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Под небето на Италия

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Всичко в живота на Стела е под контрол. И това ѝ харесва. От 25 години работи като асистент на легендарна модна дизайнерка, но след нейната изненадваща смърт фирмата е закрита. Изведнъж Стела остава без работа и без идеи за бъдещето си.

Животът, който винаги е искала, се изпарява. Чувства се загубена, докато един ден не открива сайт за размяна на къщи и се влюбва в красива вила в Южна Италия. Способна ли е да замени малкия си апартамент в Лондон за нея?

Замислената почивка се превръща в нещо повече, докато Стела живее нечий друг живот. Запознава се с приятелите на собственика на вилата, посещава неговите любими места и опитва рецепти от местната кухня.

Главната героиня често описва живота си като чиста дъска – без вълнуващи спомени и без надежда. Но дали ще събере кураж да запълни тази празна повърхност с нови искрени приятелства и дори с любов...

308 pages, Paperback

First published April 7, 2017

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About the author

Nicky Pellegrino

21 books570 followers
I was born and grew up near Liverpool, England. For a while I worked as a magazine journalist in London but then 21 years ago I came on holiday to New Zealand and met my future husband Carne Bidwill at a wedding. Now we live together near a beach in Auckland with our dogs Charlie the standard poodle and Lucy the pointer. I spend my time writing novels, working as a freelance journalist, riding my two horses, growing veges in my garden, cooking, trying to get other people to cook for me, eating and reading. There isn't much time for anything else except a little light housework.
My all-time favourite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and my book of 2013 was LIfe After LIfe by Kate Atkinson.
I have a website www.nickypellegrino.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews
Profile Image for Pauline.
848 reviews
May 29, 2018
Under Italian Skies by Nicky Pellegrino is the story of Stella who finds herself unemployed and unhappy after her boss dies. She decides to house swap her home in London for a cottage in Italy to take some time to decide what to do with her future. This is a story of new beginnings, friendship and second chances. I really enjoyed this book, it transported me to Italy and the characters were wonderful. This is the first book I have read by this author and I will certainly be reading more of her books.
Profile Image for Tiago | MrsMargotBlog.
154 reviews31 followers
June 14, 2017
I love this kind of books that have the ability to make me travel, I don't mind that sometimes they come full of clichés, I like to step back on a ground where I was already happy.
All the descriptions of the locations of London and Italy, the flavors, the smells, the author transports me easily to them.
I loved the history, the idea of ​​the exchange of houses and I liked the different characters that are appearing.
This book is not a romance as I would like it to be, it's more about learning to be alone and enjoying our own company, broadening horizons, getting to know more of the world.
I just don't give 5 stars because I really wanted to see more romance, more love to happen, the book just gives a pinch and when the story ended I wanted to read more, I think there should be a second volume.
This is a light reading, with small chapters and reads very quickly, savoring each page without wanting to stop.
Profile Image for Noella.
1,030 reviews64 followers
June 10, 2022
Heerlijk zomerboek!
Stella woont in Londen en werkte in een modebedrijf. De eigenaresse van het bedrijf, die ook de ontwerpster was, is overleden en heeft bepaald dat met haar het bedrijf zou eindigen. Nu zit Stella dus zonder werk. Financieel is dat niet echt een probleem, maar ze moet nu beslissen wat ze wil met haar leven. Haar vriendin Birdie stelt voor dat ze er eens tussenuit zou gaan, misschien zou ze een huizenruil kunnen proberen. Na een tijdje getwijfeld te hebben, is Stella gewonnen voor het idee.
Ze komt tot een overeenkomst met de Italiaan Leo Asti, die tuinarchitect is en een verblijf in Londen zoekt voor een opdracht. Stella kan dan in zijn villa in Triento, een klein dorpje, gaan wonen. De naam van het huis is Villa Rosa.
En zo begint Stella's avontuur.
Het duurt niet lang voor ze vriendinnen maakt in Triento: Tosca, een actrice die teruggekeerd is naar haar geboortedorp, Francesca, die werkt in de linnenwinkel van haar familie, En Rafaella, de eigenares van een kleine trattoria, voor wie koken haar lust en haar leven is.
Stilaan komen ze meer van elkaar te weten, wat er allemaal gebeurd is in hun levens, en ook hun moeilijkheden en verdriet.
En intussen mailt Stella dagelijks met Leo in London, om hun bevindingen over elkaars huis en omgeving uit te wisselen, en de mails worden steeds vriendschappelijker.
Het is leuk om te lezen hoe in die lente de levens van al deze mensen op een keerpunt komen.

Ik vind dit een aanrader in het genre!
February 11, 2018
Една от тези книги, които те пренасят в други измерение! Книга за любовта... към Италия. За възможната промяна дори и късно, за преоткриването на себе си и за намирането на правилния път.
И в крайна сметка - нищо толкова задълбочено, но толкова приятно и... слюноотделящо за четене хахаха
Ох, Италия, искам да се върна отново при теб!
Profile Image for Eglė / Gal paskaitom? .
219 reviews17 followers
April 16, 2021
Nicky Pellegrino „Po Italijos padange“ ☀️

Šilta, šviesi, romantiška istorija apie moteris, jų draugystę ir svajones.

Stela – darbšti, tvarkinga, 49-erių moteris, visada atsakingai žvelgianti į savo darbą ir besilaikanti įprastos rutinos. Tačiau daugelį metų gyventas vienodas gyvenimas vieną dieną nutrūksta. Stela, staiga netekusi pastovios darbo vietos, pasijunta tarsi žuvis išmesta į krantą. Paskatinta draugių, šį netikėtą gyvenimo smūgį ji paverčia nauja pradžia. Būdama 49-erių Stela nusprendžia, kad niekada nėra per vėlu išbandyti ką nors visiškai naujo ir leidžiasi į avantiūrą laikinai apsikeisdama namais su Italijoje gyvenančiu Leo. Ji iš naujo atranda kas yra gyvenimas ir jo stebuklai, išmoksta mėgautis kiekviena akimirka ir grožėtis smulkmenomis. ❤️

Visa ši istorija man labai patiko! Tikriausiai prisidėjo tai, kad esu labai išsiilgusi kelionių ir šiltų kraštų, o ši knyga tikrai nukelia į saulėtąją Italiją. Skaitydama jaučiausi tarsi vaikščiočiau po jos gatveles ir ragaučiau naminį Itališką maistą. Priminė tokias keliones, kuomet be jokio aiškaus plano, tiesiog klaidžioji po miestą ir gėriesi vietine architektūra bei kultūra. Mane sužavėjo ir istorijos lengvumas, paprastumas, tai istorija apie moterų draugystę, laisvę, nuoširdumą, norą tyrinėti ir atrasti. Patiko ir tai, kad veikėjos yra vyresnio amžiaus – 49-erių, ar net virš 60-ies ir tai nesustabdo jų noro siekti savo svajonių. Veikėjos palaiko viena kitą, patikina, kad yra protingos, žavios, gražios ir prieš akis jų dar laukia nuotykių kupinas gyvenimas.

Šioje knygoje nėra jokių įtemptų siužeto vingių, tačiau tai tikra atgaiva šiltų kraštų išsiilgusiai sielai, tad jei ieškote kažko panašaus – labai rekomenduoju! 🌴

4 ⭐️ | 2021 – 24 📚
Profile Image for Kristina Dauksiene.
171 reviews19 followers
March 13, 2023
Kvepia Italija!...kvapą sustiprina faktas, kad už kelių savaičių klajosim po Italiją, ir visai ne taip toli aprašomų vietų..
Suplanuotas sustyguotas grafikas, kuris panašu, tik ir liks planu popieriuje, perskaičius istoriją ir prisiminus, kad Italija tiesiog reikia mėgautis...
O juk romane nėra nieko ypatingo ar gilaus..bet net saldumas apima skaitant tam tikras vietas😀 plius nepaslepiamas optimizmas, kad ribos ir kliūtys išsitrina tiesiog įrašius sprendimą į naują gyvenimo lapą.
Ehhh suskydusi romantikė/ Italijos fanė😁
Profile Image for Kathryn.
1,621 reviews278 followers
April 22, 2016
4.5 stars. Under Italian Skies - another wonderful read from talented author Nicky Pellegrino. This book transports you to a small place in Italy, and wraps you round with the Italian way of life that has nothing to do with a touristy view.

Stella house swaps and finds herself in the small town of Triento in a villa perched atop a steep hillside. Her life as she has known it has finished, and she is unsure of where it will lead next. She is willing to take a risk, step out of her comfort zone and do something different. This time in Italy is like a time in a cocoon for her, and what will emerge at the end of it is something completely new.

Stella is a kind of a catalyst for some of the local people she befriends in this place. There is Tosca - an older woman with some experience of being a movie star, a bit of a diva, but with a sadness within. Then there is Raphaela who owns a trattoria, for whom food is her way of life, yet she still mourns her departed and beloved husband. Raphaela and Tosca have been life long friends and know how to 'manage' each other.

Francesca is the woman that runs the linen shop in the village. She is an interesting character - somewhat manipulative, but as her story unfolds I have to say I found some sympathy for her. Then there of course is Leo - the man Stella is house swapping with. They begin to build a relationship with each other through email. Leo has left Stella with a way of exploring the local area that is utterly charming.

If you are a food lover this book is for you. I'm not, but it still didn't prevent my envying the richness of the love of food and family this book portrays. The passion that a true cook brings to their meal preparation had my mouth watering many a time.

I loved the characters, many of them dealing with the issues of living and supporting each other with friendship and love. I gave a sigh of disappointment as I turned the page - and found there was no more. Always the sign that a book and its characters have really connected with me.
Profile Image for Gretos knygos.
651 reviews168 followers
September 9, 2023
Istorija mus nukelia į mažą Italijos kaimelį, į kurį atvyksta Stella. Ji – nusivylusi gyvenimu, išsiskyrusi, netekusi mylimo darbo, brandaus amžiaus moteris, kuri pasineria į avantiūrą ir susikeičia butais su italu Leo. Jie vienas kito nematę, net telefonu nekalbėję, tačiau nusiperka bilietus į vieną pusę – jis į Londoną, ji - į jo vasarnamį. O kontaktą visą tą laiką jie palaiko elektroniniais laiškais. Stellai atvykus, ją tuoj pat apima abejonės, ar ji priėmė teisingą sprendimą viską mesdama ir atvykdama čia. Leo jai palikęs staigmeną – instrukcijas tiems atvejams, jeigu jai pasidarytų nuobodu.

Žinot, Stella man priminė mane. Aš lygiai taip pat šių metų pavasarį mečiau darbą, remontuojamus namus, kažkokius nuobodžius reikalus ir iškeliavau laimės ieškoti ir šv.Jokūbo keliu prasieiti... taip kad skaitant nesistebėjau pagrindiniais veikėjais, kad oj, kaip čia taip galima. Puikiai juos suprantu. Ir pati taip pasielgčiau dar ne kartą ir ne du. Ir žinau, kad daug kam gali pasirodyti kitaip. Ir šiaip man knyga pasirodė labai artima, nes yra maža tikimybė, kad tam tikri dalykai, kuriuos išgyveno Stella, galimi ir mano gyvenime... intuicija...

Nicky Pellegrino yra mano šios vasaros atradimas, o už tai turiu dėkoti tik Leidykla Sofoklis . Ir kas įdomiausia, knygos vasariškos, gaivios, tačiau tikrai nėra iš tų visai pigių meilės romaniūkščių serijos. Nesakau, kad anie blogi, bet kam skaityti kažką vidutiniško, kai galima skaityti geriau? Juk įdomiau sužinoti kažką naujo apie kitokią kultūrą, žmonių santykius kitoje kontinento pusėje, jų maistą, tradicijas... Netrūko čia ir šeimos dramų, ir simpatijų, ir romantikos. Bet ir nebuvo viso to perkrauta. Autorės dėmesys buvo nukreiptas ties pasveikimu, susitaikymu, meile sau...

Ir patiko stiprūs moteriški personažai. Ne Paskenduolės laikų. Neverkšlenančios kiauras paras. Tik vieną kitą. Ir tai, kaip moterys veikė vienos kitas. Man patinka, kai geros draugės beldžiasi į tavo duris kad ir valandą, o tu duris visa apsisnarglėjusi atidarai, nes atsibosta baladojimasis ir suvoki, kad draugės nesiliaus. Ir tada tave vilkte išvelka iš namų.

Šioje knygoje tiek daug visko įvyksta, kad tik spėk sekti! Tikrai. Puikus vasariškas romanas tiems, kurie neturi galimybės dabar patys atsidurti ten, kur banguoja jūra, svyruoja palmės ir šampaną galima pradėti gerti kad ir dešimtą valandą ryto!

Susitikime instagrame:

Visas apžvalgas rasite čia:

Leidyklos dovana.
Profile Image for Aimee✨.
602 reviews44 followers
May 11, 2016
I received a copy of Under Italian Skies to review from Hachette New Zealand.

The synopsis for this kind of reminded me of The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet. That movie was funny. I didn’t compare the book to the movie while I read it because the only thing they have in common is the house swap.

I’ve never read a book by Nicky Pellegrino before but I liked this. It’s full of colourful characters, food, drama and of course a little taste of Italy. I’ve always wanted to travel to Italy and this book made me want to even more.

Under Italian Skies is the kind of book that makes me so jealous I’m not on holiday while I read it. All the descriptions of the food, places and people were beautifully written. I’ve never heard of the town Stella visits but I did Google it.

I liked Stella’s friends, the one from London and the ones she makes while in Italy. They are all very different kinds of people but in the end I think they all have some things in common. They were pretty funny.

Then there was Leo, the owner of the villa. He sounded like a nice guy, even though Stella only talks to him through emails. He also left this really sweet gift for her to help her in Italy on days she had nothing to do.

I’m glad this book wasn’t about Stella finding love. I don’t have anything against romance books but they aren’t for me. Stella, and the friends she makes in Italy, are all at a cross roads in their life and they help each other in small ways. In the end I think they are all better off for meeting each other.

I liked Under Italian Skies although it did leave me craving some Italian food and wanting to book a holiday.
July 17, 2017
Mais um romance delicioso desta autora! A importância da cozinha e da convivência em torno da mesa com amigos e família. Um livro que foge ao tradicional romance e que retrata uma história de amor que se desenrola por e-mail... O romance perfeito de verão.

A opinião estará em Aromas de Cor!
Profile Image for Sofia.
46 reviews
June 26, 2019
Os livros desta autora são uma lufada de ar fresco, com ingredientes que nos fazem sonhar: Itália, gastronomia, amizade e romance.

Uma leitura leve onde podemos sentir os aromas e sabores da gastronomia, apreciar a beleza das paisagens do sul de Itália e ser contagiados com a energia das personagens. Uma história essencialmente sobre começar de novo, aprender e apreciar estar sozinho e desfrutar da nossa própria companhia com uma pitada de romance.
Profile Image for Indrė.
138 reviews9 followers
August 23, 2020
It's like Nicholas Sparks, but italian. And it could be made into a beautiful romantic movie.
I am not a big fan of this kind of books, but I enjoyed it so much, because it's Italy. I was reading it and thinking that it could be me (despite the age gap between me and the main character). This book is full of sea, sun and Italian food. And I must say that Stella made a good decision.
Profile Image for Thebooktrail.
1,747 reviews330 followers
March 28, 2016
Nicky Pellegrino is always a delight to read and now I really really want to go to Villa Rosa in Triento and open the scrapbook Leo made and have my own adventure!

The story is as poignant as it is uplifting with Stella moves away for a while to mend herself and grief over the death of her boss and all the changes that will mean for her as well. The emails between her and Leo are probably more helpful and flirty than they would be in a normal house exchange but if there are Leo’s on line now, I’m off! this sets the scene well for the rest of the story and leads you into Italy at the same time that Stella steps off the plane.

It’s the fictional equivalent of relaxing on a sun lounger and letting the Italian flavours and aromas awaken the spirits. Stella really immerses herself into the culture and lifestyle of Triento and there are flashbacks to Leo and what he’s doing in London but it’s the Triento part of the story which really shines.

And if you’ve read Nicky Pellegrino before, you’ll know that you can easily put on weight reading one of her delectable reads. I did. Well maybe it was the Easter eggs I quaffed whilst reading it but still, you know what I mean. Italian vanilla pastries, Italian spices....coffees on the piazza..

It was lovely to read of a home swap in a novel and to see two locations come to life via someone else eyes. Seeing the old and new and appreciating both.

Nicky where are you taking us next?
Profile Image for Nadia (librocubicularist_reads).
35 reviews25 followers
March 28, 2021
I enjoyed this book - the idea that your life could change completely and for the better, even when some might think you're too old to want something different... Stella is a 49 year old divorcee living a quiet but mostly fulfilling life. When the fashion designer she's work for for years, dies, she's left unemployed and adrift, unsure of what to do with her life. She agrees to a house-swap with Leo, trading her London flat for his villa in Triento for a few months. They arrange everything via email and keep corresponding once they're both settled in the other's homes, forming a friendship. Initially Stella feels a bit lonely. As she starts exploring Triento and surrounding towns with the help of a scrapbook that Leo left for her, and making some friends, she starts to fall in love with Triento and wondering whether her old life in London is actually worth going back to...
Profile Image for Mandy Radley.
497 reviews35 followers
May 19, 2016
3.5 stars
Following the death of her employer Stella's life seems to stall and she's unsure what to do next. A friend suggests an adult gap year (wouldn't we all love to do that) and on investigating the possibilities Stella decides to house swap with Leo and Italian garden designer. She heads off to a small town in Italy to Leo's beloved Villa Rosa while he heads to London to spend time in Stella' s small house while completing a community garden project.

Very predictable. Stella 'finds herself' meets new friends and eventually after communicating almost daily by email with Leo, he goes back to Italy and they realise they are in love with each other.

An OK read but I didn't enjoy it as much as her previous books.

Oops just realised I've told you the end.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Archer.
100 reviews
August 16, 2022
Het verhaal gaat over :

Stella heeft 25 jaar voor een modelontwerper gewerkt wanneer ze overlijdt verliest ze haar job. Haar dagen in Londen gaan traag en eenzaam verder. Haar vriendin BIrdie heeft een leuk idee, een huizenruil. De itiaanse Leo biedt zijn Villa Rosa aan. Als ze daar aankomt wordt ze dikke vrienden met Tosca en Rafaella die als dag en nacht van elkaar verschillen. In het huis is ze op zoek wat soort man Leo is.

Ik raad dit boek aan :

Volwassen lezers
Romance readers
Summer holiday readers

Mijn meining :

Het verhaal geeft me het vakantie gevoel. Het landschap en villa rosa in italië brengt me helemaal in vakantiemood. Ik vond zeer aangenaam om dit te lezen. Ideaal zomerboek om tijdens de zomervakantie te lezen. Het laat je mee met Stella haar avontuur beleven. Helaas was het al na een dag uit. Zeer vlot om te lezen en ideaal om op het strand of tijdens je reis te lezen.
Profile Image for Sofia Marques.
266 reviews14 followers
August 24, 2022
Há alturas na vida em que apetece troca assim de casa com alguém e viver toda uma outra vida!

Adoro os livros da Nicky, adorava conhecer a inspiração para a Villa Rosa. A maneira como ela descreve Triento, como descreve a comida, os sabores, os cheiros, a vida naquela aldeia piscatória, Adoro!! <3
July 20, 2023
Italijos saulė, jūra - ko daugiau reikia lengviems vasaros atostogų skaitiniams.
Knygoje aprašoma kaip Stela ryžtasi palikti butą Londone ir iškeisti jį į vilą Italijoje užsiregistruojant namų mainų svetainėje. Pakeitus gyvenamąją vietą, pasikeičia ir jos ateitis. Vilos šeimininkas - tai artima siela, supratingas draugas ir kai kas daugiau.
September 4, 2021
A delightful and entertaining, quick read. Rich characters and scenes that transport you to Italy, and make you dream of all the beautiful food. Also handles some sensitive topics really well. Really enjoyed it :)
Profile Image for Paula Reis.
636 reviews13 followers
June 13, 2017
É sempre bom rever personagens já conhecidas e locais que vão evoluindo ao longo dos vários livros desta autora, que nunca me desiludiu
Profile Image for Isabelle.
64 reviews3 followers
August 23, 2020
Door het boek te lezen, waande ik me zelf in Italië en had graag willen proeven van dat leven 😍
47 reviews
July 18, 2023
Leuke vakantie roman zonder veel diepgang. Leest lekker snel, maar ik vond het wel wat langdradig af en toe.
Profile Image for Sharon Goodwin.
839 reviews142 followers
June 16, 2016

When we first meet Stella she's clearing out Milly Munro's studio and doesn't want to work with another fashion designer. Grieving for the loss of not only Milly as a boss but as a friend, it's when she's goes to their favourite restaurant alone that she realises everything in her world has changed. An empty life and not knowing what do with herself she jumps on friend Birdy's suggestion of looking into a house swap in another country and is rather taken by Villa Rosa. After communicating with silver fox Leo via email, she finds herself arriving at Villa Rosa and the start of an adventure :)

When you go to a new place whether on holiday or moving house it feels really uncomfortable at first doesn't it? I wondered how Stella was going to feel being alone in a place where she didn't know anyone ... but Leo has that covered :) I loved the parcel and note he left for her. When I'm next looking for inspiration I might even make one for myself! Brilliant. When Stella enlists Francesca's help though I thought it was a bad idea. I didn't like her at all! although I did empathise with what was happening in her life. She also takes a risk ...

Under Italian Skies isn't just about Stella finding a place to belong. With Stella becoming involved in the life of the locals we get to spend quite a bit of time with Raffaela and Tosca. I adored these ladies. Through Tosca we get a window into the truth about ageing and how people stop noticing you; Rafaella is struggling with loss and how to keep her restaurant running. Their friendship goes back a long way and their spats are amusing :) The developing friendship between the three of them was beautifully balanced. There is one particular scene with all four (Francesca too) in the garden sitting round the outdoor fireplace which is very poignant.

Whilst Stella is getting involved in life in Triento, emails and texts with Leo become more about them as their friendship develops. I loved that Leo meets up with Birdy in London :) As the story moves towards the speed dating I knew what I wanted to happen for Stella but I wasn't sure how it would happen!

If you're thinking of making changes in your life then Under Italian Skies may just be the inspiration you need. I feel as if I have been to Italy, taking part in life with the locals and visited some fabulous places too (check out Nicky Pellegrino's article My Italy). There's more than one character who gets their HEA (and not all because of romance). A feel good story that for me was more about taking chances and friendships than the romance.

I would like to thank the publishers for a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jacki (Julia Flyte).
1,313 reviews184 followers
May 9, 2016
Stella is 49. She's single and has worked for many years as assistant to a fashion designer, but suddenly finds herself without work when the business closes. On impulse, she decides to do a house swap: exchanging her London apartment for a villa on the coast in Southern Italy owned by an Italian gardener named Leo.

When she arrives, she wonders initially if she's made a mistake. The villa is stunning, but she's alone and doesn't know anybody. Gradually she starts to settle in and make friends. She explores the local area and falls in love with Italian food. She also exchanges frequent emails with Leo who is getting to know her neighbourhood and friends back in England.

This is a book about how it's never too late to re-invent your life. It's not just Stella who makes bold changes: she befriends several other women who are have also fallen into ruts of their own. It's a charming, moderately inspiring book and like all of Nicky Pellegrino's novels, it's full of mouth-watering descriptions of food. It will definitely have you wanting to get on a plane to Italy!

Having said that, I didn't like this book as much as I thought I would. I didn't really feel invested in any of the characters and I got quite tired of Stella who seemed to be an irritating over-thinker. Reading other reviews I seem to be alone in that opinion. In fact, a woman came up to me while I was reading this yesterday and told me how she's just finished it and loved it: so please don't let my opinion put you off!

If you've read other books by Nicky Pellegrino you will recognise the settings and several of the characters from previous books. However the plot of this one is completely standalone.
Profile Image for Roni Ramone.
28 reviews6 followers
February 9, 2017
Delicious food descriptions, beautiful clothes, and set on the Italian coast? Amazing! Even though the last chapter was *so* cheesy, it was still an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Alison.
818 reviews272 followers
October 9, 2018
I was a tad disappointed, as was hoping to enjoy a local author, but the story really was too slow for me. A nice, sweet story about finding one's self but reality was the characters didn't really grab me as much as I'd hoped and the story took too long to get to its next point. Nevermind. It might suit others.
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