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U prelijepom hotelu na pristaništu u Cornwallu, dugi vikend tek počinje… Claire Marlowe i Luca, karizmatični hotelski kuhar, suvlasnici su šarmantnog pansiona Kućica na moru. Zahvaljujući njezinoj skrbi posao teče glatko, sve dok jednoga dana na vratima ne osvane neočekivani gost koji ce cijeli njezin svijet okrenuti naglavce. I ostali gosti uz kofere donose i vlastite brige. Jedan par želi zaboraviti obiteljsku tragediju, muškarac se nastoji iskupiti za preljub zbog kojeg se gorko kaje, a mlada žena vjeruje da to cornwallsko mjestašce krije odgonetku njezine prošlosti… Ljubavne bure, tajne, laži i skandali − a sve to u jednom jedinom produženom, vrućem vikendu.

240 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2012

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About the author

Veronica Henry

41 books1,417 followers
Veronica Henry was a television script writer before turning her hand to fiction. She has published sixteen novels which she describes as realistic escapism - her setting are gorgeous, but her characters have problems and dilemmas everyone can identify with.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 241 reviews
Profile Image for Joanne D'Arcy.
610 reviews61 followers
July 9, 2012
Can I interest you in a short little break, a long weekend if you will?

You will not need your passport, you only need to get to Cornwall or thereabouts. The hotel I have chosen is a unique boutique style, with glorious views, hand picked and stylish decor and with food to make your mouth water.

Still not quite sure?

Well what about the two people who run it, surely you will be interested to know about them. Claire and Luca are their names and they live and breathe The Townhouse by the Sea. Luca is an amazing who uses local produce and everyone around seems to flock in to sample his food. Down to the shortbread provided in your room. He is an attraction to the hotel in more ways that one, there is something charismatic that draws you in - the eternal bad boy every girl wants to tame?
Claire seems to have managed it, she is the calm to his storm. Everything runs perfectly with Claire in charge, she knows what she wants from everyone and expects them all to deliver. Trouble is Claire is not sure if Luca is what she wants? Then a face from the past turns up and perhaps Claire has been hiding away these last few years?

Now if that does not tempt you what else will? If you like people watching, then you are coming to the right hotel.

There is the young couple, so obviously in love that they are trying to find the missing piece of the girls past to ensure that the future is successful. The older couple who seem to be escaping from something, but the wife seems constantly on edge? Why? Then there is the family unit, mother, father and daughter, but actually something seems wrong with the set up, the father seems to be making up for something, but what? Then the stag group, a first for the hotel, but don't let that put you off. They all seemed interested in having a good time, sampling the food and drink, and everything the sea has to offer. But the stag seems distracted? He is about to make the biggest commitment of his life, he may be getting cold feet

Tempted to go for a visit? I thought you might be.

Veronica Henry's new novel, brings together the wonderful setting of a hotel, and all the residents and weaves a story that had me hooked from the first moment I started reading. You get to know the characters, you care about them as I did with Claire and Nick. You despise them as I did with Karen and Luca. You want to make sure that the right overcomes wrong in the case of Chelsee and the future is as sunny as it is at The Townhouse. Somehow with ease, the background of the character was slotted into the novel, without any obvious jarring of the story line. It fitted beautifully. This book is pure escapism, you have got everything you need to transport you away, the scenery and the weather, the laughter and the tears without even having to get your suitcase out! And after you have finished the book, you wonder just what did happen to all those people whose stories and lives you had suddenly viewed once they left The Townhouse by the Sea, and another long weekend was over.....until the next one.
Profile Image for Anne.
1,979 reviews
August 26, 2012
There are a few kinds of novels I always know I'll enjoy. With a small few exceptions, I usually enjoy dual-time narratives, so long as the links aren't too clunky. And I enjoy books set in exotic places - unless the stories dissapoint. But this one is my other favourite, and I only thought about it when I was thinking what I enjoyed about the late Maeve Binchy. You take one location - in this case The Townhouse by the Sea at Pennfleet in Cornwall (or as others call it, Boden-by-the-Sea) - and introduce a cast of characters, all with their own stories, each of which is satisfyingly concluded by the end of the book. All life is here - the hotel owners (Claire with her hidden past, her partner Luca just a whisker away from Marco Pierre White), the flashy investor couple with a secret, the businessman and his "mistake", the stag party, the girl looking for her artist father, the receptionist with the downs syndrome brother. Veronica Henry picks up all the threads, and weaves them into a lovely weekend read that engrosses you for as long as you're reading it, and at the end you put it down with a satisfied sigh. The Maeve Binchy comparison doesn't go amiss really - Veronica Henry's books are a little more modern, but every bit as engrossing as the likes of The Evening Class, or Erica James' Hidden Talents. A lovely read - pack it in your suitcase...
Profile Image for Sherrie.
510 reviews19 followers
August 8, 2023
A long weekend in a five star hotel brings together lots of people with lots of reasons for being there, including the owner Claire. Veronica Henry books are never cheesy or frivolous, this one tied up all the loose ends if a little hurriedly.
Profile Image for Liz Fenwick.
Author 19 books533 followers
February 16, 2013
I've had this book for a few months and haven't had time to read it. I'm so glad I did have time when I picked it up because I didn't want to put it down. Veronica seamlessly weaves the stories of so many people that I came to care through this book and has done it so brilliantly...The Long Weekend is a perfect absorbing escape...I wish I could go back into the world she created.
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
160 reviews8 followers
May 9, 2020
A good book, with just enough good drama, romance and scandal. I always know when I pick up a Veronica Henry book that it will be enjoyable and this didn’t disappoint
2 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2023
Typisk sommerbok som passer bra hvis man vil ha noe lettlest å kose seg med på stranda.
Profile Image for Plum-crazy.
2,326 reviews41 followers
September 18, 2018
On the face of it this is a likeable & easy read about various weekend visitors to a Cornish hotel. It's predictable in that you just know who will fall out, end up together etc but the characters are interesting enough to keep it an entertaining read. The characters are such that you can't help but want a happy ending for one & all.

But hang on a mo...why do we want this happy outcome, after all some these situations were caused by men cheating on their wives so a happy outcome for him is just more heartbreak & pain for her as his past misdeeds are revealed! Colin's wife, I thought must be a saint to accept his eleven-year-old" indiscretion".... & yet I couldn't feel sorry for her as she would stay with him as she didn't want to give up her lifestyle...apologies for the spoiler.

A story of deceit, lies, secrets & adultory, plus the heartbreak of losing a child, of losing a parent & of searching for a parent you've never known -it covers all bases & yet despite this manages to be lighthearted & have the feelgood factor. All of which results in an ideal relaxing holiday read. 😀
Profile Image for Best Crime Books & More.
1,135 reviews176 followers
October 30, 2015
The last book of Veronica Henry’s that I read was The Beach Hut which I absolutely loved. Veronica has a way of telling many stories in one book without you feeling overwhelmed. In The Beach Hut she managed it flawlessly. She has taken the same writing style and done it again, but even better with her latest release The Long Weekend. We start sedately by meeting the main focus of the story which is Claire Marlowe and her partner Luca who own a very high end hotel named The Townhouse by the Sea. I instantly loved Claire and to be frank, despised her smarmy boyfriend Luca. In a matter of a few chapters I felt myself longing to visit this place. It sounded glorious and to be honest somewhere that I would have stayed at in a heartbeat.

After the initial introductions we are introduced to the other characters that feature in the book almost as mini short stories combined. We meet Laura and Dan, young adults on their first weekend away with family secrets to uncover. There is Nick and his stag party who have no idea that their arrival will change many lives following the weekend. We also see Angelica, one of the staff members, and Trevor and Monique who are investors in the hotel.

I found myself utterly absorbed in each character and their troubles. It’s hard to be more specific than this without spoiling the story so I won’t elaborate. Somehow, Veronica Henry manages to whisk you away with all of the characters and I was irritated when I had to stop reading to do the ‘proper’ things like work or cook. It truly is a great thing when you find a book that you don’t want to put down and this book was a great example of that. The writing style was easy, the story absorbing and at the same time gripping as well as the fact that I just could NOT put the thing down. Read in a day and a truly wonderful book that I would highly recommend.
Profile Image for Manuela Santos.
125 reviews6 followers
August 6, 2015
Um fim de semana prolongado na Cornualha em Pennfleet no elegante e luxuoso hotel Townhouse by the Sea, adivinhava-se cheio e agitado mas ninguém previa o que estava para acontecer.
O hotel Townhouse by the Sea tinha tanto de calmante como de estimulante. Era gerido por Claire e Luca, e esta tinha por hábito seleccionar os seus hóspedes, não gostava de confusão e desacatos no seu pequeno paraíso.
Mas o que ela não suspeitava é que a reserva de três quartos para uma despedida de solteiro, lhe traria tantas situações adversas com a chegada do assinalado noivo.

Fiquei deslumbrada com a maneira como a autora nos descreve as situações, os panoramas, os cenários e os personagens porque quem nos apaixonamos logo de início.
A escrita da autora é simples, clara, concisa, envolvente e fluída.
A leitura é viciante, arrebatadora, cativante e prende-nos da primeira à última página pela magia das frases com que a autora nos presenteia.

Várias histórias com vários personagens que vão-se interligando ao longo da história.
Uma história de amor, dúvidas, segredos, perdas, coragem, decisões, dramas e emoções.
Um livro leve, calmo, suave e agradável que se leva para a praia, faz-nos sentir o aroma e o ruído do mar e lê-se como se estivéssemos a sonhar.
Recomendo sem reservas a autora e a capa também ajuda o livro de tão calmante e suave que se apresenta.
Profile Image for Ashleigh.
171 reviews6 followers
August 1, 2017
3 stars because despite the horrible characters the setting really was beautiful and made me want to go on a lovely seaside breakaway - I live in a port town and have always appreciated boats and the water so that part really spoke to me.
Also I've not been to Cornwall but it reminded me a lot of Tenby, which I love, so I was having a lot of happy memories whilst reading this.

Now onto the actual book, I think there's a quote from the book which pretty much sums up every character and most of the plot:

"She couldn’t pretend she hadn’t planned it all out in her mind’s eye in the past: all girls fantasised about their perfect wedding, didn’t they, even if they didn’t admit to it?"

Presumptuous and cliched to say the least, for a lot of the characters however I'd also chuck in horrible and self serving.

This book in plot and character essence reminded me a lot of a soap opera like Hollyoaks, all big colours pretty people and drama. But at the same time I couldn't stop reading so I think that says more about me than the book.

Anyways despite my moaning this is a fun summer read, it's light and fluffy and has a beautiful setting.
I will definitely be visiting Cornwall at some point.
Profile Image for Sarah.
46 reviews4 followers
August 2, 2017
I really enjoyed this book. Lots of interesting characters and stories that unfold over the course of the long weekend. Although there were lots of stories, it was a smooth read. Perfect summer holiday novel, I only wish I had been in the small town it's set, instead of rainy Scotland, while reading it. I have been left wanting more which always a good feeling when closing a book.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,023 reviews64 followers
February 27, 2018
Depois de "A Livraria dos Destinos" este é o meu segundo preferido de Veronica Henry.Só não tem 5 estrelas porque o final podia ser um pouco mais elaborado, pois, de resto, tinha tudo para 5*. Mais uma vez, gostei muito dos enredos de todos os personagens que, na maioria, andou em volta de filhos - filhos perdidos, filhos ilegítimos, filhos desconhecidos... Todas as histórias me comoveram muito. Veronica Henry consegue fazê-lo, provocar emoções (pelo menos, em mim) com palavras simples.

Profile Image for Carina.
255 reviews5 followers
April 24, 2017
very light, warm hearted story, with looooads of happy endings, very predictable. As they say on the cover, its perfect for a day at the beach.
Profile Image for Meteori.
285 reviews9 followers
August 19, 2018
Knjižica za ljeto, plažu, opuštenciju...
OK, ali nije baš da ću je se sjećati za mjesec ili dva.
8 reviews
September 22, 2013
I have always wanted to own a bed and breakfast, so I was very excited to read a book about a couple who run a seaside hotel. The story is told from multiple viewpoints, and all the characters are somehow connected to The Townhouse. Claire and Luca run the hotel, with Luca the hotel's chef. I loved how the book included some of Luca's recipes at the end -- his cooking sounds delicious! There is also Angelica, a woman who works at the hotel, who lives with her deadbeat mom and must take care of her brother. Claire is in for a surprise when her ex-boyfriend from many years ago, Nick, shows up at the hotel for his bachelor party. The story flashes back to Claire's earlier relationship, and I loved the character of Nick's mom, Isobel. We also meet Laura who has traveled to Pennfleet with her boyfriend. Laura is in search of her father, who she has never met. Colin has come to The Townhouse for his once yearly meeting with his daughter, and her mother, with whom he had an affair many years ago.

Oftentimes I find that stories with so many characters leave me wanting more, as the story will just skim the surface. That was certainly not the case with this book. Although it took place over the course of just a long weekend, I was very invested in this story. I found the characters to have lots of depth, and was very impressed with how distinct so many of them were. My favorite part of this book had to be the setting. The cover was absolutely gorgeous, and Pennfleet was described as such a beautiful seaside town. If only The Townhouse really existed, I would love to visit it on vacation!

I loved the romance in this story. There was much talk of relationships in this book, and it never came across as too saccharine. Rather, the story captured the complexities of love, and I really appreciate a book where the relationships are still a bit flawed, or the characters have to work at it. I would love to know what happens to the couples after this story ends!

This is the first book I've read by Veronica Henry, and it definitely won't be the last! If only her books were easier to find in the U.S.!
Profile Image for Marianne.
3,752 reviews267 followers
February 27, 2013
The Long Weekend is the seventh stand-alone novel by British author, Veronica Henry. Claire Marlowe and her partner, the charismatic chef, Luca Ramsay, own the Townhouse by the Sea, a boutique hotel in Pennfleet, Cornwall, and are gearing up for a busy long weekend: six young men for a stag weekend as well as assorted other guests will keep them on their toes. Trevor & Monique Parfitt, sleeping partners in the hotel, always need extra attention, and have a special project to put to Claire and Luca; Colin Turner is on his annual guilt trip with his ex-mistress, Karen and Chelsey, the daughter that his wife, Alison, and his family know nothing about; Laura Starling has come to Pennfleet with her boyfriend, the laid back and down-to-earth Dan, hoping to find out if artist, Tony Weston is the father that her mother, Marina, has refused to identify all her life. Assistant Manager Angelica has long been in lust with Luca, but finds herself becoming Claire’s confidant when the groom in the stag party turns out to be a long-lost boyfriend. Once again, Veronica Henry gives the reader a cast of seemingly stereotypical characters who soon develop depth and appeal. This novel is filled with everyday problems: infidelity, cancer, missing teenagers, secret love-children, post-natal depression, single parenthood and secrets, lots of secrets. The atmosphere of Cornwall is richly portrayed, there is heartache and humour, and as a special bonus, Veronica Henry’s tips for the perfect long weekend, including recipes, a reading list and a playlist. A wonderful, heart-warming read.
Profile Image for Lynn.
633 reviews32 followers
July 3, 2012
A Veronica Henry novel is the perfect antidote for any rainy weekend! She is able to capture human nuances with an effortless style and thoroughly charming characters.

The picturesque seaside resort of Pennfleet is the home of The Townhouse by the Sea hotel which is really the central character. Background history is eluded to with each guest that arrives, all with their own agendas.

Claire, co-owner of the hotel with her chef partner, Luca, who holds the looks and ability to become a semi celebrity in his field. On the outside Claire has everything, on the inside she's hiding from her past.

Partners in the hotel, Trevor and his wife, Monique arrive for their routine visit armed with ideas about expanding the business. A ploy to keep Monique distracted from her own tragedy.

Nick and his mates are taking the weekend to celebrate his stag with only a week to go 'til the wedding. Best-man Dan really couldn't have picked the worst hotel for Nick, who soon realises he may not be ready to get married.

Colin has planned a perfect weekend for his daughter, whom he sees just once a year and has a lot to make up for. The regrets he associates with his strained relationship over the twelve years of his daughter's life all too clear.

Dan and Laura arrive with hope of finding Laura's father from a treasured drawing Laura found in her mother's belongings.

Lost loves fight for space with desire for better. A lot can change in a long weekend!

Profile Image for Tami.
54 reviews6 followers
October 31, 2016
This is the 2nd Veronica Henry novel that I've read, and the thing I loved most about this book is the same thing that has stuck in my head about her writing since I first read Love On The Rocks a few years ago - it's simple and easy reading about complicated people and situations in gorgeously described settings! In fact, in The Long Weekend, there are lots of characters and storylines to keep track of.. and they alternate back and forth within chapters.. yet it's so easy to not only keep track of them, but to identify with them. In this case, everyone from Claire, the main character and co-owner of the Townhouse hotel (the main setting for this novel) to Karen, a woman who abandons her only child at the hotel with her married ex-lover, is written with attention and care. The language the author writes with is straightforward but with depth, and the novels go along at a quick pace yet feel leisurely and purposeful. Somewhat similar to Lesley Lokko's novels, but the characters are less glamourous and (at least outwardly) sophisticated, and the locations written in a more down-to-earth way.
October 15, 2012
This book is set around the guests of a beachside hotel over one long weekend. The story moves between the guests as events over the weekend change their lives. There is plenty to keep the reader interested and I found I was invested in all the characters and how things turned out for them. I loved this book because I cared about the people in it, I felt for them when they were in difficult situations and I felt good after reading it. I also kept picking it up to see how things unfold. So I really recommend it to people who are looking for something light and easy to read without it being airy - as there are some real issues of substance in there.
Profile Image for Maria João (A Biblioteca da João).
1,241 reviews194 followers
May 8, 2015
8 de 10*

Depois de "Uma Noite no Expresso do Oriente", a Quinta Essência trás-nos o novo romance de Veronica Henry. Este novo livro vem confirmar o que achei do primeiro: esta autora tem uma escrita fluída e bonita, que nos transporta para cenários idílicos, com vários personagens diferentes que interagem num determinado espaço e tempo, mas com histórias individuais bastante ricas.

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Profile Image for Ana Santos.
64 reviews5 followers
September 19, 2015
O passado que volta para nos assombrar, coisas que deviam ter sido ditas e não foram, fazem com que um fim de semana seja o suficiente para virar a nossa vida de pernas para o ar trocando o certo pelo incerto. Sem duvida melhor do que o seu livro anterior.
Profile Image for Jo.
507 reviews
September 7, 2012

Lovely summer easy read...great characters & the Cornish town & The Townhouse just sounded gorgeous...I want to visit...and meet Luca!!lol! X
Displaying 1 - 30 of 241 reviews

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