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Gorgeously packaged and brilliant value at GBP5.99, Little Black Dress books are the perfect solution for busy, time-pressed women -- a short, sweet treat that delivers every time.

448 pages, Paperback

First published October 29, 2009

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Darnia.
769 reviews113 followers
February 24, 2016
2.5/5 stars for this book.

I dunno what to say, because this book not quite a bad book. But it also not good either. For me, this book has no focus. Too many things happened, too many POV's which suddenly switched and made me succesfully confused. It also hard for me to connected and imagined the events in this book.

The ending was fabulous. I love the unpredictable ending. The scenery of rural England also tempting. But the rest of it...well, just read this one if you really really have nothing to read.
194 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2011
The only problem with this book is it is too short.
Profile Image for T.S.C. Lawrence.
Author 1 book9 followers
June 18, 2021
I would give this book a high 3, low 4 if I could, but I actually really enjoyed this one. Don't get me wrong, yes there were parts that were all too tropey for me.
A woman and her best friend who decide to pack it all up and leave their asshole boyfriend's for a better life in Cornwall, just so happening to have a relative there that they can stay with and just the right amount of money to make a living and a fresh start.
Just so happened...my favourite trope of all. Because all of us just so happen to have 200+ grand in our bank accounts to start up a new business by scratch.
Look, it was an indulgence book, no matter how unrealistic it was, it was still funny and charming and yeah, I liked it.
I had an inkling about how the ending would- turn out. And yeah it turned out my inclination was indeed correct, but the ending was nice and well rounded.
Would I read something by this author again, yes I would, which says alot.
Onto the next!
Profile Image for Moon .
3,336 reviews230 followers
September 16, 2011
Nell and Ange are dating two brothers Marcus and Justin. Both brothers are asses, which the women don't see until they catch the last two seats on a flight back to London, leaving them stranded in Prague all because they didn't want to miss a soccer game/football match. Nell decides she's had enough and jacks it all in, including Marcus and her job, and to go back to where she was really happy; Cornwall with her Aunt Maud. Ange thinks Nell is crazy and then decides to join her at the last minute. Aunt Maud welcomes them with open arms and the girls settle down in Cornwall. They find new careers and meet new and interesting people. But things and people aren't what they seem...

I was expecting a lot from this book after reading "Taking the Lead" by the same author. While I liked the book, it wasn't as great as the previous book of her's. It took a very long time for the story to develop. I was counting the pages and most of the action started over 1/3 of the way into the book. The build up was so long, I had gotten to the point where I was no longer enjoying the story and was wanting it to hurry up and be over with. There were a few revelations that were unexpected, but mostly one could predict what was going to happen in the book. I've got one more Sarah Monk book on my tbr list and I hope I will enjoy that one more than this one!
Profile Image for Vicki.
91 reviews19 followers
March 15, 2011
Let me begin by saying this was my first Sarah Monk novel and I'm not familiar with her as a writer so I'm unsure if she's been around for a while and is experienced or whether she's just starting out.

So, now for my thoughts. 'Bittersweet' was a nice story with a bit of romance and a happy ending but I found it lacking on a number of fronts.

To begin with, it was difficult to engage and empathise with the characters, and I think for a romance novel it lacked one key element - romance. Subsequently, it wasn't addictive enough for me. I wasn't lusting after the guy or admiring the girl, in fact neither of them did much for me at all and that's not what a romance novel is about. It's supposed to be about undeniable attraction and chemistry, passion, betrayal, unrequited love, angst, true love - all of that. This book had some of those elements but not enough of any of them. I also think the storyline could have been enhanced with more subplots to add some complexity.

As a fan of writers such as Stephanie Bond, Rachel Gibson and Susan Elizabeth Phillips, 'Bittersweet' just didn't cut it for me.
Profile Image for Nuri.
27 reviews41 followers
July 26, 2013
this is a simple yet beautiful and touching story about learning how to listen to and follow your heart, about learning to believe in yourself, about how dreams do come true if you're just brave (and crazy!) enough to reach out and grab them.

best of all, this is a story celebrating female friendships; a toast to all the friends in a girl's life who'll not only laugh and check out cute boys with her or lend her sexy dresses, but the ones who will also wipe her tears, hold her up and lend her some courage when her world is falling apart.
Profile Image for Pollypoptart.
81 reviews12 followers
May 10, 2010
A little slow to get into at the beginning, and I had a fairly good idea what was going to happen, but an enjoyable read all the same!
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
August 15, 2015
Тази авторка има много добри идеи,но пише прекалено обстоятелствено.Това малко ме изтощава,защото книгите са доста обемни , а същността им се разкрива в последните две страници.
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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