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Park Ranger #1

Happy Trail

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A man of few words, Ranger Jay Daniels values the calm, quiet solitude of the Great Smoky Mountains. Never quite fitting in with either side of his family, he prefers the company of birds and trees to people.

Yeah, he’d most definitely prefer a bird—any bird, any bird at all, take a vulture for instance—to the human-tornado hybrid that just blew onto his peaceful stretch of the Appalachian Trail.

The path of true love never has run smooth for Olive Perry. After getting dumped and promptly abandoned in the middle of her multi-month hike, Olive swears off men. Determined to finish the long trek by herself, she doesn’t need a prince—or broody and taciturn ranger—to save her.

Yet, when an early snowstorm threatens the mountains, and Ranger Daniels is charged with getting hikers to safety, that includes hot-tempered Olive Perry. Snowed in and forced to share an abandoned cabin, can Olive’s heated intensity melt Jay’s cool reserve?

And if so, will this happy trail lead to true love? Or will their time together be just another bump in the road?

‘Happy Trail’ is a full-length contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book #1 in the Park Ranger series, Green Valley World, Penny Reid Book Universe.

350 pages, Paperback

First published October 22, 2019

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Daisy Prescott

47 books1,843 followers
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Or find me on Twitter (@daisy_prescott), Facebook /daisyprescottauthorpage, or Instagram /daisyprescott.

USA Today Bestselling author Daisy Prescott lives in a real life Stars Hollow in the Boston suburbs with her husband and an indeterminate number of imaginary housegoats. When not writing about people falling in love, she can be found traveling, gardening, baking, and reading a good book.

Her series include: Love with Altitude, Modern Love Stories, Wingmen and Bewitched.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 936 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,140 reviews34.8k followers
January 29, 2020
4 stars

 photo 694825DD-CE46-40D4-9F6A-966C36DD1B7F_zpsotvyzjla.jpg

Happy Trail is the first book in the 'Park Ranger' series, that takes place in Penny Reid's Green Valley universe. I'm always here for anything Penny related, so I was excited to read this book. It's also the first book I've read by Daisy Prescott, and I enjoyed it lots. It was sweet, funny, and left me with a huge smile on my face.

Olive is hiking the Appalachian Trail with her boyfriend when he proposes. It's out of nowhere, and it's live. On Instagram. After declining the proposal (poor Olive has been engaged a many of times) she keeps climbing alone, determined to finish what she started. It's October in TN, which usually doesn't mean snow, but this year, there's a storm coming. Jay is a ranger sent out to find any stray hikers before the storm hits, and this is where he meets Olive.

Jay and Olive don't spend much time together, just a few days, but that's all it takes. It's pretty obvious they're smitten with each other. They couldn't be more different, but sometimes, opposites attract. When Olive has to go back to her real life, they're separated for some time. That was the only thing I didn't love about this one , but otherwise, I thought it was fantastic from start to finish.

I listened to the auidobook of Happy Trail and it was so much fun to listen to. If you're looking for a feel-good romance that has a lot of heart, I recommend picking this one up!
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,225 reviews13.5k followers
April 16, 2021
6 stars for Happy Trail!

“Not saying the stereotypes about mountain folk are true, but around here, if you’re not white, you stand out. Easier to play off of people’s assumptions than go into too much personal history about my parents.”

I knew right here from this quote that this book was going to be something special. I’m glad I wasn’t wrong. How do I even begin to write a review for this masterpiece? I love that Daisy Prescott was not afraid to write a romance story about a bi-racial Japanese man, Ranger Jay Daniels, in Knoxville TN. I loved the realness about the struggle of looking more white than his sister and mom, Due to his lighter skin and hair, but having those Asian eyes that would give him away. Having to watch his mom and sister experience such ugliness that he didn’t experience, and yet he experienced a different side of it.

This story opened up a vault of feels within my own heart as I could draw from my own life’s experiences of racism and bigotry being an AA woman, but mixed too. I can identify with Jay on never feeling like he fit and that he wasn’t Japanese enough for his Japanese family or white enough for the white people. My heart broke when he said he was just nothing.

I love Olive! I loved her determination, sass, and her personality was just perfect. I love the pull, attraction and chemistry she felt towards Ranger Jay from the start. I loved Her determination in walking the AT solo after being dumped by her narcissistic boyfriend. Getting stranded in a snowstorm and being rescued by a handsome bearded Park ranger can’t be that bad, right? And did I mention the steam? There were times when I literally shook my head from dizziness due to love/lust of the chemistry between these two, and Jay. My new book boyfriend.

I could go on and on because I’m so passionate about there being more inclusive and culturally diverse books out there. I feel like I stepped into someone’s real life story (which it is), and got an education in what a biracial Japanese man faces.

I also loved being in Penny’s world again of Green Valley TN, and seeing some very beloved faces all throughout this book. Bravo, Daisy for not being afraid to go where people fear to go and writing this book. One of my top reads of the year!!!

#smartypantsromance #arc
Profile Image for Daisy.
Author 47 books1,843 followers
Want to read
October 22, 2019
**NOW LIVE!!**

I am honored, thrilled and grateful to be writing in Penny Reid's Smartypants Romance universe.

Spoiler: There will be Cletus cameos in this book.

This might be my favorite title ever. Love these characters so much!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LRDrhk
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2Ziu9Ou
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Kobo: https://bit.ly/2YB4Vha
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Add to your shelf on Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2GFT6fo
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books535 followers
October 18, 2023
HAPPY TRAIL by Daisy Prescott is cute cute cute. We have a cool down to earth girl who happens to be the granddaughter of a president and who’s gone through five, count ‘em, five broken engagements. Ouch. She goes with her douchey boyfriend to hike the Appalachian Trail. After he proposes in the worst social media influencer proposal ever then promptly has a tantrum and dumps her alone in the wilderness, she decides to hike the rest of the trail alone. Enter bad weather and super-hot ranger and a deserted cabin built for two. Hello excellent romance trope. This was deliciously cute. A loner and a lost soul. And bird watching nature lover nerds. Loved it!
Profile Image for Mia.Mi.Jou.
246 reviews100 followers
August 19, 2021
This is a story about Jay, Japanese-American national park ranger, and Olive, a socialite from New York, whom her influencer-boyfriend Tye asked to hike with him the Appalachian Trail (AT). As it turned out, his reasons for this adventure were only "bragging rights and the endless, fascinating stories they will get to tell at dinner parties for the rest of their lives". While she questions her life decisions during the hike, Tye proposes to her, streaming it live on IG. Needless to say, she turns him down, so Tye dumps her and leaves her stranded in the middle of nowhere.
Sure, I could’ve stopped hiking at any time. Could’ve quit and phoned someone to take me back to the city or out to the beach house to heal both my real and mental wounds. Instead, fueled by sadness, a healthy reserve of spite, and a side of shame, I kept walking. As long as I was on the AT, I could avoid the rest of my life and whatever fallout had been created by Tye’s proposal.

And here comes the wonderful and entertaining part of the book with Olive's witty inner monologues, where she, even though being so naïve to the world of camping out in the wilderness, overcomes the mental challenges of long-distance hiking and sets out on a journey of self-discovery.
When a snowstorm hits the AT in Tennessee, she meets grumpy and introverted Jay and they take shelter together in a nearby cabin. But when it’s time to part ways, they have a hard time saying goodbye...
“What are the odds of my dream coming true?” He whispers against my hair, “About as good as the two of us finding each other in the middle of nowhere.”

I loved the first half of the book so much! I was convinced it would be 5 stars read for me… both Jay and Olive were fantastic characters and I was just rooting for them. But unfortunately, I felt like they went from being strangers to being completely head over heels in love too quickly. The depth of their feelings didn’t match their time together, so I wasn’t really feeling their love and the pacing of the story threw me a little bit off. It was really slow in the beginning (which I loved in this case), but then their love story was rushed through the final third, which felt to me closer to chic lit than romance. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed reading this story, it came to me in the right time I guess.
Hiking is putting one foot in front of the other. One foot. In front of the other. Repeat forever. One step becomes ten and then a thousand. Eventually, these steps turn into miles. Miles turn into days. Days turn into states. States turn into months. Months become life hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Profile Image for lazybookconqueror.
329 reviews88 followers
October 26, 2019
This book is laugh-out-loud hilarious.

Olive Perry dumped her social media celebrity boyfriend in the middle of the Appalachian Trail and has sworn off men. After five intense months of hiking by herself and cataloging birds, her path crosses with Ranger Jay Daniels. Jay (an introvert) just wants to get Olive safe and out of the track before an upcoming snowstorm hits. Of course, that doesn't happen and both are forced to weather the storm in an abandoned cabin.

It's a great forced proximity premise and Olive and Jay are interesting protagonists, but what really made me love this book was Olive's internal musings. They are hilarious, they are fun, they are current, they are relatable AF. Thank you, Daisy Prescott, for that. Here are just a few of my favorites, but believe me, I highlighted so many funny phrases it was hard to choose.

“Cicadas are the loud, drunk girls of the woods. No point in trying to shush them. They’ll only scream louder.”

“Watch out fancy dinner parties, I’m going to blow your socks off with ornithological facts.”

“For the most part, everyone is nice enough, but I’m over every, single, last dude bro who feels the need to mansplain my hike to me. Over. It.”

“Not today, and the rest of the week isn’t looking too good for you either, Satan.”

“Sisterhood of the traveling sports bras unite.”

“There’s something so confidently capable about him that I find appealing. Must be a caveman/ cavewoman response in my ancient lizard brain. If you provide fire, I’ll be your mate.”

Ok, now that we established that this was a joy to read I did have my reservations with the relationship aspect. Jay is the sweetest, Olive is complicated but the perfect opposite for Jay. However, first it feels like there's an unexisting conflict there... yeah, Olive has a bad history with relationships but she's been single for a while and I just didn't buy too much into the drama that was going on with Jay. After we discover more about Olive's backstory there's a shift, and I thought the conflict would really start from there.

But, there's not really any consequences to us finding out that . So, I felt that we had a bit of unnecessary drama, to begin with, and then after things go in a bit deeper nothing is really evolves and it'sprety much smooth sailing...

When we do focus on Jay and Olive being together they are amazing. Again, I need to praise Prescott's writing style because she makes their bond so sweet and real. She writes really steamy scenes that are tasteful, and really sweet and funny scenes that are honest and entertaining. It was truly a delight to read this.

This was an ARC sent to me in exchange for an honest review. Happy Trail is now out on all platforms.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna lost in stories *A*.
1,021 reviews179 followers
October 4, 2019
I voluntarily reviewed an early copy of this book :) based on some other reviews I’ve been seeing so far, I’m in minority when I say I wasn’t the biggest fan of this story… but that’s ok, because we are all entitled to our own personal opinions and I’m happy so many of you loved it :) but in case there may be others who might feel similarly to me, let me share my thoughts and feelings in a bit of a random order, cause I want to write this review while the story is still fresh in my mind ;)

#1 this definitely works as a standalone story, and you don’t need any previous knowledge to enjoy it, you get all the necessary informations when it comes to background and even though there are some small appearances of familiar faces, it’s more of a nod to the fans of the original series ;)

#2 Jay, our hero, is a half american and half japanese ranger who prefers to keep to himself, stays away from most people and just enjoys the silence… I definitely liked him more than our heroine, mostly because he reminded me of myself a lot of times ;)

#3 Olive, our heroine, is not my cup of tea… because of personal preferences, I saw her as a bit childish and immature, acting irrationally and running away from her real life and responsibilities, pretending they don’t exist as long as possible… she was loud and a bit all over the place and that got really tiring really fast for me...

#4 the romance between our main couple was at the same time too slow and too fast for my liking… they spend only a few days together and not enough happens between them in that time to justify the enormity of the feelings on both sides… I mean, I could understand that Olive thinks she loves him so fast, cause it clicks with her personality of diving head first into things without thinking too much about them... but it definitely didn’t strike me as something Jay would do… not to mention that after those few days something happens and we have a time jump… more about that a bit below in my spoilery section ;)

#5 there were some pretty serious themes and subjects touched upon in this story and I really wished we would concentrate a bit more on them, cause I think it could really help me not only connect more with both Jay and Olive as characters, but they are important to talk about: Olive’s struggles with weight since she was a kid, her being part of the family she belongs to (it’s revealed later in the book, so I won’t spoil anything right now) and Jay’s struggles with his identity and the fact he feels like he doesn’t belong anywhere…

#6 I was interested in this book in huge part because of the author… and the writing style was as good as I expected, it’s just that this particular story wasn’t for me… but there were a lot of funny moments and a few swoonworthy ones as well :) I am definitely gonna give another one of her books a try in the future… I already own some of them :)

ok, now we are heading into spoiler territory, including things that happen and / or are revealed towards the end of the book so you are reading the rest of my review at your own risk ;)

all in all I decided to give this book 3 stars… it was closer to 2,5 or maybe 2,75 stars but I decided to round it up because I feel like a lot of issues I have with a story is because of my personal preferences and a lot of you might enjoy this story… as always, I encourage you to give some other reviews a read before you make up your own decision about picking up this book :) who knows, it might be your next favourite story :) I really wish that for you :) but it just wasn’t for me


Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,138 reviews1,766 followers
October 28, 2019
Favorite Quotes:

My parents each have four siblings. Big families are like living inside a circus run by the monkeys…

Tye had a strong aversion to the South, based solely on watching the movie Deliverance when he was nine during a sleepover with his older cousins. He also hated all banjo and fiddle music. Made me wonder if his cousins were also musical sadists.

Is there some sort of chemical stored in testicles, that compels men to explain things to women?

He has a drawl I automatically want to mimic. The slow pace of his words is molasses and I’m a housefly with a sugar addiction.

“You can keep the mayo, AKA the devil’s mucus.” Her eyes widen. “No, you’re one of those people.” “Exactly which kind of person am I?” I challenge, my tone playful. “The kind who hate mayonnaise.”

Smugness rarely looks good on anyone, but I think I wear it well.

My Review:

Happy Trails was a slow-burn romantic comedy with weather and hygiene challenged, mosquito-bitten, sore-footed, and socially awkward characters. Hikers are an odd breed and definitely not one I share a gene pool with, as I likes my creature comforts such as running water, ice, and high thread count sheets. While I wouldn’t have lasted for even a few miles or an afternoon of the intrepid Olive’s trek, I was well entertained by her adventure. Written in my favorite dual POV, the storylines were original and insightfully penned with well-crafted layers of angst, clever levity, and complicated yet endearingly quirky characters with a love of pop-tarts, a predilection that I also share.
Profile Image for Jen .
804 reviews603 followers
November 5, 2019
3.75 Stars

When it comes to men and freezing creeks, I tend to fall hard and fast.

Olive hasn’t always had the best taste in men. In fact, she’s been engaged numerous times without a single one actually sticking. When her latest boyfriend and Instagram influencer extraordinaire decides they should hike the Appalachian Trail and document it for his feed, she’s on board. Sure, her hiking experience is limited if non-existent, but no worries because her man and his team have all the details covered. Until she’s left alone to fend for herself, doncha know.

Jay loves his job as a park ranger working in the smoky mountains of Tennessee. Give him a life surrounded by nature and the peace and quiet that accompany it and he’s a happy man. Growing up, Jay never really felt like he fit in with either side of his family, and that feeling never really left. When his job sends him searching for a lone hiker left on the trail with a storm fast approaching, Jay expects to locate the errant hiker and return back to his station. What he never expected was Olive, previously entitled debutante turned newly minted nature lover.

“It can be difficult to be authentic when you feel like an outsider among the people who are supposed to be your community.”

Let’s get down to the good stuff. I’ve been a fan of Daisy Prescott’s writing for a while and I’m glad to say her entry into the world of Smartypants Romance was a successful one. Jay and Olive are well developed characters, given the length of the story, and I appreciated getting to know them. Looking in, Olive had a life many young women would kill for, but it never really felt right for her. The judgement she received from her family didn’t help. Jay was loved and appreciated by his family but felt like an imposter in a lot of ways. This story is made stronger by the way these two evolve and grow with the help of the other.

As I tend to do, I’m giving a shout out to the banter between the mains. Dirty, smelly no filter Olive is an awesome match for a reserved, oftentimes rigid Jay and those scenes when they first meet are my favorite.

The only reason my picky ass isn’t giving this a solid 4 star rating is because for as much as I enjoyed this story, I never felt the depth of feeling I was supposed to. I got the easy friendship part and the fact both brought something the other didn’t to the relationship, but heat? Longing? The gut wrenching I can’t live without you kind of thing? I wasn’t getting that. I will say, by the end I was fully on board with their happy ending, I just wanted a skosh more intensity.

Happy Trail left a big smile on my face, as well as a little bit of jealousy that I wasn’t getting to experience the beauty of Appalachia right along with Olive and Jay.

ARC provided by Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest, voluntary review
Profile Image for Suz.
1,301 reviews694 followers
October 31, 2023

This is exactly what I found this to be. I saw a review from my friend Kat and knew a fun read would lighten the load when I sometimes tend toward serious non fiction titles. Hoopla delivered via my public library, and I found this straight away.

Yucky characters such as an awful fiance to be, proposing on the Appalachian Trail while 'pretending' to be hiking - think food flown in and sleeping at hotels along the way. Poor old Olive, she's had 6 failed engagements, she also happens to be the grand daughter of an ex President of The United States.

Our cute protagonist Olive soon discovers a life that is worth more than this; and after experiencing unforgivable behaviour from this supposed fiancé while hiking the trail, she keeps on keeping on and teaches herself how to hike properly. Well, as much as she can without the correct gear.

Olive comes across a gorgeous ranger Jay, while a storm is brewing, and this sets off a beautiful and gentle story of two unlikely souls learning about each other, and the environment they are in. The side characters were great, and the descriptions of the trail, the way of life while hiking were believable and interesting.

I loved this romance story, it was funny and sweet and sizzly and easy to read which is one thing I love with my reading. Nothing to not love here.
Profile Image for Caitlin Reads.
178 reviews55 followers
October 3, 2019
This was definitely a 5 star read for me! Happy Trail is the first in the Park Rangers series of the Smartypants Romance universe and it was fantastic! It was a perfect slowburn romance. I absolutely loved Olive Perry and Jay Daniels from the beginning of the book. Olive, aka Snowbird, is currently hiking the Appalachian Trail after an engagement gone wrong. Ranger Jay is a park ranger sent to get all of the hikers off the mountain in advance of an upcoming storm. Olive and Jay ended up stranded at a deserted moonshiners cabin to weather storm and sparks fly. The chemistry between Olive and Jay was undeniable. This book was funny and charming with undeniable heart. Jay is dreamy and new book boyfriend. Olive is hilarious and so likable. It was fun to watch them both grow throughout the book and find comfort in who they truly are as they find each other. This is probably my favorite of the Smartypants books I have read to date. Happy Trail can be read as a standalone but it also takes place in Green Valley featuring characters from the Penny Reid Winston series. You will be doing yourself a huge disservice if you don't read BOTH. This was my favorite Daisy Prescott novel and I am so happy to have finally discovered her. I can't want to go back and read some of her prior books.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shelby.
1,142 reviews708 followers
October 8, 2019
After 5 failed engagements, Olive finally thought she hit the jackpot with Tye, the man her family thought was absolutely perfect for her. So when Tye, a famous social media influencer, suggests the two of them hike the entirety of the Appalachian Trail (AT), Olive doesn’t think twice. Even though Olive isn’t the most active, she dives head first into their new adventure together.

What Olive doesn’t expect is a proposal from Tye, being recorded on Instagram live. And when Olive turns him down, her narcissistic (ex)boyfriend leaves her stranded on the AT. Instead of going back home to face the backlash of yet another failed relationship, Olive decides to continue the trek alone. And along the way she’s nicknamed Snowbird.

When a storm hits the AT in Tennessee, park ranger Jay Daniels sets off to ensure all hikers are safely off the trail to wait out the storm. But he catches wind that a lone female hiker that goes by the name Snowbird is still deep into the trail, even with the storm looming. And when he finally catches up to her, the storm is too imminent for them to hike back to the ranger station.

So Jay and Olive, brought together by one serious snowstorm, take shelter together in a nearby moonshine cabin. They started out as strangers, but by the end of their stay, they felt like they knew each other inside and out. They couldn’t come from more different worlds: Olive a city girl and Jay an outdoorsman. But when it’s time to part ways, their hearts have a hard time saying goodbye...

Happy Trail by Daisy Prescott is the first book in the brand new Park Ranger series by Smartypants romance. I loved everything about this romance! It was full of whit and laughs and I fell in love with Jay & Olive. Jay is such a likeable guy who struggles with some serious issues stemming from his childhood, never feeling like he truly fits in, as he’s half Japanese and half white. And Olive feels pressured by her family to be the perfect trophy wife, hence the repeated failed engagements. These two were so perfect together! Loved their romance and loved this book—5/5 stars.

Thank you to SocialButterfly PR, Smartypants Romance and Daisy Prescott for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,771 reviews521 followers
October 25, 2019
As always Daisy Prescott did an amazing job writing a book that is very addicting & charming to read.
It is a perfect blend to be in Penny Reid universe with magical Daisey touch.
I enjoyed reading this very much. And that is saying something for a book about hicking, well not just regular hicking our heroine is doing Appalachian Trail... Kudos to all the people and especially women who actually do this... I love nature but I have to say camping is not my jam...still, I was not bored for one second reading this.

Charming, feelgood read.

Even though our heroine is not someone I can relate to I still enjoyed reading her perspective and going on this journey with her. The hero of this book is her perfect opposite. And it is a fantastic lead.

Profile Image for Wendy ⏃: ✦Nerdy Book Reviews✦.
945 reviews298 followers
October 22, 2019


Happy Trail by Daisy Prescott takes us into the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Instantly captivating, I was swept into this story from page one!

First we meet Jay Daniels. He's the Park Ranger at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Jay is reserved and keeps to himself. He'd rather be in the wild studying the birds as the local ornithologist than have to be surrounded by humans. Being half Japanese and half white, Jay struggles with who he is. He doesn't feel like he's accepted among his Japanese side of the family nor does he feel "white" enough to be American. I absolutely loved that Daisy brought these issues to light and the many feelings in which they stirred. It really made me appreciate Jay and his background and my background as well. I come from mixed roots myself; my father is Ecuadorian and my mother–Portuguese. When people look at me they see this white woman and are surprised when they hear me speak Spanish. Yes, I'm American but I'm also Ecuadorian and Portuguese!

The heroine in this book is probably one of the best I've read. Olive Perry comes from a high society New York family. She embarked on this adventure of hiking with her ex-boyfriend Tye who was a total d-bag by the way. Along the way he leaves her stranded and Olive decides to complete hiking the Appalachian Trail on her own. I just loved how completely outspoken and sassy she was. She might have been refined at one point but she quickly develops a no filter type attitude as she comes out of her shell. She fell in love with the outdoors and finding different bird species along the way which ultimately brings her to Ranger Daniels.

How Olive and Jay met is such a fated, meet-cute moment. Jay meets her as Snowbird, her hiker name. They soon become stuck in this small cabin in the woods waiting out a snow storm. Let's just say the attraction and the chemistry between them is palpable. It was undeniable and you won't help but swoon. I loved how different these two were and how they found common love in birds and hiking. Of course there were moments where they struggled but in the end they came back to each other.

Happy Trail was such a sweet romance and I absolutely loved it! I loved being in the world of Green Valley, Tennessee and meeting these characters from Penny's Smartypants Romance Universe. This also was my first Daisy book and let me just say... It won't be my last. I'm ready for more! Sidenote: I'm hoping and wanting a book for Jenni, Jay's sister please!!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author through Social Butterfly PR. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*
Profile Image for Natasha.
Author 27 books2,556 followers
October 21, 2019
I began Happy Trail one evening, hoping to enjoy it in spare moments throughout the following week. I was unable to stop reading. The story of Olive and Jay grabbed me from the very first page, and Daisy’s beautiful and atmospheric writing style, added to the delicate confidence with which she handled some sensitive moments in the book, absolutely bowled me over. This is by far her best book to date, and an incredible addition to the Smartypants romance universe. Happy Trail put me in a state of sighs and heart eyes for the entire gorgeous story and for days afterward! A well-deserved five star romance.
Profile Image for Alla.
1,043 reviews53 followers
April 20, 2020
I really enjoyed this one. It´s set in Penny Reid´s Winston brother´s world.
It was just wonderful :)
Profile Image for Smartypants Romance.
73 reviews948 followers
Want to read
August 1, 2019

We are so incredibly excited to announce the wonderful and lovely Daisy Prescott Author's book for Smartypants Romance. 'Happy Trail' is the first book in the Park Ranger Series, a contemporary romantic comedy, and can be read as a standalone.

RELEASE DATE: October 22nd, 2019

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LRDrhk
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2Ziu9Ou
Nook: https://bit.ly/2STSvMc
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2YB4Vha
Google Play: https://bit.ly/2MuSihg
Add to your shelf on Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2GFT6fo

October 10, 2019
“Life isn’t about the destination. We all end up at the same place. Love is what gives our journey meaning.”

Happy Trail by Daisy Prescott is another precious gem from the SmartyPants Romance Universe. This story focuses on “The Runaway Fiancée,” Olive Perry, who is hiking the Appalachian Trail alone after a proposal gone wrong and surly park ranger Jay Daniels who is sent to clear hikers from the trail ahead of a winter storm. Sparks fly when the two get trapped in an abandoned moonshiner’s cabin. While the time they spend together is brief, it is significant and life-changing.

This book had a good mix of comedy, romance, charm and depth. I highlighted more passages in this story than I have any book I’ve read in a long time. A couple of my favorites are:

“Why does every girl want to be a mermaid? Or a unicorn? They don’t exist. Be a narwhal if you want a horn. Or a rhino. They’re super cool and couldn’t care less about what other people think of them.”

“A measure of a person’s worth is synchronicity between their words and actions. No one should be judged on the color of their skin or the money they do or don’t have, nor should we bear the weight of our family’s deeds and words.”
Profile Image for Stacie.
2,214 reviews253 followers
October 25, 2019
4 1/2 "Be true to yourself." Stars!

Well! This book just made my heart go pitter patter. I adored Jay and Olive's story. They were... I wouldn't say weird, though that would be a compliment; I like weird. Quirky would be a better word; and both in their own unique way. Jay was a sweetheart of a grupasauraus and Olive was almost completely unfiltered and hilarious. I loved the way they both had to overcome some societal expectations and restrictions to fully become themselves. Social expectation- not to mention familial expectations- can really suck sometimes.

Anywho, I'm excited to read more Smartypants Romance books. I would not have been introduced to Daisy Prescott (I will be looking for more DP books to delve into!) without her writing in this world where Penny Reid 's Winston brothers reside. And let me tell you, it was very nice to catch a glimpse of the Tennessee pack of bearded Hemsworths!

So, to sum it up. I loved this story. It was sweet and funny and swoony with just a perfect touch of social and ethnic awareness. Happy reading!

Profile Image for Sometime.
1,697 reviews152 followers
July 4, 2022
This is a cute little book based in the world that Penny Reid created with the Winston family. (They are mentioned in the book but are not present). The H/h both have secrets that they keep but there wasn't much angst around that.

The H/h meet when they get stranded in a blizzard while the h is hiking the Appalachian Trail. The H is a ranger who finds her and they camp out in an old moonshiner cabin. They get to know each other and dispel any initial judgments they made about each other. They get to be good friends and start to fall in love.

The H/h were great together. They had a cute relationship. There were several chapters after they finally get together so it felt like they had a nice extended epilogue. The book was a slow-burn, fluffy story.

Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,268 reviews1,529 followers
November 4, 2019
I'm kind of into wilderness stories lately. Love those "lost in Alaska" type romances. This never really set up in the big city, although the second half had some civilization. Hero/heroine are from two very different worlds. Hero is mixed race and sensitive to racism. Heroine born into a very famous family, and sick of it. She's hiking the AT (something my husband and I have seriously talked about undertaking). Set in the world of Penny Ried's Winston brothers series, with a cameo from one of our favorite Winstons :D
Profile Image for Georgia.
641 reviews52 followers
January 12, 2020
This was not the romance for me. It was boring and the author seemed to be checking off all the culturally sensitive boxes she could think of in the most didactic and obvious ways, from cultural insensitivity and racism to the ills of social media. Everything felt explained instead of shown and thus the chemistry between the characters was blah, and also they spent two whole days in a cabin and were in love? Gag me.
Profile Image for Amber Boyd.
700 reviews14 followers
October 23, 2019
What a fantastic journey to a happy ever after! I knew when I heard that Daisy was going to write in the Penny Reid world that it would be better than good. This story was everything I’d hoped for and didn’t know I needed!

There was something about Olive that spoke to me. She’s kinda trapped in her too perfect world of expectations, always pushing the boundaries of sorts but always somehow ending up with egg on her face. When she sets off on this hiking expedition on the Appalachian Trail with her latest boyfriend, Olive had no idea how she would find herself. Not only did she find an inner strength she never realized, she also found one hot, broody park ranger.

Ohh how I adore Ranger Jay!! He’s so guarded and closed off, but observant. Maybe that’s why he’s such a good ranger and maybe that’s why he specializes in birds. Then again it could be all the layers that Jay grapples with that is why he keeps himself hidden. I absolutely loved when we get more of who Jay is, seeing his family and learning his history.

Oh but Olive sees him, and Jay sees Olive. They see possibility in the other. Happy Trail was a beautiful slow burn, opposites attract story that I didn’t want to end! I loved all the details about hiking the AT, and birds and the appearances of Winston’s (esp Cletus!) and Daisy’s Nut House and the jam session. So much love and happiness in one story!!
Profile Image for maggieandteddy.
1,137 reviews140 followers
July 1, 2020
When I first read the book blurb, I was concerned that the heroine would be a ditsy clueless city girl.
Olive is a city girl, but she's not ditsy or clueless.
She found herself hiking alone on the Appalachian Trail. She could have stopped at a nearby town.
Instead, being stubborn, Olive decides that she's going to finish walking/hiking the AT.
The parallel time- lines Olive/Jay had me confused a little. I then figured out that Olive's story started further back by a few weeks.
Jay is a park ranger who is assigned to clear the hikers off of the trail before harsh late fall cold weather comes to the higher elevation.
I love Jay. He's so different from the hunks and in your face heroes. Jay is a man of very few works. He loves the solitude, away from a lot of people. I loved his layers. The author really developed his personality. Jay's story is gradually told. I loved that. I just had to know more.
Olive is a city girl, but her entire story is also told little by little. This really is a character driven book, Nature really was a strong supporting-maybe even a leading character.
This is a book that I would love to reread and also listen to on audio.
The story was unpredictable and had me wanting more and more.
I received this ARC from Smartypants but I would have bought it. I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews160 followers
October 4, 2019
Oh Olive tends to have diarrhea of the mouth, “not that this is a date. I don’t think it is—a date. Of course not, because this clearly isn’t romantic. You know what I mean.” I press my lips together to stop the flow of embarrassing verbiage." Jay is quite awkward as well, "...I also booked a room. For you. For … us.” I stumble over the words and the meaning lurking behind them." I liked this book, I fell in love with Jay and Olive.
Profile Image for Sharon L.
595 reviews95 followers
May 23, 2020
5 stars, I loved it.

It has been almost three weeks since I read this book, and let me tell you this one is a keeper.

Olive's & Jay's story is one that stays with you, because in the short span of reading this book they became good friends of mine.

Their love story is one to root for. Truth be told, while I really like Jay, the one I love deeply is Olive. Because, while this book is their love story, it is also a story of self discovery and growth when it comes to Olive. It is done so well, one simply can't help but rooting for this girl.

Anyway, I promised a review, so here is one.

This is one of the stories published by Smartypants Romance, which basically means it is a story in the universe Penny Reid has created, and it is written by a different author - Daisy Prescott.

If you are familiar with Penny Reid, this story is based in her Green Valley portion, which basically would mean - Winston Brothers.

However, Daisy has let us see something entirely her own with the trails, and the woods, and the birds, and the mountains and the fuller setting of the park rangers. She built upon something that was referenced to a degree and she made it a skyscraper. It's big, awesome and I can't wait to explore the park rangers more!

For the Penny fans out there - you see tinsy bit of Cletus, and a little of Drew. Honestly, Drew's part though small was more significant. And I forgot how much I missed him.

Now back to Daisy Prescott. It does not matter if you are well acquainted with Daisy's books or if this is your first read, I think it will be a favourite of yours. I know it is a favourite of mine.

Jay was cute, smart, misanthropic, hot, kind, sexy, funny, sarcastic and bearded.

Olive was something else entirely. Yes, she was kind, friendly, a social butterfly of sorts who learned to enjoy her solitude. Yes, she was smart, funny, talented, determined and so damn funny. But more importantly, she was full of heart.

I would say, the two spent roughly 5 days together before they fell in love for a lifetime, there was more time apart than together. Still, while reading this I found myself believing in the deep emotional connection they forged in this short while. Enough so, that I knew it was more than attraction. Their connection was based on respect, caring and friendship. Like when you meet a kindred spirit. Only this spirit turned to be attractive, and the attraction is mutual. ;)

Also, there is this whole thing about Jay being half Japanese. This part plays a role in this book and especially in Jay's fears, experiences and worries. I could understand that and care for him, since obviously it wasn't easy for him.

However, I would have preferred to see these issues more in depth. I would have liked to experience them better. Furthermore, I would have wanted to see some perspective on this issue from Jay's mother and sister, who clearly experienced it in a more direct way.

Lastly, there was something that bothered me just a little, not exactly in this book, so much as reading this book made me wonder. It is a heavy matter, that doesn't directly relate to the book. I shall post about it in the first comment of this review. If you have an opinion about my musings, I'd like to hear them :)

Also, I would have liked to post some of my favourite quotes. Unfortunately, I highlighted the daylights out of this book...

an ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. I regret nothing.
Profile Image for Andrea.
Author 29 books650 followers
October 10, 2019
Dare I say it? Happy Trail is my absolute favorite Daisy Prescott book!. I am a flutter with how much I loved it and my heart is simply happy.

I laughed, cried, was all swoony with FEELINGS! Happy Trail is full of sweetness, friendship, self-growth, overall acceptance and love. So much love. Everyone needs to spend a little time with Jay and Olive. You won't regret it.
Profile Image for Darlene Avery.
953 reviews4 followers
October 4, 2019
Happy Trail: Park Ranger Series Book 1 by Daisy Prescott is the perfect addition to the Smartypants Romance crew.

I absolutely love Jay and Olive.

I love the way Daisy immerses her readers into the world of the ranger and the die hard hikers. The world that mixes nature and nuture. A world that both of these characters have found themselves in.

Daisy gives her readers wit, humor, depth, and romance.

She lets the story unfold and gives us the chance to root these two on.

“Love is what gives our journey meaning.”

4.5 Stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 936 reviews

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