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Боровинков пай и солени целувки

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Елън Бранфорд е влиятелен адвокат, свикнала с успеха и живота на скорост в Манхатън. Три месеца преди сватбата си тя заминава за градчето Бийкън – родното място на баба й Рут, за да изпълни нейното последно желание: да намери мъжа, когото Рут някога е обичала, и да му предаде писмото й. Елън е убедена, че ще й е нужен само ден. Но плановете й се променят, когато неволно пада в океана в залива на Бийкън и е спасена от мъж със сини като аквамарини очи...
Елън открива ароматите на малкия град, споделените вълнуващи преживявания с местните, които я приемат като своя, и забравеното удоволствие от игрите в детството си. Постепенно се докосва до миналото на баба си; минало, което тя не познава, но което я удивлява и очарова. Завладяна е от история за ферма с боровинки, за ухание на прясно изпечени сладки и димящо кафе, за прекрасни картини, рисувани с талант и вдъхновение от Рут. И за любов, която си убеден, че е единствената...

Спомените връщат думите на баба й: Всяко нещо може да бъде видяно по различни начини, вгледай се, Елън, виж детайлите – в тях е красотата и ...отговорите.
Разбрала ли е Елън кои са истински важните неща за нея? Готова ли е да последва сърцето си?

Роман, който съчетава сладкия аромат на прясно изпечен боровинков пай със соления дъх на океана и вкуса на истинската любов!

304 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2013

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About the author

Mary Simses

10 books358 followers
I grew up in Darien, Connecticut and started writing stories when I was eight. Although I always loved to write, I never imagined I could make a living as a fiction writer, so in college I majored in journalism. After working in magazine publishing for a few years, I went back to school to become a lawyer. While working as an attorney, I enrolled in an evening fiction writing class at a nearby university in Connecticut. I wrote "on the side," at night and on weekends, and several of my short stories were published in literary magazines. Finally, I took the big leap and wrote my first novel, The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe, which was turned into a movie called The Irresistible Blueberry Farm for the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel. I live with my husband in Palm Beach, Florida and we have a daughter who is quite a writer herself.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,724 reviews
Profile Image for LillyBooks.
1,081 reviews60 followers
October 30, 2013
I had a rule that I would only give one star reviews to books that I couldn't finish, but I'm giving one here to a book I did finish because I hated it more and more as I read it (actually, I probably just skimmed the last two chapters, so "finishing" is open to interpretation). First, the title and cover photo are totally misleading (I know, I know, don't judge a book), this is not a charming "School of Essential Ingredients" book about cooking; rather, the main character seems to have an eating disorder. Secondly, I am really, really sick of authors assuming that every woman in the world doesn't know her own mind and just needs a hunky man who performs physical labor for a living to show her the true life she should be living! Grrrrr. Thirdly, one of the themes this book seems to be that you cannot judge a place and people until you get to know them (this small town is charming, not hokey), but the author seems to have a serious vendetta against Manhattan and its inhabitants, portraying them as stuck up, tennis playing stereo-types. Fourthly, it's not well written. I knew the ending from the first chapter, knew exactly what caricatures the mother and the finance were going to be, the conversations all seem to be people jumping to conclusions and/or misunderstanding each other in a totally improbable way; it's almost as if the author wanted there to be a argument but couldn't figure out how to make it happen, so she skipped any logical sequence to that argument. I've seen better Lifetime movies.
Profile Image for Lisa.
Author 5 books33 followers
August 3, 2013
First, this book is nothing like The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and the publisher does the book and the author a disservice by raising expectations when it compares the two in the book's blurb.

This book is a well-above-average, refreshingly clean romance novel (and predictable, as the genre is), with a little historical mystery twist. I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a Hallmark movie, and a pretty good one. The setting of the Maine village is nicely, if somewhat stereotypically, evoked (where's the great antique shop, as long as we're stereotyping)? I liked the book but found myself wanting more for it: If only the protagonist, Ellen, instead of denying the red flags in her current relationship and later deciding what do without reflecting on the problem, had used the opportunity to explore why she was attracted to one choice or the other. If only she had realized that her grandmother had faced a similar choice and had taken the opportunity to explore her grandmother's choices and the reasons she made them. (And why did Gran stop painting? We're told that she did and we can guess why, but there are other possible reasons.) Gran could have left Ellen a journal or some letters (after all, Ellen finds other old letters) that would have allowed Ellen insight into Gran's choices and her own. Where are the recipes for the great food that Ellen thinks about and discovers in the (oh, the name!) Beacon, Maine (blueberry muffins, meatloaf, mustard sauce and other sandwich fixings)? And how can Ellen's mother be the controlling takeover artist who is preventing her from making her own choices and the warm, accepting mother that she transforms into later in the book? And what woman (not to mention the smart-cookie lawyer Ellen is supposed to be) in 2013 thinks she has to get married because she has made a promise (which is important, but marriage is too important to enter if you're having serious doubts) and the invitations have been printed? This book could have been so much more than a predictable romance novel, even if it is a good one.
2 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2013
This is one of those books that you sit down with on a rainy afternoon with a blanket, cup of tea and, of course, a blueberry muffin. This is the book for every person who starts out on the path she thinks she should be on, gets caught up, yet daydreams about a simpler life. It is easy to see why this first time novelist is endorsed by the incomparable James Patterson. Ms. Simses prose is never stilted. The story has just the right amount of ups, downs, suspenseful moments, surprises and laugh out loud moments. I am looking forward to more of her work.

Profile Image for zainab .
121 reviews70 followers
November 11, 2022
Ellen needs to deliver a letter to a man after her grandmother dies, so she comes to the small seaside town of Beacon. On the very first day she meets Roy, who saves her life. But Roy plays a very important role in her grandma's story, because he is the nephew of the man the letter is for. Ellen's departure is delayed, because her grandmother's past was different than she thought and Roy is also not out of her head. Suddenly her fiancé is at the door and wants to take her home. Her grandmother's story could repeat itself..... When I started reading, it felt a bit like a Nikolas Sparks book, but over time, it develops a character of its own. It is exciting, funny and touching at the same time. What I really like is that the lives between Ellen and her grandma have a connection and Ellen ends up living her grandma's dream.
Profile Image for Cinthia Ritchie.
Author 6 books26 followers
May 30, 2013
I brought Mary Simes' "The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Café" on vacation, expecting it to be a fast and interesting chicklit read for the plane ride and while lounging by the pool.
The plot is predictable: Big city girl Ellen Branford returns to small town Maine to deliver a letter left to her by her dying grandmother. She almost drowns and is saved by a hunky local, and they kiss. But wait! Ellen is also engaged to a high-powered attorney with his eye on political office.
Yet while the plot isn't the most original, it unfolds with enough twists and surprises to keep the reader fully engaged.
The humor is clever and sharp, and the scenes at the Antler bar are laugh-out-loud funny.
The best part of the book, however, is the writing, which is fast-paced, funny and endearing. Simes' paints such a realistic picture of coastal Maine that the prose almost breathes of salt and ocean; you can smell the damp odor of the shabby hotel room, taste the rich, savor of a bowl of homemade clam chowder.
I'd recommend this as a solid summer read or a good gift for a close girlfriend.
Warning: Just try to get through to the end without baking blueberry muffins.
Profile Image for Rachel.
352 reviews11 followers
July 21, 2013
I really wanted to like this book. I did. I bought it new because it came up on Goodreads as a featured book and the premise seemed okay. I was going to be in Maine on vacation, and so I thought it would be a good foil for the Stephen King novel I was also bringing.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed. It wasn't the author, or her ability to tell the story. I liked the descriptions of Maine. The problem was her protagonist. On page 320, the heroine says of herself, "What did that say about me? That I was erratic? Untrustworthy? That I didn't know my own mind?" The description is accurate, and I guess that sums up what I didn't like about her.

She waffles throughout the course of the novel, never consistent from one minute to the next with her opinions or plans. She can set out intending to do one thing or feel one way and undergo a complete turnaround as soon as she speaks with any other character. She has astonishingly stupid rationale for such an educated person - she justifies breaking and entering because the homeowner is old and thus "must have turned his hearing aid off". (This is the second time in the book that she is trespassing.)
Other charming things she does include being rude to the owner of the hotel where she's staying, and repeatedly getting drunk and making a fool of herself. The first hundred pages had me wincing at how unpleasant and unsympathetic she was - or exclaiming "What are you thinking?!" - not that the ending was much better.

In the end, Ellen does exactly what her grandmother did. She throws over a man who expects to marry her and starts dating someone else. Her grandmother did it to Chet, she does it to Hayden. She does, of course, manage to do this by getting drunk and dumping him in front of a bar full of people using the karaoke mike. She then decides to ignore everyone who told her to work more on her natural talent for photography and opens a bakery - much as her grandmother gave up painting to do something else.

I found this book frustrating, not heart-warming. But I'll repeat - all of that was bound up in one character. I'll try another book by Simses at some point, much like I'll read more by Chevy Stevens despite the heroine in Never Knowing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brandi.
114 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2013
I was very excited to read this book based on the synopsis. I quickly realized that the main character is a shallow, snooty woman who is coming to this small town to fulfill her Grandmothers dying wish. She spends a majority of the book telling us the name brands of her clothes, complaining about cholesterol in the local food and just looking at everything from a view that is down her nose. It does get somewhat better through out the book, but by then, she is just so disliked by me as a reader that I am waiting for something to knock her off her high horse. In the end, she decided to move to the small coastal town and is loving small town life. I think I may have actually rolled my eyes at this.

It is such a disappointment to be so excited about a book and then have it just not live up to the hopes you had for it. Maybe if the main character was a little less vain and shallow I could have enjoyed it more.
Profile Image for Miki.
1,204 reviews
March 12, 2017
By the time I'd reached Chapter Four in this book, all I could think was "What in the world is WRONG with you?!?" Ellen is a 35-year-old lawyer in a prestigious NY firm and you would think that she would at least have common sense if not above average intelligence. Instead, she is a complete ninny.

Ellen resists being helped when she falls off a dock into the ocean and IS DROWNING, because, in her family, everyone "has trouble asking for help". What??

When a photo of her kissing the man who SAVED HER LIFE is published in the local paper, she panics that her fiancé will see it. (Why? The man SAVED HER LIFE!) Instead of calling her fiancé and telling him about it like a normal person, she runs all over town buying all the copies of the paper she can find to keep it from him. (Again, what??)

Ellen goes to Beacon Maine to carry out the last wish of her deceased grandmother, Ruth, by delivering a letter to the grandmother's girlhood sweetheart. She finds out the sweetheart is also dead, and that his heart had been broken by Ruth. Ruth had been a promising painter, but even her own daughter, Ellen's mother, never knew it. You never find out why Ruth gave it up, either.

Anyway, Ellen breaks her engagement and marries the man who saved her life. The whole thing reminded me of some weird version of "Sleepless in Seattle". Phooey.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,922 reviews421 followers
July 1, 2016
Wow, what a fabulous debut novel! I found The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Café by talented Mary Simses, to be totally divine!

So much more than a romantic chick lit—depth of a charming historical fiction novel, blending the old and new seamlessly, with generations past.

If you are a fan of authors Nicholas Sparks, Mary Kay Andrews, Joanne Demaio, Elin Hilderbrand, Beth Hoffman, Nancy Thayer, and Mary Ellen Taylor - this book is for you!

I was delighted to discover this author (especially since I live in South Florida where Mary Simses currently resides). Being a former lawyer, Mary definitely knows the dynamics of her characters, and oh, is so able to capture the essence of each setting—to the point you could almost smell the flowers and taste the food--and image yourself alongside the characters.

This e-book was witty, and kept me smiling – what a beautiful love story – Ruth/Chet and Ellen/Roy. The scenes at the Antler were hilarious! I hated for the book to end as was so engaging. Hopefully there will be a sequel – (as possibly more about Ellen’s mother – seems as she may have some skeletons in her closet and could let loose as well, more about Chet’s background, possibly the owner of the B&B, and of course the continuation of Roy/Ellen saga and this town of colorful characters (at least a few more books in the series).

I related to this book in so many ways (as a former publisher, having spent years in the commercial real estate business) as well as a fan of small historic and quaint towns, art, B&Bs, coffee and tea shops, architecture, history, gourmet food, and photography. Love discovering secrets of past generations.

A compelling and well written novel, set in beautiful Maine, this book will transport you from the sophisticated life of Manhattan to the simple pleasures of small town living, good food, and friends as a special granddaughter carries out her much loved grandmother’s wishes and the life and love she left behind.

Check out her second novel, Coming May 31, 2016 The Rules of Love and Grammer It is on my TBR list!
February 7, 2017

Život njujorkške odvjetnice Ellen se mijenja kada joj baka na samrti ostavlja pismo i zadatak da ga odnese u gradić Bacon. Njen prvi susret s Baconom i ljudima nije prošao slavno, pala je u ledeno more, a spasio je nepoznati muškarac. Potraga za osobom kojoj treba dostaviti pismo traje duže nego što je planirala, a Bacon joj se sve više dopada...

Lijepo, bajkovito, romantično, preporuka! :)

"Pitam se pomisliš li ikada kako smo sjedili ispod onog hrasta, kako su cvrčali cvrčci, a noću zrikavci. Ili kako je led zimi prekrivao grmove borovnica, dajući im sneni izgled. Ili kako smo na štandu pokraj ceste prodavali pite za tvoju majku. I dalje te se sjetim kad god vidim borovnice."
Profile Image for Lynn.
986 reviews188 followers
January 23, 2019
I originally gave this 3 stars because I finished it, but it’s really a 2 star book. It is chick lit light, emphasis on the light. You figure out the ending from the beginning, and there are hardly any surprises. I found that I did not like any of the characters at all. For all that Ellen was supposed to be a high powered attorney from Manhattan, she turned out to be a fairly stupid woman who did not know her own mind. Roy was equally irritating, with his rants about attorneys and developers. I could not figure out why Ellen was attracted to him, other than his physical appearance. Blue eyes only get you so far. There has to be something going on behind them. The idea that she loved him because he “saved” her is insulting to women and incredibly trite. Frankly, the character I liked the best was Hayden, Ellen’s fiancé. Although a bit snobbish and spoiled, he absolutely knew himself and what he wanted. Ellen kept twisting herself in knots trying to fit into his life and his vision of her.

The grandmother’s backstory was interesting, but the book didn’t tell enough of it to explain what happened to her. It never told why she quit painting, or why she chose her future husband over Chet. Maybe the author is setting us up for a sequel, but I am not curious enough to read it if she is.

In the author’s notes, she said that James Patterson helped her pick out the title. I’m sure they thought they were being clever, but the title and the cover really have little to do with the story.

I enjoy reading light novels sometimes, but this one threatened to lower my IQ. It’s hard to read when you are rolling your eyes. I doubt that I will read anything else by this author.
Profile Image for Penny McGill.
836 reviews22 followers
July 17, 2013
A sweet romance set in Maine. The main character is visiting a small town to deliver a letter her grandmother wrote before she died. While trying to find the supposed recipient of this letter she starts to have feelings for a resident of the small town. Their relationship develops as she finds the letter taking her deeper into the early life of her beloved grandmother. I've been reading a lot of grandmother stories lately and they are always populated with someone wonderful - someone you wish was the main character of the story because they are feisty and wise - but I guess you need an object/granddaughter to bring out all of that love and wisdom.

I think I felt like the cafe and bakeshop would figure more prominently in the story than it did so I started off a bit disappointed. That being said the characters were likable and the roller coaster ride of an on-again-off-again love was fun. I don't think it merits a book club read but it is a better than average romance with almost no bodice ripping to be found. Score one for the patrons who like a love story without spicy language or rolls in the hay.
Profile Image for Priscilla.
172 reviews
August 3, 2013
Put a picture of food on a book cover and I will read it. Plus, it’s summer, and summer reading should be light and fun: think slow, hot days, quaint seaside towns and family secrets. Toss in a handsome local and a few laughs, and you have the Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Café by Mary Sims.
The story takes place in Beacon, Maine, where the neighbors don’t miss much and where Ellen Branford’s grandmother grew up. High-powered Manhattan attorney Ellen finds herself in a bit of culture shock when she travels to Beacon to fulfill her grandmother’s dying wish and deliver a letter to a childhood friend. There are no lattes or spa treatments in the sleepy coastal community, but plenty of colorful characters including a nosy innkeeper and a good-looking stranger who seems to always be in the right place at the wrong time – for the very engaged Ellen, anyway. One thing leads to another and what began as a quick overnight trip turns into a journey into her grandmother’s past, and forces Ellen to reconsider her own life in the process.
This quick read is funny, charming, and not too predictable (but it is summer, so that’s okay) and would be enjoyed by fans of chick Lit, Nicholas Sparks or Mary Kay Andrews.
Profile Image for Kelly.
68 reviews2 followers
August 13, 2016
Loved it. Goodreads Giveaway
It started out fast paced, which grabs me every time. You have your big city girl, Ellen, who was very close to her grandma who passes away and her dying request was to have Ellen deliver a letter for her, in a small town in another city/state, where everyone knows each other to a man she onced loved many years ago.
In trying to deliver this letter, Ellen finds things out about her grandmother that none of them knew about. Her first day, she falls into the ocean and is saved by a handsome construction worker, Roy. Roy has a huge part in this story and it's just so very beautifully written.
This book will capture you from the start and you will find yourself not wanting to put it down until you are finished.
2/28/14 I passed this book on to my mom. She sat down during the snow storm and read it in one day.. :) She had a new favorite author.
July 15, 2017
Не мога да кажа със сигурност, че тази книга не ми е харесала, но бях настроена към малко по-различен тип четиво и това не се оказа нещото, което търсех. Но мога да кажа, че историята случила се в миналото с бабата на Елън, за която тя събираше пъзела парченце по парченце ми беше много по-интересна. Имаше нещо в нея дето яко ме беше стиснало за гърлото и бях любопитна да разбера какво точно се е случило. Колкото до настоящето - не повярвах изобщо. Не повярвах, че ще кажеш "обичам те" на непознат само след седмица от срещата с него и ще загърбиш целия си подреден живот. Не, че не е наистина невъзможно, но тук в тази книга нямаше едно убедително доказателство, че наистина се случва подобна любов. Много бях ядосана на Елън, че заряза годеника си, при положение че непрекъснато се повтаряше колко много се обичат. Да, те бяха прекалено съвършената двойка, но тук по прекалено наивен начин беше зарязан един за сметка на друг. А и нямаше нищо кулинарно и магическо. Общо взето не беше моята книга.
Profile Image for A.
441 reviews
February 20, 2014
I picked this up (from the library, thank God)because it basically said if you liked "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" you would like this book. How wrong THAT statement was. This book is is nothing like the other book. I kept thinking as I started this book, the Potato Peel Society was much, much better than this, wasn't it? I was questioning my own good taste! Ha! I kept reading it for the turn towards wonderfully charming and then it became quite clear that the turn wasn't coming and it was just a terrible book.
This book is predictable, boring, and lame. The main character isn't likable and is inconsistent. I skipped thru much of the book. I almost just didn't read it, but I knew what the ending would be and had to prove myself maybe wrong? But I wasn't wrong. It was exactly what I thought it would be.
Normally I wouldn't even write a review for a book like this. I was just ticked that I felt like I was tricked into reading.
Profile Image for Beth.
786 reviews341 followers
July 10, 2022
This is a charming enough story, but I guess I wanted to be more charmed? I enjoyed the premise that she wants to find out more about her beloved Grandmother’s past, and the author excels at creating a strong sense of place. The setting is lovely.

The things that bugged me are the fact that her key character developments and growth take place while tipsy. She’s supposed to be an intelligent attorney, and I guess the implication that she only knew her own mind about love was when she had a few drinks rang false for me. It’s also hard to root for a love interest when she spends the majority of the time with the “other guy,” who, Sweet Home Alabama style, is actually a decent guy, just not her guy.

I appreciated that there’s not any profanity and the love scenes are implied but not described at all. I’ve had this on my shelf for a long time, so I’m glad I finally read it. A fluffy one-time read for me.
Profile Image for littleprettybooks.
933 reviews325 followers
June 16, 2018

Une lecture sympathique qui permet de se changer les idées et de plonger dans une ambiance douce et chaleureuse. Cette histoire aurait cependant mérité d’être un peu moins prévisible et de nous surprendre un peu plus, même si ce fut un roman charmant qui m’aura fait passer un joli moment de lecture.

Ma chronique : https://myprettybooks.wordpress.com/2...
March 30, 2018
Ako se nađete u SAD-u pa poželite naći savršeno mjesto za odmor, bio bi to gradić Beacon u Mainu. Zamislite mali gradić, ljude koji se svi međusobno poznaju, i nepregledna polja borovnica. Zamislite pite od borovnica, muffine i sladoled. Zamislite nekoliko dana što dalje od gradske gužve i vreve, negdje gdje možete prošetati do plaže i gledati zalazak sunca.
Zamislite jednostavniji i mirniji život.

Ovo je priča o hrabrosti, o suočavanju s istinom da se stvari i ljudi mijenjaju. Mi smo rezultat svega što smo preživjeli. Učimo živjeti i rasti, odbacivati stare navike i planove kojima je jednostavno prešao rok trajanja. Naučimo praviti mjesta za nove izazove, nove ljude i svježe odluke. Život nas ponekad plaši. Ali u svaku avanturu kreće se uz dozu straha i nesigurnosti.

Cijelu recenziju pročitajte ovdje:http://kljuczaknjigu.blogspot.hr/2018...
Profile Image for Kittie.
6 reviews2 followers
April 2, 2013
I have to say this book was oh-so-much more than I originally thought it would be! Such an adorable, subtle read for any type "read day". Good for a rainy day, a sunny day, a blizzard day, etc! Mary Simses really makes her characters loveable & the reader can very easily immerse themselves inside the story! If a reader is looking for hard-packed action, paranormal or erotic romance, a mystery-thriller roller-coaster ride, then this is not the book to check out. This read is a wonderfully quiet, clean, & subtle romantic novel with cute laugh-out-loud sections that just keep you smiling through the whole page! A surprisingly beautiful little story about dedication & always making sure you are true to yourself & your beliefs!
Profile Image for Ivana.
39 reviews3 followers
October 24, 2016
Iskreno, podsjeca me na Sparksa. I inace stvarno nisam ljubitelj ovakvih knjiga, ali ne znam sta mi se dogada. hahah. Odmor za dusu i tijelo definitivno! Mali, kratki roman, lak za citanje, sve sto bi covjek pozelio nakon napornog dana! :D
Profile Image for Martina Bahat.
145 reviews17 followers
June 13, 2018
"Borovnice mogu biti prilično otporne. U odgovarajućim okolnostima mogu dugo preživjeti.
To je nekako dobro znati, zar ne? Neke stvari opstaju bez obzira na to što se događa oko njih."
Profile Image for Kremena Koleva.
276 reviews77 followers
August 26, 2022
The irresistible blueberry bakeshop and Cafe е книгата, която ми напомни как се чувствах, прекарвайки летните месеци на село. Била съм дете от града, имащо вечерен час, залягащо над уроците и повечето разходки бяха в градския парк. Но баба ми отказваше да гледа как аз и сестра ми стоим като птици в кафез и през лятната ваканция. Затова ни водеше в селската къща. И там свободата, липсата на строг режим, слънцето, игрите на открито, селската храна и тичането по прашните пътища ни превръщаха в усмихнати момичета с розови бузи и тъмен тен. Баба за мен беше най-милият, добър и щедър човек, когото съм имала в живота си. И сега, толкова години без нея, аз научавам цената, която е плащала за много от решенията и постъпките си. Но тя оставаше мила, вярна и грижовна към всички вкъщи.
Елън ми напомни за мен и за тежестта, която нося в себе си без баба. Търсейки родния дом на своята баба, тя напуска Ню Йорк и се оказва в малък град в щата Мейн. Там открива неподозирани от никого неща, които са изградили характера, уменията и душата на възрастната жена много преди да настъпят събитията, преобърнали наверенията й.Всеки от нас започва нещо, чувства призив, получава възможност и трябва да направи избор. Компромисите могат да ни запратят на светлинни години от истинските ни желания. Замяната на едно място с друго, може да не предизвика сътресение веднага. Но замяната на едни хора с други може да остави белези.Да ни промени до неузнаваемост. А думите за оправдание и прошка може да дойдат в момент, когато вече да нямат никакво значение.
Усещането за загуба, която се смесва с намирането на нещо топло, спокойно и мило в малко населено място, се носи в цялата книга. Казват, че губейки нещо, човек открива друго. Заменя го. Но дали компенсацията е равностойна? Получаваме ли точно колкото губим? И цял живот не живеем ли с шепот на миналото в душите си? С онова : ами ако ? в нас.....

* " Предполагам, че това е урокът във всичко това – да не си на осемдесет години, да поглеждаш назад към живота си, да се чудиш дали си направил правилния избор или как животът ти можеше да е различен, ако беше направил едно нещо, а не друго. "
* " Има толкова много различни начини да гледаш на едно и също нещо..."
Profile Image for i..
332 reviews35 followers
June 26, 2015
There is nothing new in this typical romantic story and you know from the very beginning what is going to happen but it is still entertaining. A light read to take to the beach on a sunny day.

Profile Image for Miriam.
Author 2 books243 followers
May 10, 2013
A charming read about figuring out what you really want in life. Emotional and inspiring. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Cecelia.
Author 42 books180 followers
March 5, 2022
Enjoyed this as much as the Hallmark Movie!
Profile Image for Dianne.
270 reviews56 followers
August 11, 2013
This was a great example of why sometimes I need to put a book down and then get back to it in a few days.
It started off slow, and I found in the beginning that I did not like Ellen very much.
I am really happy I kept reading after the first 20% the book it started to turn into a great debut novel and Ellen was not as self-centered as I felt she was in the beginning of the book. I would consider this women's lit or romance and not a foodie book at all. It has no recipes and very little mention of food.
I am looking forward to reading more of Mary Simses books in the future.

Joy of Baking
Blueberry Streusel Muffins Recipe

2 large eggs
1 cup (240 ml) milk (full or reduced fat)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 cups (390 grams) all purpose flour
1 cup (200 grams) granulated white sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons (10 grams) baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
1/2 cup (113 grams) cold unsalted butter, cut into small chunks
2 cups (one dry pint) (275 grams) fresh or frozen blueberries (if using frozen blueberries, do not thaw)
1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest (outer yellow skin)
2 tablespoons (28 grams) unsalted butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Place rack in center of oven. Line 14 - 16 muffin cups with paper liners or lightly butter the muffin cups or spray them with a non stick vegetable spray.

In a bowl whisk the eggs with the milk and vanilla extract.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk the flour with the sugar, baking powder, salt, and ground cinnamon. Cut the butter into the flour mixture with a pastry blender, your fingertips, or two knives. (The mixture should look like coarse crumbs.) Remove one cup (150 grams) of the mixture and set aside in a separate bowl to make the streusel topping. To the remaining muffin batter, gently fold in the blueberries and lemon zest. Add the milk and egg mixture to the flour mixture. Stir just until combined. (Do not over mix this mixture or the muffins will be tough when baked.) Fill each muffin cup about 3/4 full with the batter, using two spoons or an ice cream scoop.

Streusel Topping: Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons (28 grams) butter and stir into the reserved one cup (150 grams) of flour mixture until it is crumbly and looks like coarse meal. Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of the streusel on top of each muffin. Bake the muffins for about 18 - 23 minutes or until firm and a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool before serving. These muffins are at their best the day they're made, but they can be covered and stored at room temperature for about 2 days. They can also be frozen.

Read more: http://www.joyofbaking.com/muffins/Bl...

Makes about 14 - 16 muffins.

Profile Image for Mason.
Author 2 books26 followers
July 24, 2013
The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop and Café is just that -- irresistible.

The story pulls you in and you don’t want to leave. Narrator Erin Bennett does an excellent job bringing the characters to life. Her cadence and mannerisms add to this delightful tale. Her vocalization enhances the author’s words and her expressions of the emotions adds to the characters’ depth.

The story begins on a sad note with the death of Ellen Branford’s beloved grandmother. Just before she died, she asked Ellen to deliver a letter to a man in Beacon, Maine, sending her apologies for leaving him in their youth. Feeling she has to fulfill her grandmother’s request, Ellen leaves Manhattan for a quick one-day trip to Maine.

Arriving in Beacon, Ellen finds the town the complete opposite of Manhattan. It’s a simple, quite town. A lawyer by profession, Ellen also enjoys photography and can’t resist taking a photo from a dock near where she’s staying. Ellen’s life turns upside down when she falls through the dock and almost drowns.

She is saved by a local carpenter, Roy, that is nothing like her lawyer, politically-driven fiancé, Hayden. The near-drowning incident makes her a bit of a celebrity in the town. As she searches for her grandmother’s former lover, Ellen begins to discover things about her family and herself, she never knew. Her one-day trip turns into several and when Hayden and her mother arrive in town, things really begin to unravel.

Author Mary Simses has crafted a delightful and charming debut novel. Her vivid descriptions places you among the people of Beacon and you can practically feel the breeze off the ocean. The twists and turns along the way hold your attention. The characters are realistic, likable and well-developed. Simses incorporates the right touches of humor, romance, mystery and nostalgia for an enchanting story you hope will never end.

The delicious looking cover of THE IRRESISTIBLE BLUEBERRY BAKESHOP & CAFÉ may be what pulls you in, but it’s the story and characters that will warm your heart and capture your imagination.

FTC Full Disclosure - This audio book was sent to me by the publisher in hopes I would review it. However, receiving the complimentary copy did not influence my review.
Profile Image for Megan Readinginthesunshine.
469 reviews189 followers
August 28, 2013
I was very interested in this book from the first moment that I laid eyes on it. I absolutely LOVED the title, and the cover was beautiful too – even if it did make me feel rather hungry!

When Ellen Branford’s grandmother passes away, Ellen is devastated. Determined to fulfill her grandmother’s dying wish, Ellen sets off to Beacon, Maine in order to deliver a letter to the hometown boy who her grandmother loved. Although Ellen is only planning to be in and out of Beacon as quick as she can, this doesn’t happen after events start to take a turn of their own. Added to this, a meeting with Roy Cummings means she may be in Beacon for longer than she first thought…

I really enjoyed this! I was not sure what to expect from this story but I was surprised in the greatest way possible. I was quickly drawn in by Ellen and the events happening in Beacon and I spent a glorious afternoon in the sunshine devouring this fantastic book! The descriptions of Beacon were so vivid and realistic, I could almost see the ocean in front of me and hear the sounds around me. This novel also made me quite hungry for blueberry muffins!

I loved Ellen as a character, I warmed to her straight away and from the beginning I was cheering her on in her journey to carry out her grandmother’s wishes. I enjoyed Ellen’s progression in the novel as she begins to explore Beacon, relax and open her heart to her new surroundings. I really liked Roy as well, and his scenes with Ellen were wonderful! Their parts together touched my heart, I was rooting for them all the way – and I eagerly looked forward to their scenes as they made me smile.

The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe is easy to get into, I found that I was immersed in the world of Ellen straight away and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. It is an enchanting, light-hearted novel – full of laughter and falling in love. Mary Simses has written a beautiful and charming novel that is perfect for relaxing with.
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