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From the New York Times bestselling author of the Fall Away series who never fails to deliver a “powerfully written contemporary love story…”*

Former tennis player Easton Bradbury is trying to be the best teacher she can be, trying to reach her bored students and trying to forget her past. What brought her to this stage in her life isn’t important. She can’t let it be. But now one parent-teacher meeting may be her undoing…

Meeting Tyler Marek for the first time makes it easy for Easton to see why his son is having trouble in school. The man knows how to manage businesses and wealth, not a teenage boy. Or a young teacher, for that matter, though he tries to. And yet…there is something about him that draws Easton in—a hint of vulnerability, a flash of attraction, a spark that might burn.

Wanting him is taboo. Needing him is undeniable. And his long-awaited touch will weaken Easton’s resolve—and reveal what should stay hidden…


368 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 2015

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About the author

Penelope Douglas

54 books86k followers
Penelope Douglas is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Their books have been translated into nineteen languages and include The Fall Away Series, The Devil’s Night Series, and the stand-alones, Misconduct, Punk 57, Birthday Girl, Credence, and Tryst Six Venom. Please look for The Hellbent Series, coming next.

They live in New England with their husband and daughter.

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
August 15, 2017
 photo Douglas Miscoduct Tite by SueBee_zpsolhdq35v.jpg

★★★★★! Misconduct (stand-alone). With careers & reputations at stake their clandestine affair is taboo, a transgression neither one can afford!

“But now here she was, my kid’s teacher, dangerous and forbidden, which only increased her allure…”

Misconduct (stand-alone) opens up to college student and former tennis star Easton Bradbury at masked ball flirting and recklessly kissing a sexy stranger. When later he’s introduced as the guest of honor, aspiring politician and owner of a construction empire Tyler Marek she flees into the night.

“I spun around, my eyes rounding as I saw the man who had just pinned me against a wall outside step onto the stage. Holy shit.”

It will be months before their paths shall cross again. By then Easton is a college graduate embarking on her career as a history teacher at an elite private school where Tyler’s somewhat estranged fourteen-year-old son attends.

Tyler is set on Washington and rebuilding the relationship with his son and Easton, having stepped out of the limelight, just wants to be a successful teacher. Failing miserably, they succumb to their needs, putting everything on the line while embarking on a clandestine and forbidden affair fuck-fest…

Tyler Marek with his imposing presence and classic good looks has my vote! Ten words to describe Tyler: Commanding, autocratic, vulnerable, private, confident, assertive, jaded, mature, conflicted and… sex-on-a-stick.

“Tyler!” she cried out, and I took a fistful of her hair, tugging slightly. “You didn’t want it slow, did you?”

Nine words to describe Easton Bradbury: Smart, progressive, vulnerable, broken, compelling, complex, opinionated, sincere and determined.

“God, I can see your cock through your pants,” she mewed. “It’s making my mouth water, baby.” I blinked long and hard.”

Misconduct has the perfect blend of plot, character development, intrigue, taboo and scorching sex. It ends on a high with an epilogue months into the future.

Intriguing and forbidden plot! Brilliant story-telling! Larger-than-life Tyler Marek! Compelling heroine!

“Yanked up my dress and slapped me on the ass. “Wha—!”

Hero rating: 5 stars
Heroine rating: 4.5 stars
Sexual tension rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 5 stars
Plot rating: 5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 5 stars

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

Profile Image for Samantha Young.
Author 105 books26.9k followers
August 9, 2015
I absolutely LOVED everything about this book! Thirty five year old Tyler Marek and twenty three year old Easton Bradbury’s first interaction is combustible and I was engrossed from that moment on.
Easton has a tragic past and very believable, real issues as a consequence. Those issues gave her, her vulnerabilities and made her completely relatable but she’s also the coolest, strongest, sassiest heroine ever and I adored that about her. As for Mr. Marek… where was he when I was twenty three?!! Um… someone pass me one of those handheld fan thingies please. Talk about HOT. This whole book is HOT. And it’s not just the smoldering sex scenes that make it so. I love great banter and Misconduct has that in spades. Add in the aforementioned steaminess, intrigue, emotional conflict, feels —oh man the FEELS— and I’ve got one of my favourite reads of 2015 on my hands. Penelope Douglas just keeps getting better and better. I no longer need a blurb from this author. If she wrote it, I’m reading it. FIVE GIGANTIC STARS.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,147 reviews13.2k followers
December 5, 2015
5 Stars

Dark spaces, quiet places," he whispered over my mouth. "That's all we need, Easton."

You know what I love about Penelope Douglas's writing? Well, aside from the obvious everything. It's her consistency. She never fails to deliver an absolutely enrapturing read with a strong heroine and an absolutely to die for hero. Her writing is magnetic, her romances are scorching, and her characters unforgettable. Misconduct is proof that not only can she write amazing New Adult Like Bully, or scorching hot dark erotica like Corrupt, but she'll bring her A game to contemporary romance. And bring her a game she did, because I loved absolutely everything about this book.
I knew that look in his eyes. I may not know much about him, but I knew that look.
And we were in my classroom.
His son's classroom.
I may have had little shame, but he had none.

The one thing I've come to truly love about Penelope's writing, is her ability to write a devastatingly intense hero. Because let me just tell you, the first time Tyler Marek makes an appearance on a page, not an ovary within a 100 mile radius will be safe. He captures your attention immediately, and he keeps it completely. The man is absolute sex on a stick.

Easton Bradbury made a name for herself in professional tennis, only to leave everything behind to start fresh in New Orleans. Landing the coveted teaching position at one of the prestigious private schools is her first step. Letting go of the dark memories that caused her to run in the first place is an indefinite second, and she's in no hurry. While only 23 years old, this is no immature and naive female. Hell no. Like most heroines Penelope writes, Easton isn't without spark or backbone. This is a woman that isn't ashamed to speak her mind. She's educated, she's ballsy, and yet behind the tough exterior is someone that is very much broken. But she won't let that slow her down. With her charismatic teaching style, she captures her students' attention immediately, only to come to a head with a parent that doesn't quite enjoy her unorthodox methods...

Tyler Marek is twelve years her senior, the father of her student, and seems to enjoy demeaning and laughing at her at every turn. But beneath their snarks and heated insults runs an undercurrent of lust so strong, it basically ignites the pages. Holy wow but do these two have chemistry from the very beginning and it only burns hotter and hotter!

Now if you follow my reviews you already know just how much I love a good hate-to-love trope, and Misconduct delivered that in spades. It was absolutely delicious. You really get that burn here, until you think you'll actually combust if these two don't get together. I'm talking about the mother of sexual tension here, people! I'm not even kidding. I didn't know whether to ice my ovaries or keep a fire extinguisher on hand for chance that my kindle may catch fire. Good god!

As much as I loved Tyler, I loved Easton just as much. I love a strong heroine that can give as good as she gets, and boy does Easton give it good. This is a woman that doesn't take anything lying down...well...ok...actually there's one particular thing that she does take lying down, but that's neither here nor there. My point here is that both Easton and Tyler were incredibly dynamic characters. And together? Holy smokes! It just didn't get better than that.

Penelope Douglas is the queen of hate lust and sexual tension. The woman truly knows how to make her readers squirm and I love her for it. Misconduct was deliciously taboo and utterly unputdownable. The whole 'will they get caught' thing just added to the mix to make an already captivating romance that much better. t. Everything about it worked for me. If you haven't read a book by this author yet, I can't recommend a better one to start with than Misconduct. Trust me on this. If you're a fan of enigmatic heroines, sharp-witted and strong heroines, and a hate lust so scorching hot it may set your kindle on fire, this is one book you need to read. Period.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review and about 45 minutes of fangirling excitement

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,934 reviews33k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 6, 2016
DNF @ 40%

Sorry folks...


This is probably just a case of it's me, not you.

I couldn't connect with either main character and Christian (aside from that being my hubby's name) got on my nerves to boot.

Easton's teaching style and the whole focus on the impact of social media came off as somewhat self-righteous and pretentious to me. And, while admirable and a seemingly really cool method - I just couldn't get on board and felt that there was way too much focus on it.

Anyway, I'm sure the book is great and that it would pick up if I continued, but I just refuse to trudge through a book when it hasn't grabbed hold of me even remotely by 40% in.
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,185 followers
June 28, 2017
Misconduct by Penelope Douglas is an absolute reading treat!!
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Be prepared to fall in love with Easton Bradbury & Tyler Mareck!!!

Easton Bradbury, former professional tennis and now a teacher at a top private school in New Orleans. She’s independent, sexy, and smart with a few quirks thrown in.

Tyler Mareck, successful and rich businessman has reached the top of his game. Now aiming for something more ….politics and power.

When these two meet at a gala event, sparks fly!!!
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Fast forward ……next meeting they have is when Easton discovers that Tyler’s son will be one of her students. Problem? More than just one!! Getting involved would be total madness…….fight the attraction!!!!! That’s the plan!!
”What the hell are we doing? I couldn't get involved with a parent, and even if I did, it couldn't be him...I enjoyed him too much...”

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I loved the interaction between them. The banter……Easton has just told Tyler that she has a bit of OCD…just something that makes her cope with things in her life……
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The fun. The passion….and the steamiest sex ever.
They just brought something good out of each other.
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I adored Easton. She’s survived some really bad things that happened in her life. She’s strong and nothing keeps her down for long. Her class scenes with her students and the teaching methods she applied were fascinating and so interesting. I loved the way social media was used as a teaching medium. So unique.

And speaking about her sassiness….loved how she can take on all the stereotype politicians…..absolutely brilliant!!!

Loved the way their relationship developed and how they were able to help each other.
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“Pearls of Wisdom” that really grabbed me…..  photo tiffany-what-makes-love-true-ad-campaign_zpslf8yijpx.jpgIt’s impossible not to want this lovable and endearing couple to find their HEA.

A delightful, sweet, angsty, sexy and romantic love story.

I loved this quote
” Life was scarier - and harder - when you had things you were afraid to lose.
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
December 5, 2015
{ARC Generously Provided by Author in Exchange for an Honest Review}

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Easton Bradbury is a 23 year old woman who is haunted by her past so much that she has developed a case of OCD to help her maintain some control over her daily life. She moved to New Orleans with her older brother to escape the painful memories of a family tragedy and is about to start a new job as a high school history teacher at a well known private school. At a charity masquerade ball she meets a devastatingly handsome man that will ultimately spin her world on its axis.

Tyler Marek is a wealthy and powerful man in his mid thirties. He's planning on running for Senator. He's also the father of a fourteen year old boy, who will end up being in Easton's history class. He and Easton had a brief but very memorable encounter at the masquerade ball months ago. Even though he never got her name, she hasn't left his thoughts. Easton also hasn't been able to get Tyler off of her mind. When these two meet up again, the chemistry is white hot!!

Easton does play it cool because of her need to be in control, and also because she knows it's highly inappropriate to get involved with the parent of one of her students. Tyler knows that he should walk away from the situation but he's completely bewitched by Easton. They get into quite a few heated arguments which just built up my anticipation for them to get together.

When things start to heat up, well holy hell, I couldn't get enough of this story! I loved how alpha and sexy Tyler was. And I felt for him whenever he tried to reach out to his son, Christian, but would get rejected. He became a father at the age of twenty but he wasn't ready to take on that kind of responsibility, so he wasn't around a lot in his son's life. Now, at the age of fourteen, Christian has come to live with Tyler, while his mother has accepted a job opportunity outside of the country for a year.

Both Tyler and Easton go into this thing between them thinking it is temporary and that nothing serious can come of it. For one, it would be considered scandalous and could jeopardize his campaign, and her career. Most importantly this was Tyler's time to bond with his son and to convince Christian that he truly mattered to him.

I seriously enjoyed this story. The steam was off the charts. Having read one of Penelope's books before, I knew she was a talented writer. Also there's something seriously hot about a romance with a sexy political candidate. A man with power just makes panties melt everywhere!! There were a couple of things that happened after the 75% mark that I didn't really care for and so I had to knock off a star.

Overall I liked the story and Tyler Marek definitely got my heart racing quite a few times.

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Profile Image for  A. .
1,162 reviews4,884 followers
August 3, 2020
4 Stars

I went into this book completely blind. I hadn't read the blurb or any of the reviews previously. It turns out it was the right thing to do.

I completely connected with the book and the characters.

I love Easton. She is educated, smart, and realistic. Despite everything that happened to her when she was young, you don’t feel sorry for her. She wouldn’t let you. She’s too strong, stubborn, rebellious and independent. And I love that.

I love Tyler too. He is a lousy father and has always put his career and his needs first. But he’s aware of his flaws and is struggling to change. He simply doesn’t know how to. And that’s why I like him. None of us are perfect as parents, we're all learning and struggling on a daily basis.

Easton and Tyler are so much alike and so good together. I love their pull, passion, playfulness, chemistry and love.

The writing is great. The story flows naturally. The plot is original and engaging. The book is not only hot and sexy but also full of meaningful and wise messages and lessons on parenting and teaching. Being a parent and a teacher myself I found this book original, fascinating, educational and inspirational. I love everything about it.

Overall rating: 4 stars

Writing style: 5 stars
Story: 4 stars
Flow of the story: 5 stars
Character development: 4 stars
Hero: 4 stars
Heroine: 4 stars
Secondary characters: 4 stars
Tone/mood of the book: 5 stars
Emotion evoking: 4 stars
Originality: 4 stars
Enjoyment: 4 stars
Effect on me: 4 stars

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,619 followers
October 12, 2017
I listened to the Audible version of this book and have to say that I enjoyed every last minute! Despite being predictable, this story held my attention from start to finish. I smiled. I laughed. I even fanned myself during some of the steamier scenes. It was straightforward and entertaining.

The heroine, Easton, was especially endearing. She was intelligent, strong-willed and sharp-tongued. I loved her boldness and her passion. It was nice to read about a heroine that wasn't a shrinking violet for a change. Easton definitely held her own and I loved her for it!

Tyler was older than Easton, although not old by any stretch, and a clear contender for a Senate seat. When not busy working on his campaign, or running his media conglomerate, he was trying to develop a relationship with his teenage son. After being an absentee father for many years, his son, Christian, wasn't making it easy for him either.

When Easton and Tyler meet at an upscale party during Mardi Gras, the attraction is instantaneous. The two exchange flirtatious banter, until Tyler is summonsed to deliver a speech as the guest of honor. Easton had no idea that she had just spent the night putting down the ostentatious party scene to the very man that the party was being held in honor of. When Tyler is in the midst of his speech, she excuses herself from the party and heads home.

Easton hasn't heard from Tyler in months when he shows up in her classroom on the first day of school. Christian is in her History class and so it seems that she won't be able to avoid Tyler altogether. First she doesn't acknowledge that they've met, hoping that Tyler won't remember their night months earlier. However, it doesn't take him long to place the sexy, familiar teacher.

From that point forward, the two cross paths on more than one occasion. Tyler's criticism of Easton's teaching techniques lead to some heated confrontations, turning these two into adversaries. I loved their sexually charged, verbal sparring!

Eventually, they give into their mutual attraction. Of course, they have to keep it under wraps because of the taboo nature of their relationship. As expected, there is some turmoil and several bumps along the way. The fear of exposure looms over their heads and there are threats to Easton's personal safety that she's kept hidden.

In the end, I was happy with how things worked out. I have to say that I wasn't able to predict one of the big twists at the end of the book. While most of the story was predictable, I did have one big "didn't see that coming" moment that was genuinely shocking to me. All things considered, I found this book to be highly entertaining. I enjoyed every minute of this story.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,144 reviews34.8k followers
January 27, 2019
4 stars!

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What’s better than a steamy forbidden love story? Not much! Penelope Douglas does forbidden so well. Her writing is always amazing and this story is intriguing and has the best kind of sexual tension. I listened to the audio book and loved it!

Easton and Tyler meet at a party and have a major connection. easton leaves the party with her brother and nothing ever comes of it… until they meet again. At Easton’s workplace. Easton is a new teacher (it’s her first year teaching) and she just happens to be teaching Tyler’s son. Yep! You read that right!

Easton and Tyler’s romance is forbidden from the start, but that only makes them want each other more. No matter how hard they try, that can’t fight that pull that brings them together. Easton doesn’t do relationships do to her past, and Tyler is a single dad trying to make his relationship with his son right. It’s doomed from the start, the two of them, but they can’t stay away.
Why him? Why had he been the one to push his way in, and why had I allowed it?

Easton and Tyler are great together. I loved them both, and especially loved their relationship with Tyler’s son, Christian. Even though it may not seem like it, they both really do love him and try to put him first always. I was hoping that these two could make it work, but things didn’t look promising for most of the book…

The only thing that I wasn’t a fan of in this story was the stalker story line. I understood the past, but the present… Aside from that, I loved this book. Douglas wrote a sexy read that had a lot of heart and I really enjoyed it. The end especially was the sweetest!
Profile Image for Brandi.
653 reviews1,469 followers
December 1, 2015
3.5 Stars


Ex-Tennis star, Easton Bradbury has lived in the public eye, but a tragic accident and the resulting guilt, has caused her to leave her tennis racket behind. At 23 she is a recent college graduate about to start her teaching career at a prestigious New Orleans school. She has fresh ideas, and a drive to succeed.


What should be a normal parent-teacher meeting, has Easton all out of sorts. The handsome stranger she met months earlier is the parent of one of her more difficult students. Tyler Marek is a lot different when he isn't turning on the charm, he is a successful business owner, Senate hopeful, and he seems determined to give her a hard time. There is some love/hate going on with these two as they try to deny what they both desperately want. But the temptation is too much, and they simply can't keep their hands off one another.


When I read the synopsis for Misconduct, I was instantly intrigued it had all the ingredients for an entertaining story. A sexy, forbidden romance, and I've enjoyed Penelope's storytelling in the past, so I was confident it would be a win for me. But like trying a new recipe, sometimes what looks and sounds great, doesn't always turn out like you expect. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad story, but I did struggle with it at times. I found myself bored on occasion with all the 'teaching' and politics, that said, I felt like she had some great tips for teachers...I also didn't really connect with the characters or their relationship. As a whole everything felt somewhat one-dimensional, and the reveal was a letdown . The sexy times were hot, and there were some cute moments, but I just didn't love this one.


*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
August 13, 2016
LIVE AMAZON http://amzn.to/1Nl2xP0


When I heard that Penelope Douglas has a new book, I was excited and happy. I loved her writing from the previous books and I was looking forward to her next book! And I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to read it sooner! I loved it so much because it was so refreshing! I haven't read a story like this before.The romance is between a teacher and a parent! Yes, yes amazing right?


Wait till you read it and see how amazing it is! I enjoyed it a lot and read it so fast because I couldn't put it down! It's captivating, sexy, funny and hot! It is different from what we used from Penelope Douglas, here the characters are more mature since they are older!


"Easton was a woman I'd wanted in my bed, but Ms. Bradbury was off-limits."


Easton is smart, strong, sweet, vulnerable but she tries to not let the others see it and sassy(I love her sass, this girl knows exactly what to say to a man like Tyler).Tyler is the perfect, cocky, sexy, possessive alpha male! He can see who she really is and he wants her and he can't stop until he has her! Easton and Tyler are the perfect combination! I loved their connection, they start both being intrigued and fascinated by each other.With smart dialogues and tension to make you want to finally see them together! There are super hot moments that make you melt and swoon through the story!!


I will probably add more things in my review closer to the release but these are enough to make you want to read it!!! Fans of Penelope will love it and if you are not then maybe you will consider to start now!! I highly recommend it to everyone!

b>ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,706 followers
October 20, 2016

“Damaged people were survivors, and they survived because they always put themselves first. Self-preservation demanded it.”

Easton has been through some traumatic events in her past but she is moving on with her life the best she can. Having picked a career in teaching, she develops a new exciting approach to teaching by using the social media to her advantage.

Easton is OCD to the point of being paranoid - she counts her steps, makes sure everything is in its place in her apartment and alphabetizes/color coordinates the contents of all her drawers and cabinets. It's her way of coping.

Tyler has all the money he could possibly want but it is not enough for him. Now he wants power. He is single and a father to a teenage boy, who attends Easton's history class. When Tyler arrives to a parent/teacher conference and sees Easton he realizes it is not the first time he has met her.

➦Throughout the book we see Tyler trying to succeed at running for Senate, running his company, building a relationship with his son and a love relationship with Easton. Tyler wants it all but there aren't enough hours in the day to achieve that. Can he have it all?
“I wanted to make more than just money. I wanted to make a difference and be remembered.”

❤There is an age difference of over 10 years between the MCs and the fact that a relationship between teacher and parent is frowned upon. So I guess you can categorize this as a forbidden romance. They had to hide their love affair and it made it that much more exciting. The sexual tension was off the charts.

❤The book was pretty well paced, albeit a bit slow in the beginning with the info dump primarily from Tyler's POV. I am glad I stuck around though, it was a very enjoyable read overall. I liked the heroine - she was feisty and spoke her mind, but not without faults, of course.

✘The fact that Tyler was super slow at making choices annoyed me to no end. He wanted to have it all and couldn't... or should I say wouldn't prioritize. He was a very frustrating character for me.

❤I recommend this book to anyone who likes forbidden erotic romances. (Dual POV)

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Profile Image for Yeasmin Alo.
199 reviews340 followers
March 16, 2021
“I set the fire, after all.”

So......at this point I am convinced Penelope Douglas is the QUEEN of sexual tension and anticipation.
It was like Birthday Girl but make it enemies to lovers and honeyyyyy I AM HERE FOR IT 😤

I am having this strange issue with Pen's books.
The minute Pen's male protagonist starts talking I am like -


Happened with Pike Lawson(baby daddy 🤭, my most favourite Penelope Douglas man and book till date) and same thing happened With Tyler Marek

I literally wanted to kiss Tyler in the first chapter 😆 can y'all believe?
I swear I am not EASY in real life.
But in my fictional life tho..........
Why I fall for the cocksure men is beyond my understanding 😆.

And when a man says things like this

"You don’t belong anywhere I’m not,” I whispered.


Let me tell you guys what was my mood before I picked this book
I wanted to read a book which is-
Age gap⬅️
Taboo aka forbidden ⬅️
Scandalous ⬅️
I am more Than happy to announce that Misconduct has checked all the boxes
with flying colours not only that teacher- single parent trope was an added bonus


“If you’re lucky enough to get anything out of me, it will come free.”

I want to be as BOLD as Easton Bradbury when I grow up 👑 or at least I want half of her spine fr.

While it's great great great book but it's not as EPIC as Birthday Girl 🙏 but then again no-one can beat Pike×Jordan's story
Hence It's 🌟🌟 4.5🌟🌟🌗 and another Penelope Douglas win 👑

Happy Reading 🥳🥳🥳
Profile Image for Natasha is a Book Junkie.
686 reviews4,767 followers
November 29, 2015

I held her cheek with my hand, turning her lips to meet mine. “Say you miss me,” I whispered against her mouth. “And that you won’t regret me. Ask me if I think about you and miss you every day.”

It doesn’t happen too often that an author blows me away with two new books in such a short span of time, but Penelope Douglas is that kind of author, and her voice is always so fresh and unexpected, that I never know what kind of trill-ride she will take me on next. And while this book is so very different from any of her previous works, with somewhat older characters and new thought-provoking themes, her powerful writing style is ever-present, this time offering a forbidden love story that is so much more than it appears. I loved this book madly, finding myself addicted to its every mouth-watering scene, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking not just a great book, but an unforgettable one too.

“I found myself not wanting this evening to end any way other than in his arms.”

Two strangers meet at a party. They flirt, they tease, they lose themselves in one another for a few stolen moments in time. But even as their bodies beg for more, their chance encounter all too soon comes to an end without them truly learning anything about each other. Six month later, their eyes unexpectedly meet across the empty rows of a classroom, but the excitement from seeing each other after so long disappears the moment they both realise they can never touch each other again.

“Easton was a woman I’d wanted in my bed, but Ms. Bradbury was off limits. The lines were there, clear as day, and not to be breached.”

A former tennis prodigy and now a newly appointed history teacher at an elite private school in New Orleans, Easton Bradbury’s tragic young life has turned the twenty-three-year-old into a woman whose daily little compulsions mask a much deeper need to control every aspect of her life, to never lose her independence, or put her fate in someone else’s hands again. She is reserved, emotionally aloof, and while she avoids intimacy and never allows herself to open up to a man long enough to connect with him, her heart aches to be more carefree, to laugh more, and to occasionally just let go of all control.

“Do you have any friends? Who was the last person to make you laugh? When was the last time you went to bed with someone more than once?”

When Tyler Marek walks into his son’s classroom expecting to meet his new history teacher, he cannot believe the woman standing before him is the same woman he’s been fantasising about for the past six months. A self-made billionaire and aspiring politician, Tyler is a man driven by his ambitions and his need to excel in all aspects of his professional life, but his race to the top has cost him his relationship with a son he barely knows and who cannot stand the sight of him. The only person who gets through to him is his new teacher, Ms. Bradbury, and while her progressive teaching methods might show him a way to communicate with his own son, everything else about the feisty, strong-minded young woman fails to fit into his life. Yet he cannot get her out of his head, drawn to her unpredictable personality like a moth to a flame, and thus brazenly pursuing her every chance he gets.

“With her, I had no idea what the next hour held, much less the next week or month.”

As they commence a secret affair that could potentially destroy both their careers, they discover that there is a lot more to their connection than either of them expected. The chemistry between them is undeniable, incinerating the pages with their scorching passion and need to completely lose themselves in each other, and for a little while, they allow themselves to pretend a short-lived fling is all they would ever want from one another. But when the time comes for Tyler to make an important choice in his life by finally setting his priorities straight, something has to give, and it might be what his heart wants to keep the most.

“I’ve never wanted anyone again and again. But when I think about you, I get excited.”

A truly splendid tale that might have started as a forbidden romance between two people who stood to lose everything by simply loving one another, but this book ended up being so much more than that. It’s a story of two people learning to accept and embrace their own vulnerabilities and limitations, and realising what was missing in their lives all along. It’s a story of a parent connecting with their child, learning how to communicate with them and earn their trust for the first time. And it’s a story about recognising what matters the most in life, and having the courage to correct one’s own mistakes. I have loved every single book by this extraordinary author, each story touching my heart deeply and always in a different way, but this book might just be my new favourite of hers. I never wanted it to end, nervously grasping onto each word, and wishing I could make them last longer on a page. This story had everything I always hope to find in a great book—explosive chemistry between the characters, a heart-warming romance, an engaging storyline that keeps me glued to the pages, a compelling backstory that showcases the many colourful facets of these characters, phenomenal writing—and I loved every addictive minute of it.

I don’t even know why I am still surprised by the way Ms Douglas’ books affect me time and time again, because even though I have come to expect greatness from her every single time I open one of her books, the way her stories hook me in is something I never want to get used to. An absolute must-read.

“So you count things. What’s your favorite number?”
“Eight… Eight is perfect. Two groups. Four in each group making two couples in each group… I’m crazy. That’s what you’re thinking.”
“I’m thinking you’re beautiful. And if you need everything in eights, it could be a long night.”

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Profile Image for Katy Loves Romance ❤️.
434 reviews757 followers
November 30, 2015
4.5 Verrryyyy Sexy Stars****

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I absolutely adore Penelope's books, they're an instant one click for me, then when I see we're getting a story about two people who can't and shouldn't be with each other but darn it boy do they want what what they can't have and add that with some serious chemistry then I was all in and loved the hell out of this one.

So what's it about?
Tyler is planning to be the next senator and with that comes responsibilities and campaigns, parties, meetings, businessmen, women that have a particular look of sophistication. You get the drill, they think that's what Tyler wants yet is it. Then there's his son who he hasn't spent quality time with, he's missed him growing up so now he has the opportunity to get to know him plus maybe but maybe a little respect because their relationship is somewhat strained. So this time is to to bond with his son and therefore Tyler is involved in his education and his that's where Easton comes in.

First of all do you know what I love about Penelope's books is how she writes a Strong ASSHOLE of a man, one that knows his place in the world and one look at him and you were salivating and squirming under his intense manner. But especially is eyes, and boy did I feel that while reading it. It was pure heaven and with the added love hate relationship they had going I was addicted to how it rolled and how I couldn't get enough of Tyler.

Easton has boundaries and is a teacher with a different kind of teaching method than the others, I suppose that added an extra temptation for Tyler to see Easton stand up for herself. That comes with lots of encounters and a plot that gripped me to my seat, I loved it throughout and then it slowly grew on me as I read it the further I went into it. It developed a more meaningful relationship, a teacher/parent relationship and then a lover/forever relationship.

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I adored the gradual developed story that twisted together beautifully, I loved Tyler and his asshole manner to to a warmer hero, worthy to swoon over. I loved how Easton gave as good as it gets but was also sexy and slightly broken it made her and Tyler's relationship so much more gripping and sensual.

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You know when you have two characters that want what they can't have I'm all in, it made their chemistry, intensity and sexual tension exploding on the pages, it made me want more more and more. Will they, won't they, ahhh please, phew you get me right??? I just loved the hell out of them as a couple.

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All in all this is another winner and I'd highly recommend it to lovers who love forbidden romance. Who love millionaire stories, love the added tension that comes with not being able to be together then this is certainly your next read.

Just Be warned... #NoPantiesRequired at parts.

That. Is. All.

ARC gifted via the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
December 9, 2015
4 Forbidden Stars.

Easton used to be a pro tennis star and now he’s a recent graduate starting her professional life as a teacher in a private school. Tyler is a business man, considering running to senate and suddenly living with his distant teenage son, with whom he’s trying to finally have a relationship with and Easton is his son new teacher. They are attracted to each other, but the forbidden of their relationship, the 11 years gap between them and the public eye don’t make life easier for them. But some things are hard to resist, even you should have every reason to.


This book was a little gem. Sexy, sweet, emotional, with “real life” drama that made their relationship more believe at my eyes I was completely sucked from the first page. To be honest there were some aspects of the story that I found unnecessary, and one particular scene that made me lower my rating because I really didn’t’ see the point. Besides that, this was a solid romance, well written and developed and the main aspects of the book, the age difference and the moral/forbidden aspect were deal with brilliantly. I’ve read Penelope Douglas books before and I was afraid of the amount of angst she likes to put in her stories, but this is a very different reading from her previous ones, which proves that she’s not only a good storyteller, she’s a versatile one as well.
If you like a sexy romance, with a taste of forbidden and a powerful hero, this is definitely a good book to try.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: Easton was a nice girl, and despite her insecurities and odd quirks she was easy to like, especially because she was fierce, sassy and had a attitude that made her relatable. Tyler was the sweet asshole that we all love, despite wanting to beat him from time to time. And he definitely he redeemed some of his attitudes towards the end, so he’s good on my eyes. Some nice supportive characters and Christian was a really nice kid.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
November 25, 2015
4.5 Forbidden-Romance Stars!

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is one of those books I ventured into almost completely blind. I'd never read any books by Penelope Douglas but knew of the book buzz surrounding Bully so I took one look at this blurb and took a chance. A chance I'm happy I took! Misconduct was all kinds of awesome.

Misconduct incorporated a few plot devices I tend to gravity towards. One, that forbidden romance theme. Easton (female MC) is a new graduate student in teaching when she gets a job at a private upscale school. She knows the parents will be a challenge with their power and prestige but is confident in her ability to teach young teens. Until she sets eyes on a student's father- Tyler Marek- a man she has a one-night history with 6 months ago. She disappeared into the night and never thought she would see him again.

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Now here he is- Tyler Marek- the father to her student. Is he married? Where's the student's mother- the wife?

Second, Tyler has his sights on a Senate seat. So Misconduct has a fair amount of the whole political romance trope. Another bonus for me. The pressures from the press, keeping secrets secret, especially when your secret is a forbidden affair with your estranged son's History teacher.

Third, we are gifted a rich, successful hero and a tough-as-nails heroine. Easton has huge history and some issues yet she stands her own with Tyler in those early days of Tyler being a complete jackass acclimating to the teacher/parent roles.

All in all, I was completely swept up into this love story. There wasn't a lot of immature drama, but more real-life stresses that I found much more realistic and understandable. Tyler is a single father running a multimillion dollar corporation all while running for Senate. Can he add one more thing to his plate? What comes first and at what cost?

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I'd highly recommend this standalone novel for those fans of forbidden, political, and steamy romances. It had it all! Misconduct takes place in New Orleans and we get a great glimpse into a city with so much art and culture. She sets the tone perfectly.

So why did I deduct a half star? The book was seriously perfect for me until the last five or so percent. There's a plot twist I didn't see coming and it just didn't sit right with me. It just didn't fit. That's just my opinion and it probably won't even bother other readers. It just put a bad taste in my mouth to an otherwise perfectly written love story.

I'm looking forward to future works from Penelope Douglas. I was hoping for a secondary character spin-off but after that twist, I don't think that'll be in the cards. But I can still hope...

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews2,997 followers
July 28, 2020
Third re-read: 28.07.2020
I can't believe I actually started re-reading this one. Why you wonder? Well, I knew I would like it less than the previous time reading, just as I did then with the first read. I like the concept, and I like the characters - Tyler is fucking hot - but the ending is too fast/rushed and anti-climatic, and I wish we had gotten more with time with Christian and his dad, and Christian, Tyler and Easton together. Overall, I skimmed. Though the sex scenes is still such a turn on.
New rating: 3 stars.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Need new books to read*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Second re-read: 14.04.2018
It was nice to see Easton Bradbury and Tyler Marek again. Their chemistry is of the charts, and the sex is fucking hot. However, I do have some struggles with it. I don't remember if it's the same as it always was, or if I'm just more picky now; there too little of the son. We understand that they don't have a good relationship, but it's getting better and in the end I felt cheated. You have to read to understand. Also, this book could've easily be a series. Which I wish it was. Never say never, right? Overall, it was a hot, nice re-read that got time going.
New Rating - 3.5/3 stars.
“You’re perfect,” he assured me. “Everything about you is perfect.”
But then I gasped as he spun me around and forced me to bend over. I had time only to twist my head to see what he was doing behind me before he yanked up my dress and slapped me on the ass.
He pulled me back up, my ass pressing into his groin as he smoothed my dress down and palmed my behind, breathing against my neck.
“Except that little episode at my office on Saturday,” he growled low in my ear. “Don’t ever mouth off to me in public again.”
And then he let me go and walked for the door, stopping once he’d put his hand on the door handle.

Other characters:
Jack Bradbury (26), Easton's brother, on his third (and final) year of law school at Tulane
Christian Marek (14), Tyler's son and Easton's student.
Jay Marek, Tyler's brother and his campaign manager.
Kristen Meyer, Easton's co-worker; who teach Technology and Earth Science.
“Being a man is making hard choices and living with them,” I told her, “no matter how much it hurts.”
And then I reached out and ran my thumb across her cheek. “I miss you,” I whispered.
Her cold expression slowly started to crack, and her face turned sad.
Looking up at me, she shook her head. “You’re wrong,” she argued. “Being a man is having the wisdom – and the courage – to make the right choices.”

Re-read: 28.10.2016
I'm in this re-reading period which has lasted for quite a time... and the surprising thing is: I still like this book. Might even like it more this time around the the first time reading it. I really wished Misconduct was a series, because I don't think just one book is enough for me when it comes to Tyler. I'm sure I'll be re-reading this book again in the future.

First read review:
Damaged people were survivors, and they survived because they always put themselves first. Self-preservation demanded it.

The truth was, you’re happier when you’re needed and stronger when you’re loved.

Story; Easton Bradbury is at masked ball with her brother, Jack, when she for the first time meet Tyler Marek, a man who finally makes things interesting. However she leaves before she tells him her whole name, and that was it. Or so they thought. Easton, done with her degree, is starting her career as a history teacher at an elite private school. At her first meeting with the parents of her students, she gets a huge surprise, Tyler’s son is attending her class, and they meet yet again, this time nothing will stop Tyler at getting what he want, and what he want is Easton, under him, on top of him, him inside of her, him - yeah you get the picture, and on goes the story of a teacher and a student's parent...well, they play with fire of course...

“Life moves pretty fast,” she stated. “If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Characters; Easton Bradbury (23 years old), a US history teacher at an elite private school, but previous tennis star, was kinda awesome. I liked her. I didn't love her. But I was close I guess. The only thing stopping me from loving her was simply the fact that she was so...disconnected and cold. I had a hard time connecting with her, seeing things from her pov, to understand her meanings and her doings, but she was still kinda kickass (though not action-wise). Easton (what a weird name for a woman) is smart, educated (really well educated) and funny. She had really awesome snarky and sarcastic comments, yet she sometimes had really wise words coming out of her mouth. She's always a great teacher, and I know I wouldn't mind having her as my teacher (though she's only two years older than me..:P)
“I wanted to make more than just money. I wanted to make a difference and be remembered.”

Tyler Marek , (35-36 years old) CEO of one of the biggest industries in the world, perhaps running for the senate, is a possessive, controlling, kind, and amazing alpha male. He is sexy, hot, smart, drop dead gorgeous (at least that's how I picture him), stylish, great body, rich, and I can go on and on...but I won't, I need to get this review done.

“You don’t belong anywhere I’m not.”

Anyways, Tyler want to become a better father to his 14 year old son, Christian, but Christian being a bit..pissed ('a bit' might be a lie...how about a fucking lot of pissed?) at his father not being there for him. Not taking time to be there or being interested in him enough. Christian wants his father to put him first for a change, but has given up on his father, hench being extremely pissed, but Tyler, being tyler, won't give up. He has realized that it is never too late and has decided to try and fix his relationship (or lack of it). To see how much Tyler tries, breaks my heart. He loves his son, and he regrets all his mistakes, and I love him for finally stepping up and becoming a real man. Don't get me wrong, he is already a real man, a damn fine one, but he lacked..emotions? Anyways, Tyler is great and want to make a change in the world, and did I say that he is great? Wow I really don't make any sense....
“In our hearts, we always know what’s right and wrong. That’s not the struggle. The struggle is wanting what’s wrong for you and gauging whether or not the consequences are worth it.”

Tyston; (ah see what I did there?:D) The banter between them two, was pretty great, and I understand their...connection? Their attraction to each other? Anyways, they were awesome together, and I hope we get some more books about them, about how they are doing and..stuff. I really hope we do. Because I felt we didn't get enough after that ending....

If there was no gamble, there was no reward.

Overall; As good as the story is, I felt something was missing. It might be that Easton was too cold, too hard to connect with, or maybe (though I'm sure it is this), I simply didn't like the ending. It had built up so much, that I was simply expecting more from it. I didn't get....mind-blown, nor did I get really surprised either. I had simply expected to get more, hench the unsure rating. Wow this was become a damn long review....apparently I had much to say, yet nothing of what I'm saying makes sense...
“You always wait for tomorrow. But let me clue you in. Tomorrow was yesterday.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance
Series: - Standalone
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Tyler Marek.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - YEs.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Definitely.
Will I read this again in the future? - Already did...
Rating - 3.5/4 *unsure* stars.
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews688 followers
December 1, 2015
★★★★ 4.5 Stars ★★★★

Amazon US | Amazon UK

Having fallen in love with Penelope Douglas's Fall Away series, which focuses on the New Adult genre and all the drama that comes with younger characters, I was amazed and in awe of how well she has transitioned into contemporary romance.

This book was highly engaging and it completely pulled me into the characters heads in a way that I felt myself as part of the story.

Easton Bradbury is an ex-Tennis star, who rose to fame winning accolades right through her teens. Now a twenty three year old college graduate, she is about to start her teaching career at a highly prestigious school in New Orleans.

Thirty five year old Tyler Marek is an extremely successful man, having built up his empire from scratch, he is now planning on declaring his intention to run for the Senate. He is the estranged father of a fourteen year old son that he doesn't really know, but now that Christian has come to live with him for a year, he needs to juggle his very busy schedule with being involved in his son's life.

When Tyler meets Christian's history teacher he remembers her from an event 6 months prior, but she is a very different woman that he built her up to be.

This turns out to be a love/hate relationship that will keep you on your toes, and a well developed storyline that will make you fall in love with the main characters.

Tyler, oh how I fell. He was a commanding man in and out of the bedroom and he will give you butterflies and make you worship his dirty mouth in one foul swoop. I loved how he worked hard to fix his relationship with his son without being overbearing and the way he was able to read Easton was swoon worthy.

Easton was not as easy to relate to, but it didn't take me long for me to be fighting in her corner. She was closed off and cold but sassy and strong.

Another thing that I loved was that I felt like I was right there in New Orleans, with it's intense vibrancy and soul, It made me want to jump on a plane and be a part of it. Penelope has a Pinterest board which enhances the reading experience and also makes references to music which I feel added to the whole reading experience.

I don't think I could not enjoy a book by this author, there is always a perfect balance of everything I love in a book. A gorgeous forbidden romance, I highly recommend it.

Misconduct is a standalone contemporary romance, told in dual POV.

ARC gratefully received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
1,970 reviews2,424 followers
September 8, 2016
3.5 stars
Short review just because I can.

Honestly it's a case of "it's not you it's me". I love PD but this one isn't my favorite by her. It started out wonderful, I was completely engrossed in the story. And I really loved the two main characters. What lowered the rating and disappointed me was the very rushed and unsatisfying ending. The book was building up to great things and then it was like "Ok that's it, k thanx bai" and ended. Basically the resolution of the story wasn't done well at all, and PD has done much better with tying things together. I honestly think if the ending were more developed I would have loved this book. It had everything going for it until then.

***Remember folks, I don't consider 3 stars a bad rating, via GR definition it means "I liked it".
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,940 reviews1,515 followers
December 1, 2015
4.5 Bad is good for Me stars.

I love Penelope Douglas and when I realized she had a new standalone, well I was all over that. This one is with older characters and a slightly taboo storyline. I was double intrigued and double delighted.

Easton and Tyler met years ago. They didn’t have a fling, but they shared major chemistry and it’s a first meet they will never forget. Now, Easton is a teacher for a private school and Tyler is on his way into the political office.

Easton teaches…. Wait for it… Tyler’s son… **GASP**. I know right?! Don’t you want to die over this storyline?! Of course nothing can happen between Easton and Tyler because Easton can’t play favorites with her students, but both Tyler and Easton have not forgotten that crazy first impression night they encountered years ago.

I loved Easton. Easton was a former tennis player but she was young and the sport didn’t end well for her. She is also getting over past pains and all of that has shaped her into the person she is now. Now, she’s strong, smart and independent. She loves being a teacher and she teaches with a passion.

Tyler is a single dad trying to make right with his son. Tyler has been missing from most of his son’s life and he doesn’t know what to do anymore. I found Tyler very complicated and his issues mixed well with Easton. He’s a Hero you will love to hate. I enjoyed the flash backs because it gave me a glimpse into what kind of man Tyler was as he emerged into adulthood, let’s just say, he’s working hard to be a better man.

I love the tension between the main characters because Tyler doesn’t agree with Easton’s teaching style and oh… the banter was addictive to read! There is slight angst as Tyler and Easton duke it out. I really enjoyed these parts and it brought a smile to my face.

“God, she was beautiful. For one second she was stripped down, bare and gorgeous, without any of her armor – and it made me feel like she would die without the one thing I could give her”

Tyler and Easton want each other, but it’s difficult to say no when they are always running into each other.

I really enjoyed the pace of Misconduct. I felt like Penelope developed the characters well and I got everyone’s history and pain. I felt for Easton, I felt for Tyler and I was rooting for them to make it to the very end. So much more happens in the book with threats, angst and side characters causing trouble. It was never a dull moment. I recommend.

Misconduct AMAZON
Profile Image for mel ☽.
369 reviews10.8k followers
November 15, 2019
2.75 stars
this was just meh.

i couldn't connect with the characters at all, especially the heroine. i didn't really like her but i also didn't dislike her (confusing? i know im sorry). i just reaalllyyy could not connect AT ALL. but the hero was alright. he was pretty likeable but nothing special or memorable compared to other Penelope Douglas' heroes.

this book was just smut honestly. there's a story here, don't get me wrong, but it fell flat and i know this was supposed to be forbidden and all that but i didn't really feel the angst when it came to the forbidden stuff.

i usually prefer it if the MCs connect physically and emotionally equally. in here, most of their connection came from sex. well, at least in my perspective and i ain't about that life. i would like to believe the MCs when they say their i love you's but there's no belief from here because all they did as a couple was have sex.

and when this book ended i was just like


that was it??

oh, and lets not start with the whole hero's son situation. there's no development in that at all in my opinion. i wish there were more heartfelt moments between the H and his son or even the h and H's son but nahhh, it was all about the sexy times.

and what the f was that scene with the h's coworker? h kinda coerced the H to kiss her coworker insinuating the she wanted a threesome and she did this so that she had a reason to break things off. aaarrggghhh that literally made me disconnect with her even more, and gonna be honest, i even hated her at that point. and the H's reaction to this was somewhat nonchalant. like, he was angry, yes, but he was actually down for it?? i don't know but in my personal preference, i prefer it if the H do not like to share if ya know what i mean.

but anyways, a lot of people liked this and i could see the appeal but it was just meh. so, if you like forbidden romance (h is the teacher of H's son), single dad, age-gap, and steamy scenes then i guess you'll like this one.
Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
866 reviews1,148 followers
December 15, 2015
4.5 "Careful" Stars!

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Everyone was raving, talking and reviewing this book so I decided to start reading it myself. That was an amazing decision LOL Actually, this is my first book by Penelope Douglas and let's just say I really really enjoyed it!

Misconduct is a stand-alone novel and it tells the story of Easton Bradbury (an ex tennis player who decides to start a new life as a history teacher in New Orleans with her brother after a tragic situation) and Tyler Marek (the CEO of one of the biggest industries in the world, the stranger that Easton meets during Mardi Gras and now also the parent of one of the protagonist's students).

“Give me your last name,” he demanded quickly, pinning me with a hard stare.
“Now, what fun would that be?” I replied with his same sarcastic remark.
But he didn’t see it as funny.
“If you leave,” he warned, “there will be nothing holding me back when we run into each other again.”

Let's just say Easton and Tyler's first meeting was INTENSE. The room is full of sexual tension and their dialogue is delightful. Tyler is such an alpha and Easton is kick-ass, I loved it! In my opinion, Misconduct has been one of the hottest reads this year for me. These two together are off-the-charts smokin' hot. Why? Well, obviously, because their relationship is definetily forbidden.

There is quite an age-gap between them (Easton is 23 and Tyler is 35) but let me tell you, it was not an issue for me! haha Because I loved them together. They have very emotional moments and the sex is just.. SO FREAKING HOT, they cannot stop touching each other!

I knew that look in his eyes. I may not know much about him, but I knew that look.
And we were in my classroom.
His son’s classroom.
I may have had little shame, but he had none.

“What are you doing?” I gasped.
His forehead pressed against mine, and his hands moved urgently, holding my face. “Dark spaces, quiet places,” he whispered over my mouth. “That’s all we need, Easton.”

“Oh, God,” I groaned. “I fucking hate you.”
Why couldn’t he wait? I wanted to feel his skin.
“As long as you fucking fuck me, I don’t care.”

I really would put even more quotes but then this would be a hell of a long review LOL Also, I liked the building of Tyler and Christian's (his son) relationship. It starts very badly because Tyler was very young when Christian was born and did not take care of him emotionally but it all ends good.

Of course, the main issue in this book is how Easton and Tyler want each other, cannot stop thinking about one another but they also have to maintain their 'relationship' in secret. Also because Easton is afraid of falling in love with him after her past issues. Tyler wants to become a senator and Easton is Christian's teacher. So yeah, it was quite emotional and sad sometimes!

It wasn’t easy to say no to something you wanted, but I was taught that while some mistakes can be overcome, others should never be made. In our hearts, we always know what’s right and wrong. That’s not the struggle.
The struggle is wanting what’s wrong for you and gauging whether or not the consequences are worth it.

Obviously, it all comes good at the end! So don't worry, these two have a happy ending! Even though, they have a lot of difficult situations before it! I mean.. there was something almost at the end that I wasn't expecting at all (you'll see if you read it) but still loved it!

Therefore, my rating for Misconduct is 4.5 STARS. Why not 5 or 6? Definetely, midway through the book I was sure this was a 6 star read for me but it felt a little slow at the end for me and maybe I would have enjoyed a longer epilogue! However, this was a very good read and I really liked the chemistry between the main characters. So I totally recommend this if you want to read a good taboo novel ;)

Profile Image for Violina N.
222 reviews319 followers
December 21, 2015
4 "Family comes first" stars

“In our hearts, we always know what’s right and wrong. That’s not the struggle. The struggle is wanting what’s wrong for you and gauging whether or not the consequences are worth it.”

“You don’t belong anywhere I’m not.”

“The truth was, you’re happier when you’re needed and stronger when you’re loved.”

Penelope Douglas always mangages to deliver a good written stories! This one is not exeption as well. Her style is amazing, her humour is unique and her style or wrtiting stemy scenes - HOT! This contemporary romance by her was a winner for me because it easily shows the lives of two very different and yet very alike people. The lives of the people who had suffered, how had struggles, who had dreams and goals. The characters in this book were perfectly described and it was easy to connect with everyone!

“I like how you are with me. You’re not careful with me. You see more of me than anybody else.”

Tyler & Easton's relationship was forbidden and wrong because she was his son's teacher and he was a man who couldn't afford do to wrongs things because of his career and because of his relationship with his son. They fought their feelings but they feel the connection between them the very first time they met.

How to stop wanting something that feels so right? How to not give into the tempation when you feel the pull everytime he/she is around?!

I loved Easton strenght, her sassy attitude and her boldness. She was a girl who lost nearly everything. She shut off her feelings because she didn't want to feel numb anymore, she was like a machine. But her walls startred to crack when she met Tyler . He was the only one who could make her feel , in a very long time. Also she was really smart, as a teacher her methods were fantastic . Despite everything she was a good person who loved helping people, helping her students. She was determinate, strong and classy! My heart ache for her many times, being in her head wasn't always easy because I could feel her fears and struggles.
She was sick of everyone trying to control her so that's why she took contron of herself, built self-methods in order to survive..

“Damaged people were survivors, and they survived because they always put themselves first. Self-preservation demanded it.”

Tyler was an asshole at first. He was a man of his word, he wanted to conquer the world, to make a change and me remembered. He didn't want a permanent relationship with anyone because he simply didn't have time but when he met the misterious Easton he was instantly drowned. He was older than her but the age did not have anything between them. They both were strong and independed, their chemistry was unmistakble. He had his own issues in his life, his relationship with his son was on the edge most of the time and his relationship with his teacher doesn't help on that point either.
Despite everything I grow to love him as well. He was cocky, powerfull, perfect, posessive and sweet. He was determenate to have everything he wants and that includes Easton !

Now about the steamy scenes.. Well, damn! .. I haven't read so sexy and hot scenes in a while! Their chemistry, like I said, was off charts! The whole thing may go in taboo-section because they were afraid of be getting caught everytime they were together. Spark were flying everytime, they were like magnets. Their sex wasn't jusr regular thing.. they were passionate, raw, sensual and erotic. Every scene was unique on it's own way!
Together they were mind-blowing!

“Life was scarier – and harder – when you had things you were afraid to lose.„

There are twists and surprises that you won't expect (And I was proud that I figured it out before everyone... heheheh ) but for me they only make the story more and more interesting. This book shows how the world nowadays works. I was fascinated by the writing because everything that was written was true!
In conclusion, this book was fantastic! The secrets, suspence, drama, love, passion and angst - everything was how it is in real life even the things that frustrate us in our books you can't deny that in real life situations that would be your desicion or opinion!

“Family, forture, future„

Profile Image for Hazel *Craves the Angst Reviews*.
770 reviews290 followers
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January 7, 2015
No title? No problem....
No synopsis? Who gives a crap!

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It's Penelope Douglas peoplez!! That makes it an insta-read!! I can't wait to see what it is though... :D

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