiful but defeated and damaged.

Can he be her savior?

Sarai is a 23 year old girl.She's been held as a captive for 9 years.She cant stand witnessing the rapping and the abusing anymore.She has to escape.Yet her only opportunity for a ticket to freedom is an American.He is a cold blooded murderer but given the circumstances she cant be picky so she sneaks into his car threatening him and she is praying that her plan has worked.However back in the compound she left behind her best friend , Lydia , an angry slut,Izel, and a furious -let's say- boyfriend , Javier.He is brutal and dangerous but he never treated her like the rest of the girls. Sarai always had more civil in comparison to the other captives. Maybe it was because of her beauty or maybe because she wasn’t really abducted.

FYI Sarai is not the innocent girl you might give her credit for.She can be dangerous when her life is being threatened but she doesn’t have the intention to hurt anyone.

Victor has a strange and cold personality but he is her only protection.I liked him a lot not because of his blue-green eyes(yeah maybe that too) but because he is smart and very cautious. I would love to know why he is helping her in first place.In that way he is risking everything and he betrays everyone. Nevertheless he is genius and his plans always work.

Well now that we all now how Sarai grew up,it has only left to wonder how she will fit into the society again.She is not normal and she will never be.She is a person that can manipulate the others and I have to tell that she is a perfect actress.

This is a story of



and betrayal

Part of me was so relived with the ending.I thought that everything was over but unfortunately nothing is over yet.

I loved this book a lot.Their relationship is not your typical love story.It wasn’t even clear if it was love or not.I have to admit that the author's writing style is absolutely amazing.Everything is so detailed and beautiful written.Nothing that you can predict will happen. This is a book that I'd definitely recommend , not only to those who love captive stories but to everyone.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
July 13, 2013

Omg it was amazing!!!Killing Sarai kept me on my toes from the first page until the end!!I was captivated by the thrilling story!!!I love it!! :))

This is a story about Sarai....


who at the age of 14 her mother gave her away to a Mexican drug lord named Javier who has developed an obsessive liking towards her...
She was been forced into a sexual relationship with Javier.
Sarai finally caught a chance for freedom when Victor a hired assassin and a dangerous man visits the compound for some special mission that deals with Javier.


She sneaks out of the compound and into Victor's vehicle not knowing that she may have escaped the clutches of one dangerous man but has now placed her fate in another man's lethal clutches..

Victor is a trained killer...


who grew up knowing nothing but death and violence..At the first chapters of the book he was so apathetic and I waited patiently for Sarai to crack his facade and breaks loose the emotions he's been hiding for so many years...

“In the end, you can only trust yourself. I am not your hero. I am not the other half of your soul who could never let anything bad ever happen to you. Trust your instincts first always, and me, if you choose,last.”

The romance between Victor and Sarai was so perfectly written because it was realistic to the story and to the characters,which made what they had so much more important and though there weren't any great love declarations their romance still made me swoon..


"This goes against everything that I am Sarai."..."No it doesn't".."It's you becoming more of who you really are."

I like the sexual tension between Victor and Sarai!!The whole thing grew and grew in each chapter until it blows you away!!


"Victor Faust did much more than help me escape a life of abuse and servitude. He changed me. He changed the landscape of my dreams, the dreams I had every day about living ordinarily and free on my own..."

Thrilling and absolutely amazing book!!It will surely leave you wanting for more!!

For more reviews you can check mine and Kristinas's blog. :D

my link text


Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,147 reviews13.2k followers
July 6, 2013
5 Completely Enthralling Stars
I don't think that this thing between us is love, or even lust. It's something else, something powerful and unmistakable that neither of us have been able to ignore. But it doesn't have a face. Or a name.

I am discipline. Sarai is rage.

This book was a roller coaster of emotions that I wished would never end.
I still can't exactly put into words everything that I felt about this book.

I went from




and back to

The writing was brilliant. The story was "unable to put the book down for even a second" good. It was unlike anything I've read in a long, long time.


Victor was an enigma. The author did such an amazing job with characterization that the reader got both not enough of Victor that he had this air of mystery about him the entire book, and yet give us just enough crumbs that made him incredibly endearing despite his coldness at the same time. He was scary, he was mysterious, he was also so DAMN HAWT!


Syrai was such an incredible heroine. She was both vulnerable yet completely kick-ass. She went through hell for nine years. She has seen things that no child should ever have to see, and been through horrors. Never having a childhood, she went from one hell into a whole different one. When she escapes the captivity through a mysterious stranger she knows only as Victor. For a 23 year old, and having been through as much as she had, she still managed to come off as so incredibly strong.

The story is not your fairy tale romance. It is not sunshine and rainbows and unicorns. It's dark, twisted, gritty, and sucks you in from the very first page.

The romance builds realistically over time. I was so happy to see that the author did that, because had it been quicker or lust at first sight it would not have done these amazing characters justice. The majority of this book is the suspense and action, and it doesn't disappoint in either case. It's fast paced, and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

The ending I felt was very fitting. It was not exactly a cliffhanger, though it is quite clear that their story is far from finished. As much as I would have loved a HEA, it would not have been true to the story to give Sarai and Victor one at that point of the book.

My thoughts when I just finished the book:

Holy shit! This book!
I have no words...
No really! I need to get my shit together and gather my wits before I write a review...
I need a fucking moment here!!

For more reviews visit: Dirty Girl Romance Book Blog
Profile Image for Riley.
447 reviews23.2k followers
December 19, 2017
3rd time reading this and I'm still obsessed with this series

Oh man. This book was like a drug, I craved every messed up page.
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,670 followers
June 25, 2013
SPOILER FREE REVIEW -mature content reader discretion is advised.
5++++STARS out of 5
Genre: Romance/Suspense


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This is how you do it. This is how you write and tell a story. J.A. Redmerski just set a bar... And that shit is sky scrapper high. Seriously people I inhaled this book in one day. ADRENALINE PUMPING, OMG THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN, GASPING FOR AIR, HEART POUNDING, PAGE TURNING, DAMN THAT WAS HOT AS HELL CAN I GET A SERVING OF VICTOR PLEASE!

There is nothing better than reading a book and loving the hero and heroine both equally. Sarai is hardcore and I truly enjoyed her character right alongside Victor. WHAT. A. PAIR. *Tugs at collar in heat* Victor.

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Profile Image for Melanie.
1,230 reviews101k followers
December 18, 2018
“There is a stark difference between fear and uncertainty, Sarai. You fear nothing but are uncertain of everything.”

I have had this book recommended to me a lot over the years. But the thing is, dipping into older published dark romance normally isn’t the best experience, so I’ve put off this 2013 publication for a while. But honestly? This actually was a really enthralling read that held up really well in 2018. And I am really excited to continue on with the series.

Sarai - Currently is twenty-three but was fourteen when her mom gave her to a drug lord. Sarai starts the book in captivity, as a sex slave of the leader of this organization that is in Mexico. And one day at the compound, she hears the first American accent she has heard in years and takes the opportunity to try for her freedom once and for all.

Victor - An assassin who has only known bloodshed his entire life. But when he finds a girl in the backseat of his vehicle, he feels a soft spot for her, while also understanding that he could use her as leverage against a very powerful drug lord.

And from there these two’s paths are intertwined and their lives are changed forever. Neither one has ever really known what love is, and never really let anyone in before. But together, they form a really unexpected friendship and partnership. Also, neither one of them can give up on revenge and decide that maybe together they can right the wrongs that have been done against them.

So, I read this book for the #smutathon challenge of “slow burn” and holy shit was this the perfect fit for the category. You all, I was begging, wishing, praying, for these two to just realize that they like each other. Like, this is the most slow burn book of all slow burns! But the angst and wanting is really expertly done and make you totally unable to put this book down.

This is a darker book, so please use caution while reading. Content and trigger warnings for sex trafficking, slavery, kidnapping, murder, death, loss of a loved one, blood depictions, talk of sexual assault, talk of rape, talk of pedophilia, animal death, parental abuse, abandonment, torture, and fatphobic comments. Also, I mean, the romance in this could maybe be a little Stockholm syndrome, even though I didn’t feel that way, I can totally see how it could be perceived as such. And obviously there is a huge power imbalance between Victor and Sarai.

But I do need to talk about the reason I did give this three stars, and that’s because one of the villains in this book, who I’m guessing is going to be a really big villain in the next books, is not only queer, but he is constantly villainized for being fat. And this is exactly why going back and reading older dark romances are normally painful, because they constantly use hurtful tropes like this. And this in no way gets a free pass because it’s older, this is a disgusting trope that I will never be here for, regardless of the year of publication. Miss me with this nasty villainization of queer and fat people, when you could easily just villainize the man for being a rapist.

Overall, this is a really hard book to put down, and there is action on every page. I really enjoyed reading this one (besides the hot mess in the paragraph above this one). I totally plan to continue on, even if I’m a little apprehensive about the villain, but Sarai and Victor just have me feeling weak and I need to know what happens to them at the end of this story.

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I read this for #smutathon, which is being hosted by Lainey and Riley! ❤
Profile Image for Lainey.
261 reviews1,571 followers
April 13, 2018
First Read: May 3, 2015
ReRead: January 24, 2016
Third Read: April 13, 2018

ReRead Thoughts: How the fuck did I ever hate my precious baby Niklas. I love you so much.


It's like Mr. & Mrs. Smith in book form. I can't wait to collect the rest of this series and get introduced to all the characters.

MY NON-SPOILER SERIES REVIEW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVyN9...
Profile Image for Angela.
850 reviews1,471 followers
June 5, 2017
This book was ridiculous. And I really like it. Can't wait to write a review.
Profile Image for Flo.
286 reviews590 followers
September 27, 2015
5 **kick-ass** STARS

“Despite my growing fear, I still want to be right where I am, trapped in the merciless arms of a killer.”

My kind of book. I can't even begin to tell you how right this read was for me. Killing Sarai is one of those stories that just clicked with me from the first page. Angst, action, edge of the seat suspense and a subtly developed romance story. None of that insta-lust nonsense.

First and foremost I have to thank my dear friend Jasmine for recommending me this series. J.A. Redmerski is a completely new author for me and I'm pretty confident to say I'm a fan after only reading one book.

Let's talk story...

Sarai has been living a life of captivity since she was fourteen years old. Nine years ago her mother took her to Mexico and ever since she was a drug lord's "favourite". With no way to escape she resigned herself to the life she was given, accepted her fate and played along. That is until one day an American arrives at the compound. The dormant fight rises in her and she uses her chance to flee.

Victor Faust is an assassin. Cool, collected and very much in control of his world. Until the chatty girl hides in the back of his car after a meeting with a client. He starts to make decisions that threaten his life, his work and the armor around his person.

“I don’t think this thing between us is love, or even lust. It’s something else, something powerful and unmistakable that neither of us have been able to ignore. But it doesn’t have a face.”

This is not a book about redemption or saving each other from a bad faith. In fact once Victor and Sarai meet their journey leads them even deeper down the rabbit hole. Both have lead lives commonly described as ‘not normal’. Victor joined ‘the Order’ when he was nine years old and was subsequently trained to become who he is now. Sarai grew up in a trailer park with a drug addict mother. After that, nine years of seeing violence, rape and crime desensitised her.

For all intents and purposes both main characters are damaged in their own way. Together they create a loveable mix of dysfunction and ruthlessness. I was so fascinated by the way the author managed to fit them together like a puzzle. Step by step Sarai puts cracks in Victor’s hardened exterior and Victor is just unable to pull the trigger on the girl and the connection they developed.

They are by far the most captivating couple I have met in a long time. Even though the book is written in both their POVs we learn very little about Victor and he stays an enigma for the most part. Stoic and very silent. Well, and Sarai constantly managed to surprise me with her strength and astounding ability to cope.

Of course they have to deal with a lot of trouble. Drug lords, employers, their own stubbornness, reckless behaviour and family members. Don't get me started on the somewhat open ending...luckily the next four books are already published. ;D

Killing Sarai is the first book In the Company of Killers Series and is not a standalone read. Victor and Sarai's story continues with Reviving Izabel. I can only recommend picking up this book for the excellent writing and the spellbinding, action packed story alone. But if you also love a kick-ass heroine and a merciless assassin then I really don’t know what you are waiting for. READ THE BOOK!

August 15, 2013
5 Fast Paced and Gripping Stars!!!

Sarai has been held captive for nines years, subjected to the whims of a mad man. She has never given up hope of escape, so when she sees an american visitor, something that's never happened before, she takes a chance and risks her life for freedom.

But nothing is always as it seems. Gun in hand, Sarai forces Victor the american visitor to take her to the american border. But Victor isn't the salvation Sarai was looking for, she realises that she may have left her captivity, but she has thrown herself in to a much more dire situation. the man she is with is a killer, and wouldn't think twice before ending her life.

In one single moment it seems as if her life is about to end. But Victor surprises her, surprises even himself by doing exactly what he has been trained not to do. Sarai is an enigma to him, he feels drawn to her. He realises that she is a threat to him, but cannot decide how to remedy this problem even though it is quite obvious.

Victor and Sarai journey is one filled with pain and uncertainty but also self discovery. Sarai begins to find the strength inside herself the longer she is with Victor. She may not be the ideal woman or the woman society expects her to be. But she becomes a woman of her circumstances, she becomes warrior no longer a victim. She learns to love, although she may not know it, this becomes her strength. Yes, at times she is scared but she no longer cowers in fright, but stands up and faces the challenge.

Victor feels protective of Sarai, something he has never felt for any woman before. Her pain is something he takes no joy in, he wants her to be safe, have a chance at happiness, a good life.

Victor's life scares Sarai, but not enough for her to not want to be around him. She sees a different side to him, he doesn't show it often, but it's there. Every glimpse she gets, proves to her that Victor has a heart although he might not want her to see it.

This is a fast paced, gripping and thrilling novel. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, there are surprises at every turn of your digital page. I truly have never read a book like this before, Miss Redmerski you have been holding out on us! It will leave you craving more, leave you wanting to find another book that will match the absolute genuis that J.A Redmerski has created!

I love books that are narrated in the first person, I think it feeds the need I have to become the character. It makes it so much easier to pretend that it's actually me that's playing the character! Haha! The fact that I got to read it form the hero's POV as well made the book an absolutely satisfying read!

This is one of those books where you'll find yourself wanting a physical copy, signed proof that you didn't dream this wonderful story.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,485 reviews5,322 followers
July 13, 2013
”I am discipline. Sarai is rage. I am aware of my choices at all times. Sarai’s choices are more aware of her, lying in wait to decide for her based on the severity of her mood with no intention in leaving her any conscious control over it.”

J.A. Redmerski’s Sarai is nothing like her hit novel The Edge of Never which I loved. This story is an entirely different animal. I read the book the first day it was released but sat on my review because I wasn’t sure I could come up with enough adjectives to express to a reader how FANTASTIC this story actually is.

This book is nonstop action there is no down time in the story to take a break. Please block out a fair amount of time to read this book because you will NOT want to stop at all! The writing, the characters, the alternating povs and the story were completely consuming.

The main character Sarai rocks! She is one hell of a female lead. She is strong, damaged, smart and any reader will fall completely in love with her.


”She shows all the signs of having lost the ability to react to fear and danger appropriately. She is numb to danger and that in itself is a death sentence.”

Sarai’s inner dialogue was perfection and made me feel like I was in fact on the run with Sarai from the horrible Javier in the car with the dangerous Victor.

”Like it or not, Victor is my only protection until I can get over that border and I’m going to stick with him as long as I can regardless of my desperate need to get away from him, too.”~Sarai

So it seems that Sarai’s way out of her nine years of captivity from a drug lord in Mexico is an American who seems to be a cold blooded contract murderer. Victor NEVER does friendships or relationships.


The way Victor’s character unfolded was so well done. The way Victor teetered on the edge of staying true to his brother and his Order while protecting Sarai was so exciting.


”And I don’t kill innocent people.”

Silence fills the small space between us.

“No one is innocent,” I snap, surprising myself. “Least of all me.”

Sexual tension starts to rise while the couple faces one intense situation after another all the while Victor has to stay on track with his employer, his brother and his Order. A reader finds themselves falling hard for this couple to find a way to stay together even if it’s not for the best.

Once you hit the end of the story, you won’t be left hanging on a cliff but actually excited for the continuation and hopes of what the next book will hold for these two characters.

”This goes against everything I am, Sarai,” he says and then kisses me.
“No, it doesn’t,” I whisper and kiss him back. “It’s you becoming more of who you really are.”

Overall the ending is not your typical hea. Although a reader is left excited for the next book.

J.A. Redmerski this book left me...


Go forth and get lost in this story!!
Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews776 followers
June 26, 2013
So the only complaint I have is I wish there were a little more smuttiness in this book...That's b/c Victor is so effing HOT! But storyline, characters, sexual tension and everything was WOW!! I loved it :)

For some reason while reading this I kept picturing Jason Statham from The Transporter as Victor.
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"I couldn't look a normal person in the eye and tell them what happened without thinking I'd lost my mind, or succumbed to Stockholm syndrome. But Victor could've had his way with me many times over. He could've raped me. He could've given in to me the few times I've shown an attraction to him. But he never did and always pushed me away..."

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"I'm not like everybody else. And even if I had a shot at it, even if I could walk away right now and try to be like everyone else, I don't want to. I am afraid to die. I can't say that I'm not. And I don't want to die, but I'm prepared to."

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The story starts with Sarai being stuck with her Mexican drug lord owner/lover/captor, Javier. She sees Victor and decides to try and escape the compound with him even knowing he's a cold blooded killer. Everything afterward is her coming barreling into Victor's life, trying to keep him from killing her and causing him to eventually form some sort of attachment to her. The sexual tension between these two at times was like WOW!!!

"He starts to fuck me harder and I grip the pillow above my head before pressing my hands against the headboard, forcing myself against him, feeling his cock swell inside of me."
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"We sit in stillness, both looking out ahead, both married to our thoughts. I wonder if hers are about me. I can't help but for mine to be about her."

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yes photo tumblr_mjrink2ZlJ1s8czzko1_500_zpsd04ba495.gif

J.A. Redmerski:
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high five photo Iub8V_zps8f13b371.gif

This book isn't really a cliffhanger but dang am I ready for Book 2!!!
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,940 reviews1,515 followers
August 10, 2016
I LOVE THIS NEW COVER!!!! OH.MY.GOD!!! It's time to order my paperback :D

6 Stars, no 15 Million STARS!!!!

Full review with guest post J.A. Redmerski - > Jacqueline’s Reads

The very first thing I need to say is that I absolutely, with my heart and every fiber in my body LOVED LOVED … did I say LOVE? YES! LOVED Killing Sarai

Yup, Killing Sarai is up there with Hopeless, Beautiful Disaster, Real and Tangled. I don’t have that many spots on my top favorites, but Killing Sarai deserves that spot. Honestly, I loved The Edge of Never and yes I had expectations from J.A. Redmerski, but my expectations were met by tenfold!

[Cliff-notes version of my review]

I’m going to do a lot gushing, so, if you want something short and sweet, here it is…

Here is my version of Victor

Here is my version of Sarai

And there is my short version of review. I went into Killing Sarai without knowing anything and if you are like me, just do it BUT if you need a review, then proceed.


Sarai was taken to Mexico when she was 14 years old. Her mom left her with a drug lord, Javier. Sarai is Javier’s favorite. Sarai is now 23 and over hears an American, Victor, the first time in 9 years she lands a perfect opporunity. She takes quick action and sneaks out of her compound also known as her prison and hides in the American’s car. Victor is a hitman, he’s highly professional and doesn’t let his emotions comprise his situation ever. Javier hired Victor to take out a hit, but on his way to his target, he soon finds his stowaway and doesn’t know what to do with her.


…while peering into my eyes, though beyond them. I wonder what he’s looking for in their depths. Whatever it is, I hope he never finds it so that we can stay like this forever.

I absolutely loved Sarai and Victor. She was the perfect Heroine and Victor was the perfect Hero, also known as the future father of my child and a book boyfriend. You.feel.for.Sarai. Her innocence was taken from her and all she has ever known was to do what she had to do to survive yet she’s human and has inner conflicts. I understood Sarai completely. I felt like I was her, I felt like I was asking the same questions and I just wanted to help her!

There is a stark difference between fear and uncertainty, Sarai. You fear nothing but are uncertain of everything.

Then, there’s cold, calculating Victor who is just 100% lickable and edible. I don’t know how to describe him. There’s just something so sexy about a calm, confident, yet deadly man.

I am attracted to him. I do have a strange, unfamiliar feelings for him. And I hate it!

Let me just say, this read isn’t steamy, but oh you could cut the sexual tension with a knife and I love it! In the beginning Sarai is just trying to find her way back to America and Victor is well to me a huge blank. We don’t really understand what goes on until later and it’s just a perfect dance of giving me what I need instead of what I want. I like this and I love the tension.

I feel like a toy and Victor knows every button on me which to push, to touch, in order to make me do whatever he wants, feel whatever he wants me to feel. And I don’t mind.

My emotions throughout the read…

At 1% I’m like oh damn… from page 1 I was hooked

At 12% I felt like I was going to read something epic

At 32% my mind is blown away

At 74% I am just glued to my tablet and I don’t want the read to end

At 82% I have no f@cking clue to what’s going on, but I love it

At 100%.... I just had a book orgasm

What made me love Killing Sarai so much was the natural progression of Sarai and Victor’s from beginning to end . I can’t tell you enough how I love character build-up and relationships forming from trust, understanding and sometimes self-sacrifice, instead of just pure lust. You will not know what happens from start to finish and it was perfect.

I don’t really want to recap the plot too much. I feel you should go into this read with little in mind. Just know while reading it, there will be a lot of tension, dramatic situations, shooting, chasing, dying and just mind f&cks throughout the way.

Oh and there is a cliff-hanger, kind of. I mean the ending opens to book 2, Reviving Izabel, but I was okay with it. It's an open cliff-hanger, but you are left very satisfied. I know, I hate cliffys too, but this one isn't bad. I promise!

I am grateful… for everything you’ve done for me. I guess in the end none of it will really matter, not saving my life or sparing it. But I’ll always be grateful to you.

Oh and when Victor said … I think I just fainted and died right there!


6++++++ Stars!

Full review with guest post J.A. Redmerski - > Jacqueline’s Reads

Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers, #1) by J.A. Redmerski AMAZON
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,934 reviews33k followers
October 29, 2014
2.75 Stars

I felt like this wanted to be gritty...but not too gritty.
Sarai was supposed to be innocent/jaded..but not too innocent/jaded.
Victor was supposed to be all cold killer dude...but not too cold.

Get the theme?

I felt like everything was done in half measures. Like the author wanted to be "edgy," but only the politically correct version of edgy.

So instead of actually being edgy, most aspects just came across as trite.

Overall, I thought it was decent...and I'll eventually read the next one...someday (notice the lack of urgency); however, I thought it would have been better if the author had written this story without hesitation - balls to the wall - really gone all the way...bowled without the gutter bumpers if you will.

Profile Image for Clumsy Storyteller .
352 reviews721 followers
May 16, 2016
“You made me feel real emotions. You unlocked me.”

this book is great, i loved every part of it because it was very unpredictable it was filled with action, suspense, drama, danger, slow-burning romance, it's perfect.

when i started reading it i had a crush on victor, seriously guys by the end of the book i was blindly in love with him, he reminds me of HITMAN the movie.

I am attracted to him. I do have a strange, unfamiliar feelings for him. And I hate it!

Sarai was kidnapped and sold at age 14 to drug lord in Mexico by her own drug addict mother, After spending 9 years in captivity, Sarai's opportunity to escape arrives one day in the form of a cold blooded, ruthless man on a mission "Victor", a mission that doesn't include rescuing her, at first he tries to get rid of her but then he realises that she's a valuable leverage against the drug lord"Javier", So he decides to help her escape mexico by taking her back to USA, but going back home wasn't the end of this story, troubles follows them everywhere and victor found himself Torn by his conflicting feelings toward sarai, I enjoyed the anticipation of seeing how their story plays out, i did not like the ending but it made sense to me .... !

Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,170 followers
July 3, 2013



5 and beyond MIND-BLOWING Stars

...such is the life I lead, a dark and lonely path lined only with the solitude of death.


What is a person to do when forced to its limits? What becomes of victims of abuse when they live through it daily for years? Are we a product of our environment, shaped and molded of the circumstances around us, adapted and programmed to survive no matter the cost? And what is the line that differentiates bad and good?

Frankly, there is no black and white. Just a million shades of grey in-between...


There is a whole world out there hidden beneath expensive clothes and glamorous parties. A world of depravity, abuse, slavery. And death. It's always death. Someone who deals in it, takes pleasure, inflicts, fights against it. It's up to the person to decide on which side of the gun will stand and who will walk away alive.


Sarai has been a slave for the last 9 years. Her own mother sold her when she was fourteen, for her next fix, to a Mexican drug lord. She has a plan to escape and the American Assassin that her captor hired will be her way out. She doesn't suspect that while she can escape slavery she can't escape this new person that she is. A woman molded through fire, a wounded animal, angry and despaired, pained and damaged.

“I fear everything. What tomorrow will bring and if I’ll be alive to see the end of it. I’m afraid of Javier or anyone else coming through that door and killing me in my sleep. I’m afraid of never being able to live a normal life. I don’t even know what normal feels like anymore.”


Victor is a trained killer since he was 9 years old and he accomplished his first hit when he was 13. A member of the Order, a secret organization of assassins he always has an agenda. Ruthless, methodical, cold, a weapon loaded to kill he will find his lost consciousness in the eyes of a girl hidden in the backseat of his car.

But he isn't born a savior. He is not a white knight. His instincts are too raw for that and the kind of life that he has led, has him living on edge, kill or be killed, always ready for the next hit.


Thrown together by circumstance and drawn to each other like moths to flame, these two damaged people with no hope for a future, are going to forge their own path, staying alive, healing the wounds that still bleed and just accept all the scars they collected along the way. But in the end they will have to sacrifice all their emotions to logic and stay alive to fight another day and for a future.

“But you did something else that no one else ever could.” His features soften and my heart is slowly melting. “You made me feel real emotions. You unlocked me.”


A punch to the gut, a dark story, powerful, gritty, raw and emotional, a journey to the dark side of the human soul, where there are not good and bad choices and you just try and make the most of a horrible situation. A world of kids trained to kill, girls sold to powerful madmen, facades, lies and money. A mind-blowing, unique book that will make you uncomfortable and will open your eyes. You will fall in love with a hired gun, sympathize with the devil and bawl your eyes out for a young girl who prefers to be a killer than return to a normal life that holds no meaning to her anymore.

J.A. Redmerski weaves an exceptional story that you won't be able to put down, so much different than her previous work, simple in its inception but unbelievably complex as only a human soul and mind can be. Looking forward to the continuation of Sarai and Victor's story, not to the light but to an acceptable state of darkness where they are comfortable to hide their fears and put their demons to rest without looking over their shoulders.

Because some people are meant to live as shadows...


And decide who gets to live with their last bullet...

Profile Image for Feyre.
102 reviews264 followers
February 24, 2018
“There is a stark difference between fear and uncertainty, Sarai. You fear nothing but are uncertain of everything.”
― J.A. Redmerski, Killing Sarai


3.25/5 maybe even 3.5
This is my first book by this author. It was a very entertaining novel, with a perfect amount of thrill, suspense and romance ! My only issue with it, is that it wasn't as Dark as I wanted it to be, it started out with a bang and hooked me from the beginning but then quickly fell apart when I hit the 60% mark. So Yeahh, I think I was a little bit disappointed. I liked the characters and there was a good back story. But I just needed more!
Profile Image for Renee.
256 reviews106 followers
June 22, 2013
** A spoiler free review**

** 6 Dangerously Sexy Killer Stars**

A MUST read!


This book really had it all! It was a suspense filled, drama packed, thrilling novel with an edge of hot romance. It had my stomach in knots and I was on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. Each sentence was so well put together, the words just rolled off the page like silk. I was completely absorbed in the story, the characters and found myself hanging onto each word like it was my lifeline. I deliberately took my time reading it because I didnt want it to end - it was brillant!

This story is about a girl who tries to escape a life of abuse, murder and salvery. The only way she can escape is to trust a cold-blooded murderer whom she knows nothing about other than he is very dangerous.

Will he help her?

Will he risk his own life for her?


Will he kill her?



Sarai was not your typical herione. It was refreshing to see a female lead that was strong and brave. It's expected, that if a person has had to endure so much and suffer from horrific events, to be broken, scarred for life and discover they have become only a shell of a person. Sarai was not one of those people. She was determined, strong and reluctantly learnt how to adjust to dangerous situations by blocking out her fears and emotions. Overtime, she learnt how conceal her hurt and pride by putting up a convincing facade in life threatening situations for the sake of survival. Her character was both admirable and inspiring. However, everything comes at a price ...

Can she change who she has become and live a normal life?


Is she at the point of no return?

"I'm free of a life not of my choosing, because of Victor".~ Sarai



"We sit in stillness, both looking out ahead, both married to our thoughts. I wonder if hers are about me." ~ Victor

Victor is a trained killer. When assigned a hit he fulfills it with no remorse. Life has taught him to trust no one and he won't think twice about ending a persons life. What about the innocent you ask? He believes no one is truly innocent. He trusts no one. Not only he is an assassin but he is also rich, mysterious and attractive - a very dangerous combination.

The relationship between Sarai is slow building which makes it all the more realistic. Alternating POV's between the two characters adds diversity and intrigue to the book.


"I want her to look upon me, just for a moment. But she never does and I walk away".

Now the question you all have on your mind....

Is there a cliffhanger?

Well - I will say this. I don't do cliffhangers .. at all. I have, as KC diagnosed it- a cliffhanger disorder. BUT I'm ok..For now anyway! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Yes - there's still a lot of unanswered questions and it's not how I really wanted it to end but ....*takes a deep breath*.. I'm ok, and if I'm ok , you will be fine. It doesn't end with all hearts and flowers but there's potential. Trust me - you will be fine!

In saying that.....I cannot wait for Reviving Izabel!!!!!
Profile Image for Iqra.
471 reviews4,164 followers
December 25, 2022

No stop it this is was actually so good wth?!

It had the right amount of action and suspense with romance. Kinda disturbing but so damn interesting. The storyline gripped me and I couldn’t stop reading this!

At the halfway point, I was like what direction is the plot going?? But then I was like hmm I’ll allow it 🤡

I liked that every chapter was something different. It really did play like a movie in my head and now I’m even more excited to watch the actual adaptation.

It had all the cliches you want in books like these. I’m telling you:

- she-pulls-a-gun-to-his-head!! ✨
- the “should I just kill him/her??” trope 🤌
- The tends to their wounds trope 🤌
- “touch her and die”??! 🤭
- the “you came?? You called.” trope!! 🦋💕
- him wanting to kill her but can’t bc he’s starting to feel SOMETHING? 😌
- the fake dating for a mission trope?!? 💥💳💥💳

… and loads more. I’m actually amused by how the author managed to fit all of that in here 💀

I have to say that the writing isn’t all that but the storyline makes up for it.

Sarai felt too naïve sometimes but I can hardly blame her after everything she went through. I weirdly liked how she handled the second part of the book??
(I like my toxic arcs, leave me alone 🔪)

Victor was always so professional. I love that. I’m glad it wasn’t all love at first sight in this book. It took them time to actually realise that they liked each other or whatever. BUT I need MORE 👏 EMOTIONAL 👏 CONNECTION 👏

Let’s see how this unfolds in the next books…

Also check TWs for this bc it’s very dark!

𝗦𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲:
Why am I now realising that there are like a bajillion books in this series?!?

𝗙𝗮𝘃 𝗤𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀:

“Why did you come back for me?”
“I never left,”

“I should kill her for my sake and hers. But I can’t. And I won’t.”

𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝘃𝗶𝗯𝗲𝘀:
Hunting Adeline - HD Carlton
Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews688 followers
October 9, 2014

"I am not your hero. I am not the other half of your soul who could never let anything bad ever happen to you. Trust your instincts first always, and me, if you choose, last."

This book had all the elements that I LOVED in a romance suspense/thriller book that it was an absolute no-brainer that this would be a winner for me.

Assassins <- BAMF in suits with guns and multilingual (A lot of bonus points here!!)
Michael Fassbender Victor
BAMF heroine
Nail-biting suspense & heart-pounding action that induced severe heart palpitations
Hot steamy scenes

Put all of them together and..



Killing Sarai is about our heroine, Sarai who has been a captive under a Mexican drug lord for 9 years. She finally made her escape one night when Mr American, Victor showed up at the Mexican compound and Sarai saw that as her golden ticket out. But is Mr American actually a kind, loving man who's gonna save this poor innocent girl from the clutches of the drug lord?

Trained to be a cold, detached assassin since the age of thirteen, Victor is the Number One in the Order and has never failed a mission. But with Sarai, he's breaking all the rules he's ever known and finds himself with a conscience to protect her.

When the odds start to stack against them and loyalties are questioned, both Sarai and Victor battle to learn on who can be trusted ultimately.


HOLY FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC THIS READ. This book was as awesome as watching a movie in my head! Of course, Fassbander is the PERFECT cast in my mind as Victor (eventhough he was initially referred as Mr American, Victor is of German heritage which makes Fassbender the perfect choice) and boy did my mind enjoy it A LOT! It pretty much amplified my experience and love for this read, so THANK YOU Michael Fassbender for graciously walking on our planet! ♥♥

As y'all know, I love me a BAMF heroine who's ready to take shit and give it back twice as much. Sarai was a fighter, that's for sure. I loved her resilience but I also loved that she was broken. A strong heroine doesn't mean that she has less fears, but to me, a strong one is one that is willing to acknowledge her fears and face them.

"The things I've admitted are things that have haunted me for the longest time. They've been buried in my soul, burning through to the very core of me, rendering me emotionless and turning me into someone entirely different than I was supposed to be."

Also when the romance falls in the backburner for me in a suspense/thriller read, I definitely know that the book will work for me. Yes I'm a romance junkie, but I'm a dark/suspense/thriller junkie first ;) And with this one, the suspense gripped me and brought me on a fast-paced thrilling ride because it was completely un-putdownable.

"The first kill is always the hardest, the one you never forget. But the first kill is also what drops the chances of living a normal life by half."


I was in the minority who didn't fully enjoyed Redmerski's other work, The Edge of Never, but with Killing Sarai, THIS is a whole different ballgame and it was a BEAST!

JA Redmerski still brought out her exceptional writing with this one and added on with a tinge of romance plus loads of suspense & thrill with badass characters, this book is making its way to the top of my dark thriller reads shelf!

I can't wait to get my grabby hands on the rest of the series and I suggest you all do the same if you have been living under the rock like me haven't pick this series up yet!

A shoutout of thanks to the ever-awesome Feifei for recc'ing this one to me because otherwise I'd be missing out on an amazeball series! ♥ And also thanks to all my other ladies who got me excited for this read when I started picking it up, you ladies are AH-MAZING! Mwahs! ♥♥
Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews900 followers
September 5, 2018
*** FREE RIGHT NOW!!!!! 🔪♥️💉💀https://amzn.to/2wEINCs


WOW. Just Wow.

Words that come to mind after reading this fantastic little book – Suspense. Drama. Action. Sex. Tension.

I f*cking loved it!!!

Killing Sarai revolves around the heroine, Sarai. She has been held captive under a disgusting Mexican drug lord for 9 years, living on his compound, and has been his favorite ever since she arrived and has not been able to escape.

One fateful night, “The American” aka Victor aka Bad Ass MotherF*cker, comes to the compound to discuss a deal with Javier, the drug lord who is holding Sarai captive. Though she knows just by watching that Victor isn’t one to cross and is completely lethal, she sneaks into his car, holds him at gunpoint, and demands he help her.

Victor, who has been an assassin since he was THIRTEEN (!!!!) is number 1 in “The Order” and has never failed an assignment before. Though after meeting Sarai, he breaks all the rules he has ever known and finds himself fighting against his own thoughts with this insane need to protect her.

“I glance over to see her eyes and right now all I see is Sarai looking back at me, the brave but anxious and complicated girl that I’ve grown very protective of.”

Craziness of course ensues, and a whole bunch of other characters are introduced while the crazy story starts to unfold. I don’t really want to go into that much plot detail. This is one of those books you should go into not knowing too much and just let your mind be blown.

But I loved everything about this book! The action, the suspense, Sarai who was broken but SO strong, and Victor who was so strong but finds himself bending for Sarai. Even though there wasn’t much “romance” per se, the sexual tension was NOT LACKING.

I fell in love with the way Victor and Sarai connected with one another. But there was something about this story that grabbed me from the start and DID NOT LET GO.

“…while peering into my eyes, though beyond them. I wonder what he’s looking for in their depths. Whatever it is, I hope he never finds it so that we can stay like this forever.”

After finishing this, I can tell the rest of this series is going to knock my freaking socks off and I cannot wait to read the rest!

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Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,025 reviews887 followers
July 6, 2013

I have to say, I was a little nervous picking up Killing Sarai because I’ve read dark stories and I didn’t know if my heart could take it. It was dark, but thankfully not on the level I was worried over. Sarai was a heroine that took an opportunity and ran, and I was rooting for her the whole way!

Sarai was taken from the US by her mother at age fourteen to go live with a drug lord, Javier, in Mexico. Unfortunately for Sarai, Javier always had his eye out for her:

“I call it a sickening obsession, he calls it love.” -Sarai

For the last nine years she’s been his captive, but when an American assassin, Victor, shows up, Sarai sees this as her ticket out of the compound and stows away, thinking he will help her escape back to the US. What she doesn’t realize is that Victor has a cold heart, and helping her is not at the top of his list. Victor is calculating and dangerous!! What Victor doesn’t realize is how much this girl will get under his skin, because it’s a slow undoing for him. Let’s just say, resistance is futile. He sees a fearless, kindred spirit in her. Sarai has been molded by her dark past, just as Victor has by his. This is the best kind of romance, built slowly, but surely! It was a thrill to read the slow progression and growing attraction.

We are one in the same and I don’t want to imagine being on my own without him. Ever.

Oh, I was on the edge of my seat for most of this story! If I could’ve, I would’ve read this straight through in one sitting. I was so invested in Sarai and her story of escape and survival! Javier is not about to let her go so easily and I was biting my nails wondering what would happen next! I was impressed with Sarai and her ability to stay strong and unbroken in the face of so much.

Victor is an intense, complicated, and determined man, so I couldn't wait to discover the chinks in his armor. We discover that Sarai isn’t his only undoing, but recent events have caused him to question his path in life, as well.

J.A. Redmerski managed to write a thrilling mix of suspense, danger with a forbidden romance thrown in. In other words, everything I love in a story! This doesn’t leave off on a cliffhanger, but I’m still desperate for book two!

You can read this review and more at The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Fatima.
712 reviews344 followers
June 27, 2013
“This goes against everything that I am, Sarai,” he says and then kisses me.
“No, it doesn’t,” I whisper and kiss him back.“It’s you becoming more of who you really are.”

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J.A Redmerski ..

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Holy fuckin shit ....


The ending ... Off the charts amazing !

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Killing Sarai is the story of Sarai , who has been living as a slave to a Mexican mafia/druglord named Javier for the past 9 years of her life . Javier has a twisted description of the entire scenario though . See , he believes that he is in love with Sarai , a love that is downright obsession . And that's why keeps her locked up in his compound . He basically deals with drugs , weapons and women , so Sarai isn't the only girl in his business and his house . But Sarai wants an escape .. a way out from this hellish life . That escape comes in the form of an American assassin , Victor . Sarai takes her chance and finds a way out of her life in captivity . But her freedom plans are busted when she realizes that she just walked out of hell's circus and ran straight into a lion's den . Victor is a million times dangerous than Javier .. and he has his own plans for Sarai .. What are those plans ? Who is Victor ? What led Sarai to Javier ? And will she ever find a way out of her ordeals ?? To answer those questions you'll just have to be a part of Killing Sarai !

You know what the best part about reading this book was ??? It was its unpredictability ! You read that blurb and think , ' hmmm , I might have a clue what's gonna happen here ' and start making your assumptions . But holy damnation !!! You will be in a state of surprise and shock and awe as well with J.A's story weaving skills . I was glued to the pages , and every time I told myself I'll just read one page , I failed miserably in doing so ! The unpredictable twists and turns make it nearly impossible to stop reading and take a breather ! Hell , I stayed up late at night to try and finish but forced myself to stop reading because lets face it , no woman is a fan of watching herself in the mirror and finding huge dark circles and baggy eyes due to lack of sleep . Hell no !

Another thing that I've noticed about J.A writing ( I've read only two books by her so far including Killing Sarai ) is that even though she has some really hot , like fan-yo-self-hot moments in her story , she doesn't let the sex/steam moments rule the story line/plot ... That being said , she can write some really hot scenes ! Especially when a guy like Victor is involved !!!!

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Speaking of the man himself , Victor has to be one of the hottest book boyfriends with the coldest demeanor ever ! He may be hot as hell , but his heart resembles a rock that has been frozen for ages ! No remorse , no regrets ... He is silently lethal ! Victor has his own reasons for being what or who he is .. But that changes when he meets Sarai .

Sarai on the other hand is one of those leading ladies that can kick some major ass ! Nine years in captivity , witnessing numerous acts of abuse , her defense mechanism technique to cope with all the cruelty around her has enabled her to bottle up all her emotions ! Just the tiniest bit of a shake and she is ready to erupt ! Getting to know Sarai was like unraveling a gift ! Holy hell the things that girl is capable of doing just makes my jaw hit the floor ! Soo did not see those coming !

On the whole , Killing Sarai is an addictive fast paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seats and your eyes glued to your kindle ! Cannot wait to read Reviving Izabel ... Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting !!!

But you did something else that no one else ever could.” His features soften and my heart is slowly melting. “You made me feel real emotions. You unlocked me.”

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June 28, 2013
This is a story about two people that were denied a normal childhood and had to change themselves in order to survive. Sarai was given to Javier, a Mexican drug lord, by her drug addict mother (!!), at the age of fourteen and held hostage for nine years. Victor was recruited by The Order at the age of nine and trained to be an assassin, that's right...an assassin. This is their story.

Okay, so let me just start with a couple of things...the first being this book really has a strong Dark Duet vibe for me. Not the same intensity but definitely the same feel. Second, when the book was first put up with no blurb, the title alone was a little scary. And there's good reason...it IS about killing, lots of killing and lots of blood. Yes, there's some romance but it's definitely not your usual romance. Lastly, there's not really a cliffhanger...not in the sense of OMG, WHAT IN THE EFF IS HAPPENING!! No, not like that but maybe...omg, what in the heck is happening! It does end unfinished and that's why there's book two! (Can't wait for Reviving Izabel!!)

So Caleb, err I mean Victor ;)...is cool, calm and collective. He's a man of many faces. The story is told in alternating POVs so thank goodness we get his thoughts. I'm not sure I would've liked it as much if we hadn't. And...it takes a while to get to know him and what he is thinking but it makes the journey very intriguing.

Victor (but with shorter hair!)


Sarai was amazing...definitely a survivor but she has somehow managed to keep her kind heart...and I like to think that's what Victor sees. She's been traumatized but somehow she focuses that into what she needs to do and it's made her stronger. And her feelings for Victor are a little befuddled. Yes, he helped her and yes, she has no one else but is that why she is developing feelings for him?

The 'romance' was killing me. Like I said, this is not a typical romance but you know there's so much potential. The frustrating part is we only find out things s-l-o-w-l-y and we're never really sure what is real as far as what Victor and Sarai are feeling. Well, maybe Sarai....and I want to think Victor too but you have to read it and see.


So, of course, there's lots of drama...betrayals and blindsides. It definitely keeps things interesting. There's also some crazy characters...namely Niklas, Victor's brother. I'm not a fan of his but I do agree with what Sarai did towards the end.

The "ending"...made me a little sad. I was hoping for a little more breakthrough but there is...possibility and that's always promising. I was happy with how Victor set things up for Sarai and I loved the surprise person! ~sigh~

I would definitely recommend reading this if you want something a little dark, a little different and something you cannot put down. ♥ Thank you, Chiqui, for pushing me to read it and letting me have one of "your men" for a short time! ♥

♦ Bonus!! ♦ We get an excerpt for The Edge of Always at the end and while it's really good, I can't believe she left it like that....ugh!!

♥ Victor and Sarai's song ♥


Favorite quotes: (Beware they may have minor spoilers)

“I knew you had it in you, Sarai.” (that haunts me!)

♥ “I don’t want to sleep alone,” she says gently.

And I don’t force her to. Sarai falls fast asleep curled up next to me in my bed. Right where I want her." (~sigh~)

♦ " smothering me like way too much jelly on a PB&J." (partial quote but the image is sooo gross...I can't get it out of my head!!)

♥ “But you did something else that no one else ever could.” His features soften and my heart is slowly melting. “You made me feel real emotions. You unlocked me.” (thud!)
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