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Release #1


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From USA Today Bestselling Author Aly Martinez comes an emotional new standalone.

Growing up, Ramsey Stewart branded my soul in ways time could never heal.

At twelve, he asked me to be his girlfriend.
At thirteen, he gave me my first kiss.
By sixteen, we’d fallen in love, planned a future together, and had our eyes set on the horizon.

Love never fails, right?
But for Ramsey, it did.
Love failed him.
I failed him.
The entire world failed him.

At seventeen, Ramsey was convicted of killing the boy who assaulted me.

Move on, he wrote in his first and only letter from prison.
Start a new life, he urged.
I don’t love you anymore, he lied.

There was no such thing as giving up on Ramsey. Love may have been our curse, but he was mine—then, now, and forever.

So here I am, twelve long years later, waiting for a man I don't even know to emerge from between the chain link gates.

285 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 4, 2020

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About the author

Aly Martinez

55 books7,835 followers
Originally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her four young children.

Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, charcuterie boards, and her mildly neurotic golden retriever. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person.

She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,432 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,933 reviews33k followers
July 15, 2022
***This is free for a limited time on Amazon***

3.5 - 3.75 Stars

I'm not really in the reviewing mood today, but I want to get something up here before I completely forget to do so...

I am a huge Aly Martinez fan. She has penned some of my all time favorites. Here are some links to my reviews of said favorites for your perusal, if interested. Or just so you know which ones I am talking about:


The reason I list those is because, when I rate books, I rate them against other books within the same genre or, if I have read other books by that same author, against other books by that author.

That said, being that some of my top favorite 5-star reads - PERIOD - are by Aly Martinez...I kind of feel bad for her when I rate her newer books. Because I am basically taking anything new she puts out, holding it up alongside those older favorites and asking myself, "Self, do I like new thing as much as my old thing?"


Is it fair and objective? Probably not.
But it's what I do.

That said...I really liked this book. I LOVE childhood friends to lovers books and Martinez rocks that trope like no one else. And she rocks it here.

However, as much as I enjoyed this one - and I did - I also can't honestly say I loved it as much as other books I have read by her...thus why this is not quite a 4-star (which is still a really good rating, folks). There were just elements of the story that felt a little weak to me...small things here and there that felt little more rushed than I would have liked them to be, and certain character motivations weren't always 100% clear to me.

I also wanted a little bit more...steam.

Regardless, again, I did really enjoy this thing and I think other Martinez fans will also.

All in all, a great way to kick of my reading year.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,140 reviews34.8k followers
November 6, 2020
5 stars

 photo IMG_5642_zpswapqaqvz.png
"Sometimes you have to let go of the life you planned in order to live the one you're given."

Aly Martinez writes the best friends to lovers stories. They always have so much heart and give me so many feels. Some of her older books (Fighting Silence especially) are some of my favorite romances of all time. It's been a while since she wrote a book that gave me those same kind of feels, but Release did just that.

Ramsey Stewart and Thea Hull meet when they're kids. Even though they're young, they're both having an exceptionally bad day. Both of them need a friend more than they're willing to admit, but Thea wants nothing to do with Ramsey at first. With time, though... he wears her down.
We'd been disenchanted with the beauty of life since the day we'd met. But we had each other. That was the one constant we needed for happiness.

They become the best of friends. Once they get a little older and hit their middle school years, they become boyfriend/girlfriend. These two are inseparable and I Loved reading about their past. Watching their friendship grow was so beautiful.

When they're in high school, whats supposed to be one of the best nights of their lives turns into something tragic and traumatic and sets things on a whole different trajectory for them both. Though Ramsey is only seventeen, he's sent to prison for over a decade. For years, Thea stays true to him. She never gives up on him or their love. Even though Ramsey is insistent she lets him go and moves on with her life, she can't. She can never move past their love. For her, there is only him. And now that he's released, she's ready to prove it.
"You're mine, Ramsey. You can try to fight me. You can hate me. You can lie to yourself for the rest of your life... but wherever you are, however long you're there, you are always mine."

Thea and Ramsey are both fighters. They were both dealt a crappy hand in life, but they always had each other and that made all the difference. I loved Thea so much. She's definitely going on my 'top heroines' list. She's resilient, faithful, and unwavering in her love and devotion. Ramsey was amazing as well. Though there were times I wanted to shake him, I completely understood why he did the things he did. Their story was heart breaking at times, but it was also healing and beautiful.

This book was sweet, steamy, heartbreaking, and intense... and holy mother of plot twists... this had one I never saw coming. I appreciate being shocked ad surprised in a book and this one got me. Martinez has a knack for writing those twists you never see coming and I love that.

Release is exactly the kind of romance I love. It's heavy on the friendship, the romance, and most importantly, the feels. This one mad me laugh, cry, and cry some more. At the end, my heart was whole and so happy. This story was stunning and a 5 star favorite from me.
We were just two halves of one whole, the way it was always supposed to be.
Profile Image for Drey.
167 reviews1,000 followers
April 22, 2021
3 Stars!

... A love story bloomed under the tree.

The beginning of this book instantly grabbed and held my interest. I adored young Ramsey and Thea, and the life they both shared when they were kids. They were beautifully and well-crafted characters who both suffered through heartbreaks and losses on such a very young age. But they both able to withstand it because they had each other to put a smile on their faces. However, because nothing is perfect, I didn't like how the story turned out after that conflict.

Note: This is a friends to lovers, second chance romance.

This story was angsty, emotional, and well written. Intriguing plot that was divided into two parts; the past and the present time. I absolutely loved the past, twelve years before it all happened. But regarding the present, twelve years after it all happened, is a story that needs to be told.

"Love changes a man—even when he’s not yet a man at all."

I was unhappy and conflicted with the "after" part. I was annoyed with Ramsey's attitude towards Thea. He refused everything concerning Thea, and at first, I truly understood him. But when I found out what actually happened, I don't know if I did understand his behaviour. He should have thought of how and what he should tell Thea to make her understand why he did what he did. But, instead, he constantly pushed her away and what? Determined to let her go without telling her the truth? If not for his sister blurting out what really happened, when was he planning to tell her about the past? Although, I remember a scene after they had, you know, their thing. I think Ramsey told her that they had something needed to talk to. But when something happened, he went back to his previous self. The fuck? This hero who was full of depth and meaning became flat, unreasonable, and impossible.

Their happily ever after was plainly all Thea's effort. She never once gave up. I understood the way she behaved when she was a kid. She acted meanly towards Ramsey because she thinks like a kid. What would you expect from a kid whose mother just died? However, an adult Ramsey acting like a kid denying Thea's help, breaking their "best friend law," and pushing her away for her "own good" were what I wasn't able to accept.

"I didn’t need it to be physical with us. If keeping him as a part of my life meant not being the center of his, I could do that. Having him back was enough."

Furthermore, the ending was hurried and I think things could have been more cleared up between the main characters. And also, Thea's father was a hypocrite. I felt like he was more concerned with Nora and Ramsey than his own child who he didn't much fight for after she'd gone through a horrible thing. I really disliked him. Nevertheless, these were all subjective opinions. It was still worth a try.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. Some parts were a win for me and some parts were a failure. Thea was my heroine. I loved her so much. I was disappointed of how Ramsey became because of my love for him as a child and my expectations for him as an adult.

I recommend this to those who likes: Aly Martinez, friends to lovers, second chance, coming-of-age, enemies to lovers, slow burn, emotional read, and a happily ever after.

"He broke my leg. He broke my patience. And eventually he broke my heart. But there hasn’t been a minute that’s passed that I haven’t loved him with every single broken shard.”

Trigger Warning: Vivid depiction of sexual assault.

Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,531 followers
February 28, 2021
I had high expectations about this book and was looking forward to reading it. Then the bad reviews made me lose my interest in it. However, finally, I wanted to read it and see it myself…

Sadly, it was a huge disappointment. Normally, I like Ms. Martinez’s books, they make me feel, but this one didn’t.


Firstly, 100 pages of the 240-page book is about their childhood friendship. It is kinda boring and I couldn’t warm up to either of them as kids.


Then, nearly 12 years ago, that awful thing happens to the heroine , the hero goes to prison and as far as we know, he killed the guy who raped the girl he loved but the truth comes out much later and it is an infuriating revelation.


The hero breaks up with her as soon as he goes to prison. He refuses to see her. In his heart, he loves her but he wants her to move on so he doesn’t allow her to visit him. She constantly sends him letters but he doesn’t even read one of them.

When he comes out of prison 12 years later on probation, his sister and our heroine pick him up from prison. As soon as he sees his sister, he smiles and becomes very happy but when he sees the heroine, he gets furious, even crazy, and acts like a total as*hole! He doesn’t want her there, he doesn’t want her around. He doesn’t want her in his life… period!


The following days are all about the heroine’s relentless efforts to break down his walls. Because the book is written in dual point of view, we learn that he still loves her but he thinks she will be better-off with a decent person not an ex-convict so because he loves her SO MUCH, he pushes her away.

This is one of the most infuriating acts of sacrifice that I hate. Who are you to decide on behalf of her? She has her own mind, she can decide who she wants to be with on her own! But no, he tries so hard to make her hate him that I HATED HIM. But she didn’t. She knew the boy she loved was in there somewhere and she finally managed to reach him.

That’s all it is about.


Sadly, I didn’t feel their connection, or chemistry or love. That’s why, I felt detached and the whole thing felt like a bit forced.


Unlike many readers, I liked the heroine. I didn’t think she was a doormat, she just knew they belonged to each other and she never stopped believing it. Years ago, they promised each other to never let go and she didn’t let go although he tried hard for her to let him go.

However, I hate it when a woman pursues a man so hard, I prefer it the other way around so although I loved our heroine and believed that the guy had some good intentions in pushing her away, I didn’t enjoy their story taking all these turns. It killed whatever romance there was between them for me. And when the truth about that night of the murder was revealed, the book lost me forever.


As for safety, neither of them sleeps with another person. She waits for him for so many years and when he comes out of prison, he doesn't sleep with anyone else although he pushes her away all the time.


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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,363 reviews9,518 followers
January 11, 2020

'RELEASE:' Is a coming of age, full length romance, standalone novel by Aly Martinez. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

This was the perfect escape away from the silly season, there’s nothing I would change about this book, a slow burn that got its hooks into me chapter by chapter, So easy to get into, so hard to put down!.. Oh how I loved these two! Soul mates from the age of ten, first kiss, first love, first heartache, first everything. An emotional rollercoaster, a twist in the plot that ripped my heart out, lies and deception, and an all consuming love, this book had it all..

Release flits from 'Past to Present' seamlessly, allowing us a broader connection with these two characters. Eleven year Ramsey and his younger sister Nora were the newcomers to Clovert, moving just doors down from Thea after being evicted from their home.


WHERE IT ALL BEGAN: That saying ‘It comes in 3’s’ couldn’t ring more true for our ten year old tomboy heroine, Thea because the day she mourned the passing of her mother sitting under a tree in a neighbouring paddock, she also breaks her leg and says goodbye to her summer holidays all in the same breath. But that same day is the day she met a boy, a boy stuck up a tree, he’s also the same boy who landed on her falling off said tree and subsequently breaking her leg and from that day forwards that boy played a big part in her life.

He became her everything, until he was gone. Twelve years, eight months, three weeks, four days and thirty-seven minutes. That was how long he'd been gone.

* Teaser used is off the authors facebook page *

Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,614 reviews873 followers
December 22, 2019
A coming of age, second chance, roiling angst filled story that will leave you breathless and aching for more. It's stuffed full with funny banter, laughter and love but be warned that the cry-fest it shall induce would dessicate your poor heart
"Fair warning, this is not a story of hearts, flowers, and romance. That would all come later. But in the beginning, my love for Thea was born out of death, broken hearts, and desperation. Coincidentally, that was also how it ended."
Two tender, naive souls, having lost something precious in their lives, on an escape trip just manage to meet at the crossroads of tenor lives. Under a tree!!


My heart went out for Althea Floye Hull, as he sits under a tree, mourning the loss if her mother. Ramsey Stewart jumps down the same tree, landing on her and breaking her foot. This could be a sign of things to come, he then proceeds to break her heart and her life in the years to come.
"We were two lonely people who relied on each other. We’d never been brainwashed enough to believe that the world wasn’t a horrible place. We’d been disenchanted with the beauty of life since the day we’d met. But we had each other. That was the one constant we needed for happiness."


I got invested in the budding symbiotic friendship of Thea and Ramsey from the get go. Aly manages to adeptly paint the innocent love picture, complete with rosy hues and starry dreams. All pulled away in the blink of an eye, stomped on and tattered in a single fateful night.
They get ripped apart for Twelve years, eight months, three weeks, four days, twelve hours, and forty-three minutes
Thea is given a watch by her mother as gift and that starts her obsession for counting time.
It delivers precise punches all throughout the story.
"it took only nineteen minutes and thirty-nine seconds for him to ruin my entire life."


Ramsey is a savior by nature. He slips into a shielder & protector mode instinctively for his loved ones- his mom, his sister and now Thea.
But who saves Ramsey?
His "Release" of sparrows comes at a price and a lesson- not all birds want to be set free.
And this is what the story is about. Everlasting, strengthening love that salvages and rescues, gives you a hand and pulls you out of the depths of despair, one that waits out the 12 year sentence and then persistently dodges all bricks and bats.
The twist towards the end just punched me in the gut and I wasn't ready to forgive either. #IStandWithThea.
5 stars for Twenty-four years, three months, one week, five days, eighteen hours, eleven minutes, and counting…
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Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.1k followers
January 11, 2020
*****FIVE STARS*****
{ARC Generously Provided by Author}

His lips were soft.
His tongue was timid.
And his hands were gentle as they glided up my back.
Compared to the frenzied passion we’d later discover with each other, that kiss was tame.
But with that first kiss, Ramsey sealed our promises. Promises that would change us for the better, for the worse, and for everything in between.
Unfortunately for us, not long after that, the worse became all we knew.

Get ready to have your mind completely blown once again by the talented Aly Martinez. I don’t know why I keep forgetting to have my guard up whenever I read one of her stories. I thought I knew what road she was planning to take Ramsey and Thea down. I was 100% invested in getting to the HEA for this couple because if anyone deserved it, it was these two. Life had been entirely too cruel to them for far too long. The angst was at an all-time high but I’m used to that with Aly’s books, but MAN, I DID NOT SEE THAT PLOT TWIST COMING!!!

Be prepared to be taken through some gut-twisting angst but know that the ending is so worth all the pain, but also don’t get too comfortable because Aly is going to pull the rug right out from under you!!

Here are my overall ratings:

Hero: 5
Heroine: 5
Plot: 5
Angst: 5
Steam: 4.5
Chemistry Between Hero & Heroine: 5

”RELEASE” is available on January 6th! Aly Martinez fans will not be disappointed!

Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews891 followers
January 11, 2020

AUTHOR: Aly Martinez
SERIES: Standalone
RELEASE DATE: January 5, 2020
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
THEMES & TROPES: Second-Chance, Friends to Lovers
RATING: All of the Stars

READ MY REVIEW ON THE BLOG (live on Jan 2nd)

Time and timing is the theme that drives RELEASE. The time when Ramsay Stewart entered Thea Hull's life. The time it took for them to become friends. When they shared their first kissed. When they went far beyond kissing for the first time. And when Ramsey left Thea's side for just a moment and their lives changed yet again. And the years that followed after, when Thea was counting every day, every minute, every second, until she would see the man again who told her he didn't love her anymore.
“Because when I was ten years old, I met a boy. I hated him. But I needed him like my veins needed blood. He broke my leg. He broke my patience. And eventually he broke my heart. But there hasn’t been a minute that’s passed that I haven’t loved him with every single broken shard.”

Thea hated Ramsay when she met him but at that time she would have hated anyone, there was so much bitterness in her. Ramsay's smile, his cheerfulness, his persistence of not letting Thea's abrasive behavior drive him away broke through her walls and they became first best friends, then lovers and then...nothing. The tables have turned and it is now Thea fighting for Ramsay. Isn't that beautifully righteous? And fight she does. Damn that girl can play dirty. I loved how she just soldiered on although she was dying inside from the hurt Ramsay delivered because he thought he needed to protect her.
I’m not giving up on you, Ramsey. I don’t care if you want me to. I don’t care if it means you ice me out for all of eternity. I don’t even care that you’ve already quit on me. I once promised that it was you and me forever. Do you remember that? You made me swear it.”

Ramsay was perfect for Thea. He hid his awful family life and abandonment issues behind a perma-smile, took care of everyone and everything who needed him. And he paid for it. The weeks following his release from prison, his adjustment to life outside his cell was heartbreaking to watch but the author managed to infuse some humor (cue Siri) that lightened the mood and helped to handle the emotional roller coaster. And this is what Aly excels at - her stories are perfectly balanced and never drift into the trap of too much angst.
“I can’t do this without you.”
“Do what?”
He lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “Breathe.”

Thea and Ramsay are two of the most resilient people I've read about in a while - they have that survivor's gene that just won't let them give up, no matter how dire the situation looks. But I guess, when you know you're fighting for your soul mate there is no such thing as giving up. Thea and Ramsay were meant to be but until they were allowed to have their happily ever after my heart took quite a beating. But that's Aly Martinez for you - she makes you hurt and earn those happy moments. She makes sure that you deserve that happy ending when you get there.
"Sometimes you have to let go of the life you planned in order to live the one you’re given."

RELEASE is told in the present and a long flashback in the beginning, that takes up about a third of the story. I loved watching Thea and Ramsay's friendship grow into more but for a short while I was a little worried that the page time that was left wouldn't be enough to address every thing that needed to be tied up. But I shouldn't have worried. This book left me satisfied in every way. In typical Aly Martinez fashion there is a twist there you don't see coming. While you're reading and feeling quite safe and optimistic, all of a sudden you're left reeling and flailing and wondering WTF just happened. I LOVE that.

If you always wanted to try one of Aly Martinez's books, this is a great place to start. RELEASE is a complete standalone with new characters that will give you all the feels, some humor, intense storytelling and a beautiful story about soulmates who deserve their HEA.
And then Ramsey kissed me, deep and frantic like a boy. Gentle and skilled like a man. All-consuming and claiming like my forever. And he did it all tasting like watermelon gum.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
January 11, 2020
<3 4 STARS <3

I really liked this one, I feel like it was a long time since I read a book from Aly Martinez!The last book I read was ok but this one was fantastic!It was emotional, angsty and heartwarming! I loved the romance and the characters were well developed!

“Sometimes you have to let go of the life you planned in order to live the one you’re given.”

Get ready for an emotional roller coaster that will keep you on edge!I loved their connection and how they make me feel everything!Thea and Ramsey have amazing chemistry, they make me swoon and aching for them.

Overall, it was a great read, I devour it!


Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
January 8, 2020
”...the two of us were a pair of wings. One was worthless without the other.”

5 Stars - I loved this one!!!
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
992 reviews1,153 followers
January 11, 2020

When I first started this book, I had no idea what I was going to get besides heartbreak. This author has always managed to give her readers something different while still having a beauty in the story. Release is a friends to lovers romance that will give you heartbreak, fill you with hope, and make you believe in the power of love all over again

How could one tragedy change the course of your life? One significant moment and poof, the life that you knew, is suddenly gone. Well for The past twelve years, that has been a reality for Thea and Ramsey. After a brutal night that resulted in Ramsey going to prison for that amount of time, Thea is now looking forward to having to having her best friend back in her arms. But that’s easier said than done because the boy that she once knew, is now a complicated man who wants nothing to do with her.

There are two things in this world that Ramsey cares about. His little sister and a girl who stole his start from the moment he fell out of a tree. But when he goes to prison at the age of seventeen for doing something he felt was right at the moment, little did Ramsey know that he was going to spend the next twelve years without the love of his life and that one moment will change his loved ones.

It’s no secret that that I’m a HUGE fan of this author and I truly enjoy her books and this one was no different. I loved the dual povs and the past to present was executed beautifully. The only thing I would have liked to seen was more time in the present and how Thea and Ramsey navigated life “After". That felt a little too rushed for me and I was a bit disappointed but aside from that, I enjoyed this couple's journey and their love.

If you’re looking for a heartwrenching read, then this one is for you.


January 5, 2020
The plot is good. H and h are best friends since childhood and then in love but something happens which ends up with the H going to prison. He killed a guy who assaulted her. She waited for him for 12 years feeling guilty. But after coming out he doesn’t want to do anything with her. Infact he told her to move on and that he doesn’t love her when he was in the prison.

The chapters began with how they met and their friendship began and then how he went to the prison.
And then the present where the H is out on parole. He is very clear that he doesn’t want the h around. But she keeps getting in his way. He pushes her away and she keeps trying to get closer. Honestly, I’m not liking her behavior. I think she should have given him some time. She shouldn’t have gone to pick him up when he was finally coming out of the prison. She knew he didn’t want her. She should have given him some space, let him come out and breath fresh air. But no, she is there from the moment he comes out. Making him stay in her house, which she shares with his sister Nora, finding jobs for him and all. But he really hates all that.

“I don’t want to fucking be here with you. But thanks to you and Nora and your stupid games, I don’t exactly have a choice in the matter. I don’t want to work for you, Thea. I don’t want to live in the same house with you. I don’t want to fucking talk to you. So quit with the goddamn jokes and just drive. The sooner I can find a job, the sooner this nightmare can be over.”

I didn’t like the conclusions. I feel really bad for the h. First I hated her with her pushy behavior but then I felt pity for her. No character is likable. I had expectations but got disappointment.
It’s a safe book though.
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
430 reviews17 followers
May 3, 2021
I’m glad to report that I got my happy reading mojo back!

”I swear. It’s me and you forever, Ramsey”
“I swear too”

His voice only became more urgent. “I can’t do this without you.”
“Do what?”

He lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “Breathe.”

This was another delight to read. I saw it from Ver’s favorites ”childhood love” trop and I started reading it immediately and oh man, I was in for a treat.

I don’t think I’ve read anything by Aly Martinez before but I loved the writing style, the pace and the angst, it was perfect.

I didn’t love the MC’s reasoning sometimes, mostly the H, but also the h sometimes, it seemed that she didn’t have any backbone, and he didn’t make any sense like 50% of the book, but sometimes I don’t understand the reasoning behind most people I know, so I will not hold it against them too much. But what I did love was their relationship and how the author built it, seriously, she took her sweet time and I loved every minute of it.

I know there’s a second book from Nora’s POV and I’m afraid I won’t like it as much, but at the same time I can’t wait to read it!
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
January 11, 2020

“I can’t do this without you.”
“Do what?” I asked.
He lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “Breathe.”

Aly Martinez is the queen of feels and plot twists. The woman will tug at every heart string you have and then turn your world upside down with a twist you never see coming. And Release brings both of those things in spades. MAN. My heart. My whole heart.

Thea and Ramsey owned my heart from the very first chapter. Martinez takes you on a spellbinding journey as they meet as children. What starts off as grudging friendship between two broken kids, slowly blooms into something much more potent. Ramsey and Thea meet at a time where they need each other the most, though Ramsey's pain isn't as obvious as Thea's. Young Ramsey is undeterred by Thea's hissing and swatting him away as kids. He slowly but surely weaves his way into her heart with his easy smile and sweet demeanor. But that easy smile hides painful secrets, secrets that young Thea doesn't spot right away. Their friendship slowly blossoms into teenage love, but then one dark evening shatters their life as they know it.

Ramsey has spent the last twelve years behind bars for killing the boy that tainted what should have been the best night of their life. Thea has spent the last twelve years for Ramsey to finally come back to her. But the man that walks out of the prison isn't the boy she fell in love with. He's broken in ways that Thea isn't sure she can put back together again.

I loved the two halves of a story this gives us. There was a sort of poetic justice in seeing Ramsey fight for Thea and do everything she doesn't realize she needs in the first half as they were kids, to then watch Thea return the favor for Ramsey all those years later. She doesn't shy away from his growling and convincing he doesn't need her. She knows the heart beneath the new roughened exterior and she won't rest until she proves that their love isn't so easily forgotten.

My heart broke for Ramsey and everything that he went through. This was no light read. It was full of depth and emotion in a way that only Aly Martinez can write. It was slow paced but poignant. A sizzling slow burn that kept me riveted to the pages until the very end.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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January 6, 2020
I’m over asshole heroes with a pathetic heroines. I don’t care how much of amazing a book or how mediocre the book really is.
No woman deserves to be verbally abused. I couldn’t understand why the heroine was so pathetic and took his verbal abuse. He just should have stayed in prison. What kind of a man blames the woman/girl he loves for ending in prison? She did not tell him to kill the boy that raped her. To throw it in her face was disgusting, he deserves to be hit with a bat in the face.
I also got bored with heroine counting time. Geez I get it. twelve years, eight months, three weeks, four days, twelve hours, and forty, no… forty-one minutes. I flipped the page and she would say the same just different minute. Imagine reading this over and over and over again? It got tiring at least for me it was.

“What is wrong with you asking her to bring you here today?” he snarled. “How many times do I have to scrape you off before you finally get it?”

“Funny. I can trace all mine back to that same goddamn day. Considering you were the reason I ended up in this hellhole, you got a lot of fucking balls showing up here today.”

But he actually didn’t killed for her. So why blame her? The woman spent 12 years blaming herself when he and his sister lied to her face.

“Why the fuck are you so desperate?”

Yeah, cuz apparently she doesn’t care if he’s with other women she would still wait for his ass. Mind you he never was with anyone but that’s not the point here. For her to be this pathetic not caring that he had sex with someone else while she begged for his ass.

“And at some point this week, you were with another woman while I lay alone in my room, my fingers in my panties with your lips sucking my clit on the backs of my eyelids.”
“And guess what? I still fucking love you. So yeah. Maybe I am desperate.”
“But I can live with that, because there will never be anyone other than you. I was ten when I fell in love with you. Nothing you say right now is going to change that.”

Who wants to bet that the next book this author writes will be the sister with her rapist’s brother?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,181 reviews931 followers
March 27, 2020
I think from all the books from Miss Martinez, Release is where she tries rom com but with her signature twist on it. She never let you guess the climax or the twist of the plot until the end.

I like the story very much. I also like the free spirit banter between the characters. Like i said it has some comedy in the conversation. Thea is the heroine in the story. Literally she is the heroine who saves the day. She is fearless and tough as nail. Brave and free spirited.

Now on the other hand, Ramsey... he is a bit off in the middle. I feel he is more coward. He feels sorry for himself at the middle of the book. I want to slap him awake. I guess it is important to make Ramsey weaks so we can see how Thea shines bright.

Overall I do enjoy this book very much.

4 stars
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,267 reviews14.9k followers
January 4, 2020
Going into this one, I decided to not even read the synopsis and go in blind. When it started, I enjoyed how the author decided to show us how the two characters met and how their friendship bloomed over their childhood. All you knew in the beginning was that the guy was in prison and had cut off communication from the main character. We get to see Ramsey and Thea learn to really trust each other when they're young, become best friends, and then become lovers. The relationship in this was very strong and this book was as much about their development as it was about their second chance in the future.

I was surprised that their past took up about half of the book. Normally, when a couple shares a past that's important, the author usually gives us about 20% of the book on the past. Instead, we didn't get to see Thea and Ramsey trying to understand their relationship when he's released from jail until halfway through the book. That being said, I wish we got more of them in this stage of their relationship. I felt like we watched them in agony over how to be together again and, once they were, it was just over. If we got more of them trying navigate the world actually being together, I would have loved this even more.

I will say, there were definitely some surprises thrown into this book that I was not at all expecting. I was very invested in Thea and Ramsey's relationship and would recommend this if you want an emotional second chance romance!
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,323 reviews2,039 followers
March 4, 2020
3.5 ⭐️

It was a good read, a good story, a decent pass time but it’s not memorable. The storyline makes it so that your emotions get tackled a little bit considering everything that happened, the violence, the lost time the suffering and the loneliness.

Overall, I don’t regret reading it, but it won’t stick with me past the next couple of days, that didn’t sound very encouraging, but really it is a good story worth a read, it just wasn’t gripping enough when it could have been. Considering the subject matter, this could have been a tear jerker, emotionally exhaustive read but it was pretty light.
Profile Image for moretomary.
94 reviews8,490 followers
January 24, 2023

Ramsey was hot and the romance was solid, I just wasn’t vibing like I wanted to with the story unfortunately.
Profile Image for The Book Bee.
567 reviews276 followers
January 8, 2020
"Sometimes you have to let go of the life you planned in order to live the one you're given."

So, yeah. Aly Martinez had me all up in my feelings again with this one. WAY up. But the two most prevalent ones had me laughing at one point and smiling from ear to ear the next - hilarious anecdotes and deep discussions of the past providing a serious emotional barricade. But that certainly doesn't negate the fact that a twist thrown in there didn't just make me gasp like, "no biggie!"

The rivalry between Ramsey and Thea was easily my favorite part. It added an underlying level of comfort to their friendship. But her anger towards him cracked me up! Typical 10 year olds. Totally. I feel like their innocence and growth from young kids to teenagers was such an organic and natural progression and she really nailed their mannerisms and actions. Ramsey was aggravatingly cute.....his smile in all the wrong times and places were matched by Thea's grumpy self. I loved his smile. I felt like it was addicting too. Again, aggravatingly so. His sarcasm made me smile.

Throughout the entire book, understanding was in the eye of the beholder. Perception was in the all knowing mind of a child. Turnabout was fair play. Given all the happenings in the book that we were privy to, and some that we weren't, it allowed for the emotions to consistently affect me mentally and emotionally. I wanted to MOM these kids, but I wanted to read as they came through on their own volition and made the world theirs. I loved their journey.

The love between Ramsey and Thea was the epitome of being someone’s weakness; their kryptonite. A battle of wills was definitely one for the making with this story. The underlying pain and sense of duty alone was intense and kept me flipping the pages. I needed to know what was going on.....and whyyyy?? I was mentally cataloging all the ways I thought it could go and I was pretty sure I was paying attention to all the clues....and she got me. She really got me. Crazy thing is, I've seen this before but I had NO clue it was coming. I love when a book outcome takes me by surprise.

My reading experience with this one was a lot like watching a man plays video games and his whole body is moving left and right with the controller in his hand, swearing that’s helping him do better in the game. I was like, "No there’s not enough room in his book to hash the rest of this out - oh my gosh - what am I gonna do - holy cow - someone help her -someone help him - someone help ME!!"

I want to point out that Aly Martinez has an excellent way of wrapping up a book and giving me a look at her characters' lives after their story is complete, and this epilogue was no different. I loved how she finished up their story. The crux of the story, however, was an emotionally charged rush of information as I kept turning the pages with anticipation mounting. This is one of those books that while I read it, my breath had a slight hitch in it, but by the time I was done I could breathe a sigh of relief and I could close the book with a smile. this was a feel-good book with plenty of angst for my angst loving heart. This wasn't as heavy as some of her previous other books, but the emotions were on point and the detail was exceptional.

Dammit Aly!!! That twist upset me! But I'll be ok.....soon.

"The sparrows don't come because you need them, Ramsey. They come because they need you."

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Profile Image for CC.
1,147 reviews689 followers
December 31, 2019

At ten years old, Thea Hull’s life irrevocably changed when she lost her mother and simultaneously gained a friend. From that moment forward, counting time and possible future moments became second nature. As Thea matures, she remains true to what she believed her life could be.

“I didn’t know it then, but that day, Ramsey Stewart saved my life. And six years later, I’d repay him by ruining his life.”

When Ramsey Stewart moved to a small town in Georgia, he had hoped to make a new life at only eleven years old. Befriending Thea seemed like his prayers were answered, but Ramsey’s path wasn’t meant to be straightforward and he’ll do what he can to protect Thea.

“That was exactly how I lived my life, showing the world a pretty exterior to hide the disaster on the inside.”

Told in dual POV, the narrative is immediately emotional given the circumstances these characters face. Though Thea is prickly in the beginning, Ramsey is steadfast in his ability to be adaptable and can be a charmer. Over the years, their friendship escalates to a more romantic dynamic and they are thoroughly committed to each other. But for Thea and Ramsey, their happiness takes a different trajectory.

“I couldn’t blame her; deep down, I was raging too. Thea and I were two of a kind. Lost. Broken. Forgotten. Stuck.”

There are several elements I enjoyed about this story. Namely, how Thea and Ramsey connected at such a crucial time in their lives and experienced so many firsts together. Ramsey is such a noble character with a big heart, and while sometimes it is to his detriment, it makes him endearing. As for Thea, she is strong character, though some point she needs to realize she isn’t the only one suffering. However, Thea knows the value of friends and family.

With a slow burn and some angsty moments, Release is a second chance romance that would appeal to those looking for a touching story dealing with real life painful issues.

*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

*This was a (F)BR with Loyda.*

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Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,845 reviews1,457 followers
March 3, 2020
AHHH!! Release was a second chance love story of the ages!!! Aly Martinez rips your heart out, drowns you in angst and slowly mends all your wounds with heartfelt lifelong promises and swoony moments. I LOVED release as it was raw, gritty, poignant and so gripping. I was consumed with every word and could not stop reading! This was a marvelous story coupled with Martinez's masterful and incomparable talent! I was spellbound!

Oh my Lord. I can't even come up from air from this story without tearing up thinking about Ramsey and Thea and the love between them. I especially loved Thea's compassionate nature and the unfallible strength in her convictions. The amount of heartbreak and injustice she suffered was mindboggling but the sheer determination and drive to heal and reunite her family was the rainbow after such a terrible and tragic storm. 

Overall, this novel was not just another amazing story by this author, but a powerful portrayal of a couple who came out on the other side after years of painful and tumultous heartbreak. Ramsey and Thea found a safe haven in one another throughout their whole lives and Martinez portrayed that beautifully. Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula ❤


Y'all the things Aly Martinez just did to my heart. I can't even.

This story was such an emotional experience. I don't always love it when I'm given a love story in flashbacks because I feel like I spend the whole story braced for all the ways it went wrong. But it worked here. I think for me it helped that Thea and Ramsey were just kids and their love story was filled with this sort first love energy. That is - it was youthful and hopeful and desperate. And it served as the most bittersweet background for their decidedly heavier, grittier, present day love story.

It was just stunning. Breathtaking sometimes. Frustrating other times. But I loved these two fiercely at all times and I was on board from the first word to the very last.

On top of all the ways I loved the romance between Thea and Ramsey, I also loved the family dynamic. I loved how Ms. Martinez gave us the arc of the entire family unit. I loved this broken little family something fierce and I'm not sure i loved anyone more than I loved Joe Hull. Good gravy, I'm still in my feels over this dad of the year. So amazing. So heartwarming. So rewarding. I cannot gush about this loudly - or enthusiastically - enough.

The storytelling was compelling and captivating and clever. Some scenes literally took my breath away. Other scenes had me trying to stifle my sobs. I laughed, and cried, and felt my heart grow three sizes over the course of this book. It was a fantastic five star read! ~ Shelly, 5 Stars
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,103 reviews575 followers
August 19, 2020
My heart is on fire!! I just cannot with this woman.....

I know there’s a bazillion reviews on this book already. I don’t know how many you guys will read or not read or whatnot. Don’t read them, read them, whatever … it doesn’t matter. Why? Because you shouldn’t need a review to decide to read an Aly Martinez book. You just do it. If you don’t just do it then .. I don’t know. Not trying to judge (maybe) but you might not be right in the head. KIDDING. Maybe. *shrug*

This woman is talented. I have read a whole lot of words this woman has spun into a tale and she surprises me every time. She exceeds my expectations every time. She layers a story like nobody’s business. I am awe-struck when I read her books. I’ve long stopped trying to guess the road her stories will travel because I am always so wrong! No, that’s not entirely true. It’s not the endgame that she blows my mind with every time, it’s the journey. The path. The turns. The twists. So much unpredictability! And I crave it. You guys, I’m an Aly junkie. She is my book crack LOL

Let’s talk about this story for just a second. This is not a breezy read. There are no unicorns and gumdrops anywhere to be seen. There is heartache. There is loss. There are gut-wrenching circumstances. There are choices with profound consequences. There is love. There is friendship. There is growth and a whole lot of hope. It is inspiring, emotional, and incredibly touching.

I can’t do this without you.”
“Do what?” I asked.
He lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “Breathe.”

Profile Image for Beeg Panda.
1,399 reviews472 followers
November 12, 2020

h - Thea
H - Ramsey
Ramsey's sister - Nora

Thea is raped when she's 16
Ramsey (17) goes to jail for killing her rapist
Nora (14) permanently moves in with Thea and Thea's dad because her own dad is abusive
Thea prepares to wait 16 odd years for Ramsey
Ramsey tells her to move on.
Thea ignores his rejection yet lives a good life; reaches her goals; makes a name for herself; travels, etc
Nora rides on Thea's coattails for her entire adult life, to the point of moving into the home Thea bought for them

12 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes...and counting
That's how long Ramsey is in prison
That's how long Thea waits for Ramsey
That's how long Thea loves Ramsey
That's how long every single decision Thea makes during this time is based on Ramsey's release
That's how long Ramsey rejects Thea's love and her hundreds of letters
That's how long Thea refuses to give up on Ramsey's love
That's how long Thea and/or her Dad look after Nora
That's how long Thea and Nora are close, solid, trusting friends
That's how long Thea carries the massive burden of guilt that Ramsey gave up his life for her
That's how long Nora and Ramsey lie to Thea: Nora killed the rapist; Ramsey took the fall and gave up his life for her
For his sister, NOT his heroine

1 minute after his release:
AT THE PRISON GATES, he turns around as if to go BACK because Thea is there to fetch him
Of ALL the feelings he could've felt from that moment on, it's dislike, disdain, anger, hate and irritation that are the most prevalent in his thoughts and dialogue.
Aimed at the heroine
Granted, she can be damn irritating and he is legally forced to live with her weirdness but stil...

Less than 2 weeks later:
Thea is STILL waiting for Ramsey
He, albeit reluctantly, lives in her home, refuses to eat her food, uses her money, time, wears the clothes she buys
A truly miserable existence

Thea is STUBBORN and forward.
I admire her tenacity and the success she made of her life despite her obsession with Ramsey
She refuses to give up on them even when she finds out that Ramsey and his sister have been lying to her for more than a decade.
And what a massive stinking lie. She didn't deserve this conniving duo in her life because no matter how we try to explain it away, they deliberately led her to believe that she was the reason he was in prison. No matter how you spin it, Nora fed off her pain because she felt guilty and to assuage her guilt, she encouraged Thea's unhealthy fixation with Ramsey

I hate that he never puts her first.
Irritated that he defends his sister.
The "years later" epilogue makes me dislike him even more

And I still can't figure out WHY he's so ANGRY at her when he first walks out of prison.
Makes no sense
He didn’t put himself there for her
THEY don't make sense
Or maybe they do because Thea gets off on Ramsey's weak personality
And Ramsey gets to live the glorious life she planned for them
I don't care if he doesn't love her, as long as SHE thinks he loves her.
If this loser is it for her then so be it
She's happy
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,029 reviews577 followers
January 8, 2020
4,5 ❤️❤️💔❤️ 🌳 🚲 🐶 💌 🌟🌟🌟🌟s❣️❣️❣️❣️

Captivating, emotional, a beautiful love story❣️

My heart broke through Ramsey and Thea’s journey.
“The two of us were a pair if wings. One was worthless without the other.” Thea

Two young innocent, broken souls looking for affection.
“We were two lonely people who relied on each other.” Thea

And as they were growing up, their feelings grew along.
‘In that tree, suffering alone and also together, I fell in love with her like the stars falling from the sky.” Ramsey

And later, apart from the twists and turns, a great revelation came and Thea’s world turned upside down.
Mine too... I was very frustrated with both Ramsey and Nora for they had let Thea with a false perception of the tragic circumstances.
Although I had plenty of their past, their present and HEA was insufficient for me.
Profile Image for aimee (aimeecanread).
553 reviews2,509 followers
May 28, 2024
I needed my heart broken and then pieced back together, and this book did just that. Aly Martinez, thank you for your service. 🫡💖

I will also be looking to Reddit for book recs from now on. Goodbye, Instagram reels lol. 😂

Not sure if I'll do a full review on this, but here are a few post-reading thoughts:

- THE YEARNING WAS SO GOOD. I was trying so hard not to cry while reading this at the mall.

- This book is FILLED with frustrating tropes (particularly miscommunication, and stay-away-because-I'm-not-good-enough-for-you), but I'm okay with that if the author writes a good, full-of-feels narrative.

- I LOVED the FMC. I feel like it's rare for me to love FMCs more than the MMCs given how they're usually written in romance novels specifically.

- The way the big reveal happened was SO unsatisfying, though I HOPE the standalone sequel will tie up some loose ends.

₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊

Pre-read: I have reached a new level of mood reader bc I'm reading this solely bc of one Reddit comment I saw about it. 😂 In desperate need of good angst rn. 🤞
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,771 reviews521 followers
October 9, 2020
I really really enjoy reading Aly Martinez books!!!
If you haven't definitely check out her backlist.
This is a great book!!
4,5 stars

Almost a full five star read... but I will round it up because you know what I really enjoyed it ...
Yet, the masochist in me needed more emotions to feel what with everything happening but the childhood part (except their pain) was delightful...

A sweet childhood sweethearts romance with time apart and emotional punch..this is the kind of friends to lovers book I can get behind ( the trope I usually don't care about, btw) then there are the flashbacks( I dislike those a lot) however, I loved them here.. so a win in my book!!

cw; rape, death of a parent, cancer, abuse
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,277 reviews477 followers
January 11, 2020
I love Aly Martinez and her books, she’s just such an awesome writer and her books always bring all the feels. This was no exception. I truly loved this one, it’s not my favorite Aly book but it was really good nonetheless. This is a childhood friends to lovers, second chance story that kept me hooked from beginning to end. It also had some twists and turns that I just didn’t see coming.

Overall I loved the story and felt for both characters and what they endured. However, I felt that the ending was a little rushed and some things didn’t have much closure. I just wanted a bit more. Regardless, it was a great story with lots of feels.

Can’t wait to see what Aly brings us next!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,432 reviews

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