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Винаги ще има Коледа

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Ноел обожава Коледа заради задушевните вечери с чаша горещ шоколад и вкусни сладки пред камината. И заради радостта, която се изписва на лицето на шестгодишния й син Лукас, когато открие подаръка си под елхата. Но тази година всичко се променя...

Ноел неочаквано загубва работата си, а семейната пекарна е изправена пред фалит. Тя е твърдо решена да не го допусне, затова се заема с реновирането на помещението. За да си плаща сметките, започва да се грижи за възрастния и раздразнителен собственик на фирма за недвижими имоти Уилям Харингтън в луксозното му имение.

Ноел вдъхва нов живот на студената къща и скоро тя се изпълва с коледно настроение, семеен уют и аромат на домашни сладки. Докато помага на Уилям да се помири с миналото си, тя неочаквано се влюбва в неговия внук – красивия, но загадъчен Александър.

До Коледа остават броени дни. Дали Ноел ще успее да спаси пекарната, да сплоти едно отчуждило се семейство и да преживее незабравими мигове с Александър и Лукас?

288 pages, Paperback

First published September 29, 2017

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About the author

Jenny Hale

26 books1,572 followers
Jenny Hale is a USA Today, Amazon, and international bestselling author of romantic contemporary fiction. Her books have sold worldwide, have been translated into multiple languages, and adapted for television. Her novels Coming Home for Christmas and Movie Guide Epiphany Award winner Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses are Hallmark Channel original movies.

She was included in Oprah Magazine’s “19 Dreamy Summer Romances to Whisk You Away” and Southern Living’s “30 Christmas Novels to Start Reading Now.” Her stories are chock-full of feel-good romance and overflowing with warm settings, great friends, and family.

Jenny is at work on her next novel, delighted to be bringing even more heartwarming stories to her readers. When she isn’t writing, or heading up her romantic fiction imprint Harpeth Road, she can be found running around her hometown of Nashville with her husband, two boys, and their labradoodle, taking pictures—her favorite pastime.

Visit www.itsjennyhale.com to get my latest book! You can also chat with me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jennyhaleauthor, Twitter: www.twitter.com/jhaleauthor, and IG: www.instagram.com/jhaleauthor

See all my books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jenny-Hale/e/B...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 274 reviews
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews81.9k followers
September 30, 2017
I am a complete newbie to Jenny Hale's books, but I have to say after the warmth and friendliness she exuded during our move to Virginia, I knew her books would contain the same endearing qualities. While she may not live in the same state as I do anymore, I still felt it was finally time to support one of my own, and I'm so glad that I did! I don't typically read lighthearted stories, but after a long string of doom and gloom it was a breath of fresh air to be able to submerge myself in a different type of story. Why do I read such varied genres you may ask? Well, they both help me to escape in a sense; the dark fiction is a way to transport myself into a world that reminds me just how good I have it in my own, and the upbeat, happy stories are a way to get lost in a romantic, feel good place where it feels like Christmas even if it's only just now fall.

Sometimes you just need a new spin on a classic story, and that's exactly what I felt We'll Always Have Christmas offered. The book held firm to many of the plot characteristics that readers are looking for in an uplifting romance, but the characters were their own and that is what made this book memorable. I could completely see this becoming a Hallmark Movie, as is another of Hale's Christmas books this winter, and if you enjoy these types of inspirational novels that contain life changing storylines for the characters, you're in for a treat. This is the type of story to make you believe in miracles; the blurb gives you more than enough detail to decide if this is your type of read, and I won't take away the joy you'll feel by spoiling you experiencing these relationships blossom, both romantic and platonic, as you following along Noelle's journey of learning and love. If you are as emphatic about the holidays as I am, then you'll want to get your hands on We'll Always Have Christmas; I would highly recommend saving it for a chilly day where you can wrap up in a cozy blanket with a warm cuppa and stay put until you finish. <3

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my copy; it was a pleasure to provide my honest thoughts here. 
Profile Image for Jules.
1,053 reviews212 followers
October 29, 2017
Yay. I’ve now completed my third Christmas book of the year and it’s still September. I’m pleased to say this was another thoroughly enjoyable festive read.

For me this was a story of three parts – a family bakery facing closure, a contemporary romance between two of the main characters, and for me, the most touching part was of an old man reminiscing about his past and a forbidden first love when he was a young man. I loved how all these parts linked together to create a heart-warming story with depth and emotion.

I’ve no idea now if Alex Harrington’s specific physical appearance was described in this book, because all I could picture was Kit Harington, so I was one content reader regardless ;-)

We’ll Always Have Christmas is an overall feel-good story about the importance of family and love. This is one I highly recommend during the cold winter months, but to be honest, I think it can be enjoyed any time of the year. After all, I managed to enjoy it, and it's hardly like we've got a foot of snow outside, just a few puddles and some fallen leaves.

My review is also available on my blog here:
Profile Image for Amy.
2,121 reviews1,937 followers
October 1, 2017
So now that it’s October first I don’t feel as bad about all my Christmas book reviews. Halloween schmalloween, bring on turkey day and Christmas decorations!! I’ve had the pleasure of reading some really gorgeous holiday books but I think I may have found my new favorite, this was such a delightful read!

Noelle, sweet Noelle is at a crossroads in her life, she wants nothing more than to create an idyllic home for her and her son Lucas but she’s struggling. Her family bakery is about to close and it’s very dear to her as it was her grandmothers pride and joy and she recently passed away. She does not need any complications in her love life but there’s something about Alex she can’t resist, and seriously I don’t blame her, the man is pretty amazing sounding. While this is firmly a romance it’s also about family, long ago lost love and the holiday spirit and the true meaning of Christmas.

The characters in this book were fabulous, I loved Noelle’s family and her friends were pretty terrific as well but her son Lucas was the star of the show for me. His and Noelle’s bond was so beautiful, he was the cutest little guy, I just adored him. Cranky William wasn’t so pleasant at first but as Noelle slowly broke down his barriers I fell a little bit in love with him. (I think she did too!) And Alex was everything you want in a book boyfriend, he’s charming, successful, smart, romantic and generous.

This was a swoon worthy Christmassy romance, heavy on the festive holiday feeling and giving spirit. It was cozy and warm and by the last few chapters I was giddy with happiness and ready to break out the mistletoe and dance to some Christmas music myself! I can’t recommend this one highly enough for fans of Christmas romances, it’s truly a wonderful and special book.

Overall rating: 5/5
Profile Image for Deanne Patterson.
2,109 reviews88 followers
September 18, 2017
The author really knows how to set up the atmosphere in this heartwarming Christmas book. The whole book through I felt like I was wrapped in a warm soft blanket of Christmas complete with the scent of evergreen,Christmas music playing an soft snow falling. This book really makes you realize how much you value family and spending time with them. So enjoyable! I am now on a hunt for more books to read by this author.
Pub Date 29 Sep 2017
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for a review copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Diana Stoyanova.
607 reviews138 followers
December 11, 2019
3.5 ☆

Много мила книга. Да, имаше някои сладникави и захаросани моменти, но като цяло историята ме зареди с много приятни емоции и коледно настроение. Напомни по един деликатен и сърдечен начин, че най- голямото богатство са моментите, които преживяваме с любимите хора, а най- важното- да показваме тази обич <3
Profile Image for Victoria .
138 reviews3 followers
November 17, 2021
"Винаги ще има Коледа" е книга изпълнена с любов. В нея се преплитат две романтични истории, много близки една до друга. Понякога неизживяните мигове са по-ценни, отколкото предполагаме. Именно една такава любов се появява от миналото, заедно с диамантен пръстен, който е пазен от загадъчна дама. Признавам си, че разбрах коя е въпросната жена, когато Ноел откри пръстена и си припомни разговор със своя работодател. Харесах всички персонажи, техните копнежи и мечти, а коледната атмосфера присъстваше постоянно.


Стр. 5 - "Ноел Паркър си пое дълбоко въздух и коледният аромат я погълна. Ухаеше на мента, горещ шоколад и смърч. Хората пазаруваха за предстоящия празник. Събираха се на групички пред магазините, бъбреха и сочеха украсените витрини. Край тях бързаха усмихнати минувачи с натежали торби в ръцете си. Небето приличаше на бяло одеяло, а облаците обещаваха сняг. Надолу по улицата хор пееше "Желаем ви Весела Коледа".

Стр. 80 - "Стъклената кутия беше пълна с красиви коледни курабии и бисквити с различни форми - камбанки, елхи и малки червени чорапчета с бял кант. Витрината светеше и коледнаха елха беше украсена. В камината гореше огън, а над нея бяха закачени коледни чорапи по начина, по който баба ги подреждаше всяка година. Ноел вдиша масления аромат на кексчета и сладкиши и се усмихна."

Стр. 217 - "Коледа. Заслушай се. Чувам звънчетата на Дядо Коледа, музиката и разговорите на хората. Невероятно е."

Стр. 266 - "Разбрах, че независимо от всичко, което се случва в живота ни, винаги ще имаме Коледа, за да показваме любовта си един на друг."
Profile Image for Габриела Иванова.
279 reviews36 followers
December 15, 2021
Книжката беше симпатична, четеше се бързо и имаше за цел да ти придаде коледно настроение и да те отпусне.
Честно казано, до средата не знаех какво ми е мнението. Връзката на Ноел и Алекс ми дойде от нищото и беше наблегнато повече на проблемите с пекарната, отколкото на героите и не усещах много коледния дух. Обаче накрая ми стана доста празнично с цялото това правене на сладки, строене на джинджифилови къщички, купуване на подаръци, пързаляне с шейна и декориране.🥰 Направо да ти се прииска да си там и да се потопиш в атмосферата!
Имаше и едно нещо, което ме подразни леко и то беше цялото чудене между двамата главни дали се харесват, какви са си и т.н. Ако "връзката" им не беше започнала още от първа глава, то мисля, че щеше да бъде по-приятно и нямаше да се въртят в кръг през цялото време. Както и да е, това са дребни недостатъци. Ако не си падате по захаросани, клиширани и предвидими истории, а предпочитате нещо с върховна мисъл измежду редовете, то не смятам, че ще ви допадне. Ноо, ако обичате да четете коледни книги, носещи уют и топлина, значи би ви се харесала!😉
За малко да забравя да спомена Уилям. Неговата история ми беше много интересна за проследяване. Накрая взех, че предвидих накъде клонят нещата, но това не развали удоволствието от четенето.
А Алекс беше много мил, сладък и грижовен. Направи не един добър жест към Ноел и сина й. Отношението му към Лукас беше разтапящо сърцето. Много сладка гледка бяха тримата!
И не на последно място, посланието измежду страниците много ми хареса-как всеки етап от живота е една спирка, докато стигнеш крайната си дестинация. Поне аз така си го разтълкувах.
Заключението ми е, че това може да не е любимата ми история на Джени Хейл ("Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки" засега държи почетното място), но ми беше приятна за четене и й се насладих!
Profile Image for Terri  Wino.
733 reviews68 followers
December 12, 2017
I've got to hand it to Jenny Hale -- I don't know how she does it. I started this book feeling as if I was reading the same story she had written several times before. I thought it was ridiculous that Noelle was hired to be a caretaker for the elderly William -- and living in this mansion while doing so -- and yet, she was hardly ever home or taking care of him!

Then there's the "romance" with Alex. They spend a couple hours in each other's company and a kiss happens already. In the real world if your new employer brushed his lips across yours, I think the attorneys would be involved rather quickly. LOL! Moving on, in a matter of hours, Noelle and Alex suddenly have this deep connection and she's stressing over the state of their relationship.

This story is full of such nonsense and an utterly ridiculous plot in some parts. BUT THEN, as with her previous holiday books I've read, none of these implausible things matter anymore. Suddenly, you're swept into the story and you don't care any longer whether something makes sense or not. You start to get this warm, glowy feeling and -- like the Grinch himself -- your heart feels like it's growing in your chest. You get all teary over this corny story, and you smile at the perfect ending that you know is right around the corner.

I seriously don't understand how it happens, but I will just accept the cheesy goodness of these holiday books and look forward to next year's offering. Because I know I'll buy it...and I'll start out rolling my eyes and being all critical of it...and I'll have that Grinchy glow at the end. Every. Damn. Time.
November 20, 2020
"Винаги ще има Коледа" е една сладка коледна история.
Толкова приятна и уютна книжка.
Чете се бързо, унася те в историята, а докато четях се чувствах по същия начин, както когато гледам филм на Hallmark (на мен страхотно ми харесват за отмора).
December 23, 2018
Хем ми се четеше нещо тематично за празниците, хем се страхувах да подхвана тази авторка заради миналогодишната й бозица. И все пак прочетох я! С една идея е по-добра от "Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки", така че получава втора звезда, но си е също толкова скучна и сладникава. Малко по-реалистина като, че ли но доста сходна с първата. Отново красивия богаташ, който иска да живее в големия град, отново самотна майка с малко момченце, отново възрастен човек нуждаещ се от грижи и разбира се отново Коледа. Само дето тук беше намесена и семейната пекарна изправена пред фалит, но нали по Коледа стават чудеса, мацката спаси пекарната, влюбиха се с богаташа и заживели щастливо. Направо ужас хахахахахах
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,985 reviews542 followers
September 11, 2017
Pure perfection of a cracking Christmas story that had me entranced from cover to cover. This book is easily the best Christmas book I have read so far this year, and has me really feeling the spirit of Christmas throughout.

For its a story of many elements that meld together so well, in some ways that may surprise you, while I can see aspects of Christmas favourites in there too. For example the workaholic who needs to be reminded about the importance of family, the old man who is slightly grumpy, but has such good reasons for the way he is, to the attempt to keep a family bakery open. There are characters who need to follow their dreams, there is a little boy who sees the world a bit differently, and connects to the least likely of people.

And there is Noelle, who has the most festive name going, with a book that starts of feeling very Christmassy, and just turns into such a fabulous story. Noelle loves Christmas but this year things are tough, as the family bakery may be closing, her beloved Gram isn't with them anymore, and she needs a new job urgently.

The only job in sight is looking after William Harrington, in the family's mansion, where she and son Lucas are allowed to live. Only the Harringtons aren't Noelle's family's favourite people at the moment.

I've always thought that Jenny Hale excelled herself writing Christmas books, and she has completely outdone herself this year. You can't help but warm to the romantic hero in this book, and there are some simply magnificent romantic gestures that had me almost in tears (of joy I think).

There is a story of lost love, storylines of trying to find your place in the world, a 6 year old boy coming out of his shell, loads of snow, and the true magic of the festive season runs through the heart of this book.

I would love to say more but to be honest I'm in danger of either giving spoilers if I enthuse too much, or I'll be running out of superlatives!

Start your festive reading for the season off on the right foot, and take a look at We'll Always Have Christmas, I clearly highly recommend it!

Thank you so much to Bookouture and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Daniella.
200 reviews13 followers
December 16, 2021
Историята беше много приятна за четене, не натоварваше с нищо, не беше и някоя лигава коледна история. Наслаждавах се през цялото времето на обстановката, отношенията между хората, силната им връзка едни с други. Помага си, подкрепяха се и всички бяха като едно голямо семейство, а това нещо топлеше и моето сърце! Всичко беше много приятно и успя да ми създаде коледен дух, описанията бяха много красиви. Ноел ми хареса като герой, силна и борбена, не се отказа от мечтите и целите си. Справяше се много мъжки с нещата и дори да я разстроеше се нещо се държеше заради Лукас. Не успях да усетя обаче връзката на Ноел и Алекс през цялата книги, а може би само в последните 10 страници. Малко като на сила все едно трябва да се съберат, защото просто трябва да стане така. Това бих го определила като минус, но пък краят много компенсира всичко, защото беше сладко и отново имаше магия. Историята на Уилям беше много интересна и мистериозна, държеше в напрежение, въпреки че по едно време стана ясно какво е още преди да се разкрие. Няма какво толкова да искам от една коледна книга, освен да ми донесе празнично настроение и тази го направи. Не мога да изисквам някакви засукани и нечувани сюжети, това са си клиширани историйки, които просто ги приемаш и се наслаждаваш, или пък ги мразиш, хах. Ако сте фенове на коледните филми за разпускане то тази книга ще ви хареса, ако не сте и искате нещо, което дълбоко да ви удари в емоции - е, това не е вашата книга. Аз съм доволна от прочетеното, доста бързо се минаваше през страниците и да, харесва ми.

Появи ми се и един любим цитат, който няма как да не споделя:
"...., веднъж баба ми каза, че животът ни е поредица от спирки по пътя към мястото, където принадлежим."
Profile Image for Paris_love.
274 reviews16 followers
December 21, 2019
През Декември обичам да чета точно такива книга - романтични , леки и разтоварващи . Почти от самото начало е ясно как ще се развие действието и каква ще е развръзката , но въпреки това книгата зарежда с коледно настроение и позитивизъм :) https://booumouse.blogspot.com/2019/1...
Profile Image for Julia Sarene.
1,428 reviews172 followers
December 13, 2017
This one was very predictable even for a romantic Christmas story, and the characters once again are just too good to be true - especially as it's all of them, but I did really enjoy it anyway! A cute and heartwarming story that definitely kept me in a festive mood. And even if they are too good to be true - I did like them, and it was good spending time with them.
Profile Image for Цвети Запрева.
61 reviews5 followers
November 14, 2022
Ноел е самотна майка, която се грижи за шестгодишния си син Лукас.
Наближават празници, а животът й е пълна каша - уволнена е от работа, а пекарната която е принадлежала на нейната баба предстои да бъде затворена.
Изправена пред трудности Ноел приема предлаганата й работа - да се грижи за възрастния богаташ Уилям Харингтън.
Заедно със сина си, тя се пренася в неговото имение, където се запознава с неговият внук Александър.
Възрастият мъж крие дълбоко пазени тайни и може би Ноел ще му помогне да се помири с миналото си.
Ноел ще се опита да внесе коледния дух в имението, като същевременно не се е отказала да спаси пекарната.
В сметките й не влиза единствено да се влюби в работохолик като Александър Харингтън.

"Винаги ще има Коледа" е сладка и приятна история, в която се говори за с��мейството, за домашният уют, за традициите... и за това, че на празниците никой не трябва да бъде сам.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alison.
878 reviews68 followers
September 29, 2017
As soon as there is talk of a Jenny Hale book I’m there! We’ll Always Have Christmas satisfied my need and surpassed expectation. And yes it’s another Christmas book in September! In case you haven’t noticed the mad rush for the festive season has begun.

Jenny has such a sweet style of writing she is able to blend several layers so they all run smoothly into one story. This has mum Noelle and her six year old son Lucas in the midst of trying to save the family bakery business. She is also a carer for a cantankerous old man, William.

While trying to create a Christmas feel at the mansion where he lives she gets to meet his grandson Alexander, can romance and the warmth of the season bring them all together?

There are plenty of tales of lost loves, mystery and tragedy mixed with the growth of a child’s confidence all mingled with snow, magic and baking.

A very cute story exploring the relevance of family relationships, forgiveness and caring. Warm, cosy, friendly and utterly charming. A great set of characters will enable you to experience the whole miracle of Christmas, encompassing the food, aromas, weather etc while reading.

If you haven’t tried a book by Jenny Hale you really should.

Thanks to the author, publisher and netgalley for my copy which I read and reviewed voluntarily
Profile Image for Eva.
176 reviews24 followers
November 18, 2020
Миналата година по това време я започнах и зарязах на десетата страница, защото ми се стори много елементарно написана. Не съм си променила мнунието, но си мисля, че аудио форматът спаси положениет��. Или поне го направи една идея по-поносимо.
С две думи - клиширана, но чаровна. Ясно ти е какво ще стане, но четеш (слушаш), защото бозавите любовни историйки без какъвто и да било шанс да просъществуват в реалността ти доставят удоволствие.
Profile Image for Galya Ozan.
136 reviews18 followers
November 26, 2018
" Дори всичко да се обърка, винаги ще имаме Коледа, която да оправи нещата."
Profile Image for Gemma.
829 reviews65 followers
November 17, 2020
This is the second Christmas book I've read by Jenny Hale and I am totally hooked.
She captures everything that is Christmas so perfectly.
Friendship, family, gingerbread, peppermint and romance.
The characters that she has created in both the books I've read have all been so kind, honest and lovable.

Both stories held forgiveness and hidden truths, and were both so delightful.

A perfect book for right now.
Profile Image for Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader.
1,311 reviews174 followers
November 23, 2021
This was another sweet romance by Hale. It was slow but the ending was worth it to me.
I have read so many of Hales books that I have to say she is one of my top five favorite authors now.
25 reviews
December 10, 2018
If you made a bot watch every Hallmark Christmas movie then asked it to write a script for one, it might be better than this book.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,736 reviews530 followers
December 23, 2019
3.5 Stars

In case you haven’t noticed, the last minute rush for the festive season is at full speed. Frazzled shoppers, kids home for Christmas break and all kinds of last minute chores to be accomplished (those cut-outs still need to be decorated). Yet, it's also a time when we need a break to catch our breath, and a warm and cozy book always serves the purpose well.

With only three books left in my Twelve Days of Christmas books-on-review, I'm marking this one off the list with this review. With a story that has a nostalgic feel to it and maybe a little out of step with today's world, there are several different arcs woven together with the addition of a stocking full of angst and a dash of mystery surrounding a priceless heirloom diamond ring that’s been missing for years. Young and old participate in making this an enjoyable and romantic holiday novel. Check out the book blurb because I’m choosing nice over naughty – hoping to avoid finding a lump of coal in my stocking on Christmas morning – for being a spoiler.

From the single mom to a billionaire hero, the efforts to save a beloved family bakery, a case of the haves and the have-nots, two romantic entanglements, along with deep commitment to family and those with broken family ties, I loved the different family dynamics running throughout the different arcs. The author did a fabulous job in guiding readers through each variation that ties them altogether. Her writing is smooth and well-paced and easy to follow. No potholes along the way.

Readers will find all they’re looking for wrapped up in this Christmas tale. There’s a wonderful cast of characters to keep any reader happy. You want a classic sexy-as-sin hero – check. How about a beautiful single mom who is always putting her heart on the line to make things better for others? Check that off, too. And a very knowledgeable shy and sweet little boy who'll turn your heart to mush – well, hello there Lucas. And then there are the moms, dads and grandparents, as well. And even a nosy but well-meaning sister. Combined, they all bring something meaningful to a story filled with conflict, love and joy. A heart-tugging story that captures the melancholy of the season and the hopeful promise of Christmas.

Oh! And a very, very merrily-ever-after as well.

Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,123 reviews126 followers
February 5, 2018

Sorry I'm late to the party but I love to read Christmas novels all year round so I can feel the magic whenever I feel down.

Jenny Hale is one of my favorite seasonally authors,her books catch my attention right away with the pretty covers and they keep it with the heartwarming words.

I've enjoyed to read this story so much,I grew attached to all the characters even the grumpy ones.
Noelle,our heroine,feels pretty stressed thinking about the future now that her plan to run her gram's bakery is pretty messed up. I liked her love for her family and friends that will never leave her alone and how thanks to them she finds some hope again.

Profile Image for Angie.
1,157 reviews86 followers
November 13, 2017
LOVED this book! Jenny Hale has a way with words that just gets me so emotionally tied into a book. Especially her Christmas books. Another feel good story with romance, moving on, and warm fuzzies that will probably bring a few tears. It’s a big focus on family and what they mean and also about putting things in perspective and keeping the past where it belongs. Lovely festive atmosphere that will have you begging for holiday magic in your own life. Highly recommended holiday read!

*Many thanks to NetGalley, Jenny Hale, & Bookouture for an ARC to read and review*
Profile Image for Natalie TBGWP.
401 reviews23 followers
September 6, 2017
No one does feel good reading full of heartwarming beautiful romance and warm and magical Christmas' better than our very own Mrs. Claus, Jenny Hale.
We'll Always Have Christmas is testament to that.
Profile Image for Sonya.
195 reviews8 followers
December 20, 2019
Тръгнах с големи очаквания към тази книга, но уви. "Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки" много ми допадна и като първа прочетена книга от Джени Хейл реших, че и другите й ще са толкова добри. През цялото време имах чувството, че романът е писан copy - paste от предишния. Пак самотна майка с шест годишен син, работеща като болногледачка на дядото/бабата на секси богаташ, който е отчаяно влюбен в главната героиня и се разкъсва между това да замине да живее в Ню Йорк и това да е с нея. Май доста издадох от книгата, та ако ви се чете по-добрият роман изберете "Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки".
Profile Image for Donna Maguire.
4,505 reviews115 followers
September 29, 2017

This for me was a truly feel good festive read!

I had fallen in love with the story after just a few pages and I sat and read it in one evening, the words flowed, the characters were spot on and the plot kept me entertained throughout. Genuinely loved it and I could easily sit and read it again over the festive period.

Jenny Hale is and remains one of my go to authors for when I need a genuine pick me up - so glad she has just signed a new contract for more books - I cannot wait!!
Profile Image for Mark.
1,335 reviews
November 3, 2017
Not my usual choice of book or genre.....the book is very atmospheric ...loved the images it brought to mind of Christmas and the feel of Christmas on every page,,liked the characters especially Noelle,and I wanted to visit the bakery!!! flowed well and a book to enjoy leading up to and including Crimbo.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 274 reviews

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