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Dark Maji #1

Fortune Favors the Cruel

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Quinn Darkova, freed from the chains of slavery, wants nothing more than vengeance against those who sold her. But with her dark powers on the rise and her ascension nearing, Quinn's blood retribution will have to wait in favor of her immediate survival.

Lazarus Fierté is a nobleman without equal. He’s as controlling as he is stubborn, and for the last six years he’s been waiting for a woman to appear—but not just any woman. A Maji of great power, capable of terrible things. She could be the key to everything he holds dear.

His savior … or his destroyer.

The only thing he didn’t predict was that she would become both.

370 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 30, 2019

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About the author

Kel Carpenter

50 books1,735 followers
Kel Carpenter is a master of werdz. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s traveling the world, lovingly pestering her co-author, and spending time with her family. She is always on the search for good tacos and the best pizza. She resides in Maryland and desperately tries to avoid the traffic.

For subrights or media and film inquiries, please reach out to kel@kelcarpenter.com.

To keep up with Kel and her books, join her Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/thecrowsnestr...

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172 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 671 reviews
Profile Image for Katelyn Miller.
55 reviews18 followers
July 22, 2019
I feel a little iffy writing a review for a book that I rage-DNF'd at about the 12% mark, but this book has like a 4.3 overall rating rn, and that is incredibly misleading. I suspect this is because the only people who bothered to review it are the ones who liked it, and the ones who hated it as instantly as I did didn't even bother.

If I could enumerate the things wrong with this book, I would, but I think it would devolve into a line-by-line breakdown of "why this?" and "really?", and that's just too much time to devote to such a thing. Suffice to say, there was much more wrong than there was right. I was fully prepared for anti-heroes, but you do still expect your leading characters to be at least...tolerable, right? Or well-developed characters whose actions make sense in context? Just from the first chapter, it is apparent that this is not the case here. For instance, why would someone whose LIFE depends on keeping a low profile (and who ostensibly isn't super empathetic) make a huge spectacle of beating someone half to death in the marketplace, regardless of their own trauma? Why would she, presumably in a murder frenzy, just stop the furious ass-whooping because some random man said, "Stop." (Oh but like he said it really loudly.) The same random man who tracks her down and is like, "I'm looking for a woman. A strange woman. I think you're the woman," (I'm paraphrasing but tbh NOT MUCH) while she stands there staring at him in her underwear. If you combine a yawn and a sigh, I think you just don't breathe at all and then you die, which would be a relief at this point. If you like edgelords and -ladies who are basically walking tropes, well then, brush your scene kid hair out of your eyes, pause your bathroom mirror selfie-taking, and get this book xDDDD

Oh God I just remembered-- every chapter starts with an incredibly banal quote BY THE HEROINE/HERO (terms I'm using very loosely), as if they're some notable historical figures. Please enjoy a selection of these fortune-cookie-ass aphorisms:

-"If luck were left to fate, then it would indeed be a cruel thing." What does that EVEN mean, by the way? That fate is cruel but luck is not? That's not...news.
-"Mirrors reflect the monsters no one else can see." O PATHOS. O ALMIGHTY ANGST. Spare me from these Myspace bio entries.
-"There's no such thing as coincidences. Only unknown motivations." Uh oh, we've got a Cynic on our hands! (Not a CYNIC cynic, of course, because I'm 99% sure Diogenes would rip her throat out with his teeth.)
-Bonus quote from the male lead: "Everyone has a weakness. It's always the same thing. Power." Oh look, a sweeping generalization meant to make him seem canny and jaded when he is, in actuality, both wildly incorrect AND pretentious. Not to mention the fact that the quote is attributed to "Lazarus Fierte, nobleman and master manipulator". Tbh he sounds like a pick-up artist.

(You may think I've gone through and cherry-picked the stupidest quotes and ignored some of the potentially less egregious ones. I have not. These are literally the first chapters'.)

The thing that finally did me in for even trying with this book is coming back to Goodreads to see what quotes other people enjoyed. Because maybe it got better? But hark-- it does not!

"Quinn wasn’t sunshine and flowers. She was moonlight and shadows. Blood and bone. The edge of a knife, so beautiful and yet so sharp it would cut should you touch it without knowing how to handle its edge." (Lotta edge on this one, friends.)

"If Lazarus’ dreams were anything to go by, the man had demons—and much like her fear enjoyed the taste of him—she got the feeling that his demons rather liked the taste of her as well. And that suited her just fine."

Y'all know how, if a frog is sick, it will just barf up its entire stomach, essentially turn it inside out, then swallow it back down? Big mood.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,075 reviews2,934 followers
January 19, 2024
This book is free on Amazon (Canada) today (01/19/2024). 🙂

✅ MC’s power
🆗 Pace
🆗 Repetitive writing
🆗❌ Plot
🆗❌ Characters
❌kinda hate-to-love?
❌ World-building

DNF at 52%

1.5 stars, or 2 stars maybe... I’ve been trying to push through this one for the past 8 days, and I am done with it. I have so many books on my TBR, I won’t waste any more time on this one.

When she saves a slave from being whipped (and almost kills the slave’s master), Quinn attracts the attention of Lazarus. He has been looking for a woman who fits Quinn’s description for a while now because he needs her for something… It’s really not clear what he needs her for, except that it has to do with her dark and powerful magic. When she is offered the choice between being executed for her crime or entering a magical contract with Lazarus, Quinn chooses the latter, and that’s how she ends up on the road with Lazarus and two of his vassals.

Because he needs her to go somewhere with him so she can accomplish something for him.

“Pain is the body telling you that you’re alive; that you survived to make whoever hurt you pay.”

Calling this a dark fantasy is pushing it. It is pretty tame compared to other fantasy books I’ve read. Quinn is a freed slave, and she had 17 masters, but there is no on-page abuse and no real dark moments in the book. We are told repeatedly that Quinn is the way she is because of her dark and traumatizing past, yet we get no information at all about that past, and Quinn is more like a 7 years old throwing tantrums and doing whatever she wants with no regard for the consequences of her actions than a freed slave looking for revenge.

Fear twisters were a thing of legend. While theoretically, they came about in every age, dark Maji such as these could rarely hold themselves together through adolescence. Even fewer into adulthood.

Besides a map at the very beginning of the book, there is no world-building. We know nothing about the lands, the history, or even the magic system. I find it really interesting that Quinn can control fear, but I would definitely have liked more information about the magic and its workings. Lazarus talks about Quinn’s “ascent” as something that will happen, but we don’t know what it entails or when it might happen. We don’t know anything about the politics or the dynamics of this world, it was all very vague. The characters also use expressions such as “Myori’s wrath”, but we have no information at all about their gods, myths, or their beliefs, so they could as well have said “sandwich’s wrath” for all I care.

The book starts off with a fast pace, the main characters meet in the very first chapter, but after that, it just drags on and on and on and it takes forever for the plot to progress. At the 50% mark, I still had no real idea where this book was going or what Lazarus' quest really was. All we know is that Quinn needs to follow Lazarus somewhere to help him with something important.

“This world isn’t kind to women or slaves, and at one point, I was both. You don’t survive that without developing a few skills.”

The main character, Quinn, was not likable or well developed. From the very start, she made illogical decisions and I just could not understand how she was still alive, or why she would be surprised that someone found out that she had secrets and dark powers. Because she is a dark maji, she needs to keep a low profile, but in the first few chapters, she beats a man almost to death in a very public place and uses her powers in an entertainment number she performs in a circus. How is that keeping a low profile and keeping her powers secret?!

Quinn is supposed to be a badass, but she just comes across as a swaggering woman who tries too hard and wants everyone to know how violent and dangerous she is, and doesn’t do much besides complaining all the time. We are told about how dark and edgy she is, but we don’t really get to see it. She is a wannabe Celaena Sardothien that sadly fails at being a badass. She is unable to listen and to do anything that is asked of her (even when it is sound and logical), yet she complains about the fact that people she just met will not trust her with sensible information. She was supposed to be a kind of anti-heroine I think, but she just ended up being SO annoying.

Lazarus is the mysterious lord who is used to everyone obeying him instantly, and he gets annoyed when Quinn questions him because she wants to know where they are going and what he expects from her. He did not grow on me at all. I found him obnoxious and boring and SO controlling and I just don't care about him at all.

Gritting her teeth, Quinn glared at Lazarus. “Fine,” she said, moving around him. “But in the future, if you don’t want your Lord Sunshine to end up with a dagger in the eye, I suggest you tell him to keep his comments to himself.”

I’m glad that Quinn pushed back when Lazarus tried to order her around. She did not hesitate to remind him that she was his vassal and not his slave and that she would not allow him to treat her like shit. Besides my satisfaction to see that she holds her ground though, the relationship between Lazarus and Quinn was bland and shallow. I assume it is supposed to be a kind of hate-to-love relationship, but it fell very flat. I just found them boring, and I couldn’t feel this “chemistry” that so many readers are gushing about in their reviews. To me, their relationship just felt really forced.

So yeah, I am really disappointed by this one… Considering all the 5-stars reviews, I was expecting much more.

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Profile Image for Cindy ✩☽♔.
1,186 reviews965 followers
December 20, 2021
"Ordinary beings rarely make history. It is the abnormal, the aberrations, that change the world."

A deliciously dark tale of two anti-heroes who both have terrible power inside them and an undeniable attraction to each other. They’re not evil. But they are far from good people. They also do not shy away from each other’s wickedness, and I love it.

The story felt perfectly paced with a decent amount of world-building and just the right amount of intrigue. It may, in fact, be, one of my favorite fantasy reads to date.

"If you turn your back on those who would stab it, you deserve sweet death - for you were too gullible in life."

"Quinn wasn’t sunshine and flowers. She was moonlight and shadows. Blood and bone. The edge of a knife, so beautiful and yet so sharp it would cut should you touch it without knowing how to handle its edge."

For well over a decade, Quinn has been enslaved. Her soul, much like her skin, marred by previous owners who tried to tame her. But never did they break her. She is fierce, independent and unpredictable with immeasurable power to back up her threats and anger.

Quinn does not shy away from the power, the darkness that lurks within her, she welcomes it. Fear is a familiar friend.

"If Lazarus’ dreams were anything to go by, the man had demons—and much like her fear enjoyed the taste of him—she got the feeling that his demons rather liked the taste of her as well. And that suited her just fine."

Lazarus is a man not only of wealth but of power and influence, in search of the one destined to bring him higher or bring him to his knees. Like Quinn, he holds dangerous darkness within him. As is said, he is not a good man. He has no qualms using the darkness within him to eliminate all threats to him.

A vassal of Lazarus' charged with taking care of Quinn at the start of their journey. But with time she grows to care for the dark and dangerous girl that everyone fears.

The gods have a plan for everyone, Dominicus - you, me, Lazarus and even her. I may never teach her to act like a lady, but I can show I care by trying.

Lazarus' second-in-command, his left-hand man. While Quinn & Lazarus are dark maji, he is gray. With a hold not over darkness, but over anger. Much like his maji friends, he has a dark past somehow tied to his ascension. One that is not fully explained, but heavily implied to have been a dangerous and likely deadly time in his life.

Lazarus & Quinn
"Why do you want me to have a soul?" she asked.
"Is it so you can take it?"
"I sense your fear, Lazarus. You worry you'll take it."
"You're right. I do fear losing control."
"Because I want you - so much more than your magic."
"I hate that you hold the same power over me as you do these creatures, because anyone else I could crush if they dared act the way you do. You're a cruel twisted woman."
"But you're the only one I think that actually understands me. You embrace darkness as I do. You play with the beasts that no one would dare touch. You are fearless and magnificent as you are - and that s why I fear losing control. If I took your soul, you would be none of those things, and that's why you need those pieces back. So you don't become one."
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Essentially, I loved every minute of this. And I am so glad I read it at a point where I only have to wait 6 days until the sequel comes out. And honestly, I'm sad more people have not read or heard of this book because it's quite fantastic.

Additional note:
Great for fans of ACOTAR, Loom Saga, The Young Elites.
Profile Image for Sofia.
234 reviews8,007 followers
August 31, 2021
This book has no worldbuilding, the magic system is blurry, the main character is a Celaena Sardothien ripoff, and there were plot holes. But somehow I still enjoyed parts of this, because I read it in two days. Any MC who controls fear is automatically interesting to me.

Review to come...
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews489 followers
June 6, 2019
You’d be forgiven for thinking that this is a RH given the two prominent RH authors who co-wrote it, but surprise
It’s not!

It’s a dark epic fantasy. It has it own type of magic and magic users called “Maji”, some mystical creatures and a whole new fantasy world. If you’re tired of UF and want a good old fashioned adventure on horseback ? The kind that features a map at the opening pages, then friend, this is for you.

It’s a really nice read even if your not a fan of fantasy, it’s easy to follow and not full of complicated info dumps. It’s really well done and I take my hat off to Smoke and Carpenter...Who shall now be referred to in my head as Smarpenter.

It was a great beginning with some really intriguing characters. It’s dark but not “I’m gonna have nightmares from these torture scenes and mental games” kinda dark. If this was a bar of chocolate I’d say it was 69% cocoa. So just enough that our MC is not a fluffy princess and doesn’t pull the punches. We’re not saving the world here, the motives of the characters are self serving. The Maji all have an affinity for some kind of power or emotion and Quinn’s power comes from the dark side.

Quinn has been enslaved all her life, sold from owner to owner who couldn’t contain her. Girls got some issues from being a slave. She's got the uncontrolled power to back up her threats and anger management issues. Shes volatile, unapologetic and gives no shits. You get that feeling that anything could happen with this girl.

"Quinn wasn’t sunshine and flowers. She was moonlight and shadows. Blood and bone. The edge of a knife, so beautiful and yet so sharp it would cut should you touch it without knowing how to handle its edge."

Enter a darkly delicious Male MC for a dark heroine. Lazarus. The book is written in dual POV, so it’s pretty obvious (and not a spoiler( to say he is the love interest for Quinn.

He finds her early on and seeing her potential saves her from an execution by binding her to his service. Not in an “I own you way” , I don’t think I would have liked that. Sure he has his own agenda for doing it but he quickly realises Quinn is not like his other vassals and doesn’t follow instructions too well. They are a great match, he’s just the right level of mysterious to keep you reading and powerful enough to handle Quinn!

Neither Quinn or Lazarus is the good guy so don’t expect fluff and soppy romance from these two

”If Lazarus’ dreams were anything to go by, the man had demons—and much like her fear enjoyed the taste of him—she got the feeling that his demons rather liked the taste of her as well. And that suited her just fine”

Who wants lovey-dovey when you can have inner demons and stuff?

Profile Image for A Mac.
983 reviews175 followers
June 12, 2022
Quinn has been a slave 17 times and has the brands to prove it. She’s found freedom and does her best to keep to the shadows, especially as she has a difficult time controlling her dark powers. But when she keeps running into a man who seems set on finding her, she realizes she may not be capable of outrunning her powers any longer.

I didn’t feel that this work qualified as dark fantasy. There are allusions to Quinn’s past a as a slave and how it’s traumatized her, but we aren’t given any real insight to her and her past. Similarly, she isn’t written as brooding but more as a tantrum-throwing spoiled child (it’s hard to view her as a badass when she spends most of the book whining). Unfortunately, she isn’t a likeable or relatable character at all. Lazarus isn’t much better. He’s not written in a way that’s interesting, which when combined with Quinn’s poorly written character, makes it a struggle to get through the work. Their relationship was not any better – it felt forced and like it was there just because the author wanted an enemies-to-lovers trope. They had zero chemistry and zero reason, other than Lazarus’ weird obsession, to be together.

There was no worldbuilding. No information was provided about the setting, its history, the culture, or why magic works the way it does. The fact that Quinn can control fear is fascinating, but no explanation or exploration is given for why this is the case. This makes for a flat read with little compelling information. The characters also used phrases that invoked Myori but there was no explanation as to who or what Myori was and why its wrath mattered.

I also disliked that the author chose to start each chapter with a quote from the characters that foreshadowed what was going to happen in the chapter. This was a weird choice that detracted from the work for me. The pacing was off throughout the work, with it starting off with some good action and then the next 60% of the work slowing down to a crawl. As for the plot…was there one in the first 60% of the book?

I was disappointed by this work. I was looking forward to an anti-heroine, strong main character but that was not the case. Add this to the lack of worldbuilding, flat characters, and awful romance, and there’s really nothing to recommend about this work.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
795 reviews187 followers
May 23, 2019
All the bloody stars!!!! I absolutely adores this book! It had everything I want.

Deliciously dark heroine, who is more bad than good. She's insanely powerful, tough and doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of her, which just the right subtle smidgen of vulnerability.

Make love interest who is just as deliciously dark as her. He is complex, Gruff, but has many layers.

Slow burn, reluctant relationship development that is earned and believable and so damned good. I was so tempted to stand up and cheer at the end. They are absolutely combustible together.

Awesome world building with masses of potential. No info dump here. You gradually get a sense of the worp over the course of the book and there's still so much to know.

Excellent fuel narrative Quinn and Lazerus' point of view, where both character's narrative voices felt distinct.

Good pacing and an ending that just leaves you screaming for more, rather than frustration.

This was just perfect for me. Not I'm going to go cry until the 29th July when the next comes out.
October 28, 2020
4.5 Stars

Moving closer, impossibly closer so that their chests were pressed together again, Quinn leaned up on her tiptoes, and rested one hand on his shoulder as she whispered, “I am fear.”


Why didn't I read this sooner? And PLEASE don't have the heroine change in the next books unless it's to show her more murderess side. I do love an anti-heroine who isn't afraid to kill. Morals-bleh.

“In the future, it might behoove you to share important details like that, or the full scope of both your intentions and actions where I’m concerned. I can’t very well circumvent your stupidity if you don’t inform me.”

(And that was to the hero LOL)
Love her!
Profile Image for Leo.
4,567 reviews487 followers
January 20, 2023
2.5 stars. This had potential to be a good story but fell flat and didn't end up enjoying this very much
Profile Image for Saint Fitz.
271 reviews
January 14, 2021
Lovely lovely!

This is so refreshingly well written, from the description to the dialogue and pacing. No magical info-dumps. No trauma/drama just to make a character seem pitiful. The characters jumped off the page for me. And though sometimes fantasy can be downright confusing (that whole world-building bit, with MAPS...ugh), I found it easy to follow.


Well, if you don’t like slow burns, this book isn’t for you.

There’s also a lot of ambiguity to the plot...what is Lazarus doing, exactly? I’m sure for others, it is bothersome not to have this mapped out. But to me, I loved that this book was focused on setting the stage and establishing the characters. We get to know Quinn fairly well. We see a bit into Lazarus’s head, too (thank you!). I’m totally ok with sitting back and letting this story unfold. The authors have won that trust just by the freaking awesome job they’ve done so far.

The smutty tingles are low on this first book, but I’m hopeful things heat up in the later books.

All in all, def worth a read if you are fans of books like the Kingmaker Chronicles and Throne of Glass (there are heavy overtones of the latter in this series, but not enough to cause side-eye).

Profile Image for Xia.
18 reviews
June 6, 2019
This book sounds so awesome and, with all the great reviews, I was really looking forward to reading this. To my regret, the character I disliked the most was Quinn herself. I get that Quinn was supposed to be a bad-ass, saucy “she-wolf” (roll eyes). I can like bad b**ches, but I just don’t like Quinn. She just came across like a complete asshole to me with the emotional maturity of a 2 year old. Not to the mention the whining and complaining throughout their travel, which took up 2/3 of the book. Like, seriously, this supposed bad-ass literally complained the entire way, if not about the hard travel then it’s about how Lazarus, who understandably had very little reasons to trust her, won’t just trust her with all his secrets. This, from someone who can’t even follow the guy’s mostly reasonable orders. Also, let’s not forget that she is also irresponsible and has a complete lack of disregard for the safety of others. Also, note to Quinn, being magically contract bonded for 5 years, maybe 10, is actually probably worst off than just normal slavery.

Also, the romance between the two mains seemed really forced. I’m not a big fan of Lazarus either but I can imagine that he probably wanted to be irritated at Quinn but the author is forcing him into deny-liking her instead.

Sadly, it’s a nope for me.
Profile Image for Soph .
244 reviews36 followers
July 20, 2019
This is Quinn

She is a sassy dark maji, the strongest most powerful darkest maji there is. She is untrained and can not control her powers.

This is Lazarus , he is a powerful lord with almost equal strength to Quinn. ....

And .... then ... the ... book... CRAWLS!!!

Don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying the characters, I like the story , I like the powers and the world she has created but honestly this book .... takes ..... forever. .... TO GET ANYWHERE!!!!

Quinn is sassy possible sociopath after being used and abused (no abuse on page) by 17 masters
.... it says dark fantasy, but its not REALLY that dark tbh.. its pretty tame.

Laz is your stereotypical brooding alpha who is used to everyone doing EVERYTHING he says at once. And if they dare to do other wise - WATCH YOURSELF!
I dunno if the sexual tension is worth it .
This is a YA / BORDERLINE NA novel.
1:1 MF
Multiple POV for the win !
I downloaded the next book... so I’m keen
Profile Image for Graceley Knox.
Author 52 books1,054 followers
May 17, 2019
"But Quinn... she wore cruelty like a crown.”

Quinn Darkova is the anti-heroine we've all been waiting for. She doesn't take any sh*t and isn't apologizing for it. This is one of my MUST READS for 2019. I can't wait for book 2 to come out... and I'll be stalking the authors for an early copy when it's available. The world they built is rich and original, and I couldn't stop turning the page. Kel Carpenter and Lucy Smoke have created a story that every fantasy lover should read and then recommend to every person they know.
Profile Image for Superbunny.
526 reviews20 followers
August 27, 2021
quinn is a second rate celaena sardothien. but where as celaena is entertaining and likable, quinn is not. and it makes it hard to read a book when one doesn't give two craps about the MC. i felt nothing for lazarus either - or any of the characters for that matter. i also found the quotes at the beginning of each chapter very trying-hard and amateurish. and when it comes to the plot, uh... not sure there was one. the whole book is basically lazarus finding quinn and contracting her to work for him. it feels like i just read half a book.
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
868 reviews1,523 followers
April 21, 2021
This was a really unique fantasy world with great sexual chemistry between the hero and heroine. I loved that the heroine was the one with the dark majii powers and the morality chain vibes. Not much romance in this one but great setup for it to happen. Very excited to keep reading.
Profile Image for Evan.
133 reviews
April 28, 2020
DNF at 53%. Not my cup of tea, unfortunately.

Reviews led me to believe this novel would be a perfect mixture of plot and slow-burn romance... which I didn't see much of, to be honest. I also wasn't very impressed by any of the characters.

I was really hoping that Quinn was going to be this badass, cold-hearted chick focused on getting revenge. (She ended up being none of those things, except being a chick.)

The story starts off with Quinn saving a slave from getting whipped and accidentally attracting Lazarus's attention that way. I mean, okay... I thought that was real nice of Quinn, which I honestly wasn't expecting, since a lot of reviews say she's a "dark" heroine. I chalked it up to the idea that maybe Quinn just holds really strong principles. (In hindsight, it was already a red flag.)

Quinn is then described to be emotionless and cool-headed, which I perfectly thought made sense, as she needs to be in order to have control over her rampant powers.

No one told me how fucking whiny she was.

There honestly wasn't anything that Quinn did not complain about. She complained about the ride, about Lazarus's companions, about how he never told her anything, blah blah blah.

For someone who's supposed to be emotionless and cold, she sure is fucking whiny.

I don't think we even got any details of her so called "revenge." Damn summary lied to me!

I also wouldn't call Quinn a "badass." Sure, she has a lot of power... but she doesn't really know what to do with it at all, except cause trouble and disobey Lazarus's orders.

Why, you ask? Well, duh, she has to show that she doesn't just take orders from anyone!

Hurrggggggggggggggh. Why does Lazarus even like her again?

Yeah, I was also disappointed by the dual POVs. I was excited at first to see that we'd get a glimpse into Lazarus's mind, since he holds so much information from Quinn.

All I got from his POV was how much he couldn't resist the sweet, alluring power coming from Quinn. Over and over and over again.


Is hiding information even in Lazarus's POV a way to create mystery and intrigue? Because it doesn't work. I can't even be interested in Lazarus's goal, when he wouldn't even say the names of his "rivals." Literally, we're just told they're "Claudius's children." Can we have more specifics please?

The quotes, which had at first been somewhat interesting little tidbits into the main characters' minds, soon became something distracting. The quotes kept promising things I didn't see.

Here's one such quote: "Everyone has a weakness. It's always the same thing. Power." - Lazarus Fierté, nobleman and master manipulator.

In my opinion, here's a better quote: "My weakness is Quinn." - Lazarus Fierté, besotted nobleman and nothing else.

I didn't see any evidence or actual proof that Lazarus was a "master manipulator." The only situations he had to involve himself in, he used brute force. I don't know about other readers, but I really don't prefer being given defining character qualities through quotes. I rather see it happen in action.

I wouldn't even call this novel a slow-burn romance. There isn't any romance at all.

"But, Evan," you might say, "this novel features two very dark characters! Certainly their romance wouldn't be a typical romance!"

Still a nope. The only thing I saw was some slight appreciation from Quinn over Lazarus's appearance, and a whole lot of appreciation from Lazarus over Quinn's appearance and etc.

I don't know about other readers, but I don't care much for this insta-lust shit going on. And what's worse than insta-lust? Slow-burn insta-lust disguised as slow-burn romance.

Another issue I had was with all the whole "We love Quinn, the she-wolf!" thing. Both authors are known for their reverse harem novels, and it shows. Practically everyone they meet or come across are interested in Quinn. Even when she does some really questionable things, people still love her.

She took out a weapon (against Lazarus's orders) against possible allies of Lazarus, and continued to hold it even as they visited the king. Even if the king wasn't the type to hold grudges or care more for etiquette, Quinn was taking a huge risk there. Who would win: the entire tribe or only a group of 4 people?

Oops, I mean 5. I forgot Dominicus even exists. I don't even know what he looks like or what his personality is like, because he's hardly even described much, despite being one of Lazarus's most loyal servants. The rest of the side characters are hardly treated any better, honestly.

Characters were not the dark badasses I were promised. There was no intriguing or intricate plot. The novel's entire world revolved around Quinn, and I just couldn't give a damn.
Profile Image for Sandra.
45 reviews22 followers
April 16, 2020
I don't really want to write a review about this book. But in my opinion
the overall rating of this book is way to high and there is a sheer overwhelming number
of raving reviews of it, so here we go.

I should have just dnf'd it. I really wish I did, but sadly I didn't.
This could have been an okay story for me. Don't get me wrong the world building is pretty weak,
the storytelling a bit messy and it took ages for the real plot to begin. But I can oversee some flaws
in a book and still enjoy it a lot.

Another thing I really am not picky about is writing style. I do appreciate a wonderfully written book. But if it doesn't match my taste, the writing rarely destroys a book for me, like it can for some people. But let me tell you this writing was so repetitive, that even I couldn't stand it. And if I have to hear Quinn or Lazarus being described as "dark" one more time I am going to punch someone.

Which leads me to my second and main point. Quinn. EVERYTHING about her was frustrating to me. I get she is supposed to be unlikeable and an anti-heroinne. That is not what I am getting at, because I enjoy unlikeable characters. First of all she has no depth to her and the book makes it a big point that she is the way she is because of her past. But despite her being a former slave and treated "badly" by her masters, we don't get any further information. She is absolutely inable to EVER do something she is told. Not if what she is asked to do is the only thing that would make remotely sense. Not if she is bringing herself in danger. And certainly not if she is risking the lives of the people around her. And why? Well, because SHE DOESN'T FEEL LIKE IT. And afterwards she has the audacity to complain about no one is trusting her with important information. With her acting so incredibly stupid it is completely unbelievable to me that she is supposed to have survived years as a slave under cruel masters.

She is not a twisted girl doing everything to seek revenge. She is a 4-year-old brat having a tantrum after obtaining the body of an adult woman with extraordinary magical powers.

Over all this book manages to put nearly every single thing I hate about YA literature into it.
There are clearly a lot of people, who enjoyed this book. So I guess it was just not for me.
At all.
Profile Image for Emma.
2,608 reviews1,001 followers
December 19, 2021
This was pretty good with a slightly different take on magic (to me anyway!) in a very crowded field. Quinn your typically feisty FMC- but Xtra and Lazarus who has met his match! Quinn is really Xtra everything- no one has ever been as powerful or as talented or twisted as her PLUS she has lilac hair!! What’s not to like? I enjoyed watching the captions at the beginning of each chapter change as the story progressed.
Profile Image for jeliy.
332 reviews6 followers
May 29, 2020
I had to push myself to reach 21% and could go no further. Too many useless details that only make the story drag on and on.
Profile Image for Fatima.
137 reviews43 followers
April 19, 2020
"Mirrors reflect the monsters no one else can see."
- Quinn Darkova, former slave, possible murdress.
We've all had that feeling when we find a good book series, a great plot, swoon worthy characters, what do we do? We stay up at night to finish the series as soon as possible, we drink coffee to stay awake and we yell at the empty room - ALOT. We cry, we laugh, we berate the stupid boys. And hope that in the end it all works out!
If a book doesn't make us book nerds feel all these 'feels' then it isn't worth our time...
Alright, Sooooo this book is a journey of five misfits bound by their loyalty and shared goals, as they navigate their way through the treacherous world of politics on their way to seek alliances.
They must find a way to trust their new allies and each other.

Quinn Darkova:
"The world isn't kind to women or slaves, and at one time I was both. You don't survive that without developing a few skills."
The age of damsels in distress is long gone - It is the age of Feyre Archeron and Hermione Granger - an age where the female protagonists are not only beautiful but kickass, smart, quick witted and strong willed as well.
"Pain is the body telling you that you're alive; that you survived to make whoever hurt you pay."
-Quinn Darkova, former slave, ex-prisoner, definitely deranged.
As is Quinn Darkova, but she is also so much more. She not only overcomes all the hardships thrown her way, but she doesn't let them break her. Those afflictions and adversities mold her into a strong person, one who wants nothing more than to break the ones who tried to break her...
Violence was in her bones.
Brutality in her blood.
Fear. The very thing that called to her.

To top all the bad ass-ness, she is also very quick witted.
"I'm a fear twister, not a canary." she replied.

Lazarus Fierté:
"Everyone has a weakness. It's always the same thing. Power."
- Lazarus Fierté, nobleman and master manipulator.
Lazarus is an enigma. I know, a cliché, an enigmatic male character aren't they all but even though I'd like to say that I understand him. I don't. His motives and powers are both still a mystery and I need a little more to figure him out completely. One thing I can say for sure is that he's super strong, and cunning. He doesn't trust easily but rewards loyalty above all else.

Quinn & Lazarus:
"Like calls to like, Quinn. For now, that's all you need to know."
-Lazarus Fierté to Quinn Darkova
This couple is not Yin and Yang. She is not the light to his darkness, nor vice versa. If anything, they both fuel each others' darkness. They are bad people and they are not ashamed of who they are and what they have to do.
In the beginning, Lazarus manipulates his way into Quinn's life and plans to use her for his own benefits. And Quinn, needing escape from an impossible situation agrees to aid him in his endeavors. Together they embark on the journey to power and revenge.
"You're right. I do fear losing control with you. Because I want you - so much more than your magic. I hate that you hold the same power over me as you do these creatures, because anyone else I would crush if they dared act the way you do. You're a cruel, twisted woman. But you're the only one I think that actually understands me. You embrace the darkness as I do. You play with the beasts that no one would dare touch. You are fearless and magnificent as you are-and that is why I fear losing control."
-Lazarus Fierté to Quinn Darkova
January 25, 2021
Re-read on audio, Amy McFadden narrated this series. She got on my nerves and it took a while to get used to her but she did not take away from the book. I still loved this book. I wish I could find more books similar to this series. I loved the darkness between Quinn and Lazarus.

Holy Hell!! This book was so good. I just loved how dark and blood thirsty Quinn and Lazarus where. Can't wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,104 reviews112 followers
October 14, 2021
This is really good series.
I’ve been busy read them since last week, all five books 😜.

I’ll write the review on book #5.
Btw, if you love Kate Daniels, you probably would love Quinn and this series too! ❤️

Displaying 1 - 30 of 671 reviews

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