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Romantic Escapes #2

Малката пекарна в Бруклин

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Софи напуска Лондон и болезнените спомени и се мести в Ню Йорк, където работи като кулинарен журналист. Макар първоначално да няма големи очаквания, тя скоро открива, че магията на кулинарния свят ѝ отваря неподозирани врати – към нови приятели, възможности и любов.

Поемете към романтичната малка пекарна в Бруклин, където парче пай ще ви накара да се почувствате като у дома си!

Когато Софи Бенингс пристига в Ню Йорк, последното, което търси, е любов. Младата кулинарна блогърка все още се възстановява от болезнена раздяла, затова решава изцяло да се потопи в работата си на кулинарен журналист в първокласно списание.

Колегата ѝ Тод Макленън е въплъщение на всичко, което Софи е убедена, че не желае. Досущ като витрината на великолепната пекарна под нейния апартамент и той е силно изкушение. В разумна доза обаче изкушенията едва ли вредят на някого.

В града, който никога не спи Софи и Тод постепенно се опознават и се оказва, че любовта към храната далеч не е единствената им обща страст.

360 pages, Paperback

First published May 25, 2018

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About the author

Julie Caplin

19 books820 followers
Julie Caplin also writes contemporary romance as Jules Wake.

Julie Caplin is addicted to travel and good food. She’s on a constant hunt for the perfect gin and is obsessively picky about glasses, tonic and garnishes. Between regular gin tastings, she’s been writing her debut novel which is set in just one of the many cities she’s explored over the years.

Formerly a PR director, for many years she swanned around Europe taking top food and drink writers on press trips (junkets) sampling the gastronomic delights of various cities in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Copenhagen and Switzerland. It was a tough job but someone had to do it. These trips have provided the inspiration and settings for the trilogy, The Little Cafe in Copenhagen, The Little Brooklyn Bakery and the The Little Paris Patisserie.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 583 reviews
Profile Image for Carolin Wahl.
Author 14 books1,283 followers
December 23, 2022
3.5 Sterne

Nett für zwischendurch, aber bei weitem nicht so witzig und voller Charme, wie Band 1.
Außerdem bin ich weder mit der Protagonistin, noch dem Love-Interest wirklich warm geworden: obwohl bei ihr so viel Potenzial dagewesene wäre ...

Nichtsdestotrotz bin ich gespannt auf den weiteren Band (:
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews726 followers
June 9, 2018
5 - "It’s always about the food with you." Stars!

The second book in Julie Caplins’ City Bakes/Romantic Getaways series takes us to New York, and The Little Brooklyn Bakery more specifically.

Life didn’t get better than this…

So, I have read two books by this author in as many weeks, and I already know without a doubt that we are going to have a long and happy relationship. I didn’t think I could love this book more than its predecessor; The Little Café in Copenhagen or the main hero from that book, Ben. But he was topped, albeit by a mere hairsbreadth by Todd McLennan.

There is an easy, uncomplicated writing style to these stories, the drama is well placed and not overblown. The characters well rounded, likeable and relatable, and the settings so well described you cannot help but feel you are experiencing the same things the characters are.

"I really enjoy being with you… it kind of feels like I can be me. I never have to think about what I’m saying… It’s easy being in your company."

I loved Sophie as a secondary character in the first book, a woman after my own heart when it comes to loving food, in all its shapes and forms. The author gave her enough page space that you knew that although she put on a happy face all was not necessarily well in her world, and this book, gives her the happily-ever-after she absolutely deserved.

He would be an easy man to love… even if he didn’t think so.

I don’t often go comparing authors because I think they are all their own individual talents, but if you are a fan of Jill Shalvis, Sarah Morgan, or any other author in that stratosphere, Julie Caplin is someone you are going to want to read. I have pretty much grabbed every other book she has available on Amazon under her other writing name Jules Wake as well, and I have the enjoyable task of spending the coming months reading those books too.

But, thankfully we return to this series in August with The Little Paris Patisserie and I for one cannot wait!

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,278 followers
June 13, 2018
4.5 Your Heart can Rise Like Dough, Too Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
This is a new to me author but that will not be happening again! I will be looking for more as she has combined the love of travel, yummy mouthwatering goodies and love in such a way... it becomes a delicious guilty pleasure.

As an old NYC gal, this going to Brooklyn was a delight. The characters, the local places and just the unique feel of it all sang to me. I also was able to enjoy all the sweet treats without the calories. Genius.

Sophie Bennings has had the shock of her life. She thought she was living the dream; she had her man and a career as a food editor with one of the best magazines happening. Perfect, right...

Well, turns out she had been deeply betrayed and learned of it in the most awful way. When an opportunity presents itself to Sophie, one that is right up her food loving alley...She takes it.

Now she is across the pond and in Brooklyn. Her new assignment has her living above the most fabulous bakery. Bella, the most charming owner of the bakery, becomes fast friends with Sophie as does the job swap.

It is during these scheduled months, Sophie looks inward to re-center herself...find her peace and move forward. There is a bit of distraction, though...and Sophie is trying to stay her focus on only food...

You see, the distraction isn't the sugar ladened treats... no, it is this man, Bella's cousin Todd. He happens to be a columnist so the foundation of writing is there...and hello... the love of food, sweets, too. It also doesn't hurt that he is easy on the eyes and direct in his way of being. He is open and honest about his way with relationships...how he isn't looking for the forever kind.

These two do bond early on as those who have like interests and not as those who are looking for love. We are there as they grow into something else and when they do realize what sparks they have, we enjoy the fireworks...

This book had everything a reader would enjoy; a plot, detailed experiences in and out of the kitchen, lovely characters who grow and thrive.

This is part of a series and I will be lined up for the next adventure.

A gifted copy was provided by HarperImpulse via NetGalley for an honest review.

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Profile Image for HeyitsMony.
53 reviews154 followers
June 5, 2022
100% съм убедена, че поне веднъж сте чели книга, която спада към “блуткави романи”. Аз не съм фен на този израз, но мисля че точно така тези тип книги са приети от обществото.

Книжката е супер сладка и приятна за четене, първо защото историята се развива в моя любим Ню Йорк; второ защото атмосферата е изпълнена само с вкусни и ухаещи добре торти; трето- ами главната героиня е просто прекрасна.

Няма да лъжа, любовната история е придвидима и още първите няколко глави се разбира как ще завърши книгата и точно за това давам 4⭐️.
Мъжкият персонаж,Тод, лично го харесах. По принцип в тези книги *блуткави романи* много рядко се привързвам чак толкова много към мъжките образи. Имам си няколко любими book boyfriends, но те са си извоювали местата и трудно някой ще ги свали от там ахахха.

Това, което ми хареса в Тод, е това че той далеч не е перфектен, дори и да е изграден със сини очи, идеална коса, уникално тяло, той не е перфектен. Имаше си своите недостатъци и точно това оцених в неговият образ. Перфектни хора няма, дори и да изглеждат като Уил Херондейл ахахах. Понякога съвършенството не е достатъчно, а именно недостатъците ни правят хора <3
Profile Image for Canan  ^^.
931 reviews63 followers
March 14, 2023
Şu seride iki kitap okudum, konuşmak için erken belki ama...Olayların geçtiği mekanlar için pr çalılşması yapıyor sanki yazar.Çok reklamvari bir seyahat sunuyormuş gibi hissetmekten kendimi alamıyorum 🙈Yani Kopenhang'da Aşk kitabına oranla bene bunun dozu daha azdı ama beynim bir şeye odaklandığı için her türlü gözüme batıyor işte 😁

Aldatıldığını öğrenen yemek yazarımız Sophie iş değişikliği teklifi alınca, kafasını toplamak için İngiltere'den Brooklyn'e transfer olur. Yeni insanlar, yeni mekan, baki olan acısı...Bir şekilde hayata tutunmaya çalışır.
Todd ise Gecelerin Adamı(?) tarzında bir köşe yazarı.Eğlenceli, çarpıcı, yakışıklı ve her kesimden kadının sevgilisi...Verdiği imaj bu yönde en azından. Tam bir toxic ilişkiye sahip ebeveynleri sağolsun, evliliktir, aşktır hepsine uzak.Sadece eğleniyor.Ama hep dürüsttür karşısındakine.O aşık olmayacaktırSakın sende olma yani!🙄
Valla şu bana aşık olma muhabbeti çok canımı sıkıyor.İster nefret olsun ister sevgi...Elimizde değilki içimizde tutalım 🤦‍♀️😁

Samimi ve eğlenceli bir atmosferi vardı.Aralarındaki kimya ortaya çıktıkça Todd'un o kendinden emin tavrının gergin, çekimser, güvensiz olarak yansıtıldığı sahneler bana pek geçmedi.Yine de sıcak, samimi romans seviyorsanız okumak bir şey kaybettirmez diye düşünüyorum.
Profile Image for Hannah.
511 reviews109 followers
May 29, 2020
Another fantastic setting for another fantastic book. This was the book that drew me to this series when I found it in a charity shop. I enjoyed being reminded of the sights New York has to offer and in more depth about Brooklyn. Sophie was a brilliant character in #1 so i'm pleased she got her own story. Sophie deserved so much better than James, he played on how nice she is. Todd is a character with so much depth and I love in a character. You find out why he behaves like he does and it's nice how it takes the chance of love with Sophie. It follows the same style of writing as Book One but I found this one less predictable, I think the character of Todd helped with that. I enjoyed the mention of characters from the Copenhagen book before this one. Kate and Sophie's friendship is one of a kind. I loved Kate and Ben just as much as Sophie and Todd.
Profile Image for Honest Mabel.
970 reviews39 followers
August 20, 2018
Mediocre at best

I hate writing negative reviews. I read the book in one day and the author should leave herself in England or learn American speech patterns. I struggled with it because it jarred me out of my reading every time. Which would seem like a small thing but every few pages to sometimes every page becomes annoying. I question where her editor was.

The story itself was typical with expected end results. It’s a cookie cutter story line.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
December 15, 2019
Не искам да съм лоша, но не мога да кажа абсолютно нищо хубаво за тази книга.
Уби ме от скука. Сигурно я четох 10 дни.
Искаше ми се да прочета разтоварващи и забавни книги около празниците, но имам чувството , че ни мислят за бавно развиващи се.
Гледайки какъв рейтинг имат подобни книги, съвсем се обърквам.
Изобщо нямам идея как да се предпазя да купувам всички тези псевдо книги.
Profile Image for Ruth.
704 reviews288 followers
October 23, 2019
Oh NO. Das war ja wohl GAR NIX...! Romantik, die ungefähr so viel kribbelt wie ein Glas Mineralwasser, das zwei Tage rumstand; ein Love Interest, der erst überzeugt werden muss, dass er doch nicht bindungsunwillig ist; eine Protagonistin, die scheinbar keinerlei eigene Interessen hat; und ein Setting (siehe Buchtitel), das praktisch Null vorkommt, mindestens aber völlig farblos bleibt.
Und ich habe ja schon gesagt: Es ist nicht okay, den Wert eines weiblichen Charakters zu umschreiben, indem sie bloß "wertvoller" ist, als alle anderen entweder als naiv oder als schlampig gezeichneten weiblichen Figuren neben ihr. *WÜRG*
Profile Image for Neverland3r.
378 reviews87 followers
August 18, 2019
Ich habe mich so gefreut, als ich erfuhr, dass dieses Buch erscheint. „Das kleine Café in Kopenhagen“ habe ich geliebt!
Leider war ich von diesem Buch hier relativ enttäuscht. Die Geschichte zwischen Sophie und Todd war nicht so romantisch und schön, wie es die Liebesgeschichte im Vorgängerband gewesen ist, sondern viel körperlicher. Das hat mir überhaupt nicht gefallen. Außerdem fand ich das Ende überhaupt nicht realistisch und fühlte sich an, wie ein happy end, dass an den Haaren herbei gezogen wurde - einfach zu viel.
Ich werde trotzdem noch den 3. Teil lesen/hören und hoffe, dass er wieder etwas mehr von dem Charme des ersten Bandes mitbringt.
Profile Image for Julia.
455 reviews11 followers
April 21, 2023
3.5 stars. The second instalment of this series was just as good as the first. A nice, easy read, predictable in places but a lovely story nonetheless.
Profile Image for Xerxia.
593 reviews7 followers
September 4, 2018
I am so disappointed with that ending. It’s as if the author simply ran out of steam. Not even an epilogue to give at least a clue. Ugh.

Now that I’ve started complaining, I have to mention the aspect of this book that drove me absolutely frigging mental. Heroine is a Londoner spending six months in New York. A lot of the story then hinges on her discovering New York and all of the vast differences between it and England. Except it’s clear that the author has no clue what Americans sound like. That’s not to say that she shouldn’t have set her book in the US, I think the venue works very well. But the dialogue was extraordinarily strange, with the hero - a playboy twenty-something New Yorker - saying things like ‘fancy a walk’ or ‘who writes this tosh’. The secondary characters too spoke that way. One, supposedly a lower income middle aged Brooklyn woman said ‘I’m thinking we can get this sorted out in two ticks of a tailor’s dash’. Just no. There were so many of these that it pulled me right out of the narrative. It can’t possibly be that hard to hire an American editor to rework your dialogue?

It pains me that I’d already preordered the third book before reading this one. At least it’s set in Europe. I hope she doesn’t mangle French the same way she has with American English.
Profile Image for Melody.
68 reviews8 followers
September 10, 2018

This book has good bones, but needs a bit of work.

I found myself slightly irritated by the fact that despite the story being set in America with one primary character being British, all of the characters spend the length of the story speaking to each using very British phrasing. They don't sound American at all.
It made reading the book so much less enjoyable for me.
It just didn't match up. There were also several editing issues that made we wonder if it was self-published.
Profile Image for Maťa.
1,131 reviews19 followers
June 3, 2021
Táto kniha by sa dala zhrnúť do jedinej vety - je to úplne ideálna letná romantika. Cítiť z nej takú tú nespútanú letnú radosť a bezstarostnosť.
Úprimne, Kaviareň sa mi páčila v istých ohľadoch asi o kúsok viac. Sú to podobné knihy, no zároveň odlišné. V Kaviarni v Kodani na mňa úplne najviac zapôsobila atmosféra, škoricové hniezda, káva, domácnosť. To všetko bolo možno i viac dôležité, než tá samotná romanca. Bolo tam skrátka niečo extra.

Naopak, Pekáreň v Brooklyne je viac taká prvoplánová romantika. Klasický romantický príbeh, akých som čítala veľa a ani prostredie New Yorku nebolo nijako výnimočné, pretože je to predsa len častá lokalita v knihách aj filmoch.
Za mňa najsilnejšou stránkou sú v tejto knihe postavy. (Hlavne Todd, na ktorého som mala okamžitý crush.) Obaja veľmi sympatickí, ich vzťah bol realistický a ich chémia priam vyžarovala zo stránok príbehu.

Autorka má skutočne fantasticky štýl, pretože naozaj má schopnosť preniesť čitatelia v priestore a precítiť emócie postáv. Napriek tomu, že samotný dej nie je nejako veľmi originálny, ide o skutočne výborné oddychovky. A ja sa normálne teším, že ma čaká ešte šesť týchto kníh. Pokiaľ hľadáte príjemnú, atmosferickú, nenútenú, realistickú romantiku, táto séria je presne pre vás.
Profile Image for Lini.
78 reviews
October 4, 2022
Took some time to finish it, but the end was kinda cute. But I still liked the first story way more!!
Profile Image for Ivana Hrenáková.
174 reviews15 followers
January 15, 2020
Som nadšená! Mám rada oddychové romantické komédie, ale vždy ma znechutí, keď sú hrdinky upišťané chudery s duševnou hĺbkou čajovej lyžičky. Preto sa mi knihy Julie Caplin tak páčia - tie baby sú dosť uveriteľné, normálne, šikovné a inteligentné. Pekárna v Brooklynu zahrala na moje srdiečko jednak svojím umiestnením do môjho milovaného New Yorku, jednak pekným príbehom, sympošským hlavným hrdinom aj kvalitou textu - žiadne pripečené dialógy, žiadne preexponované situácie, žiadne klišé schémy. Príjemný a dobre napísaný romantický príbeh. Teším sa na ďalšiu knihu 😊
Profile Image for Lenny_reads.
391 reviews29 followers
August 21, 2022

Predstavujem vám knihu, ktorá zaručene zamáva s vašou snahou stravovať sa zdravo. A na nejakú diétu môžete rovno zabudnúť. Autorka nás tentoraz vzala do New Yorku spoločne so Sophie (možno si na ňu spomínate z predchádzajúcej knihy), ktorá sa tam ocitne na pracovnej výmene na šesť mesiacov. Nepozná tam ani živú dušu, ale našťastie hneď vedľa bytu má úžasnú pekáreň a zoznámi sa s jej majiteľkou. Postupne spoznáva aj dalších ľudí a začína opäť žiť.

Stretne lásku? Možno. No rozhodne po tom netúži ani akomkoľvek vzťahu, či známosti sa snaží vyhýbať. Lenže osud s ňou má iné plány a všetko sa to vyvíja celkom ináč, ako by chcela. Nevyvyja sa to priamo ideálne, ale v danej chvíľu postačujúce.

Vďaka Sophie som si prezrela rozličné časti New Yorku a dostala som chuť tiež ho navštíviť. Ale najdôležitejšie bolo, že som vyrabovala chladničku a vyjedla všetky koláčiky, ktorými na veľkoryso zásobuje moja úžasná suseda. Pri čítaní o krásnych a najmä chutných koláčikoch sa tomu nedala predísť. Zmierte sa s tým, že pri tejto knihe priberiete, ale ručím vám, že to bude stáť za to.

Voči knihe mám jednu výhradu, a to tú, že skončila príliš rýchlo. Čítam, čítam a zrazu mám pred sebou len 3 posledné strany a poďakovanie. Z toho vyplýva, že potrebujem další romanticky útek, na ktorý sa môžem vypraviť.

Na romantický útek ma zobralo vydavateľstvo Grada a teším sa ďalšie takéto výlety v ich spoločnosti.
Profile Image for Michaela (books.collection).
411 reviews17 followers
April 15, 2021
Tento príbeh vo mne vyvolal toľko všelijakých pocitov. Bola som z neho unesená, príjemne prekvapená a rozhodne som si pri knihe oddýchla. Ách, ako rada by som si aj ja zašla do takejto príjemnej pekárni, teraz by sme asi všetci niekam radi vypadli a začlenili sa medzi ľudí 😊. Zbožňujem pečenie a v tomto knižnom prostredí som sa cítila ako doma. Síce som nečítala prvú knihu, vôbec to však nie je problém. Dokonca som sa stretla s mnohými názormi, že práve táto bola lepšia ako jednotka. Keďže knihy na seba nezáväzne nadväzujú, nie je nutné čítať každú jednu.
September 13, 2023
Dieses Buch war als Buddyread geplant, aber kurz vor der Hälfte hat eine Freundin das Buch abgebrochen und ich habe es als Hörbuch weitergehört und fand es so tatsächlich besser. Band 3 hab ich noch zuhause und den werde ich ebenfalls hören, aber die Serie nicht mehr weiterverfolgen. Schade eigentlich. 😔 Ich hatte mir echt mehr erhofft, aber so ist das nun mal und jeder hat seine eigene Meinung und das ist gut so. Hunger hatte ich jedoch andauernd. 😂
3 Sterne
Profile Image for Kel.
597 reviews14 followers
May 14, 2018
A lovely feel good book, packed with fun adventures and food. I loved Bella & Sophie from the offset, they are likeable characters that you feel like you could sit down and have a coffee with.

The whole story had a light feel to it and the chapters seemed to flow effortlessly to weave this lovely story.

I really enjoyed this book and was disappointed when I reached the end, I now want to read the others in this series.
Profile Image for Desislava Mihaylova.
159 reviews35 followers
August 18, 2022
Четеше ми се точно нещо сладко, романтично и неангажиращо и книгата ми дойде идеално. Не е най-интригуващият чик-лит, който съм чела, но е хубава и стилът на Джули Каплин е приятен. А и имаше описание на храна. 😀 Сигурно ще попътувам и към други нейни романтични дестинации.
Profile Image for Catsbooksandcoffee.
624 reviews64 followers
May 1, 2021
Det lille bageri i Brooklyn er en af de bøger jeg var lidt nervøs ved at starte på. Den lille café i København var så skøn, at jeg frygtede at dette bind ikke kunne leve op til mine forventninger. Gudskelov blev min frygt gjort til skamme, for dette bind er mindst lige så skønt som det første.

Man opsluges fra første side, og hives hurtigt ind i en verden af lækre kager, skønne karakterer og fantastiske miljøbeskrivelser. Skrivestilen er let og ukompliceret, dramaet er velplaceret og de enkelte karakterer godt beskrevet.

Sophie var en interessant karakter i første bind, og det er derfor et godt valg at hun nu får sin egen historie. Hendes møde med Bella og deres spirende venskab er godt beskrevet, og generel er persongalleriet rigtigt godt sammensat.

Miljøbeskrivelserne fremstår så levende, at du som læser føler dig hensat til de beskrevne lokationer – man kan ikke lade være med at føle, at man oplever de samme ting som karaktererne. Er plottet en smule gennemskueligt? Absolut – men det betyder ikke noget med Julie Caplins evne til at skabe sjove forviklinger og underholdende læsning.

En gang imellem trænger man til at læse noget let og sødt, og her går man ikke galt med Julie Caplin. At læse en af hendes bøger er som at dykke ned i en kop dekadent varm chokolade toppet med sødme fra marshmallows og den forførende evne af flødeskummet. Det lille bageri i Brooklyn er en både sød og charmerende bog, der vil passe perfekt til forårets læsning.
Profile Image for Lynn B.
708 reviews20 followers
May 10, 2018
This is pure chick lit and I just loved it. I read it in a couple of sittings and couldn't wait to get back to it. Being set in New York was a winner right off for me, but the writing was so wonderful that I really felt I was there. Thank goodness for Google street view as I found myself looking up some of the locations in the book, including the Brooklyn Public Library - what a building! which I appreciated even more in the book when I had seen it for myself.

To me the dream location would be living in a flat above a friendly bakery such as this one. I just loved all the descriptions of the cakes and makes and the stories of those that made them. I thoroughly enjoyed Sophie moving into her flat and getting to know her way around. Not only does she live in Brooklyn, helps out in a cool bakery - she is a food writer for a magazine - just don't wake me up! I admit I lived vicariously through her in this book.

It is probably the raciest chick lit I have ever read! There are certainly some steamy scenes.

I'm giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. It's out 25 May 2018 - make sure you get your copy!
10.5k reviews174 followers
May 16, 2018
Lovely escapist chick lit. Yep, that's what it is. Sophie has had a shock finding out what a rat her love is so she moves to Brooklyn for a change of scenery. How lucky she is to find an apartment above a bakery and to meet Todd, who is also a writer. These two have a wonderful repartee and the story never flags. You know the plot, don't you? That doesn't matter because Caplin does such a nice job with the characters and frankly with Brooklyn as well. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is a happy read!
1,323 reviews93 followers
July 26, 2019
I was slightly disappointed in this book as it was so predictable in the way the story was written.
This is a second in a series but, it read as a first so that didn’t spoil things.
It was a very light read but not as good as other I have read by other authors.
Profile Image for Mara.
499 reviews
July 13, 2021
Dávno som sa naučila, že voči knihám tohto typu treba mať trochu poopravenú stupnicu hodnotenia. Moje minimum, po skúsenostiach s inými podobnými knihami, je to, že musia dávať zmysel. Preto osobne nemám problém dať aj tejto knihe plné hodnotenie. Prečo? Rovnako ako Kaviareň v Kodani, ide o veľmi príjemnú romantiku, ktorá sa dokonale hodí do teplého počasia letných mesiacov. Dejová linka je predvídateľná ešte aj poza oceánu, ale to nikomu reálne nevadí a mne už vôbec nie. Čo si však na týchto knihách reálne užívam (a bol to aj dôvod, prečo ma prvá kniha tak očarila) je to, ako dokáže autorka popísať prostredie kde sa kniha odohráva. Je jedna vec byť reálne scestovaná a vyznať sa v jedle a je druhá vec všetky tieto podnety a spomienky preniesť na papier. Julie Caplin je v tomto naozaj skvelá a ak som mala od tejto knihy nejaké väčšie očakávania, tak boli v tomto smere. Podarí sa jej dostať ma z mojej hojdacej siete do Brooklynu? Podarilo. A ešte som k tomu vyhladla (lebo táto ženská sa vo svojom jedle vyzná a nebojí sa to ukázať). Rovnako ako v predošlej knihe nebol príbeh nutne zameraný len na hlavnú hrdinku a jej vzťah, ale mali ste dosť informácií o vedľajších postavách. Núti ma to vždy knihu vnímať viac všeobecne, uvoľnenejšie a nie len ako prudkú romantiku. Opätovne sa taktiež dotkla ťažších tém, pri ktorých nešla plne do hĺbky, ale určite dodali príbehu hĺbku a ten potrebný šmrnc či priestor na záverečný zvrat. Číta sa to ľahko, reálne som si s knihou sadla jeden deň do siete a prečítala som polku knihy na posedenie. A keby sa neochladilo, tak by som ju prečítala aj celú. Je to pohodové čítanie, ale ak jej mám niečo vytknúť, tak používanie slova: Príma. Nakoľko tam bolo viackrát, vždy ma to trochu vyrušilo, ale to je asi len osobná preferencia a nič, čo by príbehu uškodilo.

Pekáreň v Brooklyne je voľné pokračovanie kniha Kaviareň v Kodani. Rovnako ako pri predošlej knihy netreba čakať nevyspytateľný dej či niečo prevratné. Je to dokonalá kniha na trávenie letných dni, keď chcete skrátka vypnúť a užiť si nejakú milú romantiku. A pokiaľ sa toto leto nikam nechystáte, Julie Caplinová vás aspoň takto svojimi skvelými opismi jedla a miest prenesie do Veľkého jablka. Osobne som sa do série zamilovala a už sa neviem dočkať Paríža
Profile Image for Yvonne (It's All About Books).
2,286 reviews297 followers
January 6, 2022

Finished January 5th 2022

“Brave is when you're scared, and you still do something, when you face your fear. That's real bravery.”

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.
Profile Image for Racheli Zusiman.
1,672 reviews58 followers
December 29, 2019
רומן רומנטי קיטשי וצ'יזי אבל חמוד מאוד. סופי, כתבת אוכל במגזין לונדוני, מגלה שהחבר שלה רימה אותה ובגדול, ומסכימה לצאת לשליחות זמנית בשלוחה של המגזין בניו יורק, שם היא מכירה את בלה, בעלת הבית שלה, שהיא גם בעלת חנות קאפקייקס ומאפים, ואת בן הדוד של בלה, טוד, קולגה של סופי במגזין, חתיך-על שמצהיר שאינו בנוי למערכות יחסים. כל העלילה די ברורה מאליה, אבל קולחת וחמודה מאוד. נהניתי לקרוא את התיאורים של ניו יורק, ברוקלין וההאמפטונ'ס (לחלוטין עשה לי חשק לבקר בניו יורק שוב) ואת תיאורי האוכל, הקאפקייקס, העוגות והמאפים.
הבעיה העיקרית בספר, והסיבה שבגללה לא נתתי לו 4 כוכבים, היא הכתיבה המעאפנה. הסופרת לא החליטה אם הדמויות שלה בריטיות או אמריקאיות (רובן אמריקאיות) והן מדברות און ואוף בסלנג בריטי מגוחך. מצד אחד יש שימוש רב בביטויים דביליים כמו "sheesh" ו-"gosh" (איזה בריטי או אמריקאי משתמש בזה בימינו?!), ומצד שני היא זורקת מידי פעם גם כל מיני מילים מסובכות. יש לציין שבתחילת הספר זה ממש מזעזע, אבל בהמשך זה קצת משתפר.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 583 reviews

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