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Ще е необходимо нещо повече от няколко парчета шоколадов сладкиш, за да може коледният дух да завладее сърцето на чичо Скрудж. За късмет, Канди има на разположение цял магазин, пълен с вкуснотии…

Кандис Кейн не се гордее с начина, по който се бе държала при последната си среща с Джаксън Фрост. Отмъщението тогава определено се оказа забавно, но сега Джаксън, стои пред входа на магазина й за шоколадови изделия, стъпил върху постелката с надпис „Добре дошли“, ядосан и търсещ отговори.

Джаксън се завръща в родното си градче поради една-единствена причина и не е сигурен как в крайна сметка се оказва облечен в костюм на Дядо Коледа, ограден от щастливи детски лица, вместо да си плюе на петите и да се върне в града колкото може по-скоро.

Запален читател още от детинство, Дарлийн обича да излива на белия лист свои собствени истории. Следвайки кариерата си в администрацията, тя се усъвършенства в изкуството на редактирането и дизайна, което я завежда до успешната позиция на Административен и маркетингов директор. Благодарение на подкрепата на семейството си, Дарлийн има възможност да постигне мечтата си да стане писател на пълен работен ден. Когато не пише, редактира или чете, тя се наслаждава на времето, прекарано със съпруга, дъщеря си и златистия им лабрадор.

First published May 15, 2013

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December 29, 2017
От онези захаросани истории с шоколад, които се случват точно на Коледа и са с хепи енд - за двама души, които след 7 годишна раздяла разбират, че се обичат без значение на изграденият им до момента живот. Но написана по един сладурски начин, който би се харесал на всеки имащ час време да поседне и почете.
Profile Image for Paris_love.
274 reviews16 followers
December 30, 2018
Много сладка и приятна история ,която се чете буквално за два часа , но пък доставя огромно удоволствие и оставя след себе си вкус на шоколад .Историята на Джаксън и Кенди е доста предвидима ,но пък създава коледно настроение и е примесена с доза романтика . Доволна съм, че тази кратка книжка ще е последната ми за 2018г.
Profile Image for Йоана.
105 reviews8 followers
December 2, 2020
Кратка сладурска книжка. На моменти действието се развиваше прекалено бързо и се налагаше да се връщам, за да осъзная какво чета. Въпреки това историята си има завършен вид и е идеална за хора, които искат да усетят малко от коледния дух, но нямат много свободно време.
182 reviews5 followers
December 14, 2020
Oh my goodness. Fully ridiculous. This was a weird one.
Profile Image for Crystal.
500 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2013
One Sweet Christmas by Darlene Fredette truly is One SWEET Christmas story. As some of you know I have a huge fondness for Christmas stories. So when I am given the chance to read a Christmas story during this time of year, it truly is a Christmas present for me!

Candice Cane is one busy lady. She owns and runs a chocolate shop. She also helps out at the INN. She needs a Santa for Christmas in her store. Jackson Frost comes to town wanting something form Candice. In exchange for what he wants, Candice has him play Santa in her shop. Candice sees a more caring side of Jackson while he is with the kids. I loved how this guy that didn't think he was going to be able to handle dealing with these little children, is so completely in his element with them. I liked Candice and admired her strong independence that has helped her succeed at what she wants to do. I really liked Candice and her relationship with her employees.

Jackson arrives in town wanting one thing and one thing only out of this trip. I thought that he had a bit of a chip on his shoulder but I soon seen that he really was a nice guy under that tough guy exterior.

I really do enjoy second chances at love stories. Candice and Jackson find they have stronger feeling for each other then they ever suspected. I loved watching these two get to know each other again and watching their relationship blossom.

Like I said at the beginning this really is One SWEET Christmas story. I truly enjoyed watching these two fall in love. I love everything that comes with the Christmas season and this book just added to my feel good mood this time of year.

If you are looking for a cute, sweet , short Christmas story, I hope you will think about this one. The nice thing about this short story is that it's a fantastic story that can be read in a short amount of time. I think you will enjoy it. I know I sure did. I had not had the pleasure of reading any work by Darlene Fredette however, now that I have I would most certainly be interested in reading more.

I was given the opportunity to read this story for a blog tour. As always is has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you.
Profile Image for Gini Rifkin.
Author 17 books92 followers
January 2, 2020
One tiny moment of youthful folly, has grown into a looming mountain of complication.
Now Candy Cane, owner of the revered local chocolate shop, must put matters to right if she hopes for a future with her friend, Andrew. But seeing Jackson Frost, the boy she grew up with, and the man to whom she’d long ago given her heart, makes these good intentions difficult to say the least.

Jackson, a jet-setting, high-rolling, real estate mogul hasn’t bothered to return to quant little Redford Falls for many a year. Family issues, and being a workaholic, have kept him away. At least that’s what he tells himself. When the discovery of a document forces Jackson to admit a broken heart might be the true reason, a trip home is needed to remedy his situation.

The Christmas rush has Candy up to her ears baking cookies and sweets as she worries over impending financial problems, and pulling off a happy Christmas for the local children. I had to chuckle when Jackson was blackmailed into playing the reluctant Santa hero. Needless to say, Jackson’s quick trip turns into a few precious days of rediscovery, and a bit of soul searching for all involved. The hectic pace of the holidays gave a reason for the misunderstandings not being resolved more quickly, and provided depth to the characters and story.

Again, Darlene Fredette’s skilled voice moves the reader along at a good pace keeping one’s interest through to the end of this warmhearted Christmas story. From the pepperminty cover, to the satisfying ending, I enjoyed this book. I’m glad to see one of the important characters will have their own story in the next adventure in Redford Falls.
Profile Image for mer.
1,412 reviews62 followers
November 11, 2014
Didn't expect that I honestly didn't expect these two were married and it was a brilliant surprise to me which I loved, LOVED! Also, who doesn't love second chances, eh?Too bad it was a short story because I couldn't get enough with Jackson and Candice. I loved them!Read on your own peril.
Profile Image for Marilyn Barr.
Author 26 books301 followers
June 27, 2022
His Candy Christmas by Darlene Fredette is an incredibly entertaining twist to the old-boyfriend-returns-for-Christmas trope. Candy never left their hometown and inherited a couple of businesses in the sleep New England town. This Christmas her brother’s best friend is back after discovering her revenge plot from years ago. While going through his files, Jackson finds evidence…Candy has managed to put the breaks on his high-flyer lifestyle from afar. He’s mad. She’s moved on.

This story made me laugh and warmed my heart. I wish I could tell you more, but I’d hate to ruin the surprise. Overall, I highly recommend this Christmas romance that turns many of the holiday movie tropes on their heads to everyone with the holiday spirit and the snarky readers who don’t, so they can pick team Candice or team Jackson!
January 17, 2018
104 страници не знам дали се броят за истинска книга, но исках да прочета тази новела преди зимата да си е отишла.
Стилът е лежерен, ненатоварващ, действието се развива със скоростта на филм - буквално 2 часа са достатъчни, за да прочетете книгата, колкото и бавно да четете.
Като цяла не особено впечатляващо четиво, но дадох 4 звезди заради лекотата на сюжетната линия.
Но като цяло е изтъркана работа - отдавна заминал от малко градче за Големия град висок, красив, обаятелен мъж се връща, за да разплати сметки от миналото, но го очакват изненади във всяко едно отношение.
Незадължително четиво, но прекрасно за убиване на време за един следобед.
ПС: Авторката явно много обича да й хапят долната устна, докато я целуват хахах
Profile Image for Sandra Lopez.
Author 3 books327 followers
December 6, 2020
Candy runs a chocolate shop, but, right now, her biggest worry is finding a Santa. Christmas was the busiest time of year for the shop, and this year’s holiday profits needed to be the best ever.

For Jackson Frost, family wasn’t the only reason for his return to Redford Falls; she was.

Story had a steady pace with some lag, but, overall, this was a nice, little holiday short.
Profile Image for Veselina Bakalova-Mihaylovska.
563 reviews10 followers
November 14, 2022
Сладурско книжле, което се чете за макс 2 часа и ако не беше коледната тематика, няма нищо привличащо вниманието. Захаросан сюжет, без никакви туистове и съвсем банален. Но пък покрай пекарната имаш чувството, че се носи аромат на сладки и на уют, което пък аз лично търся в този тип бързи романчета.
Profile Image for Rachel.
849 reviews
December 23, 2020
Meh.I didn't like how Candi kept stringing Andrew along to soothe her ego. She kept saying how wrong it was because she kept him at arms length, yet she did it anyway. She kept him around as second best to Jackson and that was so bogus. Ruined what could have been a cute Christmas romance.
Profile Image for Wendy.
Author 13 books48 followers
December 18, 2021
If you love the holidays, you’ll love His Candy Christmas. Full of wonderful references to all things Christmas, the book is a sweet little treat for a night by the fire with a hot cup of cocoa. Sweet, romantic, and fun!
Profile Image for Джорджия.
369 reviews
December 10, 2020
Типично коледно книжле. Чете се на един дъх. Случват се само хубави неща. Мирише на коледни сладки, че и рецептите са дали.
Profile Image for Kalina Kalcheva.
81 reviews3 followers
December 25, 2021
Нежен и сладък във всеки смисъл на думата, роман за втори шанс на една любов и коледни чудеса.
Profile Image for Alexandrina Yoneva.
34 reviews1 follower
December 2, 2022
Сладникав коледен роман, но нито сюжетът е нещо особено, нито стилът на писане. Става за убиване на време следобеда.
Profile Image for Sandra "Jeanz".
1,209 reviews170 followers
December 3, 2013
Well the Christmas Tree and few decorations I put up are hung up, most of the Christmas cards are written and sent so I thought it was about time I read a Christmassy book!
What did I expect? Maybe a to saccharine sweet tale or a feel good Christmas novella, read my review to find out which it was!

I received this book directly from Krista Ames from Bridging the Gap Promotions in exchange for my honest review and taking part in the blog tour.
I have to say straight away I love the cover, the colours the kissing couple very romantic looking and the mushy Christmas feel. Would the cover make me pick up the book from a bookstore shelf? Yes I think the cover is attractive and very appealing.
So the story is set in what was once a bustling little shopping area. that was until the ski lift closed down. now all these fantastic family businesses are getting into debt and finding things difficult. Two of these businesses are owned by Candice Cane. Candice owns the small hotel and the sweet/chocolate shop but even she is finding things difficult. It's something her brother who just happens to be the bank manager too is continually pointing out. If business doesn't pick up Candice faces some drastic choices. To add to Candice's worries the guy that normally dresses up and plays Santa in her store is ill.she is rapidly running out of ideas for who could play Santa when Jackson Frost walks into her store with divorce papers for her to sign. they married seven years earlier but . . .well . . .I'll leave you to read the book to find out how that occurred. Anyhow between part coercion and part blackmail Jackson reluctantly agrees to don the Santa suit. Jackson find himself still attracted to Candice . . . but she will never leave her hometown . . .can he persuade her to sell up and leave or will he change his own plans.
Its a fell warm mushy kind of romance but I totally loved it. Its well written, perfectly paced and sprinkled with Christmas magic.
So did I enjoy the novella? I loved it! Would I recommend the novella? Definitely, get cosy in your favourite chair with a warm cuppa and this novella! Perfect! Would I read other books containing these characters? Yes, I did become attached to them even though the book was a novella. Would I read other books by Darlene Fredette? Yes!
Profile Image for Susan.
146 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2012
Chocolate Kisses (Redford Falls) by Darlene Fredette was a bit more enjoyable for me due to in part, well a big part, because of the chocolate! Candace Cane is in big trouble! Santa has laryngitis and won't be able to visit her shop for the next several days. The town of Redford Falls was suffering due to the Mega Mall that moved in nearby and now that Santa was not coming this could be the end of hope for all the children. Doing all she can by helping at the Inn and running her Chocolate Shop, finding a Santa is probably the most important thing she needs to do right now, but where? Enter Jackson Frost...her husband.

Unfortunately Jackson doesn't remember marrying Candi and now he has a problem. Too bad for him because he got what he deserved. Bragging to his friends and all, I don't blame Candi for doing what she did.When he finally passed out, she walked out and never looked back. Now he needs a divorce after all this time. Well she needs a Santa so ha ha ha Jackson, how about a trade?

The only bad part of this book is the choice of names by the author Darlene Fredette. Candi Cane, Jackson Frost, Mindy-Lou, George Haley, Virginia, Rudy, Mr. Marley, Mrs. Potter and Uncle Billy...seriously I think Ms. Fredette failed in the creativity of naming her characters because you can't get the references past someone who is a seasoned Christmas expert! I've seen all the movies where she has taken the original names and put her spin on them.

Add in a few background stories and Chocolate Kisses (Redford Falls) by Darlene Fredette is not half bad. Each chapter is entitled with a fun name and carries the chocolate theme throughout the book.
Profile Image for Kaley.
410 reviews92 followers
January 20, 2013
This story had everything I needed for a Christmas fix. Giggle inducing names (Jackson Frost and Candi Cane? Love it), a chocolate shop complete with story time and Santa Claus, a small town, and a second chance at love.

The only teeny little thing that I didn't like too much was the reason why Jackson came back. I don't want to give anything away but I wish it was a little less...serious and legal, I suppose. I've been trying to think of another explanation for why he could have come back to town and I have yet to come up with anything. This is by no means a deal breaker but I wanted to mention it - even though it's cryptic and only the author or others who have read this would understand what I mean. :)

I really liked the pace of the story. All too often it seems like short stories rush the plot but that wasn't the case with this one. Everything happened at a natural pace and it made sense. It helped that the characters already knew each other as it meant the ending wasn't forced or outlandish.

I'm really hoping that Fredette will write more in this Redford Falls series. I think it's such a lovely setting and there are so many opportunities for some more sweet stories. I'm partial to Jackson and Candi now so I hope that we'd get a glimpse into what they're up to in the next story.

Overall, I loved reading Chocolate Kisses by Darlene Fredette. If you're looking for a quick Christmas story, I definitely recommend you check this one out.
1,001 reviews16 followers
December 4, 2013
While One Sweet Christmas is short, it tells a complete story in its small number of pages. I thought Jackson and Candice were cute together, and I really enjoyed seeing them get to know each other again ... and of course fall in love all over again. I've said it before - I absolutely love these childhood-friends/second-chance-at-love stories. Add in a little Christmas miracle/Scrooge storyline and I'm hooked.

Although some might find One Sweet Christmas a little cheesy or predictable, that's one of the things I like best about holiday romances. You can get away with being overly sentimental or emotional or sappy - that's the kind of mood I get in at the end of the year (I embrace it whole heartedly) and I'm sure I'm not alone. It's why those Hallmark, made-for-tv Christmas movies are so popular, right? And Fredette's latest is the perfect choice for those who are looking to take just a short break and enjoy a little of that romantic holiday cheer.
Profile Image for Hebby Roman.
Author 31 books313 followers
December 10, 2020
Who knew my favorite digital magazine editor was also an author? I just learned Darlene is also a romance writer when she released several books late this summer. I started with the first book of her Redford Falls book, which was timely, as it was a Christmas book, worthy of being made into a Hallmark movie. Actually, as depicted in her book, Redford Falls would be the perfect backdrop for any kind of holiday movie.

I loved the characterizations in this book and how the author handled their pasts, interlaced with what was happening in the present, as well as how they'd both grown as people. This was a reunion love story, very focused on the two main characters and with lots of nice sexual tension and plenty of issues for the heroine and hero to overcome to move on with their relationship.

Easy read, keeps your attention, and great characters!
Profile Image for Amy.
313 reviews18 followers
November 30, 2013
This novella is truly a very sweet Christmas Story. I read it in one sitting and immediately fell in love with Candice Cane. Candice is one busy lady running her chocolate shop and helping out with the Inn. She is struggling financially with her chocolate shop and the bank is telling her she needs to lay off her employees which she does not want to do. A man from her past, Jackson Frost comes into town wanting something from Candice and in exchange she asks him to play Santa for the children in her shop.
Candice and Jackson find that they each have a stronger feeling for one another than what they thought. The author does a fantastic job of developing their relationship. I give this a 5 star review.
Profile Image for Vonnie Davis.
Author 30 books186 followers
December 7, 2012
I think I gained 5 pounds while reading this story--and I'm not complaining one bit. Not only does the author set the book mainly in a chocolate shop, she does it so well I was stirring the fudge, rolling the candy canes and licking the chocolate mousse off the beaters while Candi, the shop's owner, talked to her friends and a certain handsome man. This delightful Christmas read has it all: characters that make you care, a story of reconcilliation and hope, and the desired for happy ending. I loved it all. I mean, even the chapters had sweet, craving-inducing names--trouffles, candy canes, chocolate kisses. I wanted to consume every morsel. I simply loved this holiday, feel-good read.
Profile Image for Jana at ThatArtsyReaderGirl.com.
538 reviews487 followers
December 26, 2014
This is the kind of story you read for the smiles and the simple messages, not the characters or the little details. Candi and Jackson are not very noteworthy, and this story has been done before in some way. But that doesn’t matter! All bets are off at Christmas, and if you’re looking for a spoonful of sugar and some Christmas cheer, then definitely give this cute little book a shot!

Visit me at ThatArtsyReaderGirl.com for my full review: http://www.thatartsyreadergirl.com/2013/12/one-sweet-christmas-by-darlene-fredette-mini-book-review/
Profile Image for Wall-to-wall books - wendy.
993 reviews22 followers
December 5, 2013
Cute, cute, cute! I don't know what it is about books set in candy shops (or coffee shops, bakery's, cafe's etc.) but I just love them so much more! To me it makes the reading so much more fun and you can really feel like you are right there.

This is a sweet, romantic, but fun book to read! I loved the characters, nice character development. And I love the author's creativity with the names - Candace Cane, Jackson Frost heehee. After all it is Christmas, its the time to get silly.

All on all a very nice quick read to get you in the Christmas spirit!
Profile Image for P.A. Warren.
Author 7 books70 followers
December 13, 2013
This was a cute Novella...I think there were issues in the book where switching scenes needed to be fixed with a *** or something and If the Author had put who was speaking right above the paragraph that would have been a bit easier on the reader.But other than that the story was great and a quick but sweet read.Look forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Susan Hutchinson.
Author 2 books15 followers
February 2, 2020
Sweet treat for Christmas

It may be February when I read this, but this short, sweet Christmas romance was such a delight. Candy Cane and Jackson Frost have a past...and a secret. But never fear, an HEA is waiting at the end. Darlene Fredette delivers this sweet romance with just the right amount of sass to make it a joy to read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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