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Barnen i Bullerbyn #4

Коледа в Булербюн

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Ех, че е весело на Коледа. Всички деца в село Булербюн са заети с приготовленията. Носят овес за птичките и ходят в гората за четири коледни елхи – по една за Северната, Средната и Южната къща. И малка елхичка за дядо. Навсякъде се носи ухание на меденки и други вкусотии и изобщо всичко е толкова красиво и коледно, че чак да те свие коремът. И най-сетне идва Бъдни вечер…

32 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1962

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About the author

Astrid Lindgren

1,036 books3,493 followers
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren, née Ericsson, (1907 - 2002) was a Swedish children's book author and screenwriter, whose many titles were translated into 85 languages and published in more than 100 countries. She has sold roughly 165 million copies worldwide. Today, she is most remembered for writing the Pippi Longstocking books, as well as the Karlsson-on-the-Roof book series.

Hans Christian Andersen Award for Writing (1958)

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Profile Image for Sheri.
1,226 reviews116 followers
January 15, 2019
Astrid Lindgren’s adept ability to showcase Swedish holiday traditions that evoke a sentimental yearning for simpler times of carefree play and merrymaking will have the reader not only fondly recalling past Christmas memories, but also imagining future festivities. A lovely look at the simple joys of a Swedish Christmas.
Profile Image for Hilary .
2,313 reviews454 followers
December 7, 2022
A beautiful picture book about Christmas in Sweden from a child's viewpoint. Children from three farms meet up to collect firewood, walk their dog, make biscuits and homemade decorations, carol sing, play games, collect a fir tree, dance round the Christmas tree and go on a horse drawn sleigh. A very enjoyable look into their lives at Christmas time and a refreshing take on Christmas celebrations, cooking, making, giving, playing games and enjoying celebrating with those you love.
Profile Image for Manybooks.
3,374 reviews104 followers
December 1, 2018
Astrid Lindgren's Noisy Village series of novels are amongst my all time favourite childhood reads (well, more to the point, the German language editions I read and reread as a child and still much enjoy as an adult, as the English language translations by Florence Lamborn do leave more than a bit to be desired, as so many in my opinion important episodes have seemingly been abridged and even at times completely removed, utterly redacted).

And until comparatively recently, I did not even realise that there is in fact also a picture book featuring Christmas celebrations in Noisy Village (originally published in 1963 as Jul i Bullerbyn). Sweet, enchanting, culturally informative and with Ilon Wikland's expressive and glowing accompanying illustrations (which being in colour this time, show both the winter glory of a traditional Swedish Christmas season and how candles suffuse the atmosphere, the Yuletide celebrations with hopeful glowing light and brightness), I do have to say that while I massively enjoy Christmas in Noisy Village, at least from a textual, from a narrative point of view, I do not absolutely love it (as while the many short anecdotes and episodes that indeed read so evocatively and engagingly in the Noisy Village novels, with the picture book format of Christmas in Noisy Village, it often seems as though one is simply perusing a list of diverse Christmas activities, with the transitions from one episode to the next also being uneven and far from smooth, jumping haphazardly from one point of interest to the next).

Still much recommended is Christmas in Noisy Village, but with the necessary caveat that in my opinion the actual Noisy Village novels (or at least the German translations I have read and adored since childhood) are in all ways superior, more interesting and although equally episodic, much smoother and less choppy (and as I have not read the German translation of Jul i Bullerbyn and of course cannot at present read the original as I do not know how to read Swedish, I am also not able or even all that willing to make any major statements regarding Florence Lamborn's translation, although considering how much she deliberately changed and redacted in her translations of the Noisy Village novels, I am, of course, more than a bit leery and suspicious, and yes, I still do NOT at all like the fact that Florence Lamborn has changed many of the names of the Noisy Village children into more standard and thus also more English sounding appellations).
Profile Image for Ivonne Rovira.
2,092 reviews217 followers
April 24, 2018
Desperate to slake my love for Astrid Lindgren’s Noisy Village books, I bought this 32-page picture book. And how glad I was that I did! Naturally, Lindgren imbued the book with her usual, effortless charm, whether the children are making gingersnaps, cutting down Christmas trees or enjoying Christmas preparations or Christmas Day. What a delight to spend Christmas at the turn of the 20th century, before electricity or automobiles had made their ways to rural Sweden. What fun!

This lovely book also provided a rare chance to see gorgeous full-color illustrations by Ilon Wikland. Definitely a bonus.
Profile Image for Ann.
528 reviews
December 27, 2010
3 1/2 stars
What I loved most about this book was the old-fashioned illustrations, the old-fashioned feel, and the old-fashioned celebration of Christmas. I adored the fact that the children received sleds and skates and skis for gifts and were outside right away playing with them. I also loved the close relationships everyone shared. The story, however, felt more like a collection of events, only tied together because it was Christmas. Which, is fine, but there really wasn't an overall story. But, I would still recommend this book just to revel in the illustrations and to introduce children to Christmases past.
2,262 reviews5 followers
December 7, 2009
My book is a library book and it is British, and the title is "Christmas at Bullerby." (In Swedish, the village is called Bullerbyn.) I think it is basically the same as the American version, in which they changed the title to "Christmas at Noisy Village."

This is an adorable book about the lives of some close-knit Swedish children during the Christmas season. The illustrations are adorable. I do wish it had included the candles for St. Lucia's Day, a tradition unique to Sweden.

This is the sort of book I want to give as a Christmas present!
Profile Image for Cheryl.
10.7k reviews455 followers
March 8, 2017
A treasure for fans, but no plot, no drama. Almost as sweet & rich as the treats described in the book.
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,114 reviews173 followers
November 30, 2020
Какво са празниците без добра компания? А каква по-добра компания от любима книга и любими герои? А с героите на Астрид Линдгрен никога не е скучно и всяка нова книга на писателката, която излиза за първи път у нас си е един истински книжен празник. Такава е и тематично празничната илюстрована история „Коледа в Булербюн” (изд. „Пан”). За доста от нас палавите обитатели на трите къщи от „село Шумотевица” са стари познайници, за други читатели пък тази изпълнена с добро настроение пък тепърва ви предстои да ги срещнете, редно е да знаете едно – „винаги е весело в Булербюн”! А още по-месело, и неимоверно по-красиво е с цветните илюстрации на Илун Викланд, които се появяват за първи път у нас. Прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле”: https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Kinga (oazaksiazek).
1,294 reviews146 followers
December 3, 2018
Uwielbiam Bullerbyn w każdej postaci! ♥

Czytanie tej książki było dla mnie wielką przyjemnością. Astrid Lindgren po raz kolejny skradła moje serducho i sprawiła, że podczas lektury uśmiechałam się sama do siebie. Ta historia urzekła mnie swoim ciepłem i domową, rodzinną atmosferą. Autorka pokazała jak istotne w naszym życiu są proste powtarzalne schematy, dbanie o tradycje przekazywane z pokolenia na pokolenie oraz taki wewnętrzny spokój.

Przewracając kolejne strony tej pozycji czułam zapach pierniczków i świeżej choinki, słyszałam kolędowanie dzieci i żarty dorosłych oraz miałam przed oczami lampiony świecące w ciemności.

Cudownie było móc wrócić do ulubionych bohaterów z dzieciństwa.

"- Lubię święta Bożego Narodzenia.
- To jasne - stwierdził Lasse. - Wszyscy je lubią."
Profile Image for Hanni.
229 reviews2 followers
December 13, 2022
Einfach wunderschön, die Geschichte hat mich sofort gefangen genommen und mich an meine eigene Kindheit erinnert. Werde sie bestimmt wieder einmal hören.
Profile Image for Minna.
358 reviews7 followers
November 28, 2019
Vanhan lapsuuden suosikin kertaus. Kirja on lyhyempi kuin muistin, mutta kuvat ovat yllättävän tuttuja, vaikka edellisestä lukukerrasta on aikaa useita vuosikymmeniä. Ihana vanhan ajan joulutarina!
Profile Image for Johanna H..
158 reviews54 followers
December 13, 2014
This was one of my favourite Christmas Books as a Child and i still love it!
It just gives you this old fashioned Christmas feeling. . This is how you wish Christmas to be! It shows how it was celebrated in the past and it's so full of joy,snow, friends & family, candles, trees ,children, christmas dinner, Church, Baking, Gingerbread, slates and fun that you wish that Christmas never ends :) and it brings the old christmas feeling that you had as a child up again. .!
Profile Image for babyhippoface.
2,443 reviews143 followers
December 5, 2011
I think this is the traditional Christmas we all secretly wish for somewhere deep down: romping in fields of snow, freshly-cut evergreens, baking gingersnaps, snowball lanterns, everything candle-lit, and surrounded by friends and family. The nice, old-fashioned feel to this book is what makes it so wonderful.
Profile Image for Deirdre Keating.
780 reviews62 followers
January 3, 2008
Why do I love this book so much? Because the kids are real (and not perfect) but the holiday filled with family, creativity, and love is. Great illustrations---we hope to make a snowball latern this year, and find more of the Noisy Village books.
Profile Image for Sheri.
168 reviews16 followers
May 29, 2024
I loved this children's Christmas story! It is simple enough for a child to understand and the illustrations are incredible!
Profile Image for Jennifer's.
147 reviews21 followers
December 4, 2023
This story comes out every holiday season. Written by the same author as Pippi Longstocking. It always makes me want gingerbread pigs.
January 15, 2021
I splurged and bought this new after reading “Happy Times in Noisy Village” to my 5 year old - the latter left him wanting more! He was enchanted by the text and illustrations in this picture book :)
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,905 reviews1,001 followers
November 15, 2022
I just love Lindgren's Noisy Village tales and this one is so sweet and charming too! Illustrations are lovely and it's just the kind of cozy, Norwegian farming family tale that you and your children will enjoy!

Ages: 6+

Cleanliness: nothing to note.

**Like my reviews? Then you should follow me! Because I have hundreds more just like this one. With each review, I provide a Cleanliness Report, mentioning any objectionable content I come across so that parents and/or conscientious readers (like me) can determine beforehand whether they want to read a book or not. Content surprises are super annoying, especially when you’re 100+ pages in, so here’s my attempt to help you avoid that!

So Follow or Friend me here on GoodReads! And be sure to check out my bio page to learn a little about me and the Picture Book/Chapter Book Calendars I sell on Etsy!
Profile Image for Shawn Thrasher.
1,904 reviews47 followers
December 20, 2013
No Pippi Longstocking to be found here (perhaps she's hiding out in the barn); just a children of a little Swedish village celebrating a beautiful, nostalgic, and sweet holiday. "Everything is so beautiful and Christmasy that it gives me a stomach-ache," said Anna. A sentiment that most of us can agree with whole-heartedly. Reminded me much of Shirley Hughes. I don't think you can close this book without thinking fondly of your own childhood Christmas memories. "Oh, isn't Christmas a jolly time?" the book ends. "I wish it could come oftener, don't you?"
Profile Image for Emma L.B..
364 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2023
I listened to a special version read by Astrid Lindgren. I'm pretty sure it's not exactly the same as this book, as she only read about Christmas eve and the few days before. Nevertheless, it's the same story, pretty much, so I'll mark is as read.

I love the Bullerby-children. They live the life I wish I lived when I was young. Even as a child watching the movies I always wished I could step into the TV and play with them. Their stories makes me calm, happy and extremely nostalgic. They are one of the few things that makes me really proud to be Swedish.
Profile Image for Eva-Marie.
1,678 reviews130 followers
December 20, 2010
This is an okay story - what kid doesn't like hearing a day in the life of another kid? Especially one that has kids having as much fun as this? This wouldn't make her (or my) top 100 list but it's was worth reading I think.
Profile Image for Amy Edwards.
297 reviews18 followers
December 16, 2014
Cute, quick Christmas read. Lots of great Scandanavian touches in the illustrations--from the ginger snaps and the saffron buns to the painted-red, wooden candelabras and the toboggans. If only we had some snow to try making a snow lantern...
Profile Image for Elina Mäkitalo.
1,190 reviews33 followers
January 17, 2022
Tämä on luettu lapsena moneen kertaan varsinkin joulun tienoilla mutta edelleen tarina upposi näin vanhalla iälläkin eli pidin paljon. Täytyypä lukea muitakin Melukylä kirjoja kunhan ehdin. Oli nopea lukea ja hyvin kirjoitettu.

Menee Helmet- haasteeseen kohtaan numero 21. Kirja liittyy lapsuuteesi.
Profile Image for Marika Oksa.
547 reviews20 followers
December 23, 2019
Melukylän jouluidylli ei oikein ollut minun juttuni. Perinteistä joulutunnelmaa kirjassa kyllä riittää.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews

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