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"We met in a nightmare. The in-between world where time had no power over reason. We fell in love. We fell hard. But then we woke up. And it was over . . ."


She is a woman divided. Her past, present, and future are as twisted as the lies she's lived for the past eight years. Desperate to get the truth, she must turn to the one man who may also be her greatest enemy . . .

He is the president of Pure Corruption MC. A heartless biker and retribution-deliverer. He accepts no rules, obeys no one, and lives only to reap revenge on those who wronged him. And now he has stolen her, body and soul.

Can a woman plagued by mystery fall in love with the man who refuses to face the truth? And can a man drenched in darkness forgo his quest for vengeance-and finally find redemption?

416 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 7, 2015

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About the author

Pepper Winters

100 books16.4k followers
Pepper Winters is a multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today International Bestseller.

She currently has thirty books released in nine languages. She’s hit best-seller lists (USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal) thirty-three times. She dabbles in multiple genres, ranging from Dark Romance to Coming of Age.

After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She’s an multiple #1 iBooks bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Erotica Thriller. With 20 books currently published, she has hit the bestseller charts twenty-nine times in three years.

Pepper is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work. Her Pure Corruption Series was released by Grand Central, Hachette.

Her books have garnered foreign interest and are currently being translated into numerous languages, including already released titles in Italian, French, Hebrew, German, and Turkish.

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She loves mail of any kind: pepperwinters@gmail.com

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★ ½! Ruin & Rule, Book 1 of 2. Prez of Pure Corruption, Art aka Kill’s quest for vengeance is knocked off course by girl with amnesia!

“We met in a nightmare, loved in a prayer. We gave everything until both were laid bar.”

Books in Pure Corruption MC series should be read in order:
Book 1: Ruin & Rule
Book 2: Sin & Suffer

Ruin & Rule (book 1) opens up to Cleo Price, Buttercup aka Sarah Jones waking up blindfolded, tied up and in pain. She quickly asses her surroundings and concludes she is held captive, but she has no recollection of who she is nor what has happened. When the leader arrives and removes her blindfold she gets a flash of something familiar but it’s elusive.

President of Pure Corruption MC, Investor and self-made billionaire Arthur Kilian, Art aka Kill has spent years cleaning up the motorcycle club he took over from his mentor. When coming to inspect the women held captive he is faced with mutiny by club members and injured in the process. He also feels a connection to the beautiful girl covered in scars and tattoos.

Despite the circumstances both Cleo and Art are ill equipped to fight their insane attraction, but running the club is more of a means to an end as Art is on a course of vengeance. He has a plan that leaves little room for distraction. Cleo is faced with mixed emotions of fierce desire for her captor, a need to explore any past connection and pure disgust with her predicament.

The story goes onto follow Cleo and Art in and out of the bedroom as she tries to piece together her past and her identity while Art tries stay on course and remain aloof and secretive. Both with pain in their pasts, find solace amidst a sinister game of sex, drugs, money, power, deceit, rivalry, vengeance, corruption and destruction until everything unravels...

“Pure in thoughts and vengeance. Corrupt in all things that matter.”

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Nine words to describe Cleo Price, Buttercup aka Sarah Jones: Observant, determined, naïve, meek, calculated, strong, lonely and a Libra.

“The flames of beasts came out to feast. No priest can save the singed deceased.”

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With is cock tattoo and complex persona the enigmatic Arthur Killian, Art aka Kill will have you coming back for more. He offers a unique blend of ruthlessness and nobility. He is broken, focused, smart, lonely, immature, strong, loyal and a Sagittarius.

“I will have my vengeance. I will find my peace. I will ruin those motherfuckers and hope to god I will be free.”

Pure Corruption told mostly from Cleo’s POV is a dark tale of the past that haunts them, the secrets that control them and the future that taunts them. Though many questions are answered and much resolved, some last minute developments has the story ending with hints of big trouble up ahead in book 2, Sin & Suffer .

Spell-binding story-telling! Off-the charts sexual tension and sex scenes! Mysterious and addictive plot! Complex and swoon-worthy hero with a cock tattoo!

“Once upon a lifetime, I’d loved him in a nightmare so much worse than this one.”

Hero rating: 4.5 stars
Heroine rating: 4 stars
Sexual tension rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4.5 stars
Plot rating: 5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4 stars
Overall rating: 4.5+ stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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ARC provided to me by author Pepper Winters and Hachette via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
July 15, 2015
LIVE: http://amzn.to/1JNvOBf
5 Stars

We met in a nightmare, loved in a prayer. We gave everything until both were laid bare.

You know that moment when you pick up a book and you know, you just know that it's going to be one of those books. A book that will keep you up until the crack of dawn reading. A book that you'd pass on food and sleep to read even if you'll be a grumpy zombie the entire day. A book that will make your employees think you have a bladder infection because you take so many "bathroom breaks". What? Too far. What I'm telling you is this was quite easily my favorite book by Pepper Winters, and this is coming from someone that's read and loved her entire backlist. Yeah. It was that good.
I always believed life would grant rewards to those most worthy. I was fucking naive. Life doesn't reward- it ruins. It ruins those most deserving and takes everything. It takes everything all while watching any remaining goodness rot to hate.

When Pepper first introduced Author "Kill" Killian in Third Debt I was absolutely hooked. I knew that I'd beg, cry, and/or sell an ovary for his story. There was just something so devastatingly broken about him and if anyone knows how to write the broken and broody heroes, it's this author. Kill was such a multifaceted character, he practically leapt off the pages. There's this barely restrained violence to him along with something so completely broken and painful that you can't help but fall head over heels for him right way, right or wrong.

Years ago a betrayal lead to a tragedy that irrevocably changed the path of Kill's life forever. He lost something so dear to him, that the loss of it took his heart with it. Now all he craves is vengeance. He lives and breathes revenge. And he won't stop until those responsible for his greatest loss pay in blood.

She wakes up after being kidnapped and held to be trafficked in the middle of war. With no memory of who she is, her name, or why she's here she struggles for a tiny thread of memory. And then she comes face to face with a pair stunned and enraged green eyes. Eyes that she feels to her core she knows from somewhere and yet she can't place them.
My life- past, present, and future- lost all purpose the second I stared into his soul.

He's covered in blood, stinks of death and yet she's not afraid of him. While she knows that there's some sort of tethered connection between them she doesn't know if that's a figment of her imagination or the hint of a memory.
I'd woken up in hell with no reflex fear of the devil.

Kill doesn't want or need women for anything more than an empty release. So why is it the gorgeous redhead with the green eyes effects him on such a visceral level? He has no problem using anyone for his end game, and she's no exception. Even if he seems to crave her on a level that goes far beyond just carnal.

The heat.
The throb.
The need.
He was an addiction to my painfully deprived mind.

And you know what? That is all about the plot you'll be getting from me. What I can tell you is that I absolutely devoured this book. It sucked me in like an angst filled gritty and dark vortex and didn't let me out until the very end.

The mystery behind the extent of what Killian is hiding and the truth behind her memories almost drove me out of my ever loving mind. The writing was absolutely phenomenal. Each chapter begins with a snippet from Killian's POV and continues in her POV. This really added to the overall feeling of the book and the story. It gives you just enough to keep you hooked and yet not quite enough to put your overworking brain to ease.
Sometimes lies are the only thing keeping us sane.

It was page-turner filled with so much emotion, it was almost overwhelming. It was erotic and angsty. It was absolute gritty perfection. If you haven't read this phenomenal author yet, I guarantee that you will be hooked after this book. It does end on a cliffhanger, but somehow I was OK with it. It really felt like it should have ended where it did. It was long, but there was not one empty page. Basically, what I'm trying to tell you here is that I fucking LOVED this book. HARD. If you're not reading it, I really don't know what you're doing with your life.

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
798 reviews592 followers
August 10, 2017

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4***Vengeful – Earthquake Man ~ Stars

Genre: Dark, contemporary romance
Type: Book 1 of 2 from Pure Corruption MC series
POV: First Person – Female
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“Everything inside me reeked with the need to reap vengeance. It was all I lived, all I ate, all I breathed. Until her. Until the imposter with green eyes.” Kill

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Arthur Killian aka Kill, the president of Pure Correction MC; wanted revenge for the past eight years. At only twenty-six years old he had managed to block feelings and just keep memories to keep his rage and hate for revenge alive. He was lethal with his tattoos, green eyes and his power for revenge. Somehow he managed to become the youngest prez in history, but it was all due to the stronger power of avenging the lost of everything he lost. He was frustrating as hell, he meets this girl that reminded him of a girl he once loved but refused to do the right think he was even going to sell her and omg I had rage I saw red. I couldn’t believe he was so cold and could let the pass go. His “Give me time and I’ll tell you” was killing me all the mystery was driving me mad.


Cleo Price, had amnesia due to a trauma; she had no memory of who she was. She meets Arthur on a horrible situation but all she wants to do is get away from him and run as far away but where? To whom? She did not know. Somehow as the days progressed she realized she felt save with Kill. There was something about this man that she knew she had to know, he was her way to finding out what happened to her and who she really was. When she was with him she found herself remembering her past, she had a lot of flashbacks of her past she couldn’t understand. At age twenty two years old, Cleo was coated with scars and lots of tattoos over her scars. Scars she obtained on a fire but what fire?? What really happened?? OMG this book was so full of mystery and left me with so many questions.

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Kill and Cleo find their way to each other they both had a dark past and it hurts so much to remember what each of them went through but somehow they knew that what they had was different. The feelings they were having couldn’t be made up.

“He tore me out, stole me away, changed the whole prophecy of who I was meant to be.” Cloe


“She made me want things I’d sworn never to want. She made me weak. She made me hate.” Kill

This story was amazing I enjoyed every second of it. I went to the stages of emotions, sad, upset, anger, hot and bothered and anxious. The events at the end of this book had me wanting to throw my kindle away but of course instead I cuddle up in a ball and cried myself to sleep because I hurt so much for these two characters. The author had this way to get you so attach to them and then she makes you hurt for them so hard I am still struggling and trying to figure out how on earth this is going to end. Yes because there’s a huge cliffhanger. I must wait patiently until their conclusion comes out. I recommend this book if you are looking for a romantic book full of mystery angst and revenge. I wouldn’t really say this is a MC but I still enjoyed it a lot.

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“The truth had the power to kill me. The truth was despicable.” Cleo

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"ARC kindly provided by publisher via netgalley, in exchange for an honest review."

Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC, #1) by Pepper WintersSin & Suffer (Pure Corruption MC, #2) by Pepper Winters
Amazon: http://amzn.to/17cXi1G
iBooks: http://bit.ly/1JmUbWA
Kobo: http://bit.ly/19qraZR
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1FVtwL0
Google Play: http://bit.ly/17iExdf
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Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,215 followers
March 21, 2015
Well, I was incredibly honoured and thrilled to receive a very early copy of Ruin & Rule from Pepper Winters and let me tell you, if you've enjoyed her books before, you're just gonna LOVE this one. This is Pepper at her finest combining a badass hero to die for, a feisty determined heroine and a plot so layered in complexity it will make your head spin.

Very little information has been released about this book, as yet, so a full review will have to wait and I will have to be very careful what I say here. The story is unveiled to us like a clearing fog - we start in utter confusion, not knowing what on earth is going on and, very gradually, facts emerge from the mist to shock and horrify us. It's a fairly long book which gives us time for fantastic and deep character development and for the story to be peeled back and slowly revealed to us, layer by fascinating layer.

I think Pepper classifies this as one of her 'grey' romances rather than her trademark dark erotica but it does still touch on some pretty dark issues such as human trafficking and murder. But less of that...... all will be revealed.

What you get as a reader is a hero that's pretty far gone, past events have clouded his judgement and turned him into someone much harder, much tougher and a heroine that's really been through the mill and things look like they're just about to get a whole lot worse for her. There's a pulsating plot that will keep you guessing and turning the pages long into the night - it's a multi-layered, fascinating plot that will have you wanting to binge read this one in one sitting!

I actually don't often read MC books but I will if one of my favourite authors ventures into the genre and I'm so glad I did - Ruin & Rule is highly recommended by me so get ready to One Click!

Ruin & Rule is due for release on July 28th and can be pre-ordered from Amazon.

It's book one of the Pure Corruption series and the story doesn't end here - it will continue in Sin and Suffer.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
June 22, 2015
5 STARS! ★★★★★

"We met in a nightmare, loved in a prayer. We gave everything until both were laid bare."

I can easily say that I have a long list of favorite authors who are my auto-buy or go-to but sadly, I can't deny that there are times I've been let down. However I've never gotten that with Pepper Winters. Ruin & Rule is her slight departure from the dark erotica side and venturing into the MC genre. And let me say, she did not disappoint at all. If anything: she came, she delivered and she abso-fucking-lutely conquered.

Get ready to meet your new book boyfriend, Arthur 'Kill' Killian. Genius. Sexy. Alpha-male. President of the Pure Corruption MC. A true romantic.

Ruin & Rule is a story of vengeance and undying love; Kill is a man on a mission in the name of love. After losing the love of his life, he has vowed to avenge for her death and would stop at nothing till he succeeds. But one night changes everything when one of his captives bears the resemblance of the ghost in his past. Staring into the green eyes of a woman who reminded him of his one true love, it takes everything in Kill to protect his heart again from the devastating loss he once felt.

I don't want to give too much away but holy hell, this book was nothing like what I expected and to say that I'm blown away is a huge understatement. In a true Pepper style, she leads you on a path thinking you know what's ahead and while the clues are obvious, she still manages to throw some curveballs in your way that sends your head and emotions on a tailspin. She pushes you near the edge but to only pull you back by a thread, trickle feeding you with past and present moments that constantly keeps you guessing.

It's definitely not as dark like her previous works but what's new is that she really dished out the angst here. OMG that glorious, delicious angst. Hands down, this is Pepper's most angsty book to date. I swear this woman is a true wizard of words because this book had me exploding with all sorts of emotions. The confusion, the anguish, the fear, the despair of losing the love of your life; all these emotions cut me so deep and left me feeling so raw from this read. But above all, I was enamoured by the all-encompassing love as you find yourself reading a love story that transcends many.

Yet another brilliantly crafted and well-written story, Ms Pepper absolutely did not disappoint. When it comes to her, I expected nothing less. Instead she gave me much more and brought me on an intense ride that I won't be forgetting anytime soon. This was one heck of a powerful, addictive read that had me devouring in one entire setting and currently stands as my favorite Pepper book to date. She put her own unique spin to the MC genre and made it her own.

I know there are readers who will be wary about certain controversial subject matters when it comes to this MC genre but rest assured, I felt that Pepper handled it well and there was hardly anything that will leave you squirmish. It had its gritty moments but nothing overly brutal. Also as far as the cliffy ending is concerned, I thought it was well suited with this read and the author left me with enough to wait till the next book.

I say this with absolute certainty that this is definitely not a book to be missed. Pepper Winters is a force to be reckon with and if you still haven't pick up her work, I suggest you do so now because there is nothing quite like it ;)

Ruin & Rule is the first part in the Pure Corruption MC duet series.

ARC kindly provided by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,138 reviews34.8k followers
July 9, 2020
3.5 stars!

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Pepper Winters is the queen of dark romance. She is absolutely one of my favorites. She writes the best tortured heroes, twists, turns and I love her writing style. Ruin & Rule is gritty, dark and suspenseful. It’s a story that kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved watching how everything started to connect towards the end. After finishing it, I’m desperate for the next. I can’t wait to see how the rest of their story unfolds.

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Where did I come from? How did I end up here? What’s my name?… Who am I?

She is a girl who has been kidnapped, who is waiting to be sold. She’s a girl who doesn’t know who she is. Every once in a while, a memory will hit her, but she has no name. No past. And she doesn’t know what her future holds. The only thing she knows is that her life is somehow connected to a pair of green eyes. Those green eyes stand out to her above all else. She just knows this person is the link to answering her questions, that he has a place in her past. And those green eyes belong to the man who’s holding her captive. Arthur “Kill” Killian.

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Kill is a man out for vengeance. He was betrayed by someone he trusted and lost the most important thing in his life. He doesn’t care what he has to do to get revenge, he’ll do it. As the president of an MC, he has some power and an ability to get his revenge. That’s all he cares about. Until he sees her. The girl that reminds him so much of what he lost he almost can’t stomach to look at her.

There is so much I want to say about this story, but I feel like any little thing could potentially spoil something. And I love that this story had so many twists, turns and surprises so I won’t do that.

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Just like all of Peppers books, Ruin & Rule is fast paced, dark and twisted. It also had an element of almost… sweetness at times. It surprised me but in a good way. To be honest, I have no idea why this book wasn’t a 5 star read for me. Honestly, it took me a while to really get into the story and just didn’t give me that 5 star feel all her other books have given me. I still enjoyed it lots and would highly recommend. I’m anxious to read the sequel and only wish it was coming out sooner!
“You’ll see that I was right and your heart beats for me. Mine, yours- they chime to the same beat. Wherever we end up in the world, whatever you do or whoever you decide to tie your life to, we’ll never be whole unless we’re one.”

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Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
July 14, 2015

" I'll tell you how we know each other."
"I'm your worst fucking nightmare and now I've got all the power."

I'm speechless,wow this is absolutely fantastic!What a wild ride!I have read books from Pepper Winters before but this one is something else..I was lucky enough to get an arc from Netgalley,and yes I can't hide it,I was super excited to finally read this book!!This book immediately became one of my favorite books!!


Kill is the president of a MC club who has lost the love of his life,the girl from his childhood.And now after years accidentally he finds a girl with red hair and green eyes who is like his love..Kill and this girl feel connected from the first moment they see each other...But she doesn't remember who she is and why she feel like she know him..
How do they know each other?


I loved Kill...There is a mystery around him and this made me more intrigued with his character!It's hard to not fall in love with him!He is dark,mysterious and hot!!Cloe is a very strong character!!She wants to know who she is and why she feels connected with Kill!
Both characters are complex,they have their problems but what I loved is the intensity I felt from the first chapter when they see each other!These two when they are together there is fire!!There are many hot and passionate scenes between them!


The MC world is something new from this author so apart from my excitement for her new book I also was intrigued to see how she would drown in this world!!She did it very well!!Her writing is magical and poetic and she can captivate you with her words!This is a dark romance full of passion and twists !The plot is so brilliant, it messed up with my mind make me have questions all the time!! The writing is poetic and beautiful!

I can't find anything I didn't like.I loved the plot so much!!I'm sure Pepper Winters fans will love it!!!I highly recommend it and I can't wait for next book!!!

ARC kindly provided by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.1k followers
July 16, 2015
*****2.5 Disappointed STARS*****

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The story centers around Kill, President of the Pure Corruption MC, and a beautiful young woman, who comes into his possession when his crew dabbles in the sex slavery trade. As soon as their eyes meet, there is an instant connection. The young woman has amnesia. It's so bad, she doesn't even know what she looks like until she sees her reflection in a mirror. Somehow she is drawn to Kill. She senses that they know each other on a much deeper level.

Kill can't get over the remarkable resemblance she has to his one true love, Cleo, who died several years back. He thinks she is sent to him as some sort of threat and most of the time is very hostile towards her. Kill feels a strong attraction to her but does everything he can to fight it out of his undying faithfulness to his lost love.

But the young woman keeps getting bits & pieces of her past life in flashbacks, and in it is a beautiful boy with dark hair and green eyes, who happens to be a mathematical genius. Oh and he is the spitting image of Kill!!
For a man who is supposed to be a genius, he was pretty flippin clueless for most of the story!!

This was my very first Pepper Winters book and I just love MC themed stories, but this just didn't have the right feel to it. The dialogue was at times, way too proper. The flipping between past and present goes on throughout the story but towards the last 10%, it was happening between every other sentence! I seriously got a case of whiplash and I even felt lost!

I thought it started off kind of dull, but when we are introduced to Kill's HUGE and Tatted up Penis, my interest was piqued!! However, that only lasted for a good 30% of the story and then I was back to being bored out of my mind and wanting to be done with this book!! I fell asleep so many times, I seriously did lose count. I wanted to bring out my sleeping bunny GIF but since I used it in my previous review, I decided to use this cute sleepy baby one instead!! Thanks to my Beautiful Bestie, Dee, for suffering along with me!!

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
July 10, 2015
3.5 Did I mention Kill has green eyes? STARS

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Amnesia, green eyes, erasers, mood rings, horoscope signs, tattoos, vengeance and two hard to connect with main characters made this story hard read to get through.

The author gifts a reader with an intense start and a heroine and hero who are instantly drawn to one another seeing how she looks just like his dead love. Still the hero is a hard sell and they get it on all over the place while he plays hot and cold with her. Kill sways from believing who she is and wanting to sell her in human trafficking deal.

”I’m not her. Or am I?”

The writing was entirely too lyrical and melodramatic for my tastes. The past is presented through flashback memories as we are gifted with the forever love these two share. Shame on me, I just couldn’t get down to fall for their past love it just felt cliché.


Another issue was that he’s the Club President and his place was broken into 2 TIMES!. Seriously? No alarms, no club guys keeping watch? I DON’T BUY IT.


This story does end with a cliffhanger and friends it’s not like the creative Nine Minutes cliff which I thought was coming, you know the total mind fuck type. Sadly, it’s standard and pretty predictable and so I’m left wavering on whether or not to add book two to my To Read Shelf.

”Isn’t it possible that everything you think you know has two meanings? Two purposes?”
Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 39 books1,216 followers
August 31, 2016

This was my first Pepper Winters novel…some serious cherry poppin' here!

WOW, Ms. Winters, I'm in awe!! I absolutely love her writing. This was poetic and mesmerizing. I lost myself in the world of the Pure Corruption MC, Arthur Killian (aka Art or Kill) and Cleo Price (aka Buttercup or Sarah Jones)!

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This was a story of a boy and girl, two people, whose lives were drastically altered by one fateful night. Now, she's in the darkness about who she is, what's to become of her and should she trust Arthur Killian? The man who holds her fate in her hands, the man that she's inexplicably drawn to yet he exudes such anger, hatred and violence.

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And Kill is shrouded in vengeance, blocking out all emotion, with only one thought in mind that he almost misses what's right in front of him.

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This is a dark, gritty and emotional journey with shifts in time as we get flashbacks from both Cleo and Kill. As the past and the future unravel and slowly collide, like Cleo, I was trying to decipher truth from lies...

The ending leaves us still seeking answers and wanting more!

**ARC provided by author and Hachette via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,117 followers
July 5, 2015
4.5 stars!

This has never happened to me before. I'm a self-confessed non-dark reader. But I just read and rated two dark reads 4.5 stars. What kind dark kinky-fuckery is this? Does this mean what I think it means???

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Pepper Winters' books and I have a complicated relationship. My first book from her ended up on the DNF pile. I tried reading her other books but unfortunately, none of them worked for me.

Ruin & Rule was different. The blurb called out to me, "Pssst, read meh!" So I read and read and read. I didn't stop until I finished it and it was amazing. The writing, the story, the characters—everything just worked. I was so upset when I got to the end because I didn't want to stop reading. The wait is going to be torturous.

But this story was really captivating that I'm willing to wait to get the answers and the ending I want. I won't go much into the details of the story except to say that despite the darker elements of the story like kidnapping, murder and revenge, the romance was compelling.

If you're a non-dark reader looking to walk the dark side for a bit, I highly recommend this book. It's dark enough to keep you on your toes but not too dark to scare the shit out of you or give you nightmares. At least, not yet. I dunno about the next book though.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,933 followers
October 17, 2014






I had the honor of beta reading this beauty and all I can say is that this is my favorite Pepper Winters book to date. Oh and be prepared to get your hearts ripped out.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.7k followers
June 27, 2015
"I played with my demise. I ran straight toward my downfall."

OKAY.... **takes breath**
Everything's okay...
It's fine...
You're fine...
It's gonna be ok-freaking-kay... **chants repeatedly**


I need a minute...
Actually, I need a lot of minutes just to breathe and calm the f*ck down...

This book, Ruin and Rule, had me holding my breath the ENTIRE time. I felt strung tight. My shoulders hurt. I was so into the damn story. I never felt like I had a minute to relax. Even in the easy moments it was wrought with a palpable tension, sorrow, and confusion that had my skin prickling. It felt like a ticking clock, a clock with an explosive puzzle that had to be decoded before it would explode. As each chapter passed you were handed another piece to the catastrophic puzzle.


I knew it was going to be intense. I mean, it is a Pepper Winters book after all, and this woman is a Goddess with her writing. Her lines, her descriptions, are off the freaking charts amazing. I was prepared to be rattled, taken over by the plot, characters, and I was excited to lose myself in an MC book. Those are my favs.

The story starts off with a blaze of fire, making your heart beat uncontrollably for what's to come. My mind worked in frantic motion to answer questions that were immediately brought up.

Who's who?
What's what?

You'll see when you read. It's crazy. The pace of the story flows seamlessly. It takes you away and you get lost in the haze of everything that's happening.

Those questions begin to simmer and as one is answered, a new one arises, and so on and so on. I don't want to say too much. I don't want to give the plot away. Let's just go with this...

KILL is an angry man. A man shrouded in a heavy, painful past that leads him to a life of vengeance. His demons haunt him, making him savage at times. He's not likable in the beginning. In fact, there were moments I despised him. I wanted to hurt him like he was hurting the Heroine. He's unforgiving. He's hard. He's rough. He's cold. But under all that seething rage, all that intense dysfunction, is a cesspool of bleeding grief and pain. It's impossible not to warm up to him. You hurt for all he's endured. His grief and self loathing are tangible and in the end I was left gasping...

The Heroine, who is nameless, suffers from amnesia. She ends up kidnapped, with no clue who she is, where she is. It makes it hard to get a read on her for the first couple of chapters. But once things start to unravel, you feel her a little more and by the end you get her.

The plot is as interesting as it is confusing. Like I said, it's a puzzle, so as you're reading, trying to decode the secrets, you're slowly seeing what's going on. Pepper truly writes with an intensity that's riveting. She's a talented author. I was glued and tuned to every word, every page.

Overall, the story's addicting. The characters, the plot, the intensity of the feels, all of it was off the charts.

The ending left me reeling and I definitely need the next book STAT. I can't wait to see what happens.

I'm invested. I want more. A solid start to the series. (I'm not sure how many books it's going to be. I'm thinking it's a duet--just 2-- with Sin and Suffer coming in Jan). Oh, and let me say the sex is hawttttttt! HOT. HOT. Emotional. So much, YES.


Okay... I'm going to go and eat some chocolate, drink some herbal tea, and calm my pulsing heart.

An INTENSE. ADDICTING. DARK ride! Definitely dark. Not overly dark, but definitely dark. Gritty. Great! Definitely one to add to your book list!

"I always believed life would grant rewards to those most worthy. I was fucking naïve. Life doesn’t reward—it ruins. It ruins those most deserving and takes everything. It takes everything all while watching any remaining goodness rot to hate."
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,362 reviews9,514 followers
June 25, 2015
༺**Complimentary Copy**༺ Provided by the Author in exchange for an Honest Review..Thank you!!

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TITLE: Ruin & Rule
SERIES: (Pure Corruption MC #1)
AUTHOR: Pepper Winters
GENRE: Romance
PUBLICATION: July 7th 2015

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When I saw that I had been accepted for an arc copy I did the meanest of mean Mr Bean Happy dances ever!! I have stalked and panted after this book since I saw Pepper Winters was going to give us a biker book!!

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As soon as you pick this up Pepper has you in her grasp, I love how she draws us readers into her story telling, so easy to get lost within the pages..

I’d found him in my dreams and awoken to him in my nightmares.

A woman with no past, no name, no clue of who she is, where she came from, she remembers nothing, BUT she's drawn to Kill for some unknown reason, it's as if they know each other on an intimate level..

As each chapter goes by we're given little snippets of her memory coming back like a puzzle where we have to figure out where the pieces fit..

Dreams of a lost boy with piercing green eyes, lovers, foes??

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Forgetful Girl

I was a weapon. I’d been honed by the best. I was a warrior. I’d been granted ultimate power. I was a king.
And kings were never distracted by those weaker than them.

Forget about your old life because you are never seeing it again

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Slowly piece by agonising piece her memory is opening her mind up to her past, who she was, who she is, how she lost her memory, the boy with the bright emerald eyes, lost soul mates..

“I was told I might never remember past my fourteenth birthday”

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I couldn't separate fact from fiction, truth from fable

This book keeps you sitting on the edge of your seat trying to unravel all the mysteries that surround her, page after page you zoom through those pages to see what other tidbit of information Pepper is going to throw at us..The suspense, mystery, intrigue kept me engaged throughout..

Whoever had stolen me had planned it

She thought she'd awoken from her nightmares. That reality would set her free and truth dispel the evil in her past. But she didn't know the worst of them was me. The demon she should've shot the moment she opened her eyes. - KILL

True to Pepper form this book is no different to previous series gone, this has the key element of kidnapping involved as only this author is known by plus pushing that taboo envelope of right and wrong..

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Profile Image for Eda**.
719 reviews439 followers
July 17, 2015

** 3,5-4 “Sagittarius and Libra” STARS **

“Nightmares. Dreams. I’d found him in my dreams and awoken to him in my nightmares. Would there be a place for us in real life?”


I have so many things to say about this story...but I will keep it short because I am truly heartbroken for the fact that I didn't LOVE a story I was so sure would sweep me off my feet.

Why only 3,5 stars?

#1 // “Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes...”

SERIOUSLY?!?! Enough already!

#2 // Too much inner talk. It always exhausts me in books.

#3 // Not enough MC action. Arthur Killian is so much more than an MC Prez, I know, but I wanted to see a bit of his world.

#4 // The fact that Kill is supposed to be this HUGE success, a very powerful biker god, a wealthy businessman...but his house can be breached rather easily. Pffft. Come ooooon! Doesn't he at least have a few prospects guarding his door?

OVERALL: The writing was so lyrical and deep with emotion, as it always is with every Pepper Winters book, but sadly it's definitely not getting in my favorites list.


** BR with my lovely bestie Sandy! ♥ **
Profile Image for Glass.
645 reviews4 followers
June 29, 2015
Possible spoilers!

SHORT? I gave it a chance. Kept an open mind. It had potential, but in the end, it still disappointed me. Will I read sequel? Probably, because I want to find out what will happen next.

First of all, I have to warn you that I have complicated relationship with Pepper Winters novels. There is something about her stories that get my attention, and I cannot resist to the temptation to read them. Not to mention all those pretty covers - Ruin & Rule might have the prettiest so far. My issues start somewhere around third chapter when I get annoyed by characters or story arc or writing. Ruin & Rule lasted longer than that.

What I liked? Until the chapter fifteen I truly believed that I would love it. Such an intriguing start! Reader finds out things gradually along with main female character, so there are no clear answers. You are confused, trying to figure out who is who, to make difference between enemies and those who could help out. Along with the MC you are figuring out rules of this crazy new world. And then there is Arthur "Kill" Killian. The president of Pure Corruption MC. Anti-hero. (With kick-ass tattoo! That's something I'd like very much to see!). Even writing was captivating. Yes, it gets melodramatic sometimes, but that first half of the story was so good.


When did things start to go downhill? At chapter fifteen. The loooongest chapter. Where nothing actually happened. And everything was dragged. And all problems are solved with sex. Hot sex. Until they start to talk.

What I didn't like?

- Flashbacks. I was seriously disturbed with those because how overly sexual and mature characters are considering that they are just kids (she is barely fourteen - but there are parts where she's eight).
- Memory loss. Great idea, but at times felt a bit forced.
Convenient "situations". Some things got resolved too easily, just when needed. Like she remembering bits about her past. Very specific bits, all of a sudden.
- Biker gang. What biker gang? Unlike any other book of the genre, do not expect "club business" storyline. There isn't much, everything is about our main female character and Kill. Even when there is mention of what they do, it's just superficial. That is why I had a feeling like the world-building was lacking, there's no actual background story to the described events, and answers we do get in the end, aren't shown, but told. Just dropped in one chapter told from Kill's POV. After the lot of I-can't-tell-yous. Which brings us to the next thing that bothered me.
- Melodramatic dragging of the story. It was fun to be in the dark at the beginning, but when you read for the hundredth time: "I will tell you everything, but not now. You have to trust me." and then they have sex, or read about her temper tantrums, you just get bored and start skimming. Second half seriously tested my patience.
- Kill in the second half of the book. From the badass he became pussy-whipped idiot. Over the night. Just no.

Who will like Ruin & Rule? Most definitely everyone who liked Pepper Winters previous novels, especially Monsters in the Dark trilogy. Fans of dark, erotic stories.

Review posted at Way Too Hot Books

***ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

P.S. I didn't have much luck with Pepper Winters novels so far. I really hope that I'd like this one.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
1,969 reviews2,421 followers
September 2, 2015
4 stars!

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Kill is the leader of the Pure Corruption motorcycle club. One night when a small uprising within the ranks occurs, chaos reigns and people are killed. In the middle of it all six girls are present, five of them rounded up to be sold. The sixth one is a ghost from Kill’s past here to haunt his present. The sixth girl woke up with no clue as to who she is, where she is from, what covered her body in burn scars or even her name. But she does know one thing after looking into Kill’s eyes: that he has the answers to all of her questions.

I love the way Pepper Winters writes. From the first page to the last one I could not put this book down. It’s a fast paced journey with tons of angst, and I loved every single minute of it. I’m not normally a huge motorcycle club romance fan, but I trust this author and I am so glad I took the small risk on this book because it paid off huge. With the motorcycle club genre there are touchy subjects but for the most part these things we handled really well. The MC life isn’t all kittens and rainbows, but I was never repulsed or truly horrified at what was happening behind the club walls.

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Kill is on a quest for revenge against those who wronged him and who hurt the one he loved. He is so blinded by his rage that he lets no one into his life, the woman are objects and the club is a way to help him carry out his vengeance. I really can’t say much more, but this is a book that you do not want to miss. In true Pepper Winters talent, I could feel the twists and surprises coming, but when they were revealed they were unexpected and mind-blowing.

So why not a 5 stars? I really really liked this book, but I spent a good amount of time shouting at Kill through my Kindle because I was so damn frustrated with his stubbornness and actions. It isn’t until about 50% into the book when I actually started to like him. The heroine and her journey was my favorite aspect of this book. I look forward to more of Kill and her in the second book and to see the continuation of their story.

Overall a fast paced, engaging and pleasurable read, I recommend to all of you readers who enjoy a good mystery and enjoy having your brain toyed with by the author.

ARC provided by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
June 30, 2015
4.5 Vengeful Stars!

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When I'd gotten wind that the queen of darkness was venturing into motorcycle club tropes, I seriously could not wait! Pepper Winters has the ability to capture her reader within a few sentences of any book she writes. I seriously think she could write a children's bedtime story and have me enthralled. But I do prefer her grit...her darkness. The wait was too long but SO worth it!

Ruin & Rule is a book about vengeance. Arthur Killian (aka Kill) is the president of Pure Corruption Motorcycle Club. He's a man out for blood. He WILL make the men pay for the events of twelve years ago that changed his life irrevocably. Until one night when his world comes to a complete standstill when he sets sight on green eyes...green eyes he remembers from years ago, and mourned his tragic loss of her.

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Sarah (aka Cleo) suffers from severe amnesia. Waking up amidst some sort of gang fight, a tall, dark, brooding biker approaches her. He knows her. She can tell by the way he looks at her. Can he tell her who she is and where she came from?

Ruin & Rule is BY FAR the most angsty book I've read by Ms. Winters. Holy mother of sexual tug of war. Gah! I wanted to reach within my kindle, grab Kill by the shoulders and shake the living sense into him! Can we say DENIAL? Gah. Kill was such a scarred soul and had a one track mind for revenge. Everything he held dear was taken away from him and when he sets eyes on the girl lying in the streets amidst biker gang war, his inner conflict exploded. Who is this imposter that resembles his Cleo yet calls herself Sarah?

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I never tire of Pepper Winters' lyrical prose. Her writing style is so unique to her, so poetically perfect, I wondered how she could depict something so gritty as motorcycle gangs yet keep that Pepper beauty shining through. This was no surprise that I completely devoured every word. The scenes popping out from my kindle in technicolor of poetic perfection!

If life was a tapestry, already threaded and steadfast, then he was the scissors that cut me free. He tore me out, stole me away, changed the whole prophecy of who I was meant to be.

I'd call R&R dark simply due to the subject matter but it's not near as dark as Monsters in the Dark series. In fact, is was perfectly balanced between dark, gritty, romantic and steamy. Ruin and Rule does end in a cliffy and appears to be a three book series. Looking forward to more answers and resolution between Art and Cleo.

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Advanced copy received by Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews792 followers
July 15, 2015
I would become invincible. I'd been ruined, but now I would rule.

Talk about a book having you in complete knots, Ruin and Rule did just that. From the moment we meet the heroine, a victim of human trafficking with no memory or idea of who she is. I was immediately pulled in and stayed that way until the very end.

Kill, the man responsible for her abduction, is very complex character living in the past, unable to overcome his heartache. Throughout the book I really struggled with getting a handle on him and where the story was going, but that just drew me in even more. Kill is a complete contradiction he is reckless, but controlled. He is the leader of his Motorcycle Club, but also a genius and businessman.

She is a brave and determined heroine. She has no memory, but intuition. She has feelings and thoughts, but has no way of connecting the dots. Regardless, she knows there is something about Kill that draws her to him. She is afraid of her feelings, but not afraid of Kill for some reason.

I have struggled with how to review this one without providing spoilers, so this will be vague. Throughout the story every time I thought I knew where things were going I was wrong. Ruin and Rule is suspenseful and unpredictable.

The story moved so quickly for the most part, but towards the end it did begin to slow down and I began getting frustrated. This frustration was mainly due to the fact that we were finally supposed to get answers and it felt like they were coming out at the pace of snail. Now, it’s really important you know I am crazy impatient, so this is likely not going to effect most readers. Regardless, I would never tell someone not to to read this story. I honestly think you will seriously regret not reading this if you are a fan of MC books or suspense/angst.

Whatever you think you know about MC books forget it. Winters delivers a unique MC story that will take you on a intense journey of heartbreak, loss, and hope. If you are a fan of suspenseful reads I highly recommend Rule and Ruin.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for warhawke.
1,410 reviews2,131 followers
July 11, 2015
Type: Book 1 of 2 from Pure Corruption MC series
POV: First Person - Female

She woke up in a nightmare. Having no memory of who she was already traumatic enough, now, bound and ready to be sold. However she saw a glimpse of clue of her past from the man who threw her into the nightmare.

He was Arthur Killian, the president of Pure Corruption MC. He was in it for a revenge that had been brewing for the last eight years. He was so blinded to avenge his past that he failed to see the possibility of a future especially that she reminded him so much of what he lost.

Pepper Winters is one of my favorite dark romance author and I am happy that she ventured into the MC world. Though, I have to say I wouldn’t classify this as an MC book. The MC aspect was more as the set up for story of romance and revenge.

I do love Kill. He was infuriatingly stubborn. What I love the most about him is that he’s young and smart and I love the story of how he came to power.

“You remind me of her. Every time I look at you, I see her. You stab me in the fucking heart every time you look at me with her eyes. My gut twists every time the sun catches her red hair. But it’s a lie. You aren’t her. You could never be her.”

He was also incredible angsty. His past singlehandedly shaped who he was in the present. He was broken in a way and I could definitely feel his pain.

The heroine (who I shall not name) had an amnesia due to the trauma of being taken. She got bits and pieces as the story went on revealing past that probably as painful as her current situation. I liked her, but there were times she was incredibly frustrating with her lack of self preservation.

“You’re worse than them. At least they stabbed me in the back and left me to rot. You—you just keep stabbing me. Over and over and fucking over until I’m bleeding from every slice.”

Pepper Winters mastered the art of creating tension between the characters. I love the intensity between the two characters and their chemistry was explosive. Her writing was also impeccable. The proses were poetic and flowed beautifully.

As for the storyline, I like the premise, but it was too slow for my linking for the first half of the book and I ended up figuring out the truth quite early on. I also felt Kill was too similar to Jethro from Indebted Series.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and the ending set the tone to what’s coming in the conclusion of this series. I’m looking forward to see how everything will turn out.

Note 1: I love Grasshopper – and how he got his name lol!
Note 2: His cock tattoo was mesmerizing :D

For more reviews/reveals/giveaways visit:

Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews688 followers
July 9, 2015
DNF @34%

I was dying to read this book due to my insane cover lust, plus the fact that it was set around a biker club and written by Pepper Winters was a huge bonus.

Unfortunately I had a lot of trouble with the storyline. My first issue was the lack of self preservation of the heroine. She woke up with no memory, she was amidst a scary biker gang, who were all fighting among each other and she was with 5 other woman who were in the process of being sold. She didn't feel too worried though, because she felt a connection with the leader of the MC, she felt like she must know him somehow.

Kill, the main hero who has trafficked these women, finds that his captive resembles the love of his life who he lost in a fire, but the fact that she has horrific scars down one side of her body doesn't alert him to the fact that the doppelganger could actually be her, even though she says things and acts in a way that remind him of the woman he thought was dead.

I just couldn't continue, I could not connect to either character and after the heroine decided to have sex with him after just one day, I was out.

I am definitely in the minority though so please don't let me put you off.

ETA - Oh and don't get me started on the flashbacks -
annoying as heck!

This is part one of a duet, and ends on a cliffhanger.

ARC gratefully received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews221 followers
July 11, 2015
3 Disappointed Stars!
I have been waiting so very impatiently for Ruin & Rule! I mean you know since we met the mysterious Kill in The Debt series I wanted his story. So why didn't I love it. A bunch of reasons.
The first half of the book was exciting and had me on the edge of my seat. I needed to know if this girl was really Kills childhood love that shattered his heart when she died. If this was the girl that turned Author Killian into the man he is today known only as Kill. Kill was brutal in the first half. I didn't know if he wanted to fuck her or kill her. Was he going to sell her or keep her for himself. I also loved this girls strength to never give up. She kept getting bits and pieces of her memory and I was feeling real sorry for her because Kill didn't want any part of her memories.
Then around 50% something happens and everything changes. This also is where the book lost me.
Kill was no longer brutal. Kill became Author and Author was dripping with syrup! He made me gag he was so sweet. In fact I no longer liked him or her any longer. I started skimming. The sex scenes became boring! There was a lot of boring sex. She always needed him inside her. Everytime you turned the page they were having sex. His green eyes. I was sick of hearing about his green eyes. Rolling eyes! His tattoo on his balls. Yes people his balls were tatted up. lmao! Her childhood memories of them at times grossed me out. She was a fucking child and already couldn't wait to fuck him. Her exact words to him! Fuck me Art! Thank god he was decent enough not to fuck her when she was 13 and he was 17. Then she wanted him to come inside her. How convenient her memory lets her know she was on birth control. Rolling eyes!
I was glad we got longer chapters from Kill's POV toward the end. I stopped skimming around 85% when that happened.
Kill's house getting broken into twice had me shaking my head and rolling my eyes. He is suppose to be a club president and a fucking genius. How could his home get broken into not once but twice?!?!?
The first half I loved. The second half almost had me not finishing. Will I read the next? Maybe. This one ends on a huge cliff! I defiantly won't be in a rush though:((
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,940 reviews1,513 followers
July 13, 2015
4 Angst Filled Stars

A few years ago, I remember seeing a teaser on my FB newsfeed. It was about a girl being kidnapped. I have never heard of the author, but she was trying to launch her debut book. Who would have thought she would be a NYT best seller published sensation.

It’s so crazy watching an author’s career go from start-up to stardom. I’m so happy for all of Pepper’s success and I’m a fan for life. I haven’t read her books since the first Debt book. So I do feel like a somewhat neglected boyfriend. I was really happy when I found out she had a completely new series out.

I couldn’t wait to devour this baby.

And devour I did. I ate it up and ate and ate. My belly is very full and I have a feeling everyone is going to sink their teeth into this one.

First off, let me say, one word to describe this book is ANGST!!!! It’s that A word. You know the one that makes you pull-your-hair-out and slap-the-characters-silly word. It’s not my favorite cuppa. I know, slap me now. I like the slight mild tension books, not the throw-your-kindle-across the room ones. BUT I love Pepper and there’s something about the way she writes that just completely consumes me.

I would suggest going into this blindly. That is how I read all of Pepper’s books. Let’s just say Ruin and Rule reminds me of Nine Minutes by Beth Flynn, but with K.A. Linde’s angst. It is also very suspenseful and mysterious.

The book starts off with our Heroine and she doesn’t have her memory. We as the reader do not know who she is and what has happened in her past. All we know is that she is in a bad situation and it’s only going to get worst.

Then there’s the Hero. He’s president of the MC and if you ever love to hate a hero, then he is your guy. You know Tony from Consequences? You know how much everyone loved to hate him, yup this is exactly what I am talking about.

The relationship between the Hero and Heroine isn’t easy to read. It’s very real, raw and filled with tension. You will be pulling your hair out and gobbling up the pages trying to figure out what is going on. A lot of who the Heroine is plays into the plot and as you read, more will be uncovered and the book gets super intense.

“The moment we met, you pulled a blindfold off me in the middle of death and battle”

The first 50% is the hardest for me to read. I was going crazy with the characters and I just wanted to figure out what was going on. It’s really addictive. The Hero is so cruel you wonder if there will be any redeeming qualities. I won’t let you know, you will just have to read and find out.

The book shifts at the second half and everything just goes into overdrive. More of the Hero’s past is uncovered and it’s nice to have some insight. This part felt like Nine Minutes to me because I felt like everyone was linked somehow and everyone played a role. You really don’t know who is who or what their motives are. It will leave your head spinning, but in a good way.

I know a lot of readers will be consumed by this series. How could you not? It easily sucks you into this dark rabbit hole with intense angst, passionate scenes and dirty deeds.

Pepper Winter fans will be tickled and delighted. Bravo.

An ARC was provided

Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC, #1) by Pepper Winters Ruin & Rule AMAZON $3.99
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,047 reviews356 followers
July 28, 2015
We met in a nightmare. The in-between world where time had no power over rhyme, reason, or connection. We met. We stared. We knew.

Welcome to the world of Pure Corruption. This staggering love story is as wrong as it is right. It is a read that will consume your thoughts and make you crave the dark unknown. Fragmented memories of a past life are mixed with present day terrors of a life unknown as a calculated business transaction…a kidnapping…sets forth a brilliantly erotic suspense that only Pepper Winters can write.

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Forgetful Girl…why does she look as she does? Where does she come from? Is she a liar…a manipulator? Who is the beautifully destroyed woman with a lifetime of stories upon her?

Kill…How can a simple glance steal a soul? Who is the hard man with the gentle hand? How can this nightmare not only intrigue but consume a woman’s mind…and heart?

…terrified that nothing else mattered to me. Nothing but the selfish pleasure of want.

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Ruin & Rule continues Pepper Winters’ ownership of my need for the dark and the daring. While not as deeply black as previous works, this is no less mind boggling or intense. Set in the harsh realm of an MC club upheaval, there is a gritty atmosphere of power and betrayal. There is overwhelming emotion of loss and palpable need for revenge. Most importantly there is a love story woven throughout fragmented memories that tether all components of the read together.

I couldn’t separate fact from fiction, truth from fable

No, neither could I! I knew nothing of where this story was headed or why it even came about, but there was no way I could stop my need for this. I too was caught up in the green eyes of a monster...in the angry lust of a broken man...in the desperate need of a woman for the touch of an animal. This read wrapped my mind for hours after completion. At the point of revelation…the moment where the pressure in my chest eased…all came to a screeching halt. The past had collided with the future and the outcome…

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To be continued…

*ARC provided per publisher via NetGalley in exchange for honest review, please note that quotations used may differ from published work*
Profile Image for Brandi.
653 reviews1,470 followers
Shelved as 'on-pause'
July 26, 2016


Every part of me arched toward him, then shied away in terror.
A nightmare come to life.
A nightmare I wanted to live.



Not in the mood, the insta-lust/love vibe is too strong for me right now. I may try again later. Idk.
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,836 followers
July 10, 2015
***2.5/3 STARS***

Well,I know I'm in the minority here but this,for me,didn't deliver.To be honest,Pepper Winters is a bit hit and miss for me but I thought...dark Author,MC element..I've got to read this one.

It's not a stereotypical MC book ( but that's not a bad thing at all,I love reading different takes on Genre's)

The story starts of with a girl being taken by a Biker Club to be sold on...at this stage we don't know her name and neither does she as she has amnesia..

Enter the President of the MC..Kill..she's sees something in him she recognizes and he can't believe what he's seeing..

The first half of the book totally held my attention.She struggled to remember her past life and why she felt drawn to him and he struggled with the connection he felt towards her..the anticipation of what was to come was certainly captivating.

But then just before half way things went downhill,for me..

I'm not normally a fan of past/present but it was obviously totally relevant here and it was very well done.I did,however have issues with some of the thoughts of Cleo at a young age

The other issue I had was with the flashbacks..she seemed to conveniently remember certain things at the right time

The story lost credibility for me here and I started skimming ..
Profile Image for Sandy ღCoffee Addict Booksღ.
229 reviews256 followers
April 14, 2016
***2.75 stars***
When Sandy & Eda started this book

Eda @ 34%- *insert eyes rolls* “Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes...”

Sandy, at some point while reading,

Meanwhile Eda,

Sandy, behind the screen on Eda’s statement

Around 70% mark- their mantra,

When Eda finished reading

Sandy, at 84%
Is it too late to dnf?

Sandy, once she finished reading

After a long thorough discussion between the two,

Final verdict:


I know I’m in a minority here and even my kind hearted bestie rated it “4 stars” but not me, I’m more the bitchy picky one.

Before this happens

You have to know we both love PW’s books and when it was released we couldn’t wait to get our hands on it.

So what made me so angry?
It was not because of the cliffy at the end which was bound to happen when Kill overestimated his smartness or that he thought nobody could mess with him but for the fact Pepper winters delivered such an unrealistic plot with lot of flaws, too many inner monologues, repetitive scenes and unnecessarily dragging of the story to the point of boredom. Also this was supposed to be a MC book right? but I didn’t see a single MC action going on. Wearing the club patch, riding motorcycles, having a nickname and eating pizzas/burgers along with other members doesn’t make one a MC club.

Ok, not everything was bad! Pepper’s writing was still spectacular no doubt in that, and adding flashbacks every now and then made it more interesting. What I usually like about her books is that she gives one bad-ass heroine and the ‘forgetful girl/woman’ in this book is yet another strong and feisty creation from PW. Certain actions of her are debatable but I loved her, adored her courage, strength, passion and love even when she was a prisoner in her own mind.

On other hand I had this love/hate relationship with Kill aka “super human”. No matter how much blood he loses or has a hairline fracture he has a strength of an elephant. I get it what made him the person he become but the constant avoiding of confiding his secrets everytime she asked begged him was so pissing! Investing so much time just to get a disappointing story made me furious.

Will I read the sequel?? Uhhmmm...lets see, Do I want to see how stupid and raged filled monkey Kill is going to be and not to forget there’s going to be huge ass drama between the two, plus angry sex, make up sex, sex sex in every page and ooh ooh… loads of green eyes!!


I hope all her future books are winner for us though:D

♥Buddy read with awesome bestie Eda♥

P.S: Thanks babe for not blocking my number, while I was bombarding your phone with my not so subtle texts;P muahh!

Profile Image for Cristina.
342 reviews330 followers
January 25, 2016
This is my first book by Pepper Winters that I actually liked. I tried reading novels by her before but they just weren't for me and then I read this book and...


...and of course some...


and in the end...


This book got only 4 stars from me because I did not like Kill at all...I down right hate him and I'm not afraid to say it...


He treated Cloe/Sarah so badly and when he hit her just because he was mad I wanted to punch him in the face...I really did...


Now that I got that of my chest let me tell you a little bit about what's happening here. Cloe/Sarah (yes she has two names and both are hers but also belong to different persons...complicated I know) wakes up only to find herself kidnaped and with no memory about what happened and who she is.


Kill is the president on his MC and so much more but I'm not going to divulge that here because I don't want to be a spoilsport :P He runs the MC that kidnaped Cloe/Sarah and a few girls and they intend to sell them.

When he sees her for the first time he thinks she is the love of his life but that can't be...because she's dead and he had a hand in that...


And from there we get to read an amazing story that doesn't allow you to put the book down and of course leaves you with a big cliffy from witch you'll only get your answers in January of next year...


But it was definitely worth it and don't worry, it's not dark romance even if it's pretty close to the border :P

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