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Join these dark, dirty and corrupt cowboys on the Carson's ranch. Where boundaries are pushed, laws are broken and limits get tested...

There’s still plenty of work to be done to repair the damage my father caused.
And now that another obstacle is out of our way the Carson Ranch, and the men branded to it, will only become stronger.
Fork River is full of secrets and deception.
The past haunts us all but the truth will be unearthed, and revenge will be served.

I’ve made plenty of mistakes in the past.
Letting go of Maisie Wildman was the biggest one of them all.
But when she comes back to town, I’m determined not to let her go again.
I’m about to prove to her that when it comes to keeping her,


No limits is Book 2 in the Corrupt Cowboys Series and contains the conclusion to Garrett and Masie's story.

All books in the Dirty Soul’s Mc series are a work of fiction, and contain adult content. Due to the nature of the series you should expect to come across various subject matter that some readers may find disturbing.

240 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 3, 2023

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About the author

Emma Creed

38 books564 followers
Emma Creed lives in England and enjoys behaving like the perfect princess to her extremely tolerable husband all whilst raising 3 boys and a mini princess in the making.
When she isn’t entertaining the voices in her head, she spends her free time with a glass of white wine and a good book. Emma has been an avid reader since she was a little girl and with a little encouragement to take the leap into writing, she discovered that she loved it.
When she isn’t locked in her writing cave making up stories she can be found chatting on social media and wasting hours scrolling through Tik Toc.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 163 reviews
Profile Image for Intel Chicky Reads Romance (Kara Merideth).
1,900 reviews1,170 followers
March 6, 2023
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5)
Trope: taboo: stepsister
Angst: 😱😱
Smexy: 🔥🔥🔥

Fantastic conclusion to Maisie and Garrett's story. The first book was such an emotional push and pull between them and definitely left me on pins and needles for this one. Maisie is back and Garrett has decided that he's been miserable long enough and not planning on letting her go. Honestly, I thought Maisie should have made him kiss her butt a while longer. Tons of action and the twists that pack the punch of a freight train! Anyone who is a fan of Emma's knows she likes to wait until you're comfortable and then break hard right, and boy, I haven't seen a doozy like that since Lost Soul! Lots of breadcrumbs for future books, but if we know anything, everything is not as it appears. Can't wait to see where she goes next in this series!

⛔️ My bookshelves can sometimes be spoilers
Profile Image for KitKat821.
647 reviews6 followers
February 26, 2023
First off….what in the world was that ending?!?!?!?! I need book 3 asap after all of that! I loved Garrett and Maisie together. There’s a decent grovel and Maisie makes Garrett semi work for it. There’s a lot going on in this book with murders, revenge seeking, hot cowboys, tons of romance, and an under current of true sweetness (thank god it doesn’t get cheesy). I’m loving this series and I cannot wait for books about all of the branded men. Still not a fan of Leia at all and when something major happens to a character, let’s just say that I wasn’t sad at all. It’s a great book!!
Profile Image for Cristina.
1,133 reviews217 followers
March 4, 2023
I must’ve missed something in this book. I see all the good reviews and I’m wondering if perhaps my standards are too high.
Anyway, Garret barely does any groveling, it’s been 3 years since the main couple has seen each other. It takes literally nothing for them to get back together and she gets pregnant in the end. With triplets.
Then, there’s Cole who is beyond sad because his girl Audrey got killed. So I’m assuming his heroine is someone else? Granted, Audrey was married to someone else. We still don’t know who killed her.
And lastly, there is Wade, who is my favorite but his heroine is a spoiler brat who is about to marry someone else. I just don’t see how she could be ‘the girl’ for him. I get it, he loves her since forever but she thinks he’s beneath her because she’s got money.
There’s this books ends in a cliffhanger. The boys mom comes back after leaving them twenty years ago.
Ehh, honestly I probably won’t follow this series.
Really don’t like Wade’s girl. She’s killing it for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Wishy Reads.
366 reviews20 followers
August 4, 2023
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Genre: Dark Cowboy
Spice: Yes 🥵
Series: Corrupt Cowboys, book 2

Thoughts - immediately the tension is there again and I love the grovelling Garrett MMC does and the teasing Maisie MFC gives him as payback. The beginning, then the middle, and the end ! All had me going whaaatttt 😮 im looking forward to book 3! Definitely recommend if you’re after a dark cowboy.

Plot - three years later Garrett is not taking ANY chances in letting Maisie leave. He’s prepared to beg and grovel. He just needs to figure out how to do that because Carson men don’t do emotions…. Also there’s a touch of murder.

* Dark cowboys
* Step sister
* Age gap
* Virgin trope
* Murder and mayhem
* ⚠️trigger warnings

“No, darlin’. A proposal would mean you had a choice in the matter. I ain’t askin’ ya to marry me, I’m insistin’ on it.”
Profile Image for Grisette.
403 reviews55 followers
May 5, 2024

3 stars

It was not a bad book, but it let me down as a romance esp. as I expected more following part one of this duet, Off Limits. It read more like a family drama, cowboy style, with an ongoing thriller mystery hanging over them. It felt like an episode of a limited Tv series - nice for some edgy mystery but with romance only peripherally addressed. I would probably would have liked to get the answers to all those thriller bits in the rest of the books of this series IF I didn't have better TBRs to tackle and if the romance was front and centre. As it is, I will say pass.

My review for Part One: here
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Julie Booklover.
1,445 reviews73 followers
March 3, 2023
Maisie is back, but will she stay? Garrett has plans, and she is in the center of them.

Plenty of action and enough side characters stories keep this reader engaged. More suspense and some heartbreak, and twists. Then there is the ending; bring on book three. I am ready for more.

Thank you to Booksprout and the author for the advanced copy; this is my voluntary review.
Profile Image for sadies_bookstack.
83 reviews5 followers
March 31, 2023
Well what can I say this is another amazing story from the fabulous Emma Creed!

This is book 2 in her Corrupt Cowboy series and as usual she puts us through the emotional ringer. Maisie returns to the ranch after 3 years and Garrett is not gonna let her go a second time. I loved the intensity this book had and how they both didn’t mess around. Maisie accepted Garrett for exactly who he was and Garrett basically worshipped her for it.

This was a great conclusion to their story, but of course it wouldn’t be an Emma Creed story without some curveball’s and the roller coaster ride!
Profile Image for Aneesah.
959 reviews
September 3, 2023
Okay things took a dark but intriguing turn in this half of Garrett and Maisie’s story. I can’t say I didn’t appreciate it though because there was definitely enough going on to ALMOST make me overlook how the author seemed to have doubled down on the “folksy” cowboy speak—dropping the “g” off of -ing words, replacing you and your with “ya” in a sometimes ham-handed manner, a liberal usage of double negatives and a healthy familiarity with “ain’t”. It was kind of jarring (in a way that nearly took me out of the story at times) because the dialogue wasn’t really written that way in the first book. Perhaps it was a creative choice made by the author herself or perhaps even a recommendation from an editor? At any rate, it was ill-advised but luckily the pacing of the plot kept me focused enough not to give up.

I am interested to see how things will turn out for Wade and Cole so for now I plan to read the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Mehtap.
564 reviews18 followers
March 12, 2023

I loved the first book, it was what I had been looking for months. It was 4.5 stars and it wasn’t 5/5 just because Maisie change her attitude from bratty to people pleaser too fast but besides that the angst and slow burn was amazing! I wanted to read the second book so badly, I was thinking for sure it would be another amazing book.
But this omg she forgave him and fell for him little too fast. EC why did you even add in the mix another guy who she was just going to toss!
One of my pet peeves in books is the girl who can’t love no one even after certain years of not being with the ML, like the guy had a magic wand! It’s like the slow burn and angst was toss outside the window.
I’m very disappointed.
Profile Image for dais.
760 reviews81 followers
September 23, 2023
I’m sorry… WHAT?!?!
Those twists and turns had me on the edge of my seat and that cliffhanger shocked the shit out of me.
I’m literally in love with Garrett and Maisie… their relationship is EVERYTHING 🥺
My heart is completely shattered for Cole, the devastation was overwhelming.
Wade seriously needs to own up to Leia about his feelings. Bloody Carson brothers making shit complicated when it can be so simple.
The amount of death and suffering is insane, I need answers. There as so many unanswered questions and I’m itching to find out what happens next!
Profile Image for Taylor Raymer.
128 reviews
March 12, 2024
My heart… this book had my emotions everywhere. I’m so happy for Garrett and Maisie, but my heart breaks at the same time for Cole. Overall I absolutely love this series and the plot is amazing and the spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️!!! I can’t wait to continue it the series!
Profile Image for Taylor.
8 reviews1 follower
August 11, 2023
These books are giving Yellowstone vibes. The Carson brothers will do anything for their ranch and the women they love. There murders, mystery, romance and hot cowboys. What’s not to love? This one definitely leaves off on a cliffhanger I didn’t see coming.
Profile Image for Anik -  MamaBearsBookshelf.
268 reviews85 followers
March 19, 2023
I was so excited about this book I just dove right in after I was done with book 1, I had to see what was going to happen between Garett and Maisie . Oh boy! Emma didn't disappoint. I absolutely love everything about this series. I love the mysteries and the thrill(Makes my heart beat so fast). This book was jammed back with action and twists and turns. It was amazing. I really enjoy it and I can't wait for book 3 to come out. The author does a really good job at keeping the reader's interested and wondering and with the details of the story. LOVE IT!
Profile Image for Smuttybooks_geekystuff.
514 reviews37 followers
February 25, 2023
Such a great happily ever after to Garrett's and Maisie's love story ❤️

After pushing Maisie to leave the ranch three years ago, she's now returned, and Garrett is determined not to let her go again.

There's ’s plenty of action, spice, suspense, and heartbreak.
As always, Emma managed to rip my heart out and leave me in tears.

I love all the twists and turns these books take and that ending?! 🤯

I'm really hoping we get Wade's story next, but there's so much more going on with the men and women in this world, and I can't wait to see what happens next 🖤
Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,532 reviews162 followers
March 22, 2023
This is my new favorite series by this author! I’m obsessed! The twists and turns the angst that hurts so good the suspense and the steam!!! This is at the top of my favorites of 2023 list ! I can’t wait for book 3 !
Profile Image for Shelby Ticknor.
239 reviews4 followers
February 22, 2023
The way this author grabs your attention and keeps you enthralled is why you need to jump and get this book as soon as you can! Give me some hot, strong cowboys and the ranch life and throw in a even stronger woman who can tame a wild bronc with just her smile! Seriously this story had me hooked. And that ending…….what???
2,083 reviews81 followers
February 28, 2023
YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK! Everyone needs to read this series because it’s one of the best I’ve ever read. Unfortunately, I don’t have adequate words to describe why but I will try my best.

In the previous book the lead characters met, fell in love and then nothing! Garrett and Maisie were meant to be together, and after reading Off Limits, I realised it really was a wonderful romance but more importantly a necessary backstory for this book—the second half of their story. Very cleverly crafted by this author who I applaud for her genius plotting. In this book the romance was definitely there, as well as the steamy intimacy, but the focus was different.

There certainly were plenty of emotions with the incredible scenes throughout the book. Some that had me laughing out loud from the fun banter or antics, some that had me worrying about what was going to happen, and then there were the almost crippling moments where my throat was closing up, my tears flowing and my heart breaking.

However, I can say I definitely wasn’t sorry about Cora’s death because I did not like her one little bit, but what I did like, was the intrigue and mystery surrounding it—this book’s focus. This had my mind working overtime thinking about who the real killer could be and simultaneously, what truly happened to Breanna. Two incredibly powerful suspenseful mysteries that had me reading as fast as possible because I was so enthralled.

Be prepared because this is not your ‘rainbows and butterflies’ sort of story, it gets quite dark at times but the timing is perfect, the character’s reactions appropriate for them and dare I say… even a little relief for the reader too.

Adding together the incredible mystery, the fabulous romance between Garrett and Maisie, the drama of a small town and its respective minuscule minds, plus the twists and turns in this unpredictable story and you have one brilliant book!
Profile Image for Laura.
312 reviews21 followers
March 2, 2023
“That warning I gave you before I let you go, I meant it. If I have you, ain’t nothin’ in this world is gonna stop me from keeping you.”

Maisie never planned to return…yet it seems her heart always knew and even her head is toying with not leaving this time.

Her mother is dead and struggling to feel any emotion, Maisie is in a whirlwind when Garrett is standing close by and hearing his southern voice again is melting the frost inside of her. But this time it’s different, she is no longer the young woman from before and now everything has changed at the ranch.

And, Garrett only has one chance to rope Maisie to him…for good this time.

“When did you become a woman, Maisie Wildman?”
“I’m still waiting for you to make me one, Garrett Carson.”

The Carson men are as stubborn as the bulls especially when it comes to fighting for what or rather who they want. Garrett is finally stepping up, ready to put his mark down in the town with Maisie by his side…only now his brothers need to hop onto their saddles and do the same.

A few years have passed, the secrets are slowly coming out from the dirt beneath their boots and each action could cost them more than they ever thought possible.

One thing is for certain the Carson family is not to be messed with and now their bonds are stronger than ever…

One threat too many…

One drop of innocent blood…too much…

Because I’ve already figured that there are no limits I won’t go to keep her here.

I definitely enjoyed this story more, I knew I would and soo happy that I did. The main characters Maisie & Garrett have got it more together in this one, they click better and it made more sense too. They fall quickly but, with having the past they did and with Garrett finally wanting Maisie everything does happen nicely-okay there is still some uncertainty between them.

Then of course this is no sweet ranch cowboy romance…there is another side to this story. With a mix of different POV this time and an ongoing darker story, this family is going to be tested, bonds are going to be more than just burnt on their skin and looking over your shoulder for the ones that will easily stab you in the back. It going to be a very interesting ride for these characters, emotions are always high and I’m looking forward to see what else will happen in this town!

Profile Image for Bookish Shannon.
446 reviews24 followers
May 13, 2024
1.5 stars.

There is absolutely no way this has a average rating over 4 stars? WHAT DID I MISS?

Have you ever watched Riverdale? You know what I mean - the first few seasons are normal then it progressively gets weirder and by the end you're thinking how the hell did we go from a contemporary/mystery show to this.

This duology gives the same vibe.

It starts of as an age gap, cowboy romance....and it ended up being the strangest book I've read this year. Everything about this book was just thrown in there for the shits and giggles and nothing flowed, nothing progressed in an enjoyable way (it was very choppy) and almost every part of it was cringy.

Why was everybody killed off?First the dad, her mother, then Aubrey. Garrett's dad dying was just very thrown in and didn't have any reader impact, Masie's mother being murdered was bleh and Aubrey's death was just thrown in for some angst and heartbreak (which didn't work).

The cowboy/vigilante/mafia vibes. I understood NOTHING. They were cowboys, but also vigilantes who did dirty work for the mayor, which morphed into something like a gang. These three brothers were all over the place and nothing about them or their character felt realistic.

The natural triplet pregnancy thrown in at the end?Dear lord, give me a break. This was the icing on the cake of the shit show.

So as you can see, I didn't like this duo. I was a mess, nothing was clear, and I will not be reading any further books in this series.
Profile Image for Brandi-Lynn Weiser.
1,529 reviews49 followers
March 4, 2023
I have been anxiously waiting for book 2- No Limits for what seems like forever!! After that cliffhanger of a ending to book 1, I really wanted to throw my phone out of aggravation. I wanted to smack Garrett. Book 2 picks right up & it will rock your world. And the suspense & heartbreaks don’t stop, & we’re left w/yet another cliffhanger!
One thing I’m so thankful for is that Maisie didn’t hold back, she wasn’t stubborn, she never got over Garrett & he was who she loved, so when he finally got his act together & asked her to stay, she did. It wasn’t drawn out, & we didn’t have to watch them be apart. I was so glad this entire book had them back together again. But my heart literally broke for Cole. I seriously didn’t see that coming in this book- at all. My heart dropped into my stomach & I felt so bad for Cole. I was so hoping after seeing everything his brothers were going through, I was hoping Wade would finally get HIS act together & tell Leia how he felt. Her wedding to Caleb was fast approaching by the end of this book 2, so I’m really excited to see how that plays out in their story next- book 3! And there’s still so many secrets & truths to be revealed, & this ending!! I kinda was expecting it, I’ve been waiting for this person to make an appearance & I have a feeling their return isn’t going to be good!
Emma did a great job writing this series & I can’t recommend it enough! Definitely one of my favorites.
Profile Image for The Dragon Den Book Blog.
2,054 reviews50 followers
March 26, 2023
Review of No Limits by Emma Creed
* * * * *
The awaite continuation of Garrett and Maisie's delicious attraction and how they finally just go at it...plus a bunch of other awesome drama that will have you wanting more from these cowboys!

Maisie has been gone from the ranch for three years, only to now return for her mother's funeral! The nasty vapid woman has died of unnatural circumstances, and the list of suspects appears very short. Plus, a lot of other drama is stiring up between the men in the family.
Unrequited love.
Lost love.
Second chances are hopefully within reach...or not.
The enemy is drawing in, and there are still many questions about the death of Garrett's sister.
It's not over yet.

I am peeved I missed out on being an ARC reader for this book. The first book of the series, I wasn't sure why I had signed up to is as I am not one for the cowboy trope. However, I was wonderfully wrong to doubt this series as I very much enjoyed it.
So happy Maisie gave Garrett his second chance. I'm also very happy that she made him work for it...wink, wink!
Poor Wade. Poor Cole.
Just, these guys need a hug and some serious happily ever after shtick on their side!
What will happen next??!
2,051 reviews7 followers
March 12, 2023
This has been the kind of series I wished the whole series were out so I could binge read the entire set. I could hardly wait after the first for the second book, OMG! What a read. Maisie came home for her mother's funeral which they have no leads on who murdered her. Cole's lady love was murdered, and the Carson's are pretty sure it was, because she turned out to be Cole's alibi for Maisie's mother's murder. Wade's bestfriend plans to marry the Mason that supplied all the illegal drugs in the first book, but he refuses to tell her he loves her. There were several revelations that came to light. Someone searched the Carson home again, but noone has any idea what they are looking for. It was contained to the parents and sister's room. Garrett and Maisie got secretly married, but it was short lived as a secret. The book ended on a cliff hanger and what a bomb shell it was. Grab this book for one fantastic romanic suspense filled read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Kali Dempsey.
1,252 reviews24 followers
February 18, 2023
4/5 ⭐
3/5 🌶️

I loved the conclusion to Garrett and Maisie's duet. I was so happy to see them finally get their happy ending. (well happy for now, but we all know they'll be happily ever after too)

I really adored these two. Garrett is such an overprotective alpha and it was so great watching Maisie show him she's not some helpless girl. She was more than capable of slaying her own demons along with being able to see him slay his as well. Their little surprise towards the end had me squealing with joy, I am so excited to continue to watch them throughout the series.

This story was packed with action and filled with heartbreak. So much happened within this book and it has me so excited for what's next for the Carson Brothers and their ranch. We still have so much mystery to figure out... I have a feeling Wade will be our next Corrupt Cowboy, but with that cliffhanger I have absolutely no clue where we're heading... But I can't wait.
Profile Image for JenMcJ.
2,340 reviews324 followers
March 19, 2023
2.5 Stars. I'm finding this series a bit frustrating. Garrett seems very willing to believe what he's told and to not do anything with information he is given. Why do they think his grandpa, the leader and proud owner of that ranch, would have killed himself all those years ago? Why would he think his sister did? Why wouldn't they question those incidents at the time? Why would he get the info from a farm hand about his father beating him and do nothing or question nobody else about a claim so out of the character for the way he viewed his dad?

I find Wade, the rodeo brother to be such a coward it's hard to even like him. I know he's up next but I'm on the fence if I'll read a book about a manboy that won't protect the woman he loves from a man he knows supplies rapist drugs to the community because he's afraid to get his feelings hurt. WTF? But I might read it just to get to Cole's story.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,813 reviews59 followers
August 21, 2023

Absolutely brilliant! Family, love, cowboys, mystery, murder and mayhem! Read in order bc the storyline continues! I pride myself on figuring out mysteries and let me tell you I don't know who killed Cora or Aubrey. Was Breanne killed or was it suicide? And who was the father of her baby? I love the Carson men! I have no problems doing whatever it takes to protect your family!! This story reminds me of the wild west and what it took to run a huge ranch! What it takes to deal with corrupt, murdering, attempted rape and abuse men. Bc in my eyes if the punishment matched the crime more there'd be less injustice in the world! My opinion only! These books are phenomenal! I haven't given 5 stars in forever and this book honestly deserves way more!
In closing these books contain some hard subject matter, mystery, murder, love, family and men who will do WHATEVER IT TAKES for the one they love and for their brothers of blood and of brand! ✌
Profile Image for Shannon.
273 reviews12 followers
December 31, 2023
"I want you, here with me. I want you to be mine. I wanna make ya smile the way Dalton and Wade do, and I want us to fill this house with beautiful, sassy, stubborn kids."

📚The Blurb: 

There’s still plenty of work to be done to repair the damage my father caused.
Now that another obstacle is out of our way,
The Carson Ranch, and the men branded to it, will only become stronger.

Fork River is full of secrets and deception.
The past haunts us all, but when the truth is unearthed,
justice will be served.
I’ve made plenty of mistakes in the past.
Letting go of Maisie Wildman was the biggest one of them all.
When she comes back to town, I’m determined not to let her go again.
I’ll prove to her and everyone else that when it comes to keeping her,

✨The Review: 

No Limits is the second part of the duology for Garret and Maisie in the Corrupt Cowboys series by Emma Creed. This book is set 3 years later from the first book and things are about to heat up! 

After the way things ended in the last book I was ready to have Garret and Maisie's story to continue! That man definitely needed to grovel and that's what he did. Not only did we get to see a different side of Garret but there was finally spice!! 🥵 (8, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24) So much happens in this book, not only with this couple but with others as well. What happened to Cole was so upsetting but I knew it would set up his book 🫣 Loved the ending of this book especially knowing that these characters will be in the other books!! 

🤠 Second chance romance 
🤠 Multiple POVs 
🤠 Secret marriage 
🤠 HEA 

614 reviews16 followers
January 27, 2023
I am officially floored , blown away , mouth hanging open in awe .

Damn this story gripped me like it would never let me go , and I didn’t want it to.

What is it about the Carson men characters that literally steal my heart . Read the book, and if you get an answer , then tell me .

Garrett Carson has finally come to his senses , after 3 years of missing the girl he sent away , she’s back & this time he plans to keep it that way . Maisie is his , & he will prove it to her .

Garrett , with the help of the branded men, are getting the Carson Ranch back where it used to be , by using fear , and a heavy hand .
There are people out there wanting to take them down , but Garrett will drag them all to hell and back to protect the people he loves .

This book is the second book of Garrett & Maisie’s story . The first book is Off Limits . They are must reads
Profile Image for Carmela Dimattia.
1,376 reviews16 followers
February 21, 2023
OMG this book just totally threw me for a curveball. What an adventure and what a crazy ride. Will the Carson brothers ever find peace in their lives because at the moment it seems as if someone is out to play some very dangerous games. I loved reading more about Garrett and Maisie and the other characters but it was their story of how their relationship evolved and developed that had me holding on to my kindle for dear life as I knew I would not be able to put it down for a single minute. An amazing story with so many twists and turns and very steamy moments that is fitting for this series. What an ending Ms Creed delivered. I cannot wait for the next book as it promises to be very, very explosive.

I received a copy of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Grinning Cat.
1,416 reviews59 followers
February 25, 2023
H/h: Garrett and Maisie
POV: 1st person dual
Genre: Western romance
Steam level: Vesuvius
Standalone ?: N
Cliffhanger?: Y
Triggers: language, violence, explicit sensual scenes
Tropes: Second Chance Romance, Secrets, Alpha Male, My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys

Three years ago, Garrett let Maisie leave. Now that she’s back in town, he’s determined to make her his. But will Maisie be able to overlook the hurt he put her through in the past? Add in secrets and murder, and you have a page turner that deserves 5 stars. I love this book! Actually, I love all of Emma Creed’s work. This book had great characters and setting. Plus the love scenes were steaming hot, and well-balanced with the rest of the plot. Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Ally Schaefer.
45 reviews
July 25, 2023
i didn’t think it was possible to follow up book 1, but i loved book 2 even more! Seeing Garrett and Maise be able to openly love eachother and following how much the relationship has changed both of them made this book 10 times better.

I throughly enjoyed how this book also focuses on the brothers Cole and Wade more too. Cole and Audrey pining for eachother was a great addition to the plot, and i feel so sorry for cole that he wasted years following up to end up in a sad situation in the end.

Wade on the other hand irritates me! He needs to listen to Garret and tell leia how he feels, at this point their relationship is going to change once she’s married anyway so the idea of losing her by telling her she loves him isn’t a good enough reason.

I want to know more about bree, who she was as a person, who was she with before passing? The mystery keeps me intrigued
Displaying 1 - 30 of 163 reviews

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