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Sutter Lake #3

Beautifully Broken Spirit

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She’s always been his safe place to land.

Jensen has shared a special bond with Tuck for as long as she can remember, their friendship a language that never needed words. But as life threw her one curveball after another, that secret language turned to stony silence.

He’s always been her protector.

Tuck has looked out for Jensen since the day she was born. As his best friend’s little sister, he’s tried to keep her firmly in the friend category. But she’s always been more.

All it takes is one moment of weakness to send Tuck’s fiercely guarded walls crumbling to the ground. As a new fire burns between them, someone watches. Someone who doesn’t like the new life Jensen’s building for herself.

And they’ll stop at nothing to keep her in the dark.

336 pages, Paperback

First published October 22, 2019

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About the author

Catherine Cowles

35 books20.8k followers
Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 843 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,625 reviews25.1k followers
September 30, 2019
Beautifully Broken Spirit is book three in the Sutter Lake series by Catherine Cowles. This is Catherine’s fourth book and I’ve read them all. I have fallen in love with every one of these books. Catherine’s writing has such a way of sweeping me away, right into the world she has created. This is Jensen and Tuck’s story. It can be read as a stand alone but as in most series, the other characters do recur in each book. So you just wouldn’t have the connection to them if you haven’t read the others. And you would be missing out on a lot of awesomeness!

Jensen Cole is Walker’s younger sister and owner of The Tea Kettle. She is a single parent to her nine year old adorable son, Noah. Jensen has had two relationships in her past, both which ended horribly. One gave her Noah, and one was with a man who almost killed her brother and his fiancé. She can’t forgive herself and doubts her own instincts now. How could she have trusted them?

Tucker (Tuck) Harris has been best friends with Jensen’s brother Walker all their lives. So, he’s known Jensen all her life. They have always been close, understanding each other on a level no one else did. But Jensen was his best friends little sister, so she was off limits. Tuck has a reputation for being a player, a ladies man. Never more than one night with a woman. That’s all he ever wanted. Because the only real woman he wants, he can’t have.

Tuck and Jensen both begin to realize that the chemistry between them isn’t going away but getting stronger. But what if things go wrong? Would their friendship be destroyed? And what would Jensen’s brother, Walker, do if he found out?

wild mustangs in the snow

Jensen’s biggest joy in life besides her son is the wild mustangs. She operates a mustang sanctuary on her family’s ranch. Sitting and watching the beautiful animals brings her a peace she finds no where else. But not everyone else feels the same way. The beautiful animals are in danger from the ranchers that don’t want them around.

couple sitting on a rock

As Jensen and Tuck are trying to figure out how to navigate the new feelings between them, they also find themselves in the middle of a dangerous conflict between the ranchers that want to get rid of the mustangs and those that wish to protect them. At the same time, Jensen’s past also comes back to haunt them, adding more stress to their lives.

This book! I already loved Tuck from the previous books. He and Jensen were perfect together. But their feelings were so new and there was so much going on in their lives. This was the perfect mix of sweetness, sexy hotness, and suspense. Catherine always seems to know just how to keep us on the edge of our seats! I enjoyed this so much. The next book in the series is going to be Beautifully Broken Control. I’m not sure who it’s about BUT I can tell you who I hope to get to know better, Tuck and Walker’s hacker friend, Cain. I am so intrigued by him.

Again, I loved this book, these characters. I’m so looking forward to seeing what Catherine Cowles is doing next.

“I wanted more. I wanted everything.”

For more about this book and so many more, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,021 followers
March 22, 2020
standalone series

#1 beautifully broken pieces — 3 stars
#2 beautifully broken life — 2.5 stars
#3 beautifully broken spirit — 3.75 stars
#4 beautifully broken control — 3 stars

what can i say, im a simple girl. gimme a good ol' small town romance book set in a wild and breathtakingly beautiful countryside ranch area featuring a strong independent heroine and mixed with a dash of mystery, a great family dynamic, and a sweet love story. you'd make me the happiest girl alive for at least the six to eight hours it takes me to finish the book. seriously, this book is like my dream life!!

this installment is definitely my favorite in the series so far. reading a best friends to lovers romance can be a hit or miss for me sometimes. im glad this book did not disappoint in that regard. i love how friendship comes naturally with jensen and tuck. they've both had traumatic experience that made them scared of commitment, so the idea of them being together is kind of daunting.

i dont like that their romance blooms out of a friends with benefit arrangement though. i also hate when heroes or heroines in books disappear or end things with their partners just bcs they selfishly think their partners would be better off. oh, but wait, have i mentioned that i love kids?? noah is pretty much the highlight of this entire series. gah he's so adorable!!

i dont stress this enough, but i really appreciate the family dynamics in this book. the entire cole family is a blessing. they're so warm and welcoming and drama free, it made me wish i was a part of them. now, the suspense aspect of the story is quite satisfying. i just dont like the fact that all the bad guys end up dead. i noticed since the first book, this has become a 'thing'. i just wish they'd been dealt with differently.
Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
597 reviews1,851 followers
October 21, 2019
3.75 stars

This was such a surprisingly good book! I didn’t know what to expect going into this book since its my first one by this author and I didn’t read the previous ones in the series -I’m going to change that tho- but it was such a pleasant surprise.

This was a sweet friend’s to lovers book that was done so well. Jensen is a single mom who has been through a lot, and she kind of had given up on love. Lucky for her Tuck was always there to help her. Tuck used to be a playboy, and now he’s uncertain if he’s right for Jensen. Together they were so adorable. I might have a hard time connecting with them, but they were great characters.

This book was so sweet, full of suspense, with a great family dynamics, and awesome supporting characters. I might have enjoyed the first half a little bit more than the second one, but it was still enjoyable overall. The author has delivered up a wonderful story for Jensen and Tuck.

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review, Thank you so much.

Song recommendation:
Wildest dreams by Taylor Swift
Water under the bridge by Adele
Profile Image for Ri ♡ .
341 reviews1,042 followers
April 21, 2024
⟶ 3.5 stars

“I love you just as you are, as you were meant to be. Wild and free.”

Beautifully Broken Spirit is an emotional and gripping story about two bestfriends. It's a romantic-suspense story by Catherine set in the same small town of Sutter Lake. The story is emotional, intense, cute and wholesome. I had some high hopes because Jensen and Tuck always intrigued me in previous books and I wanted to know more about their friendship and pasts. From the moment we first saw Tuck and Jensen interact earlier in the series I suspected that there was more to their friendship – little glances and Tuck’s protectiveness over Jensen were fun little clues.

“She had always been there. For almost as long as I could remember, she’d always been a part of me.”

I liked Jensen and she's fierce and protective of her loved ones especially Noah and I love that about her. Tuck is just like her but he's a playboy who doesn't want kids and marriage because his parents failure marriage has left it's mark on him, but he wants something more with Jensen and Noah... something more than just their usual friends with benefits situationship. I love how Tuck was a figure to Noah for all the years and their bonding moments is one of the best thing in this book.

“We might end up regretting this. It might be the wrong choice, whatever that means. But if we stop taking risks, we stop living. I don’t want that for you. And I sure as hell don’t want that for myself.”

The romance was done so well. It was immensely satisfying watching these two come together, but to keep things simple, they decide to keep it friends-with-benefits without getting too emotionally involved. Of course, neither of them acknowledge that they are already emotionally involved, so it was wonderful watching them navigate the changes to their relationship and all that it means. I liked how their relationship progressed and how Tuck accepted his feelings for Jensen even though he was terrified of breaking Jensen’s heart.

“You’ve always had a wildness to you. It’s been missing for a while, but it’s coming back. And when I light that match, your eyes burn with it.”
Jensen’s cheeks heated. I brushed the hair out of her face, kissing each temple and then her forehead. “Don’t get embarrassed. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

My problem with this book was the suspense part. Tuck and Jensen were perfect but the suspense part kind of made this book boring for me. I don't why but it now feels repetitive with the same endings where heroine gets kidnapped by the villain and then she's tortured but then hero comes and saves her. It's kind of dramatic and Catherine uses this same tactic for all her books. I hope this changes soon because I really love her books.
Profile Image for Lilyya ♡.
363 reviews2,182 followers
February 23, 2023
4 stars.

" I often forgot how well she fit into my life. Because she had always been there. For almost as long as I could remember, she’d always been a part of me "

I’m usually not a fan of "brother’s best friend” romances. Something has always irritated me.. from the "do not sniff near my sister, she’s off limits!" to sneaking around and doing the forbidden relationship. just not to upset Big Bro.

Haha ! Men..☕️

Jensen and Tuck basically grow up together and have been best friends most of their lives. I think this detail was decisive for me to actually like the romance. Because it was the fact the two of them meant actually something for each other aside for her being his best friend’s sister.

"Life is full of horrible things, Tuck. Are you going to protect me from all of them? Then I’ll barely be living. Newsflash, bucko, you have to experience the bad so you appreciate the good. I don’t want you to shield me. I want you to stand next to me."

*Throwing my feminism out the window*

I absolutely adore how Catherine Cowles main male characters are overly protective with their beloved. Jensen wasn’t reckless and seeing the circonstances of the events —ofc there was a lot of mystery and evil side characters— and her actually being a mom was the right way to paint her personnage, but it doesn’t stop Tuck to go all mama bear on her all the time!!

"Jensen had always seen more of me than anyone else. Knew the secrets I held deep inside. Every single thing I hid away from the view of the world. Every single thing…save one. And that was one secret she’d never know "

Tuck was convinced to not be feat for a monogamous lifestyle but yet was pretty in love with Jensen since childhood. (But it didn’t stop him from messing around with a lot of women. Huh.)👀
Jensen had crush on him during high school but never acted on it. She practically convinced herself over the years that them being together was impossible and too risky for their friendship and Tuck’s role in the Cole family( Jensen’s).

"Between Noah’s father and Bryce, it was safe to say that if I became interested in a man, the only thing I should do is run in the opposite direction "

I was kinda heartbroken for Jensen at the end of the previous book in the series cuz she had a succession of disastrous relationships but the last one literally wrecked her. Poor thing didn’t deserve that.

It was supposed to be a single parent romance as well but we didn’t witness a lot of parenting moments or Tuck/ Noah moments. I love seeing the kids being a constant in the storyline but at times I completely forget that she was a mother..

We unfortunately didn’t escape the heavily testosterone moment. "not my sister!" and the "he’s not good enough for you".

For once I suspected the right coupable, yay!
Profile Image for The Book Bee.
567 reviews276 followers
October 25, 2019
"Couldn't stay away, Wilder. You're like a drug."

I must admit, Catherine Cowles surprises me. With each release of hers I'm reading, I'm falling more and more in love with her voice, her style of writing - her stories in general. She has such a unique flow to her words. There's a real intimacy to her small town romances and she completely sucks me in from the first page. The innocence and the familiarity of the town and its people, that's what makes me love her. This being my fourth book of hers, I am completely devoted to her stories now. Might as well plan my calendar around her releases now....I'm a goner.

There’s such a softness to her words, and she tells the story as if it was one passed down over the years, generation after generation. I can feel the sense of awe in her words when she talks about a love so powerful that there is no denying it. A beauty your eyes can’t put into words, but the vision steals your thoughts. A land so majestic that the stories, you can hear them on the wind. Her storytelling is like that, for me. I love the pace, the story, the visuals, and the love between her characters.

Was I watching Jensen grow from a worried, lost girl who had her heart broken into a tough, no effs given badass? Yes. Yes I was. And boy, was that a journey. I loved her strength, but I also loved her vulnerability, even though she wanted to hide behind it. There was so much reality and truth to her fight and her emotions that I couldn't help but connect with her on a deeper level. Her sarcasm made me giggle, but I also loved the way she didn't give up and kept fighting for HERself. She definitely gave me a better mental picture of a strong woman.

But, saying how strong Jensen was, it definitely took a confident man to know when to stand next to her and when to carry her. A man smart enough to know that difference is seriously the sexiest thing to ever read or see in a man. Tenacity. Strength. Adoration. Tuck had it all and gave it out so generously to Jensen, but watching their relationship morph from one level to the next definitely had its growing pains. I couldn't put this book down and it read so smoothly and easily.

"You don't fight fair."
"Never said I would."

The visual alone, the one Cowles gave my mind's eye a view of - that was perfection. I envisioned Tuck and his comforting arms holding her. The strength in his convictions and the protective side of him showing while he ground his jaw together in frustration - I saw that muscle in his cheek jump. And with Jensen? I could see her hair floating on the breeze, and her running around ragged at the Kettle while trying to think about Noah and her horses. I saw the excitement of those horses and the worry they shared; the fear their pacing provided. Cowles gave me a story that I could envision AS it happened, and that's all because her words were descriptive and flowed amazingly clear.

"Being around Jensen was the most beautiful form of torture."

I won’t even begin to be able to put into words how this book affected me; how it made me feel - let alone, the reading experience was pure joy, no matter how hard Tuck and Jensen had it. This love had the perfect balance of give and take. The hidden smiles, the real fears, the angering reality, but it also had the true love. Oh gosh, that love!! This kind of love is what love stories are made of.

This little town has some seriously crazy antics happening in and around it - aka, drama. But while that all happened - for me, the drama didn't detract from the story. It brought out the family strengths and the truth of their love for one another. It brought out the realization of a love someone wasn't too sure they were good enough for. Yes, drama was in the storyline, but it had its place and I really enjoyed this story as a whole. This was definitely a romantic suspense, so the drama fit the storyline for what it was. Was it predictable? Sure, some of it was - but that never stopped me from reading further, since I wanted to see how it all buttoned up.

My favorite part, besides their whole love story? Their nicknames. I laughed so much!

I love when books are centered around my own home state. With Cowles' words, I could picture the foothills of the mountain, the hills and rocky crags that littered the valleys. And I could most definitely sense the hitch in my breath at the beauty before me standing atop a mountain. Our state is absolutely beautiful, and I feel Like she blended beauty with her words exceptionally well. She gave me a 'picture' to see while I was reading this book. I am so in love with this series and I cannot wait for Beautifully Broken Control. Like, I am ridiculously giddy for that one.

''He was comfort and fire all at the same time."

Purchase on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2PufPR9
(affiliate link)

Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,223 reviews13.5k followers
October 21, 2020
4.5 Wilder Stars for Beautifully Broken Spirit!

Why on earth is this my first Catherine Cowles book! I met this beauty at Book Bonanza, and she was kind enough to send me an ARC..I literally devoured this. Tuck and Jensen, and their best friends to lovers romance was just what I needed. I love a single mom that falls for her brother’s best friend.

This story had everything:

The perfect amount of tension, both sexual and warring against what was undeniable between them. Tuck, a bit of a playboy, no longer wanted that life, but warred with the uncertainty that he was right for Jensen. Jensen, a broken single mom, who had given up on love for herself, was totally focused on raising her son alone. I don’t want to spoil anything, but this story had it all. Romance, suspense, a mystery/thriller element and full on S-T-E-A-M.

Now I must go back and read the rest of CC’s masterpieces!
Profile Image for Crystal.
342 reviews32 followers
August 13, 2019
Absolutely blown away!!! Tuck and Jensen.... I knew from the moment I read Beautifully Broken Pieces that I wanted Jensen and Tuck’s story, yet I can’t believe what I just read. The author has a serious way with words that just flow.

This beautiful story needs to be rated over 5 stars. One of the best books I have read in 2019 that is for sure. Character development is spot on. Plot just flows and it keeps you turning the page. The detail throughout the book is simply amazing. You feel as if you are on that boulder with Jensen and her mustangs! Beautifully Broken Spirit, just like the rest of the books from the Sutter Lake Series, has an element of suspense. Catherine Cowles seriously nails romantic suspense!!

I am not sure what else I can say, this is one that will be reread very soon
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
936 reviews520 followers
August 27, 2023
“I want you to be so happy, so full of joy it seeps out of your skin.”
My breath hitched. “Maybe one day.”
“Yeah, one day.”

“You’re not alone, Jensen. Families can take any shape, and sometimes, the unique ones are the most beautiful.”

- Who is the Hero? Tucker Harris - Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer - extremely skilled at tracking
- Tucker has been best friends with Jensen’s brother since before they could even talk. So Jensen has always been a part of his life. Over the years they formed their own close relationship, but it’s never gone out of the friend zone.
~ “We always accepted each other just as we were. No pretense or pressure. When we were together, we could just be.”

Tuck’s dad is a cheater, so his home life has never been one surrounded in love. However, he is very close with Walker and Jensen’s family and they mean the world to him. He’s not willing to risk losing the family he loves, so he’s not willing to cross the friend line when it comes to Jensen.

- Who is the Heroine? Jensen Cole - owner of The Tea Kettle and horse rescuer
- Jensen is a single mom to her nine year old son, Noah. Jensen has only been in two serious relationships. One guy left her when she was pregnant. The second guy turned out the be the man who tried to kill her brother and his fiancé. She hasn’t been able to forgive herself for the havoc the second man rained down on the lives of her loved ones. Her spirit is broken.
Besides owning the Tea Kettle, Jensen runs a mustang rescue. She loves the horses and finds peace just being in their presence.
- “Whenever life felt out of control, this was where I wanted to go. To see the beauty the world had to offer. The magic. The wildness that still reigned free.”

Just like the mustangs she rescues, all she needs is the right man to unconditionally love her and show her that she can trust her instincts and that she has value beyond measure.

Plot overview:
Jensen is broken and Tuck just wants to see some spark of life in her again.
~ “The girl I’d known all her life had a wildness to her. An unnamable quality that couldn’t be tamed. She’d lost that over the past year, that wildfire in her eyes, gone. And I’d do whatever I could to help her get it back.”

She has leaned on Tuck in the past, and he’s not willing to allow her to pull away from the family and especially from him.
~ “I feel so damn guilty. And sometimes being around everyone just makes me feel worse.”
I brushed my lips against the top of her head. “You have to forgive yourself, J. No one blames you. We just miss you.”

Jensen knows she can trust Tuck, but she’s not sure she can trust the feelings that seem to be sparking between them.

** The following are my thoughts about this book: **
* * My heart went out to Jensen. She was really struggling with what happened in book one and her feelings were understandable.

* * The switch from best friends to lovers worked for me. The introduction to their feelings as they moved from friends to “more” was something the author eased into. Their transition was believable.

* * I had a few guesses for the bad guy. I will say I was surprised how it ultimately unfolded. The bad guy in book one wasn’t obvious either, so this author does a good job of throwing in some red herrings and weaving a less obvious conclusion.

* * sometimes it felt like Noah was younger than 9 and that was a bit of a disconnect that bothered me a tiny bit

* * I was glad to see that Jensen didn’t keep the blackmail to herself. She leaned on others and I enjoy when family and friends pull together to fight against a bad guy rather than one person trying to fight it all by themselves.

* * perfect amount of description. Enough that I could picture the meadow and the horses and I could “feel” the peace, but not so much that I became overwhelmed with descriptive writing

* * the last 25% had a lot packed into it. I would have preferred it to be spread a bit more throughout the book rather than everything coming to a head in the last quarter of the book.

- Content Warning: cheating/alcoholic parent
- Setting: Sutter Lake (somewhere around Pacific Northwest)
- Do you need to read previous books in series?: I would recommend reading previous books. Some critical backstory happens in book one.
- POV: Dual POV
- Tropes: best friends sister, friends to lovers, secret relationship, single mom
- h virgin? No
- First time they kiss: 31%
- First time they sleep together: 32%
- Safe sex? Yes. Condoms were used
- First time they say I Love You 85%
- steamy? Yes. Descriptive bedroom scenes
- Chemistry? I thought Tuck and Jensen had great chemistry. They had years of friendship as their foundation, so their scenes together had that mix of long-time comfortableness coupled with new sexy sparks. It was a good combination.
~ ~ “I’ve loved you since before I knew what the word even meant. That love has shifted and changed through the years. Because, what I didn’t realize, was that love is a living, breathing thing. I’ve loved you as a brother, as a friend, as my first crush, as my lifeline, as the person who sets my soul free. You call me Wilder, but it’s you who helps me be that way. I’m never more free to be who I am than when I’m with you.”
- OW/OM drama? A little bit. Although Jensen was not interested in the OM, he did create a bit of drama
- H/h cheat? No
- Time apart? No
- Did I skip pages? No
- Big secrets? Tuck and Jensen didn’t hide anything from each other, but they did hide their friends with benefits status from their friends/family
- Did I cry? No
- Did I laugh? Not really. Although mine year old Noah has a few cute scenes
- Did I swoon🥰? yes. Tuck is swoony
- Cliffhanger? No
- HEA? Yes
- Epilogue? one year later
- Recommend? Yes

“Being scared just means you care about something.”

“I’m not a dog, you know.”
“Believe me, I know. A dog would listen.”

“If we stop taking risks, we stop living.”

“I think when you’re used to life a certain way, even if that way is miserable, it takes a lot to break free of that.”

“What he gave me was just like the spirit of these horses. We’d been broken, but now we had a safe place to rest and a person who helped us be truly free.”
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,179 reviews928 followers
December 18, 2019
This is a sweet book. Standard sweet book. The writing is bit off for my taste. Some part can be written better, or edited better. The plot and the story can be more deepened. There is a lot o horses involve in the story. I am not a pet fan nor ever grow up in farm. The twist and the plot is standard.

What I am looking is something that tugs, or left something for me to drool on the romance. The sex scenes are very dry. The character chemistry also dry. I need more connection between the hero and the heroine.

Overall, I do like the story but the writing can be improved.

3 stars
Profile Image for Somia.
2,064 reviews151 followers
January 17, 2021
3.5 Cosy & Light Stars

This third book us the story of Jensen Cole and Tucker (Tuck) Harris, respectively the sister and best-friend of the hero from book 1. Jensen is a single mum to her sweet 9 year old son - Noah. Jensen has had two relationships in her past, both which ended horribly. One gave her Noah, and one was with a man who . She can’t forgive herself for what she feels was her fault, and doubts her own instincts.

Tucker (Tuck) Harris fears looking in the mirror and seeing his dad, so he keeps away from series relationships (have a 3 night/day rule), he and Jenson have always had a unique bond, and once they start to see each other different, once the spark of attraction ignites there's no going back - no the question is will their fears and danger getting closer and closer, destroy the magic that could.

Dual POV keeps the pacing good and helps keep the reader engaged.

One thing that I didn't like here was the positioning of Tuck as a manwhore, that layer of his personality/character was just wholly unnecessary.
Profile Image for Meagan.
205 reviews73 followers
May 1, 2023
Rating: 5 Stars
Spice: 3.5/5

Beautifully Broken Spirit by Catherine Cowles is book three of The Sutter Lake series. This is a brother’s best friend/friends to lovers, single mother, small town romance novel. This is Jensen and Tuck’s book and it is my favorite so far. I kept waiting to get to this one and I love this beautiful story of how two broken people came together.

I love the suspense and mystery behind these novels. Catherine does an amazing job of bringing the story to life and making it flow effortlessly. The suspense with the romance easily makes this a five star book.

Happy Reading ♥️
Profile Image for Ally.Always.Reads.
755 reviews134 followers
October 4, 2019
Catherine Cowles is magic. No joke.
The woman is amazing with a laptop.
How does she do it?!

I have been looking forward to Jensen’s story since book one... because I love me some single parent books. And I was not disappointed!
Tuck and Jensen had so much emotion and depth. I absolutely adored them.
Honestly I didn’t want it to end so I tried to read slowly but I wanted to know their whole story so I gobbled it up quickly! #readerprobs
Profile Image for Meredith Wilson.
383 reviews40 followers
October 15, 2019
Gah! I absolutely love Catherine's writing, and I am undeniably a fan. She crafts such richly developed stories, and the way that she vividly depicts all of the little details really bring the setting to life. She peels the layers back on her characters truly giving us readers the chance to get to know them. There is a suspenseful edge to Catherine's storytelling in her Sutter Lake series, and as such, she ties all the components of her writing together through engrossing plots with a suspense arc that was just as riveting as the romantic arc. Beautifully Broken Spirit not only captured my attention immediately but also held it the whole way through.

Jensen Cole is Walker's younger sister and owner of The Kettle. Between work, being a single mom to a nine year old boy and taking care of the wild mustangs, she doesn't have time for much else. And a relationship is simply out of the question. Both of her past relationships ended badly. The first one got her pregnant and then split town, and the other one almost got her brother and his fiancé killed. The guilt over that has plagued her, and she has never been able to forgive herself.

Tucker Harris has been best friends with Jensen's brother Walker since they were kids. Therefore he has known Jensen pretty much his whole life. These two have always been close, but being that she's his best friend's sister, he knows that she is strictly off limits. Besides, Tuck is a ladies' man who doesn't spend more than one night with a woman. That's all he's ever desired because deep down, the one woman he truly wants he knows that he can't have.

Despite trying to fight it, the chemistry between them wasn't going away. In fact, it absolutely sizzled and grew stronger with each passing day. Then after a moment of weakness, everything began to change. Jensen and Tuck care deeply for one another, something that is evident in all of their interactions. It is easy for them, and the reader, to see them together, but real life situations kept getting in the way. Will their friendship survive if everything goes south? And what would Walker do if he were ever to find out?

Beautifully Broken Spirit was so much more than a simple love story. It was about finding love and overcoming whatever obstacles were in the way in order to keep it. It was about sacrificing it all for love, whether it be romantic love or parental. There was definitely some heartache to be endured before finally getting to the happily ever after, but even so, this was a passionate and sexy love story that left me swooning in my seat. All in all, I have loved every single second of this series and definitely recommend that you don't pass it up.

Profile Image for megan ◡̈.
402 reviews209 followers
January 7, 2024
if i had a nickel for every crazy killer man this small town has had i’d have four which isn’t a lot BUT CRAZY THAT ITS HAPPENED FOUR TIMES
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,216 reviews990 followers
July 27, 2023

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨✨

First Impressions
Beautifully Broken Spirit is the third book in the "Sutter Lake" series and its a book where we see the romance finally happen between these two which has been slowly building in the previous books and I just knew that their story would be such a journey. Catherine Cowles really worked their story so well in this one. I just had a blast with these two and seeing their romance really shine so well. And you all know how much I adore a forbidden love tale and in this one we really see how well they work together and work through their issues and find a love in a way neither expected but both were willing to fight for.

First Line
The wind lifted my hair off my neck, swirling it around my face.

What I Loved
This is a story where we see two people really struggling in different ways. For the heroine, she is dealing with a massive amount of guilt of being used and betrayed and that her loved ones were hurt because of her decisions with men. She starts to lose trust in herself and her own decisions and how its starting to affect her in such a negative way. Than we have the hero who is a bit of a playboy, but really, he loves sex and women and isn't ashamed about it but part of it comes from how his father has treated his mother and his own lack of self worth. But as these two come together, they both help each other in their issues. There was a great explosion with the brother. But man was he clueless, the rest of the family saw them being together except for him so when the truth happens, its brilliant. I just love the explosions with this trope, its always so entertaining to read for sure. And I really loved seeing the balance of the heroine being a mother, the way that its written, is done in such a way that is so endearing.

What I Struggled With
I had a hard time with these two in the beginning, I am not sure what was happening, but I wasn't quite on board with them until later in the story to be honest.

Overall View
Beautifully Broken Spirit is a endearing poignant romance of healing and building your self worth in such a relative way!

Favorite Quote(s)
“My Wilder.” He brushed his lips against mine. “I like you just as you were meant to be. Wild and free.”

Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Character Types: Law Enforcement, Chef/Baker
Themes: Small Town, Tear Jerker, Kids/Teens, Danger/Suspense, Tear Jerker, Pining Heroine
Tropes: Unrequited Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Forbidden Love, Best Friend's Sister

Book Perspective

Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict
A bit of both

Song This Book Inspires
Stop This Train by John Mayer

Recommendation For Reading Order
Yes I do recommend reading this series in order if you can.

Steam/Spice Explanations

Warmin' by the fire- a medium level of sexual tension, a balance of sexual and emotional intimacy, lighter on the details in the sexual moments.

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Profile Image for Rachael &#x1f940;.
465 reviews28 followers
May 21, 2023
Tuck and Jensen = true soulmates from childhood

Gah the way it was just so effortless for them to be together. They always had this love between them, then it seems like one day they both looked at one another and said “you’re the one.” 🥺🫶🏼

Don’t forget the drama with the ex and the mare killings that were happening. The way I’m so into this small town suspense series is insane.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,039 reviews1,014 followers
December 23, 2020
4.5 stars!

The third book in the Sutter Lake series, this is a gorgeously emotional best-friends-to-lovers story that, just like the first two books in the series, captivated me and stole my heart.

From the moment we first saw Tuck and Jensen interact earlier in the series I suspected that there was more to their friendship – little glances and Tuck’s protectiveness over Jensen were fun little clues - so I was thrilled when I learned that they would get a book, and I was right on board for their story.

Tuck is the best friend of Walker (hero from book #1, and Jensen’s older brother). Jensen grew up with the two boys, and over the years also became best friends with Tuck, and he has practically become a member of their family. Jensen and Tuck have always had a special bond, he has been her support and her protector for years, always there when she needed him, and he is just as present for her nine-year-old son, Noah.

Tuck has a huge heart but he’s had a difficult past which has left its mark on him, and he knows that commitment and marriage isn’t for him. He has a well-deserved reputation as being a bit of a manwhore, bouncing from hook-up to hook-up, and he’s never been in a relationship. So it was fantastic getting the opportunity to get inside Tuck’s head to see what his feelings truly are, and yep, it’s there – that deeply hidden attraction to Jensen that he does his best to keep buried. But Jensen has been through a lot, and recent events have left her a little bit broken. She has shut down, and Tuck is determined to bring her back.

“We might end up regretting this. It might be the wrong choice, whatever that means. But if we stop taking risks, we stop living. I don’t want that for you. And I sure as hell don’t want that for myself.”

I was pretty much bouncing up and down with excited anticipation just waiting for these two to come together. Just as Tuck has deep feelings for Jensen, she feels the same, but knowing Tuck isn’t the settling down type, she’s never acted on her attraction and does her best to ignore it. Now, he’s all up in her business, there for her as always, understanding her in the way that only he can and pushing her to start living her life again. And every moment they spend together brings them closer and closer to the inevitable, until all of that pent-up lust and longing becomes too much to hold back.

“You’ve always had a wildness to you. It’s been missing for a while, but it’s coming back. And when I light that match, your eyes burn with it.”
Jensen’s cheeks heated. I brushed the hair out of her face, kissing each temple and then her forehead. “Don’t get embarrassed. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

It’s immensely satisfying watching these two come together, but to keep things simple, they decide to keep it friends-with-benefits without getting too emotionally involved. Of course, neither of them acknowledge that they are already emotionally involved, so it’s wonderful watching them navigate the changes to their relationship and all that it means – especially now that the door has been opened to more.

She had always been there. For almost as long as I could remember, she’d always been a part of me.

But while they are figuring themselves out, there are dramas in store as Jensen’s questions into the shooting deaths of wild horses in the area makes her a target, and a blast from the past appears and threatens the peaceful life that she has worked so hard to build. As always, Tuck is by her side while she deals with it all, as is her overprotective brother who has no clue what’s really going on with his sister and best friend. It’s exciting and suspenseful, and I enjoyed the added intensity that all of this brought to the story, and it gives Jensen a chance to shine as the strong, independent and confident woman that she is.

“Life is full of horrible things, Tuck. Are you going to protect me from all of them? Then I’ll barely be living. Newsflash, bucko, you have to experience the bad so you appreciate the good. I don’t want you to shield me. I want you to stand next to me.”

But ultimately, this is a romance and the love story is central to everything else that is happening. It’s not an easy road for Jensen and Tuck, and my heart truly ached for them at times. They have some pretty big things to work through, but the emotion between them is too deep for them to deny, and I loved watching them work through it all.

“This is more.” My gaze tangled with his, so many unsaid things dancing between us. “You’ve always been more. It’s just taken me a third of my life to see it.”
A brief flare of panic shone in Tuck’s eyes, mixed with something that looked a lot like pain, but he seemed to rein it in. “I don’t know if I can be what you want me to be.”
I gripped his wrists on either side of my face. “You already are. All I’m asking is that we take this one day at a time and see where it leads.
“One day at a time.” Tuck pressed his mouth against mine. “I can do one day at a time.”

Tuck is so, so amazing. Yes, Jensen is going through a lot throughout this book, but Tuck’s life is pretty much completely upended by his developing feelings, and it’s a particularly beautiful journey for him as he slowly comes to accept all of those changes.

I knew deep down that things were changing. That hope that I could burn out this fire between us, so all that was left was easy affection and friendship was a distant memory.
I wanted more. I wanted everything.

It’s an emotional journey with lots of ups ad downs and some surprises along the way. This book had me feeling all the feels, and I loved being with Tuck and Jensen as they slowly find their way to their HEA.

“Understand that this is more.” I cupped her face in my hands. “That this is everything.”

I loved it. 4.5 stars!

Profile Image for Elsa Gomes (BookishAurora).
2,172 reviews298 followers
March 18, 2020
This is my favorite in the series and yes I say this after reading the last book.

These two were just special. Friends since childhood, special bond, single mom, he's her brother's bff, dare I say more? I think it's pretty clear why it's my fav.

I also really just loved Jensen and her spiritual journey with herself and the connection with the wild horses. It was beautiful.
Profile Image for sara.
785 reviews311 followers
March 3, 2021
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☆ 3.5 stars ☆☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

I was waiting for Jensen and Tuck's book. They had that connection that I just wanted to explore. And I liked it! I had a few issues, though.

I love her. She is such a mama bear to everyone around her and I was expecting her HEA. Cause this girl deserved it. She went through a lot. I loved the fact that both, she and Tuck kept making it clear that their love had evolved. That it wasn't always romantic love. I LOOOVED that.

I love himmmm. He ADORED Jensen, he just had a lot of trust issues within himself, which were very valid. But yeah, he was so sweet. I loved seeing him in action at work and his relationship with Noah was super sweet, too.

It was basically the same as the others. I really hope the fourth book changes it up a bit (I don't think it will), cause it's literally always happening the same thing and it's getting predictable as well as boring. The second part about Cody was a bit of a suprise, though.

Why not 5 stars?
- The transition from friends-to-fuck buddies was choppy as hell. It was literally 0 to 100, in not the best way. After that, I liked their relationship and how it transition into lovers.
- I got mad when Tuck goes to grovel and he does exactly NOT that. It's basically Jensen once again, stripping her heart to him. Which wasn't fair. Like, yeah, he demonstrated with action, but goddamn he didn't say A WORD.
- Conflict was the same thing as the other books. The only thing changing is the person who does it lmao.

I liked it. This couple was super sweet and had some tropes I loved. By the end, I forgave Tuck because of this heart melting bit he said:
“Every time I touched you three times. Every time I squeezed your hand three times. Every time I kissed each temple and your forehead. That’s what I was telling you. One touch for each word I couldn’t say.”


Liability - Lorde
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,208 reviews326 followers
October 22, 2019
Best friends sister troupe.
Dual POV.
Best to read series in order as although each couple have a book the events in each book lead on to the next so to avoid plot spoilers....

Single mum heroine.
Hero manwhore.
' “Things are great. How are things in manwhore alley?”
“Well, Carrie Kilpatrick learned how to do this thing with her tongue—”'
He has daddy issues which stops him having a relationship.
I didn't really understand him. He is a loyal and good friend to Walker but doesn't think he can be the same to a family of his own...
Pushing away from Hero.

That said once he and the heroine see each other differently, neither look at anyone else.

No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
No cheating.

Spoilers below.....

It's well written but I found it predictable.
You can just foresee that around 75% he will cold feet, break things off and she will get into trouble and need him.
It's just been done sooo many times before.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shannon Stuckey.
712 reviews22 followers
October 24, 2019
Catherine Cowles has an amazing ability with her writing style to make you feel like you are visiting family and friends instead of reading a book and Beautifully Broken Spirit made me feel like I was coming home. Tucker and Jensen's story was so much more than a best friend/little sister, friends to lovers romance. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat and the chemistry between these two was so sizzling I could not get enough! I absolutely recommend Beautifully Broken Spirit and even though it can be read as a standalone, the other two books in the Sutter Lake series are definitely worth checking out.
October 11, 2019
Beautifully Broken Spirit is the third book in the Sutter Lake series—and I’m utterly obsessed. This is my first book that I’ve read by Catherine Cowles and holy hell why did I wait this long to read a book by her? I know I did it backwards by not starting this series in order, but as soon as I read the blurb I had to have it, and there was no way I was waiting to read this book. And obviously I’m going to go back and read the other two books in this series and every other book Catherine releases because after this book, I most certainly can’t get enough of her writing.

My heart felt for Jensen. She hasn’t had it easy lately—and she’s struggling with guilt after some of her life choices. That wildness and fighting spirit she’s known for is missing. But no matter what, her son and her wild mustangs bring the joy to her life.

Tuck, oh did my heart melt for him. He had me swooning left and right. Since a young age there’s always been a connection between him and Jensen, his best friends little sister. And now that they’re older that connection has only become stronger. But with fear of ruining their friendship and something that runs much deeper, Tuck knows if he wants to keep Jensen in his life it’s better to just remain friends. I love how Tuck was always there for Jensen though, no matter what, always protecting her and having her back. He honestly was everything sweet.

Jensen and Tuck are everything. Their friendship is pure and good—and the way they try to navigate what they feel and those new feelings they have for each other showed both their vulnerability and it just made them feel so much more real, it was amazing. They were perfect for each other. I loved their romance, but I loved their friendship even more.

Beautifully Broken Spirit is everything beautiful. It was the perfect mix of sexiness, sweetness and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat a few times wondering what was going to happen. Jensen and Tuck’s story was so much more than a best friend/little sister, friends to lovers romance. I loved this book, I loved these characters and I loved the wholesomeness of this entire family. I can’t wait for the next book and return back to Sutter Lake.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,200 reviews852 followers
March 29, 2024
2nd Read, March 2024:
Beautifully Broken Spirit is the third book in the Sutter Lake series and this is Jensen + Tuck’s story! This is a small town, romantic suspense series and in this one we have a single mom heroine, brother’s best friend, and we get a bit of friends with benefits too!

I really liked how Tuck has been a part of her family’s life for years, so while he’s best friends with Jensen’s brother, he’s also really good friends with her too. Their friendship bond felt so believable right away! Jensen is a single mom to her son Noah and she works with rescued horses. Tuck has always been a bit of a playboy but his life gets turned upside down with Jensen, and they start a bit of a friends-with-benefits, secret hookup!

I always enjoy a single parent romance and a friends to lovers setup so this has both of those tropes and was just an overall sweet one! He calls her “Wilder” and doesn’t think he’s capable of a relationship because of his father. All the horse rescues and her son’s appearances were super cute. This series is definitely solid and the audiobooks are especially amazing.

1st Read, Oct 2019:
4 stars! Small town, single mom, romantic suspense, friends with benefits, brother’s best friend!
Shelved as 'f-ck-no'
September 29, 2019
If I remember correctly and that’s a big if this hero has been a manwhore while wanting the heroine, I’m sure the heroine has been celibate for some time since the father of her kid is not in the picture and the OM that she dated tried to kill her brother and girlfriend in book 1. I rather not read how the heroine gets the OWs’s left overs (hero)
In book 1 and 2 there has been mentionings of hero and his ONSs.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 843 reviews

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