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Рецепта за живот

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Лято на страст и споделени тайни под италианско небе

Алис иска да постигне всичко в живота. Научила колко несигурен може да бъде, тя знае, че се чувства истински жива единствено когато готви. Бабета е прекарала живота си в грижи за градината на малката си къща на италианския бряг и отглеждане на храна за семейство, отдавна напуснало родния дом.

Едно лято двете жени се срещат в стара средиземноморска вила, за да преоткрият общия език на храната и земята, на която я отглеждат. Там, под лъчите на италианското слънце или в сянката на нарово дърво, ще бъдат доверени тайни и споделени съкровени страхове и надежди. Но уроците на живота не се научават толкова лесно.

216 pages

First published January 1, 2010

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About the author

Nicky Pellegrino

21 books570 followers
I was born and grew up near Liverpool, England. For a while I worked as a magazine journalist in London but then 21 years ago I came on holiday to New Zealand and met my future husband Carne Bidwill at a wedding. Now we live together near a beach in Auckland with our dogs Charlie the standard poodle and Lucy the pointer. I spend my time writing novels, working as a freelance journalist, riding my two horses, growing veges in my garden, cooking, trying to get other people to cook for me, eating and reading. There isn't much time for anything else except a little light housework.
My all-time favourite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and my book of 2013 was LIfe After LIfe by Kate Atkinson.
I have a website www.nickypellegrino.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 136 reviews
Profile Image for Maria Lavrador.
441 reviews33 followers
July 30, 2021
Um livro docinho, mesmo apropriado para se ler durante as férias de verão. História simpática sem ser lamechas, passada num cenário paradisíaco que nos faz ter vontade de nos metermos num avião e ir conhece-lo ao vivo
December 8, 2012
I cannot recommend this highly enough.I just adored it. The characters were engaging . The description of the food-mouth watering!!!! This is the second book I have read by this author and I have ordered all her other books since reading these two over the past three days. What a joy they were with characters you care for and descriptions of Italy that make you want to pack a bag and head straight there. It was a joy to read this book and I will be re-reading it many many times in the future.It takes you on a whirlwind of emotions and gently comes to an end . I was sad to have to close the last page.
Profile Image for Anne.
1,978 reviews
January 2, 2011
Amid a rash of books about Italy and food, I still think Nicky Pellegrino does it best. This one isn't perfect - I did get a little irritated by the alternating chapters for Alice and Babetta. But I then got tied up in the story and raced through it, tasting every mouthful of the wild asparagus with peccorino shavings, basking in the sun in the woven chair with Babetta with Sky the dog at my feet, working in the steamy kitchens at Teatro with Alice, feeling the heat of the bonfire after weeding the terraces at the Villa Rosa... This is a lovely novel that explores the lives of strong women, the bonds of friendship, families and love... perfect for those times when you just want to enjoy a book, not be challenged by it, and emerge the other end feeling satisfied.
66 reviews
June 18, 2021
What a glorious book! Loved every single page of it and that’s not something I can say about every book I’ve read. Every little paragraph was a joy to read. I keep a very small selection of books and generally pass on my books after reading but this is definitely a keeper. Thank you! ❤️
Profile Image for Lauren Herbert.
6 reviews5 followers
June 30, 2016
This book was a delicious story. Really well written and easy to read. It's not a gripping story but I was gripped none the less, finishing it in three days. Lovely book
Profile Image for Любопитка.
163 reviews33 followers
March 17, 2020
Очаквах нещо близко или подобно на чиклит литературата – нещо леко, изпълнено с вкусни рецепти и положителни развръзки. В действителност прочетох една доста убедителна и реална история за живота на две коренно различни жени. И да, има много вкусове и аромати, трудна е за четене на празен корем.

Историята основно се развива под жаркото слънце на Италия и има дъх на пица и паста с босилек. Далеч е от захаросана и блудкава история. Повече прилича на нещо, което в действителност се е случило или се случва в момента.

Хареса ми колко живи и изпълнени със странностти са всички герои, неуверени и уязвими. Няма нищо необикновено или специално в образите им и точно това прави книгата толкова близка и приятна. Човек вижда смисъла в дребните, ежедневни неща, които могат да донесат радост и да покажат любов. Сбит разказ с акцент върху определени моменти от живота на основните герои. Идеално за дългите, дъждовни следобеди или в несигурното време на социална дистанцираност. И макар на пръв поглед толкова обикновена историята успя да грабне мисълта ми и често се сещах за героините и съдбите им. Искаше ми се да има още от историята, но пък отвореният край ми позволи сама да я продължа както ми се иска.

Profile Image for Maluquinha dos livros.
258 reviews109 followers
June 7, 2020
Um livro que mistura um livro de receitas e um guia turístico de Itália! Gostei bastante, apesar de ser um livro fora do que habitualmente leio - tenho variado as leituras e sabe bem. A história vai alternando entre duas personagens femininas, de idades diferentes, mas sempre com uma forma simples de narrar os acontecimentos. Ainda assim, é uma história doce, cheia de pinceladas de gastronomia e de descrições de paisagens fantásticas. É um livro que inspira e que me proporcionou momentos de boa leitura.
Profile Image for Karen.
188 reviews
January 16, 2022
Boek leest makkelijk weg en laat je dromen over zomers in Italië! Het verhaal is niet erg inspirerend maar al de vermeldingen naar eten maakt het goed.
Profile Image for LindyLouMac.
914 reviews70 followers
October 7, 2011
This is the first title by this author that I have read and I doubt it will be the last as I believe they are all set in Italy. Although I am already here living the dream it was a pleasure to lose myself in the setting for this delightful novel for a few hours. A very relaxing read and the sights and smells felt almost real, it is obvious that the author knows those sights and smells for herself and is passionate about Italy.
The story is told by the two main female characters, Alice and Babetta in alternating chapters. Alice a young British girl has had a traumatic incident in her life which has caused her to drop out of university and for her whole life to change direction. She wants to make the most of her life but seems somewhat confused as to how to go about this. The other protagonist is Babetta the typical Italian mama figure who has spent her life tending to her family’s needs. Babetta is feeling lost as her husband seems to have lost his zest for life. leaving her feeling useless. One summer these vastly different women are brought together, thanks to the beautiful Villa Rosa. Despite not being able to communicate easily, cooking and growing fresh food enables these two women to build a special relationship.
If you are passionate about Italy then there is no doubt you will enjoy this story. There is a lot of romance but there is also so much more as our protagonist discovers that life’s lessons are certainly not learnt easily.

More information can be found on LindyLouMac's Book Reviews
Profile Image for Nikki.
421 reviews17 followers
September 10, 2021
2.5/5 Stars

Ok - possibly an unpopular opinion, given the average rating of this book, but I really just didn’t like it.

The writing was great, and I loved the clever way Pellegrino showed the passage of time, e.g. “over the next decade”. The writing was technically good, hence me rounding up to 3 stars instead of down to 2.

I just didn’t like some of the characters.

I didn’t like Alice - she was just so beige and frustrating. She did things because other people were doing things. She slotted into other people’s lives like some sort of human cuckoo e.g. the two “ready made girls” of Charlie’s. She was so bland. She had a 10 year relationship with someone who she didn’t love because it was convenient and he had a garden. I just wanted to take her and shake her.

There’s also the rape at the beginning of the story. I felt that was an unnecessary plot aspect. I don’t feel it came across as it affecting how Alice acted and behaved and it just felt out of place to me.

I also didn’t like Charlie. He cheated on Alice, left her for the woman he cheated on her with, then pops back in her life and tells her how to live it and then leaves again when she won’t do as he says. Then he marries and starts a family with someone else and that doesn’t last - probably cos he’s a bit of a tool. And in the end he and Alice end up together. Why??

Overall a frustrating and disappointing read. Would I read another Pellegrino book - maybe - hopefully those characters will have a little more appeal…
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mekerei.
921 reviews6 followers
June 5, 2013
This tale is also set in Triento (from The Gypsy Tearoom). Some of the characters are also in this tale, but you don't have to read The Gypsy Tearoom before this tale.

This is a tale of a girl named Alice and how she stops living her life after she is raped. It takes her many years to come to turns with living again. Triento is an important part of Alice's life.

I really enjoyed this tale, especially the descriptions of food; they are mouth watering. Nicky Pellegrino once again writes a charming, warm hearted tale about food and friendship. Again four stars!
Profile Image for Mª João Monteiro.
814 reviews59 followers
January 2, 2013
Muito giro! Achei que a autora era leve e sem complicações mas este livro encheu-me as medidas e fez-me chorar. Oscila entre duas protagonistas, uma delas narradora, de idades e em tudo diferentes entre si, cruzando-se em Itália. Apresentam-nos várias perspetivas da vida feminina, cruzando receitas e formas de rodear as questões que a vida traz. A única coisa que me desagradou um pouco foi o final romântico de uma das protagonistas, que achei um pouco frouxo. DE resto, gostei muito. A capa da edição portuguesa, com uma parede azul (linda) choca com a «vila rosa» onde se passa a maioria da ação...
Profile Image for Philippa.
509 reviews
June 21, 2011
I read it in one day :) compulsive, easy reading for when you just want to enjoy a book and get lost in a story. And not predictable either which makes a great change. Like all Nicky Pellegrino's books, it's full of strong female characters who know a thing or two about life (or need to learn!) and mouthwatering descriptions of the Italian food they cook. You will want pizza or pasta after this book I guarantee :)
Profile Image for Kiwiflora.
807 reviews28 followers
July 14, 2020
This is an early Nicky Pellegrino novel, 2010, and it is such a lovely piece of escapism, especially with the possibility of going to Italy so far off the programme for the foreseeable. Never mind! You can jump into this, starting off in the gloom and pressure cooker environment of London and ending up in the deliciousness of the south of Italy, with a bit of movement between the two as the story unfolds. It wouldn't be a Nicky-novel if food and the cooking of it wasn't a lead character, a bit of romance thrown in the pot, and some life lessons and wisdom added to the mix.

Her formula works a treat, so why mess with it. Here we have Alice, early 20s, newly flatting with her oldest friend the beautiful exotic contrary Leila. Alice has a boyfriend, Charlie, but this is a bit rocky, and things get worse when Alice is raped in her bed, prompting the move to London and Leila's flat. Then she needs to find a job. A waitressing job in a local cafe turns into a move to an Italian restaurant owned by Tonino, a gifted chef and restaurateur who sees talent and potential in young Alice. He sends her to his home town in Italy for the summer to immerse herself in food - the growing and harvesting of, the cooking of and eating of. In one of those amazing coincidences that only happens in a novel such as this, Leila's mother has just bought a beautiful old home in the area, long neglected and abandoned save for the elderly Babetta and her husband Nunzio.

Plenty of ups and downs happen over the course of the next few years in the lives of all the characters - Alice, Babetta, Nunzio, Tonino, his parents Rafaella and Ciro, brother Lucio, Leila and even Charlie. Food is at the centre of it all as is connections with one another, as well as the growing and nurturing of new life, new loves, new enterprises - the recipe for life. All the characters could be real people, people you know or meet in your life, likeable and relatable, dealing with problems and issues that the reader can easily relate to. And of course happy happy ending.
Profile Image for Maria Ana.
103 reviews7 followers
July 23, 2018
Como foi fácil imaginar-me a serpentear pela linha de costa italiana numa vespa azul bebé!

O que mais me agrada nos livros de Nicky Pellegrino é a sua capacidade de transportar o leitor, para os locais, por ela descritos. Conseguimos sentir a massa fina das pizzas, da pasta, o tomate fresco e todos os tipos de queijo italiano. É como se estivéssemos no mercado a negociar com os feirantes, o preço do presunto e dos melhores e frescos legumes!

Sinto-me encantada e recomendo a leitura, a quem procure alhear-se de uma rotina monótona e com vontade de viajar até às encostas do sul da Itália.

O enredo simples, deixa-nos respirar de alívio sem descrições rigorosas e mistérios enfadonhos. Uma leitura finíssima, leve e frutada.
867 reviews3 followers
May 1, 2020
het 2de boek van Nicky Pellegrino dat ik lees en dit boek heeft dezelfde thema's als het eerste.

De liefde voor Italie en de liefde voor koken :)

Zelf vind ik dat ook wel een leuke combinatie, dus het boek sprak me wel aan.

Maar toch, bleef ik wat op mijn honger zitten in dit boek. Oke beide thema's komen uitgebreid aan bod, maar ik had absoluut geen klik met het hoofdpersonage. Ik denk dat het een hele lieve vrouw is, maar ze kabbelt maar rustig door op de golven van het leven, maar neemt nooit zelf enige verantwoordelijkheid voor haar eigen leven.

maar de setting van villa rosa, maakt mij verliefd op het huis, op de sfeer en dus vermoed ik dat ik ooit deel 2 van dit huis nog wel eens ga lezen :)
August 24, 2021
Uma história de encontros e reencontros. Um regresso ao cenário que nos é apresentado num livro anterior da autora "A filha do pescador" e é agradável revisitar esses espaços familiares, bem como tocar de novo a vida de personagens que já conhecemos.
A receita do amor nem sempre é fácil de concretizar, mas o tempo e as circunstâncias da vida, talvez no sentido de apurar sentimentos, encarregam-se de premiar as nossas personagens principais e vale a pena mergulhar nesta história e descobrir o que o futuro lhes reserva.
A amizade como um dos ingredientes principais para nos sentirmos amados.
E como em todos os livros da autora, ficamos com água na boca com toda as iguarias que descreve e com uma vontade crescente de ir a Itália e fazer por lá uma viagem gastronómica.
Profile Image for Novelle Novels.
1,564 reviews45 followers
February 5, 2019
This book is so heart warming and well written but it only gets 4 stars as it flits between the two leading characters babette and Alice too quickly. The story leads you over many years and you really grow with the ladies and where life takes them. Villa Rosa and Italy are the heart of this book and you grow to love it and feel like you are really there which is a sign of the authors amazing description. There are other strong characters that support the leading ladies and are essential for the way it develops.
Profile Image for Carla Marques.
539 reviews3 followers
March 31, 2020
Este livro tinha tudo para ser uma excelente leitura, mas a verdade é que não me deixou lembranças dele.
Estive que estar a pensar que história é que era pois já não me lembrava dela e acabei a leitura à 4/5 dias.
Sei que gostei da história e até me entusiasmei, mas ao mesmo tempo não me prendeu.
Opinião completa em: https://aviciadadoslivros.blogspot.co...
Profile Image for Helen.
20 reviews
June 1, 2020
It had all the ingredients for a book I should have loved - food, italy, love but fell very short for me. Setting the scene was just too laborious, the beginning dragged on unnecessarily with too much backstory that added little relevance to the narrative. I loved the parts set in Italy as well as the parallel story of the old Nonna but the ending fell flat after all that teasing. I was really expecting some passion at some point so was left rather unsatisfied!
Profile Image for Valerie.
251 reviews10 followers
July 8, 2017
Een prachtig geschreven verhaal over twee personages, het heerlijke Italie en Italiaans eten, terwijl het boek onder de Spaanse zon gelezen is.

Het verhaal heeft twee personages die elk hoofdstuk afwisselen. Doordat er maar twee personages zijn, leer je ze echt kennen en word je betrokken bij hun leven. Dit maakt het verhaal intrigrerend en mooi.
Profile Image for Andrea.
227 reviews
January 14, 2018
I devoured this book very quickly. After spying it on my sisters book case, and having read some by Nicky before, I knew it would be enjoyable.

The span of ages by the characters, the uncertainty of youth and the observations of those with age and experience on their side, made for an enjoyable read.

Common themes of food, Italy and love but spanning the generations
Profile Image for Veerle.
271 reviews3 followers
September 23, 2023
3.5 *

Heel vlot geschreven, mooie omschrijving van de omgeving: je wil er zo bij zijn. Bepaalde personages komen niet zo sympathiek over (maar da's het leven, zeker? ;-) en op het einde blijven toch nog wat vragen onbeantwoord, terwijl ik dat normaal kan appreciëren (een open einde), maar dit boek vroeg toch iets meer naar een gesloten einde.
April 25, 2024
Fantastic kick off, then slowly degrading… the character becomes boring, borderline annoying. Cannot make up her own mind. Struggling to find the purpose and the love of her life… only to end up where she started. I had higher hopes. The recipes add a little to it but otherwise I found no character development or excitement.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
50 reviews
March 7, 2019
I enjoyed this one as an audio book. While detailed in some areas, it felt as though some parts were missing detail however an enjoyable book just the same. Spending a period of time in Italy to learn about food and cooking sounds wonderful!
Profile Image for Janice.
177 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2017
Good read, love the setting and the characters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 136 reviews

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