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I've been dreading this for a year.

Okay, that's a lie. I've been dreading this reunion since we graduated high school ten years ago.

So why am I here, standing outside the door like the eternal wallflower I am?

I'd say it's because my younger sister browbeat me into it, but the truth is, I'm tired of being a nobody. Of never taking a risk with myself and my life.

And...well...maybe I'm also hoping to see him.

The tall, insanely gorgeous man walking my way now. Oliver Fritz is regarded as one Boston's sexiest doctors. I know him as the former god of our school. The one every girl wanted, and every guy wanted to be.

The one as unhappy to be here as I am.

That's when he makes the proposal I've always dreamed of. Only, this one is fake. On bended knee, he places a ring on my finger and proposes we brave this reunion together, with me as his fake fiancée. But when our wild and steamy night ends in scandal, we're forced to make a deal.

He gives me what I need, and in return I stay his fake fiancée, so he doesn't lose face with the media who love him or his sick mother. Should be easy, right? Just a few months pretending to be engaged to one of Boston's most notorious billionaire bachelors. What could go wrong?

Turns out everything.

DOCTOR SCANDALOUS is a 100k word SUPER steamy, laugh out loud, full on romance that will hit you straight in the feels! It is a standalone in a brand new series about Boston's hottest billionaire doctors and the women they fall head over heels for!

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 30, 2021

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About the author

J. Saman

45 books3,131 followers
J. Saman is a USA Today and Amazon top 30 bestselling author who writes sassy, swoony, and scorching contemporary romances. She is addicted to Diet Coke, sour candy, and indie rock. She swears way too much (especially after a glass of wine) and has a penchant for sarcasm (or so her husband and children like to tell her).

J. is an admitted lover of second chance romances, enemies to lovers, and the perfect amount of angst. She is best known for writing funny and emotional romances filled with smart, strong women, and sexy alphas who have a softer side - especially for their women.

Want to learn more about J. Saman? You can check out her website http://jsamanbooks.com

To receive a free copy of one of my books, subscribe to my newsletter:

You can also follow her on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!




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Displaying 1 - 30 of 622 reviews
Profile Image for Mia.Mi.Jou.
246 reviews102 followers
October 8, 2021
The story follows Oliver and Amelia who both had a crush on each other in high school, even though they both believed it was unrequited. Now they meet again at their 10 years reunion and neither of them wants to go in there and face their pasts, so they decide to do it together and pretend to be engaged. But things get out of control the next day...

Oliver is a swoon worthy character, and it isn't hard to fall in love with him. Even though his family is the twelfth wealthiest in the world and he's Boston’s prominent doctor and bachelor, he’s empathetic and sweet as can be (yeah, do you feel the hallmark vibes?). Amelia is the broken hero(ine) here, who comes from very different backgrounds, is selfless, with a heart of gold and a tragic past, and who flips his entire world upside down.

This book is filled with some ex-drama (which I found to be a tad overkill tbh), personal conflicts, but also with passion, and hopes. This is my second book by J.Saman and I’m already beginning to see a pattern here. Nevertheless, her stories are engaging, heartwarming, well written, they mix lightness with angst, and give me such a feel-good feeling after reading them. It isn’t my usual book-choice, but it’s refreshing to read such a sweet story with a fairy-tale/ Cinderella vibe from time to time…

How the main characters look like in my head😄
Profile Image for J. Saman.
Author 45 books3,131 followers
October 24, 2021
And on sale for a very limited time and FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
Profile Image for Steph (Teacups & Tropes).
790 reviews105 followers
August 8, 2022
Oof this was a quick and addicting read for me.

Who doesn't love a series that involves brothers who are all doctors? Woof.

Amelia kind of got on my nerves though. Ugh. And everyone forgave Daddy Fritz WAY TOO EASILY for what he did. Dude was an asshat. I would've held my grudge. Make him earn his forgiveness.

But Carter and Grace are next and based on the second epilogue I am SO EXCITED for their story. Grace is a firecracker. I love it.
Profile Image for Shushi.
129 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2024
Rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐.75
Spice - 🌶🌶🌶🌶

Trope - fake engagement, single parent(guardian), billionaire romance, rom-com, doctor × nurse, reformed playboy, found family, strong FMC, whimsical, great characters, STEAMY

Bonus chapter - 2

This book was as smooth as butter, yes it has its ups and downs but in the end, it's all worth it. This one had me hooked from the very first page, I just didn't want to put it down.

Amelia and Oliver meet after years at their school reunion, where she has to face her bullies and he has to face his obsessive girlfriend. Seeing each other in despair, Oliver decides it's best to fake an engagement with Amelia to shut everyone up. Only for it to catch fire, and then just combust. What started as a prank became more after a steamy night ended in scandal, with them all over the news.

There were so many good parts in this book, every word both Oliver and Amelia thought or said, was swoon-worthy. What I loved the most was that they both were hurt badly in the past and even though initially they took every step lightly, it was all for the other person's sake. Amelia fighting for them was the best moment, she took his heart in her hands weaved it slowly, and linked it with hers in the most beautiful way.

Both the characters were so well written. The chemistry these two characters had was electric and different. They had this instant connection and they looked out for each other. They were scared and scarred yet they never lost hope. They deserved so much and when they got the once-in-a-lifetime kind of love, I couldn't be anymore happier for a character. The secret pining was a bonus.

Oliver was supposed to be a playboy but once their "fake arrangement" began, he was off-limits, he was loyal and protective of the girls from the very beginning. He tried and did everything with them in his mind, and damn his act of service had me swooning. He knew Amelia struggled, he saw that and took care of them without their knowledge. It was the sweetest thing. OLIVER FUCKIN FRITZ, this guy was a pure gem. He was selfless and loved with all his heart, and he never had done anything for himself, and when he did it was all for her. He fought for her, for Layla, and himself and that caught my heart.

Amelia, what do I say about this girl? She wasn't a perfect FMC, she had her battles and insecurities but she fought them like a QUEEN. She has been the best sheroine. She was so strong and independent that she would climb the toughest mountain to show that she didn't need anyone's help to rise high. I loved how she never for once thought of his money or what it would be like to have it all. She silently fought her own battle and took every possible road to not come out as an "opportunist gold-digger" everyone claimed her to be. I can't wait to see her friendship with the other girls unfold. "Oliver is a risk I will never regret taking. Even if we do eventually end in ruin." SWOON OVER AMELIA.

DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE SPICE. Because the spice was spicing. Every moment was hotter and dirtier than the other and damn it also showed their emotions well.

The whole swan fiasco was hilarious, it was so Oliver and Amelia-oriented, and Istg I was about to choke from laughter. The banter was hilarious, and me choking on laughter.

Layla was a smart, sweet, and funny character. Her name for Amelia's boss was hilarious. Regardless, she was the best young sister Amelia could ever have. She knew the struggle her sister had, and she was ready to do anything to get Amelia the happiness she craved and deserved. Her relationship with Oliver mended my poor heart.

Daddy Fritz needed to be a little more considerate, however I could also understand where he came from. Nevertheless, I wanted to see him apologize and bond with Amelia after all he did, I think we were deprived of that bond. *crying*

Nora was such an irritating person, and Christa was the same until she surprised me in the end.

I literally, tried postponing the inevitable i.e. the end of this book, but I couldn't.
It was such a sweet story to read, with personal conflict and passion. However, the only negative for me was I wished the epilogue 2 was about Oliver and Amelia rather than Carter and Grace, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited about their book. I just wanted more of Oliver and Amelia's time.

Loved it,
Overall 4.75/5 oh just shut up, it was a 5-star read.
Profile Image for Vilma.
375 reviews47 followers
October 4, 2021
*3.5 stars

A good and enjoyable read and I will definitely continue reading the series about the rest of Fritz brothers (who are all doctors)!

I first met the Fritz brothers in The Edge of Chaos when we got their little sister Rina's story and from there I just knew I needed their books as well. Doctor Scandalous is about Oliver, the youngest brother in the family, and after a high school reunion he finds himself with a fake fiancée, Amelia.

Amelia is the lone guardian of her sister Layla and I loved the scenes with Amelia, Oliver and Layla! I would have liked to have more scenes with the whole Fritz family, but I guess I will have to wait until the next book for that.

If there is something J. Saman is pro at, it is writing soooo hot and steamy scenes you need a fan while reading it!

Thank you to Grey's Promotions for providing this ARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for swedishruler B.
323 reviews149 followers
October 5, 2021
I started out liking this but towards the middle part not so much. First of all the ex drama on his part was overkill. Like she turn psycho and all.
I ended up skipping thru a lot of it too. Then I realized it’s a series and I just lost it there.
Profile Image for Jeeves Reads Romance.
1,536 reviews630 followers
October 5, 2021
Steamy series starter

A family of hot doctors? Um, yes please! This steamy fake relationship romance makes a very solid series starter - it's got enough appearances by crossover characters to keep returning readers interested, while still feeling like a complete standalone and the start to something brand new. The perfect place for new readers to jump in. I was hooked from the first pages, and I loved the electric chemistry between these two from the start. The opening act was EXCELLENT, and I was definitely ready to read more. That chemistry never faded (there's some serious SPICE), but I do feel like this got a little repetitive ("we can't be together for real because...") and there was too much internalization. I'd have loved more time with our couple on the page together - out of the bedroom and out of their heads - but I really did enjoy this as a whole. I'm absolutely looking forward to more from this series, because Saman has such a great style.

The story follows Oliver and Amelia, former classmates who reconnect at their 10-year reunion. Back in high school, Amelia was the scholarship kid mingling with the elite, and Oliver was one of the popular guys. He had a serious girlfriend at the time, but Oliver still remembers crushing on Amelia. So when they discover that they're both dreading attending the reunion while single (for very different reasons), Oliver *ahem* proposes a plan. They'll pretend to be engaged for the night, and no one will be the wiser. But it turns out that when a playboy billionaire/sexy doctor gets engaged, it's big news in town - and that's a problem. Neither one is looking for forever, and they certainly never intended for their one night to turn into more.

These two have such a connection from the start, I was loving this right away. It's sexy and engaging, with complex characters. I kinda love that Oliver is a former one-woman-man who has had his heart broken, though I didn't love the number of times that was referenced. Show me, don't tell me. It's always fun to see a brokenhearted alpha fall, and Oliver falls hard. I liked him with Amelia, and she makes such a strong heroine. The fake relationship element is always a favorite of mine, and I loved the reunion scenario. These two have just enough history to make it feel like more than instalove, without having things get messy. This is actually one of the least angsty romances I've read by Saman, and I'm a longtime fan. The series feels fresh and interesting, and I was almost more intrigued by some of Oliver's brothers than I was him - which, honestly, is promising for the series as a whole, lol. I'm definitely excited to see the next brother fall, because this was good.
Profile Image for BookAddict.
1,779 reviews148 followers
September 17, 2021
Just when I think I’ve seen the absolute best from this talented penner of prose, she raises the bar once again. Not only do we have a super swoony hero and an amazing, admirable shero, but we get an “it might have been" style second chance. And just like that, I’m 100% invested in this one.

Here's the set up. The ten-year high school reunion is the last place Mr. Popular wants to be, especially since his ex is lying in wait to sink her claws into him. The poor, nerdy girl on a scholarship at the affluent private academy is pressured by her little sister to attend the reunion, but that means walking alone into the lion's den of mean girls.

So Oliver proposes that Amelia act as his fiancée to keep the wolves at bay. Which is a great plan, until their intimate looking moments go viral and they have to keep up the ruse. That's no hardship for Oliver, because he's always seen Amelia and even now wonders what might have happened had things been different back then.

Dr. Oliver Fritz is one of Boston's most wealthy eligible bachelors, and the media outlets can’t go a day without reporting on his life. He’s always pictured with a different lady on his arm, and all the girls swoon over him, including Amelia. But in her defense, it's a habit that dates back to ninth grade.

Amelia may be my most favorite shero ever. In spite of life never giving her a break and always waiting for the other shoe to drop, Amelia doesn’t quit. She changed her career path to take care if her younger sister when they became parentless, and Amelia will do anything and everything to see her younger sister, Layla, succeed.

Y'all, this is one of the absolute best romances I’ve ever read. From laughter to tears to blushing to frustration and back again, this one is the wildest of emotional rides, with every element perfectly placed for the most impact. With a strong, confident hero trying to shed past baggage and a kind-hearted, tenacious shero struggling to find her voice, what's not to love?

I adore everything about these characters, and their road to forever is one of the best journeys I’ve taken in a long, long time. I have zero doubts you'll love this story as much as I do, so run to the 1-Click and start reading today!
Profile Image for Romance Bound.
130 reviews17 followers
September 22, 2021
*𝐀𝐑𝐂 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰.*

Oliver was devastated after his girlfriend dumped him for his friend right before he was about to propose her. He promised himself that he would never be this vulnerable with anyone else in his life.
After 10 years his school reunion happened where he saw Amelia, his childhood crush. She was bullied in high school and no one ever liked her because she was a scholarship student and nothing has changed since last they were in school because everyone still treated her the same way. That's when Oliver came with a brilliant idea of his which is to get in this party as an engaged couple as to say fuck off to the people who had hurt both of them in the past. Soon this fake charade of their only for one night brings chaos for them the next morning.

I love Oliver he is such an alpha male but a sweet one at that. The way he took care of Amelia and her sister was adorable. And with Amelia he didn't have to pretend anything, she loved him for who he was not for his popularity or money. It didn't take for their fake relationship to turn into something real but they both were cautious because they both had been burnt in their pasts but all works out for them in the end.

“𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏, 𝑨𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒂 𝑨𝒕𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒔?”
"𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈. 𝑾𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆. 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔, 𝑶𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓. 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐. 𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕."
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
December 5, 2021
4.5 Two Untrusting Souls Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free-A Quick Review
Somehow I discovered this book, from an author's newsletter telling me all about it. Intrigued, I went and looked it up and Clicked Clicked. Well, what a delight this was.

Yes, it had the new thing I seem to be obsessed with, fake engagements for the real good reason troupe.
It had smart characters, engaging writing, swoon-worthy moments, really solid relationships between all the characters' families, and the dreaded reasons for not trusting the feeling of falling in love again.

Each of the main characters had been destroyed by "first loves" and this pain compounded by the major differences in the monetary status of the couple played out big time.

But do not despair because this story had so much going for it. I fell hard and didn't want to stop reading it even though I knew there was going to be a time when everything was going to hit them square in the face. I still wanted to be there when it did and see how everything ended.

I was introduced to a cool family, meaning there are lots of books coming, woohoo.

Doctor Scandalous by J. Saman Doctor Scandalous
Doctor Mistake by J. Saman Doctor Mistake

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Profile Image for BookSmackedMel.
916 reviews371 followers
March 17, 2022
I have been book funking hard for the last few weeks, it seems that nothing has been capturing my attention enough to keep me glued to my pages.

And then someone recommended this series and I thought okay, let's try it. I didn't read the blurb I just saw Doctor and the word Scandalous and said ok let's go.

What happened was I didn't put this down, I didn't get bored, I read and read and read until the last page, and I will tell you that I finished in one sitting and immediately went and grabbed book two which I also finished in one sitting. That review will come right after this one.

So let's talk about this book first. Ok first scene is a high school reunion. He's from a very wealthy family, grew up privileged becomes a doctor, she's the scholarship girl who was bullied and didn't belong. Neither of them are thrilled to be at the reunion and thanks to a mean girl from the past these two decide to enter this reunion by being fake engaged.

Ok I'm instantly in, because there are so many ways this is going to play out and I'm here for it. Not too mention I love the girl gets her "revenge" on those mean girls by getting with the one everyone wants and I'm so ready for the ha take that bitch moments that are probably going to come my way.

This book was entertaining, funny and endearing. The relationship between the two MC's was sweet as they navigate this "Fake relationship". Amelia, our heroine is amazing. She's smart, kind and determined. Our hero, Oliver is swoon worthy and some of the things he does yeah it's everything you want a hero to be.

The side characters in this are great to and set up the rest of the series nicely. I have to give a special shout out to the Amelia's little sister who I absolutely loved in this. She was so funny, sweet and had me all up in my awwww feels.

This book gives you just the right amount of angst with a couple of OMG moments that have you catching your breath a bit.

Overall a wonderful read, and as I said earlier had me immediately diving into the next book.
Plus hello hot doctors .... enough said.

Profile Image for Fiction Vixen.
277 reviews7 followers
September 29, 2021
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review

Rating: 5/5

Oliver is a well known doctor and is quite famous. Back in high school he was a jock and the popular guy. He loves him parents and his brothers who btw are definitely hot. He has problems with his past and his past doesn't wanna leave him alone.

Amelia is a nurse working for a plastic surgeon whose name is what Layla calls him 😂. She lost both her parents and is always there for her younger sister, Layla. They have the best relationship, the way they care about each other is the best. Amelia was the cornered girl in the same high school where Oliver went.

That's how they meet, at a reunion where they decide to play a prank on people who belittled Amelia and for Oliver to get back at his past. They decide to fake date. Will this blur the lines between them? What do you think will happen when a cinderella meets the prince charming in the modern world version?

Oliver and Layla's relationship is so cute!!! I was so in awe with Oliver. The way he stands up for her, helps her, takes care of her... So cute.

This book is one amongst some which did the fake dating trope justice. It was just perfect. There were no parts in the book which felt unwanted or just like fillers, everything was so well written and laid out... I couldn't stop reading once I started. And when I reached 75% I didn't want the book to end 😂 so I pushed it so I can still think of Oliver and Amelia.
And when I completed the book, I couldn't help but miss them. And the 2nd epilogue made me happy. Can't wait for Grace's story.
Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,432 reviews172 followers
October 4, 2021
I read this as soon as this hit my kindle weeks ago, and then again last night because it's just SO FREAKING GOOD. I have read most of Julie's books, and I gotta say.. this is my favorite one. (Don't tell the Wild Minds boys!) There's just something about fake romances that gives my heart pure joy, and the fact that the chemistry between Oliver and Amelia was SIZZILING from their first interaction made me want to keep reading all the more. Plus this book was so emotional, from the passive aggressive bullying from so many towards our super special heroine, the way she stepped up to the plate to be the guardian to her younger sister when tragedy hit, to the truly once in a lifetime she found, I was just a sobbing mess. But when i wasn't crying, I was smiling so hard because of how special this book is. I just can't stop gushing!!!

So the premise of this book is that Amelia & Oliver are headed to their ten year reunion, both looking to prove something to their classmates. Oliver wants everyone to know just how much he's moved on from his ex girlfriend that really put him through the ringer, and for Amelia she wants all of her cruel bullies to eat their words -- regardless if she is still financially struggling. So when Oliver saves her from some of the same catty women that used to tear her down constantly, he comes up with this crazy idea for them to be fake engaged for the night & rub it in the faces of all they left behind. They just never expected a once in a lifetime love to come from it.

I'm barley scratching the surface here, but this book is just AMAZING. The heat, the chemistry, the emotional connection, the way Oliver was with Amelia's little sister and how he went above and beyond to protect them from everything just made me swoon so hard!! And the group of women-- who are legit goddesses AND sweet as hell, just made me cackle!! Plus that cliffhanger for the next book in the series?!?! I. NEED.!!!!

To put it lightly, if this isn't on your tbr, you need to rectify that immediately. This is hands down one of the best romances of 2021!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions!**
Profile Image for Rebecca.
295 reviews3 followers
September 14, 2021
Has to be the best book Ive read for a few months - 5** this has so many emotions running through it anyone could pick this up and enjoy it.

Doctor Oliver is respected in his profession and he has agreed to go to school reunion where he has to face his ex and her new husband and is expecting a child. Oliver is procrastinating as he really doesn't want to go in until his best friend calls and tells him to come up now. At this point is the game changer of this book.
Amelia was the scholarship student at school and wanted to attend this to face her demons the bullying at school but does not realise that she has to pay gain entrance,
Growing up Oliver always crushed on Amelia but from afar so he takes this opportunity to seize the moment. so he pays for her entry and they agree to be fake engaged for one night.

This was one night with serious consequences as the fall out from this one nights fake relationship then takes over their lives. Absolutely no spoilers on how this then continues with the story as it will totally spoil the book for you.
This was an absolutely brilliant book, kept you enthralled throughout and you really will not be disappointed reading this.

J. Saman Doctor Scandalous
554 reviews4 followers
September 15, 2021
really enjoyed reading, Doctor Scandalous by J. Saman because it was such a wonderful story about Oliver and Amelia. I felt really bad for Amelia because it seemed like she was always struggling to fit in even after high school. Oliver was very popular and his family had a lot of money as did he. These two people were from opposite ends of the world and they came together as a fake couple. I loved the intensity of their relationship and the steaminess. But there was some drama that was interlaced within the story and I really hoped that both Oliver and Amelia would realize how they felt about each other. Oliver was willing to do anything and everything for Amelia. Amelia on the other hand was fiercely independent and needed to prove that to everyone else. I love fake engagements because the feelings always are true. I would highly recommend reading this story. I was such a great story!!!! Plus the guy on the cover of this book is gorgeous. I can totally picture Oliver looking like this!!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Sheia.
536 reviews31 followers
January 18, 2022
A Solid 4 Stars.

Can I just say I'm glad this is a series. I am already so excited to read about the other brothers in this rich, akin to royalty and massively famous family full of doctors.

This was good. Even better than some of your regular Doctor-Nurse books.

I couldn't give it a five though because some things were still a bit meh. Like the inconsistency of thought and action, especially in regards to Amelia. I did love Layla though. And appreciated Oliver. Still, I think the latter two's brother-sister relationship developed too fast. And also because Oliver kept mentioning how he was glad for Layla and how much Amelia's little sister was starting to mean to him. Constantly. Which I found a bit, you guessed it, repetitive. Like the reader needed to be assured again and again that he found the whole dynamic comfortable. Whereas we already knew that from his actions and could just see that he is an over-all great guy.

Other than that, this was fun and cozy. I enjoyed reading it. And I definitely can't wait for next part in the series. At this rate, I know they will be good!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Raquel.Reads.
168 reviews35 followers
June 16, 2022
If you are looking for a fake fiancée, opposites attract spicy relationship where you will love and cheer for the female main character… then this book might be for you.

I absolutely loved Amelia. I found her relatable with a strong character. In addition, the way Oliver was so supportive and loving was just simply droolworthy. Also, the level of spice the author brigs to the table was delicious. The entire book was a joy to read, from the moment Oliver “rescues” her from embarrassment at their 10-year HS reunion to the way the relationship was developed. A solid and spicy 4.5 read.

J. Saman has quickly become one of my one-click authors. I highly recommend her books a great mix of spice and plot that gives the reader an enjoyable experience.
Profile Image for Intel Chicky Reads Romance (Kara Merideth).
1,896 reviews1,150 followers
February 1, 2023
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5)
Trope: fake relationship
Angst: 😱😱😱
Smexy: 🔥🔥🔥.5

Doctor Scandalous is just the second book by J Saman that I've read and I'm still completely in love. Fantastic writing with just enough angst to keep you emotionally invested the whole way through. Absolutely loved that they had been both been secretly pining all those years ago and that it wasn't just one sided. The chemistry between them was fantastic and I walked away with a smile on my face. Definitely going to be reading this entire series!

⛔️ My bookshelves can sometimes be spoilers
Profile Image for patty.
249 reviews30 followers
January 14, 2022
a family of hot doctors ? all I wanted hahahahah. the beginning of this book was really good, but then it got kind of boring, but i loved amelia and oliver, they're so adorable.
Profile Image for Alexandria  Redmourn.
134 reviews12 followers
September 27, 2021
5 ⭐
4 🌶

i absolutely have to start off this review by saying this book was nothing short of amazing. i loved it from the very beginning, right up until the end.

jeez, when i met oliver in the edge of chaos, i'd never expected to like him as much as i did.

amelia, i love this woman. i think that pretty much sums up how i feel. she's incredible. i want to be her friend, i want to give her a hug, i want to be there for her. i love how shy and reserved and insecure she can and how the next minute, she stands up for the people she loves. but my absolute favourite thing about her is her snarkiness and sarcasm. i saw quite a bit of myself reflected in her, when she was being snarky. she's a distinctive individual, with insecurities that run deep but are also relatable. her characteristics aren't just for her to seem like a perfect character with unattainable beauty standards, but a character one can relate to—or at least in my case, i did.

oliver, this man is perfect. i cannot find a single fault with him. he's so thoughtful and selfless and kind and generous. he's amusing as hell, too. the way he also uses snark and sarcasm like amelia had me cackling at twelve in the morning. he's such an amazing character that had me swooning one hundred percent of the time. not to mention that he's incredibly sexy as well. oh, and he's rich. he's the whole package, but i bet the cocky thing knows exactly that.

i love single parent trope, and whilst amelia and layla were sisters, amelia is layla's guardian and has been for the majority of her life. i loved seeing the dynamic between the two of them. they're adorable. and when i saw layla for the first time, i swear my first thought was that she's my soul sister. i don't care—and it pains me to say this—that she's a fictional character. seeing oliver and layla interact had me so freaking soft. he's so good with her and when he was calling her "sprite" and comforted her when she had a mini panic attack, i think you all know i was a pile of mush on the floor.

seeing the abott-fritz clan again made me so happy. the large friend-group dynamic is a hard one to nail because you have to take everyone into account, but julie did amazing. though i didn't see drew here and i was excited to see him and marjot—at least i saw her though.

the banter in this book was the best thing about it. i mean, of course the romance was great, i wouldn't have given this a five stars if it wasn't, but the banter was just immaculate.

okay and that ending with grace and carter, yeah, i'm not going to be able to wait until january for them. i'm not going to able to survive three months!

i think my only negative about this book had to be the fact that amelia may have to work at wilchester. i want her to continue working as an OR nurse since it's what she likes or for her to go back to her studies. i'd love to see her become a surgeon, there's no doubt oliver would support her. which brings me to my next point: i need a sequel. oliveramelia deserve a sequel, so do rinabrecken. all the abott-fritzes do (i know they don't even have their books yet, haha) but they all need to have full-length novels and novellas about each of them. even marjot and drew and halle and her hubby.

i loved doctor scandalous and i can't find any faults with it. beside me NEEDING a sequel, there's zero faults to be found with this. it's definitely going in my 'top-ten-reads-for-2021' shelf and i will recommend this light-hearted, fun, sweet romance to anyone who listens. did i mention it's got fake dating trope? ;)
Profile Image for Emma.
2,866 reviews36 followers
September 23, 2021
Delightful, entertaining and loads of fun to read. I could not stop reading this. So, refreshing to read a lighthearted story of a poor twenty-eight-year-old woman getting tangled up with her childhood crush. Our heroine endured unbelievable hardship in her life, became afraid to trust or lean on anyone for help and took full responsibilities for her life and that of her younger sister. Our hero a native Bostoner rich and successful reunites with our heroine at a ten year high school reunion. High jinks and trouble follow a night of fun and folly. Do not pass this up. You will not be disappointed.

I received an Advanced Readers Copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Wonderful characters
Profile Image for Renee.
4,314 reviews62 followers
October 4, 2021
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

I've been dreading this for a year. Okay that's a lie. I've been dreading this reunion since we graduated high school ten years ago. So why am I here, standing outside the door like the eternal wallflower I am? I'd say it's because my younger sister browbeat me into it, but the truth is, I'm tired of being a nobody. Or never taking a risk with myself and my life. And well, maybe I am hoping to see him. The tall, insanely gorgeous man waling my way not. Oliver Fritz is regarded as one of Boston's sexiest doctors. I know him as the former god of our school. The one every girl wanted, and ever guy wanted to be. The one as loathsome to be her as I am. That's when he makes the proposal I've always dreamed of. Only, this one is fake. On bended knee, he places a ring on my finger and proposes we brave the reunion together with me as his fake fiancé. But when our wild and steamy night ends in scandal, we're forced to make a deal. He gives me what I need and in return I stay his fake fiancée so he doesn't lose face with the media who love him or his sick mother. Should be easy right? Just a few months pretending to be engaged to one of Boston's most notorious billionaire bachelors. What could go wrong? Turns out everything.

I am going to warn you ahead of time that you are going to be laughing out loud so many times while reading this book. I got some strange looks from my husband. I think he thought I was losing my mind at times. This is the story of Oliver and Amelia. Poor Amelia is smart, like really super smart and that was the cause of all the bullying she had to deal with in high school. People were awful to her but Oliver because she was his childhood crush. Oliver is no a doctor and one of the hottest in Boston who was in love with a girl who dumped him for his best friend right as he was about to propose to her. He too is not looking forward to this ten year high school reunion and comes up with the plan that he and Amelia should be fake fiancée's for the night to get back at everyone who was ever mean to either one of them. This should be easy right. But all this leads so chaos and the next morning is no better so they extend the plan. Why and how does it turn out? Well I can not tell you that. You have to read to find out but I am telling you this is a really smoking out laugh out loud story that I loved. I loved the characters so much and I really loved the story too.
October 3, 2021
Doctor Scandalous is the first book in a brand new series by J. Saman and I were dying to read this book and she didn’t disappoint!! This series is about some really hot billionaire doctors and they are all brothers! If you read The Edge of Chaos you’ve been introduced to those characters because that book was about the sister Rina.

This story is about Oliver Fritz. He is one of the hottest doctors out there and also really well known that even the entertainment industry follows him. It’s his high school reunion and he is standing outside and doesn’t want to go in because that means he has to see his ex-girlfriend who he wanted to propose to but betrayed him. That’s when Amelia Atkins shows up.

Just like over 10 years ago he can’t take his eyes off her. He is mesmerized by her and she is fun to talk to. She also didn’t want to go to the reunion because back then everyone made fun of her. Oliver makes a decision and asks her to be his fake fiance for the night, which she agrees to. They had so much fun together and they can’t deny the attraction they have towards each other and spend a passionate night together. Amelia leaves while Oliver is asleep. But guess the shock when her 14 year old sister Layla tells her that all over Twitter is the news that Dr. Oliver Fritz has a fiance that nobody knows about … and it’s Amelia.

When Oliver wakes up he hears the news from his brothers along with the information that their mother is really sick and that she already saw Oliver is engaged and is so excited. Oliver thinks there would be no harm if he would be fake engaged to Amelia for the next few months? Right? But first he has to find her and convince her.

So far I loved every book I’ve read of J. Saman and it’s the same with this one! Like all her other books this is another 5 star read. This book makes me laugh, swoon and has some really sexy moments! It gave me all the feelings and it has everything a romance book needs. I fell so in love with Oliver. He makes my heart beat faster and I am sure I am not the only one. The chemistry between Oliver and Amelia is off the charts from the very first second! Amelia is such a strong and independent woman and I admire her so much! Layla, Amelia's sister, is so funny and I loved every moment between her and Oliver. Also the sisterhood between Amelia and Layla is everything!!

I highly recommend everyone to read this book!! I can’t wait till January to get Carter’s book!!
Profile Image for Krista.
925 reviews23 followers
May 8, 2023
3.25 stars- I felt like I got whiplash from all the back and forth. Nice story, predictable but I thought I should start from the beginning of this series since I liked the 3rd book about Landon.

We have a chance meeting at a high school reunion between Amelia and Oliver. Oli makes (really) a stupid immature impulsive gesture and the story begins. Fake engagement needing to be drawn out and they fall in love anyway. I prefer fake engagements where they really don't like each other but are forced to fake affection, and then fall for each other. Oh well. Layla is cute.

Playboy Oliver:
“But what if I only want one (woman)?”
And why the fuck did I just say that? I don’t even know where it came from. That can’t be true, can it?
“Until the next one comes along.”
I have nothing for that so I fall silent. I can’t even deny it. It’s absolutely true. At least that’s how I’ve operated since my life became a sad country song titled, “Nora Did Me Wrong.”

And yes, that is his hang-up with women, a cheating ex. One massive point that bothered me- no birth control talk and I think there was a condom the first night but after that, nothing! Bad, considering what a player he is. Her problem was bullying for being poor and a scholarship kid, and then abandonment issues from an ex and her parents dying horribly. She pauses everything to raise her sister.

And there is this little piece of insanity:
She swallows thickly and then reaches down, pulling off her top.
“I want to take us slow. I want to do this the smart way.”
“And that involves you getting naked with me?”
“With any hope, regularly.”

I am sorry but having regular monkey sex does not count as taking it slow and smart! Hogwash.

So yeah- it lost points with me. That just makes no sense along with the whole "we only have a short amount of time to come up with a plan" nonsense.
Oh no! Oliver doesn't have a plan therefore we must break-up!
Argh. Here's the plan-just let everyone know that since you didn't take much time before the engagement that you are planning on a longer engagement and won't be marrying for X amount of time. Lots of people do this.

The dad interferes and gives the perfect reason to break up. And its so weird, the dad says something about she is in so much debt that she can't see the end of it. But it's only 80K?? For a billionaire, that's a weird statement. I was expecting a much higher amount due to the way it was mentioned previously.

They get back together:
“Where the fuck have you been, Amelia Atkins?”
She smiles like the first burst of morning sunshine after a week of rain.
“Right here all along. Waiting on one particular alpha dick to find me. I am yours, Oliver. But you’re mine too. Don’t forget it.”

Layla (14) was super funny with Oliver at his office:
I stare expectantly at Layla with a raised brow that typically gets my teenage patients to fold like a flat sheet, but not this one.
“I want to go on the pill.”
Now I choke. On nothing. She laughs.
“Ha, gotcha.”

And this is the 2nd time that a woman has been able to just ask for an appointment with Dr. Fritz and they just grant it. What about all the fans and media wanting a piece of them? Isn't there a better screening process for the patients? That felt weak.

And finally- as he buys her a house, cash, before she sees it (Yawn):
“I love it.”
“You do?”
She laughs. “Yes. You sound surprised.”
Now I laugh. “More like shocked out of my skull. I was gearing up for an argument.”
“I heard it. It was a good one.”

HEA for everyone- I do like them for each other. On to the next story with Carter and Grace :)
Profile Image for Justmyfantasyworld.
788 reviews14 followers
September 19, 2021
• 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘 •

𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: Doctor Scandalous
𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿: J. Saman
𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: ☆☆☆☆☆ 5/5

𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: 𝘈𝘙𝘊 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸.

From those first few pages this book just grabbed my attention and did not want to let it go. I love how this heroine and hero meet (again). It was funny, it was loveable and a great start to the book (fake engagement, not saying anything more haha), I just could not get enough! It was super steamy and what I liked about it as well is that it did not overpower the story itself or the character development. Both the hero (Oliver) and heroine (Amelia) had much to learn and I loved how they have their own character development throughout the book. They also have great chemistry and banter (YAY!). The secondary characters were so much fun as well and if you read more books by J. Saman, you will definitely recognize some of them! A couple of things were predictable, but I didn’t mind because, honestly, I liked how things turned out the way I predicted. It was actually exactly what I hoped for lol. Now this book was not only a lot of fun, but also very emotional. It is not only fun and play, there are serious topics and next to all the laughing I also had to cry at times… Overall, it was a fun yet emotional fake dating/engagement story and I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you love a steamy fake engagement romance.

A lot of my reviews are also available with photo at my Bookstagram: @justmyfantasyworld
Profile Image for Lager Lefse Book Blog.
516 reviews4 followers
October 13, 2021
**3.5 stars**

Doctor Scandalous was a cute, okay read for me. Amelia and Oliver get entangled under false pretenses. They have great chemistry together that is undeniable for most of the time. But the one relationship that was so adorable and instant was Oliver and Layla. These two cracked me up with their brother/sister-like relationship!

For the most part, I liked the story, but at times, the pacing was off. After the initial beginning chapters (class reunion), seemed to progress at a good speed. I had hope for the rest of the book.

Unfortunately, after this, it felt like it was dragging with repetitive thinking/scenes.
Part of this pacing was attributed to My mom is a teacher and one of her sayings is, ‘throwing spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.’ This is how I felt in certain scenes or plotlines.
Profile Image for BOOKLOVER_81.
1,764 reviews22 followers
June 9, 2023
Oliver and Amelia

I already know I'm in love with this series and this author's writing style!! Yes, they lacked communication, but I loved this storyline... pulls at your heartstrings.

She's always been the poor kid. He's the rich, handsome former classmate turned doctor. The class reunion is where it's starts... you read the rest!!

Oliver got himself involved in quite the scandal when he and Amelia pretended to be engaged at our ten-year high school reunion. Since it’s Oliver, a guy who was photographed with a different woman on his arm every other day of the week, the media was all over one of their favorite Fritz bachelors suddenly being engaged. The two of them kept up the charade in order to keep the media and his mom happy, but they ended up falling in love. Amelia is still wearing the ring, but it’s more of a placeholder Oliver is anxious to fill.

Audible purchase.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
October 4, 2021
One of the best books of the year! Oliver and Amelia are hot and heavy! Their chemistry will melt you but so will Oliver’s charm!

I love this book so much and the family dynamic just drew me in! Oliver does what he can from the heart he just needs a little guidance! Amelia had been burned by life but she works hard and is doing what she can to survive! She’s a fighter and is one strong female.

This is the start of an epic series of HOTTER THAN SIN brothers as they navigate life and find the love they deserve!
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,409 reviews203 followers
October 4, 2021


Amelia doesn't want to be here at her high school reunion anymore than it appears Oliver wants to be. So one fake fiancée proposition later, and the two are on their way, at least for the duration of the reunion. There's no way it will extend beyond the night, though, because Amelia is still one of the poor girls all the mean girls bullied in high school, and Oliver is still the golden boy popular one, and she'll never fit into his world. Except maybe Oliver's had feelings for her ever since school, and this will be his perfect opportunity to get Amelia into his life. It will be hard work, but he's more than up for the challenge.

Everyone Amelia's loved has left her, with the exception of her teenage sister, Layla. So to say she has trust issues is a slight understatement. When the gorgeous boy from high school sweeps into her world with a fake fiancée proposition, she is determined to keep her heart protected from his charm. She knows she wouldn't survive if she developed feelings for the man, then had to deal with their "breakup."

Fake relationships are one of my favorite romance tropes, especially when done so well like here in Doctor Scandalous. Oliver and Amelia were so obviously destined to fall in love, it was there from their very first meeting at their reunion. Their chemistry was seriously hot, no matter how hard she tried to deny it, deny the feelings, and she didn't stand a chance at keeping her heart out of it. Not when Oliver was the sweetest, swooniest guy she'd ever met. He cared for her and Layla, showered them with affection and love, and made them into the family she'd been wanting. So freaking sweet. I love this one and am now dying for his brother Carter, and his best friend Grace's story.

ARC via Grey's Promotions for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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